last_message_time={}# list of time of the latest incomming message
# {acct1: {jid1: time1, jid2: time2}, }
encrypted_chats={}# list of encrypted chats {acct1: [jid1, jid2], ..}
# {acct1: {jid1: time1, jid2: time2}, }
encrypted_chats={}# list of encrypted chats {acct1: [jid1, jid2], ..}
gc_connected={}# tell if we are connected to the room or not {acct: {room_jid: True}}
gc_passwords={}# list of the pass required to enter a room {room_jid: password}
automatic_rooms={}# list of rooms that must be automaticaly configured and for which we have a list of invities {account: {room_jid: {'invities': []}}}
new_room_nick=None# if it's != None, use this nick instead of asking for a new nickname when there is a conflict.
gc_connected={}# tell if we are connected to the room or not
# {acct: {room_jid: True}}
gc_passwords={}# list of the pass required to enter a room
# {room_jid: password}
automatic_rooms={}# list of rooms that must be automaticaly configured
# and for which we have a list of invities
#{account: {room_jid: {'invities': []}}}
new_room_nick=None# if it's != None, use this nick instead of asking for
# a new nickname when there is a conflict.
groups={}# list of groups
newly_added={}# list of contacts that has just signed in