'collapsed_rows':[opt_str,'',_('List (space separated) of rows (accounts and groups) that are collapsed.'),True],
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class Config:
'just_connected_bg_color':[opt_str,'#adc3c6',_('Background color of contacts when they just signed in.')],
'just_disconnected_bg_color':[opt_str,'#ab6161',_('Background color of contacts when they just signed out.')],
'restored_messages_small':[opt_bool,True,_('If True, restored messages will use a smaller font than the default one.')],
'hide_avatar_of_transport':[opt_bool,False,_('Don\'t show avatar for the transport itself.')],
'roster_window_skip_taskbar':[opt_bool,False,_('Don\'t show roster in the system taskbar.')],
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class Config:
'chat_merge_consecutive_nickname':[opt_bool,False,_('In a chat, show the nickname at the beginning of a line only when it\'s not the same person talking than in previous message.')],
'chat_merge_consecutive_nickname_indent':[opt_str,'',_('Indentation when using merge consecutive nickname.')],
'use_smooth_scrolling':[opt_bool,True,_('Smooth scroll message in conversation window')],
'gc_nicknames_colors':[opt_str,'#a34526:#c000ff:#0012ff:#388a99:#045723:#7c7c7c:#ff8a00:#94452d:#244b5a:#32645a',_('List of colors, separated by ":", that will be used to color nicknames in group chats.'),True],
'gc_nicknames_colors':[opt_str,'#4e9a06:#f57900:#ce5c00:#3465a4:#204a87:#75507b:#5c3566:#c17d11:#8f5902:#ef2929:#cc0000:#a40000',_('List of colors, separated by ":", that will be used to color nicknames in group chats.'),True],
'ctrl_tab_go_to_next_composing':[opt_bool,True,_('Ctrl-Tab go to next composing tab when none is unread.')],
'confirm_metacontacts':[opt_str,'',_('Should we show the confirm metacontacts creation dialog or not? Empty string means we never show the dialog.')],
'confirm_block':[opt_str,'',_('Should we show the confirm block contact dialog or not? Empty string means we never show the dialog.')],