'notify_on_all_messages':[opt_bool,False,_('If enabled, a notification is created for every message in this group chat.')],
'print_status':[opt_bool,False,_('Show a status message for all status changes (away, dnd, etc.) of users in a group chat.')],
'print_join_left':[opt_bool,False,_('Show a status message for every join or leave in a group chat.')],
'minimize_on_autojoin':[opt_bool,True,_('If enabled, the group chat is minimized into the contact list when joining automatically.')],
'minimize_on_close':[opt_bool,True,_('If enabled, the group chat is minimized into the contact list when closing it.')],
'send_chatstate':[opt_str,'composing_only',_('Chat state notifications that are sent to the group chat. Possible values: \'all\', \'composing_only\' or \'disabled\'.')],