defgetFingerprints(self,jid):query='''SELECT recipient_id as "recipient_id [jid]", public_key as "public_key [pk]", trust, timestamp FROM identities WHERE recipient_id = ? ORDER BY trust ASC'''returnself._con.execute(query,(jid,)).fetchall()...def_load_fingerprints(self,contact_jid,groupchat=False)[result.public_key]=KeyRow(result.recipient_id,result.public_key,,result.timestamp)
Its that sqlite bug, its because we search with the private key and its a byte blob, sometimes sqlite cant deal with that and just doesnt find it, i have to migrate that to saving the fingerprint as string
sqlitebrowser states always: "Type of data currently in cell: Binary" but some public_key entries are displayed just as "BLOB" while others as string. Strange.
its to cumbersome to investigate this i just will switch to strings and it will work