No file transfer - XEP-0261: Jingle IBB in fall-back of XEP-0260: Jingle SOCKS5
- OS: Win 10
- Gajim: 1.3.1
- GTK Version: 3.24.25
- GLib Version: 2.66.2
- PyGObject Version: 3.38.0
- python-nbxmpp Version: 2.0.2
- XMPP servers : Openfire 4.5.2
- 2 domainA & domainB servers connected together
- without SOCKS5 proxy configured on both servers (SOCKS5 proxy deactivated in server option)
- 1 Gajim client connected to domainA server
- with firewall activated to block p2p transfer
- 1 Gajim client connected to domainB server
- with firewall activated to block p2p transfer
Steps to reproduce the problem:
- Initiator Gajim client requests to send file to responder Gajim client
- Responder Gajim client accepts the file transfer from initiator Gajim client
- Nothing happens (no error, transfer rate remains at: 0%)
Associated XEP extensions:
Exchanges between clients:
- Session-initiate with only direct candidate: OK
- Session-accept with only direct candidate: OK
- Transport-info – candidate-error from responder: OK (to notify that direct connection in p2p is forbidden) and NO candidate-used is sent from responder
- Transport-info – candidate-error from initiator: OK (to notify that direct connection in p2p is forbidden) and NO candidate-used is sent from initiator
- Transport-replace (IBB): OK
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="<user2>" from="<user1>" type="set" id="<id>"><jingle xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:1" action="transport-replace" sid="<sid>" initiator="<user1>"><content name="<file>" creator="initiator" senders="initiator"><transport xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ibb:1" block-size="4096" sid="None" /></content></jingle></iq>
- Ack transport-replace: OK
<iq id="<id>" to="<user1>" from="<user2>" type="result"/>
(x 2 messages) - Transport-accept: OK
<iq to="<user1>" from="<user2>" type="set" id="<id2>"><jingle xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:1" action="transport-accept" sid="<sid>" initiator="<user1>"><content name="<file>" creator="initiator" senders="both"><transport xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ibb:1" block-size="4096" sid="None"></transport></content></jingle></iq>
- Ack Transport-accept: OK
<iq id="<id2>" to="<user2>" from="<user1>" type="result"/>
- In-Band Bytestreams Session: NOTHING SENT & RECEIVED (no
message) - Terminate: NOTHING SENT & RECEIVED
- Chat works between client A & client B and other services work
- File transfer works with firewall deactivated on both clients in order to use direct file transfer (in p2p)
- File transfer works with 2 Spark clients with firewall activated on both clients (with “IBB only” option activated in Spark admin interface, maybe the XEP-0047 In-Band Bytestreams extension is used in place of the XEP-0261 Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport Method extension)
Edited by Tim Comsa