This Plugin adds support for the [OMEMO Encryption]( to [Gajim]( This
plugin is [free software](
distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or any later version.
## Installation
Before you open any issues please read our [Wiki]( which addresses some problems that can occur during an install
### Linux
See [Linux Wiki](
See [Windows Wiki](
### Via Package Manager
#### Arch
See [Arch Wiki](
#### Debian
Packagename `gajim-omemo` available in backports and testing
#### Gentoo
`layman -a flow && emerge gajim-omemo`
Install the current stable version via the Gajim PluginManager. You *need* Gajim
version *0.16.5* or higher. If your package manager does not provide an up to date version
you can visit for further install instructions.
**NOTE:** You *have* to install `python-axolotl` via PackageManager or depending on your setup you might
want to use `pip2` as Gajim is using python2.7.
if you still have problems, we have written down the most common problems [here](,-what-should-i-do%3F-(Linux))
## Running
Enable *OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption* in the Plugin-Manager.
If your contact supports OMEMO you should see a new orange fish icon in the chat window.
Encryption will be enabled by default for contacts that support OMEMO.
If you open the chat window, the Plugin will tell you with a green status message if its *enabled* or *disabled*.
If you see no status message, your contact doesnt support OMEMO.
(**Beware**, every status message is green. A green message does not mean encryption is active. Read the message !)
You can also check if encryption is enabled/disabled, when you click on the OMEMO icon.
When you send your first message the Plugin will query your contacts encryption keys and you will
see them in a readable fingerprint format in the fingerprint window which pops up.
you have to trust at least **one** fingerprint to send messages.
you can receive messages from fingerprints where you didnt made a trust decision, but you cant
receive Messages from *not trusted* fingerprints
## Groupchat
Groupchat works only in rooms that are
- non-anonymous
- members-only
- works only with contacts that you have in your roster
## Filetransfer
For Filetransfer use the **httpupload** plugin.
For decrypting and showing pictures in chat use the **url_image_preview** plugin.
If you want to use these plugins together with *OMEMO* you have to install the `python-cryptography` package
## Performance
If you experience lag when sending a message, install `python-cryptography`
If that doesnt help, you can convert your database to WAL mode with
PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL
Warning: This mode could lead to data loss if Gajim crashes
## Debugging
To see OMEMO related debug output start Gajim with the parameter `-l
## Hacking
This repository contains the current development version. If you want to
contribute clone the git repository into your Gajim's plugin directory.
mkdir ~/.local/share/gajim/plugins -p
cd ~/.local/share/gajim/plugins
git clone
## Support this project
I develop this project in my free time. Your donation allows me to spend more
time working on it and on free software generally.
## I found a bug
Please report it to the [issue
tracker]( If you are experiencing
misbehaviour please provide detailed steps to reproduce and debugging output.
Always mention the exact Gajim version.
## Contact
You can contact me via email at `` or follow me on