Welcome to the Gajim Plugins Wiki
Here are some plugins that are written for Gajim by the community. Report problems about those plugins here.
How to install
There are several ways to install a plugin:
You can browse / download / enable / configure plugins in Gajim, Edit menu -> Plugins.
You can clone the repository directly from here and copy it to
Linux: ~/.local/share/gajim/plugins/
Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Gajim\Plugins
Share / Improve Plugins
You have written a new plugin or want to improve an already existing one?
First, Thanks for that! Here is how to do that:
- Register an account here
- Tell us about your plans at gajim@gajim.conference.org (we need to set your permission on Gitlab)
- Fork the Gajim-Plugins repository
- When you are finished make a pull request against the main repository
Before you put in any work, please contact us on gajim@conference.gajim.org
Dont use dev.gajim.org for any projects that are not directly for the benefit of Gajim
Plugins list
- AntiSpamPlugin Block some incoming messages
- AppindicatorSupportPlugin Plugin that add indicator applet support to gajim
- BannerTweaksPlugin Ability to configure the banner in chat windows
- BirthdayReminderPlugin Birthday reminder
- ChatstatePlugin Chat State Notifications in roster.
- ClickableNicknamesPlugin Click the left mouse button on a nickname in a groupchat conversation to insert the nickname in the input field.
- ClientsIconsPlugin Shows the clients icons in the roster and in groupchats.
- EmoticonPackPlugin A pack of emoticon themes
- FileSharing Allows you to share folders with your peers using jingle file transfer.
- FlashingKeyboardPlugin Make keyboard flash when we get a new message.
- GnomeSessionManagerPlugin set and react on GNOME SessionManager presence settings.
- GoogleTranslationPlugin Automatically translate incoming messages.
- HamsterIntegration Integration with project hamster.
- HttpUploadPlugin Share files with offline users, multi client users and even in MUCs with XEP-0363
- ImagePlugin This plugin is designed to send a small(0 - 40 kb) graphic image to your contact.
- JuickPlugin More comfortable use of juick.com (microblogging service).
- LatexPlugin Render latex expressions.
- LengthNotifierPlugin Be notified when message length reaches a limit.
- MessageBoxSizePlugin Allows you to adjust the height of the new message input field.
- MprisSupportPlugin MPRIS2 support.
- NowListenPlugin Copy tune info to conversation input box.
- OffTheRecordPlugin Provides protocol independent encryption (see https://otr.cypherpunks.ca for more information).
- OfflineBookmarksPlugin Save bookmarks offline inside the plugin configuration file.
- PluginInstallerPlugin install new plugins in one click.
- PluginsTranslationsPlugin This plugin contains translations files for Gajim plugins.
- QuickRepliesPlugin Plugin for quick replies.
- RegexFilterPlugin Regex filtering of incoming messages.
- RosterTweaksPlugin Allows user to tweak roster window appearance.
- ServerStatusIconsPlugin Replace standard Gajim status icons with server specific for known XMPP server accounts.
- SetLocationPlugin Allows you to manually specify your geographical location.
- SnarlNotifications Shows events notification using Snarl under Microsoft Windows.
- SyntaxHighlightPlugin Highlights Code in the Chat Window for many languages.
- TictactoePlugin Play Tic tac toe with your contacts.
- TriggersPlugin Configure Gajim's behaviour when receiving some events.
- ThemeSwitcherPlugin Change the active GTK+ theme.
- UbuntuIntegrationPlugin The plugin integrates Gajim with the Ubuntu Messaging Menu and the Me Menu.
- UrlImagePreviewPlugin Url image preview in chatbox.
- UrlShortenerPlugin Allows users to shorten a long URL.
- WhiteboardPlugin Ability to share a whiteboard with a contact
- WicdSupportPlugin Support for autodetection of network status for Wicd Network Manager.
- WrongLayoutPlugin Press alt+r to convert chars typed in wrong layout( Rus<>Eng).
- OmemoGajimPlugin Experimental plugin for the OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption.