'speller_language':[opt_str,'',_('Language used by speller')],
'print_time':[opt_str,'always',_('\'always\' - print time for every message.\n\'sometimes\' - print time every print_ichat_every_foo_minutes minute.\n\'never\' - never print time.')],
'print_time_fuzzy':[opt_int,0,_('Value of fuzziness from 1 to 4 or 0 to disable fuzzyclock. 1 is the most precise clock, 4 the less precise one.')],
'print_time_fuzzy':[opt_int,0,_('Print time in chats using Fuzzy Clock. Value of fuzziness from 1 to 4, or 0 to disable fuzzyclock. 1 is the most precise clock, 4 the less precise one. This is used only if print_time is \'sometimes\'.')],
_('Treat * / _ pairs as possible formatting characters.'),True],