'change_roster_title':[opt_bool,True,_('Add * and [n] in roster title?')],
'change_roster_title':[opt_bool,True,_('Add * and [n] in roster title?')],
'restore_lines':[opt_int,4,_('How many lines to remember from previous conversation when a chat tab/window is reopened.')],
'restore_lines':[opt_int,4,_('How many lines to remember from previous conversation when a chat tab/window is reopened.')],
'restore_timeout':[opt_int,60,_('How many minutes should last lines from previous conversation last.')],
'restore_timeout':[opt_int,60,_('How many minutes should last lines from previous conversation last.')],
'muc_restore_lines':[opt_int,20,_('How many lines to request to server when entering a groupchat.')],
'muc_restore_lines':[opt_int,20,_('How many lines to request to server when entering a groupchat. -1 means no limit')],
'muc_restore_timeout':[opt_int,60,_('How many minutes back to request logs when a entering a groupchat.')],
'muc_restore_timeout':[opt_int,60,_('How many minutes back to request logs when a entering a groupchat. -1 means no limit')],
'muc_autorejoin_timeout':[opt_int,1,_('How many seconds to wait before trying to autorejoin to a conference you are being disconnected from. Set to 0 to disable autorejoining.')],
'muc_autorejoin_timeout':[opt_int,1,_('How many seconds to wait before trying to autorejoin to a conference you are being disconnected from. Set to 0 to disable autorejoining.')],
'muc_autorejoin_on_kick':[opt_bool,False,_('Should autorejoin be activated when we are being kicked from a conference?')],
'muc_autorejoin_on_kick':[opt_bool,False,_('Should autorejoin be activated when we are being kicked from a conference?')],
'send_on_ctrl_enter':[opt_bool,False,_('Send message on Ctrl+Enter and with Enter make new line (Mirabilis ICQ Client default behaviour).')],
'send_on_ctrl_enter':[opt_bool,False,_('Send message on Ctrl+Enter and with Enter make new line (Mirabilis ICQ Client default behaviour).')],