'gc_refer_to_nick_char':[opt_str,',',_('Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat.')],
'gc_refer_to_nick_char':[opt_str,',',_('Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat.')],
'gc_proposed_nick_char':[opt_str,'_',_('Character to propose to add after desired nickname when desired nickname is used by someone else in group chat.')],
'gc_proposed_nick_char':[opt_str,'_',_('Character to propose to add after desired nickname when desired nickname is used by someone else in group chat.')],
'msgwin-x-position':[opt_int,-1],# Default is to let the window manager decide
'msgwin-x-position':[opt_int,-1],# Default is to let the window manager decide
'msgwin-y-position':[opt_int,-1],# Default is to let the window manager decide
'msgwin-y-position':[opt_int,-1],# Default is to let the window manager decide