Forked from
gajim / gajim
16786 commits behind the upstream repository.
nicfit authored
it unwise to include the "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation" warning. Filtering stderr works, but may also filter out useful info.
nicfit authoredit unwise to include the "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation" warning. Filtering stderr works, but may also filter out useful info. 12.35 KiB
exec python -OOt "$0" ${1+"$@"}
' '''
## scripts/
## Contributors for this file:
## - Yann Le Boulanger <>
## - Nikos Kouremenos <>
## - Dimitur Kirov <>
## Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Yann Le Boulanger <>
## Vincent Hanquez <>
## Copyright (C) 2005 Yann Le Boulanger <>
## Vincent Hanquez <>
## Nikos Kouremenos <>
## Dimitur Kirov <>
## Travis Shirk <>
## Norman Rasmussen <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
# gajim-remote help will show you the DBUS API of Gajim
import sys
import locale
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # ^C exits the application
from common import exceptions
from common import i18n
_ = i18n._
PREFERRED_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
def send_error(error_message):
'''Writes error message to stderr and exits'''
print >> sys.stderr, error_message.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
import dbus
raise exceptions.DbusNotSupported
_version = getattr(dbus, 'version', (0, 20, 0))
if _version[1] >= 41:
import dbus.service
import dbus.glib
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject'
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbus.RemoteInterface'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbus'
BASENAME = 'gajim-remote'
class GajimRemote:
def __init__(self):
self.argv_len = len(sys.argv)
# define commands dict. Prototype :
# {
# 'command': [comment, [list of arguments] ]
# }
# each argument is defined as a tuple:
# (argument name, help on argument, is mandatory)
self.commands = {
_('shows a help on specific command'),
#User gets help for the command, specified by this parameter
_('show help on command'), False)
'toggle_roster_appearance' : [
_('Shows or hides the roster window'),
'show_next_unread': [
_('Popups a window with the next unread message'),
'list_contacts': [
_('Prints a list of all contacts in the roster. Each contact appear on a separate line'),
(_('account'), _('show only contacts of the given account'), False)
'list_accounts': [
_('Prints a list of registered accounts'),
'change_status': [
_('Changes the status of account or accounts'),
(_('status'), _('one of: offline, online, chat, away, xa, dnd, invisible '), True),
(_('message'), _('status message'), False),
(_('account'), _('change status of account "account". '
'If not specified, try to change status of all accounts that have '
'"sync with global status" option set'), False)
'open_chat': [
_('Shows the chat dialog so that you can send messages to a contact'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact that you want to chat with'),
(_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the '
'contact list of this account'), False)
_('Sends new message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key '
'and account are optional. If you want to set only \'account\', '
'without \'OpenPGP key\', just set \'OpenPGP key\' to \'\'.'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact that will receive the message'), True),
(_('message'), _('message contents'), True),
(_('pgp key'), _('if specified, the message will be encrypted '
'using this public key'), False),
(_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent '
'using this account'), False),
'contact_info': [
_('Gets detailed info on a contact'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True)
'account_info': [
_('Gets detailed info on a account'),
('account', _('Name of the account'), True)
'send_file': [
_('Sends file to a contact'),
(_('file'), _('File path'), True),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified, file will be sent using this '
'account'), False)
'prefs_list': [
_('Lists all preferences and their values'),
[ ]
'prefs_put': [
_('Sets value of \'key\' to \'value\'.'),
(_('key=value'), _('\'key\' is the name of the preference, '
'\'value\' is the value to set it to'), True)
'prefs_del': [
_('Deletes a preference item'),
(_('key'), _('name of the preference to be deleted'), True)
'prefs_store': [
_('Writes the current state of Gajim preferences to the .config '
[ ]
'remove_contact': [
_('Removes contact from roster'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the '
'contact list of this account'), False)
'add_contact': [
_('Adds contact to roster'),
(_('account'), _('Adds new contact to this account.'), True)
'get_status': [
_('Returns current status (the global one unless account is specified)'),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
'get_status_message': [
_('Returns current status message(the global one unless account is specified)'),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
'get_unread_msgs_number': [
_('Returns number of unreaded messages'),
[ ]
if self.argv_len < 2 or \
sys.argv[1] not in self.commands.keys(): # no args or bad args
self.command = sys.argv[1]
if self.command == 'help':
if self.argv_len == 3:
print self.help_on_command(sys.argv[2]).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print self.compose_help().encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
if self.command == 'contact_info':
if self.argv_len < 3:
send_error(_('Missing argument "contact_jid"'))
res = self.call_remote_method()
except exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable:
# At this point an error message has already been displayed
def print_result(self, res):
''' Print retrieved result to the output '''
if res is not None:
if self.command in ('open_chat', 'send_message'):
if self.command == 'send_message':
self.argv_len -= 2
if res is False:
if self.argv_len < 4:
send_error(_('\'%s\' is not in your roster.\n'
'Please specify account for sending the message.') % sys.argv[2])
send_error(_('You have no active account'))
elif self.command == 'list_accounts':
if isinstance(res, list):
for account in res:
if isinstance(account, unicode):
print account.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print account
elif self.command == 'account_info':
if res:
print self.print_info(0, res, True)
elif self.command == 'list_contacts':
for account_dict in res:
print self.print_info(0, account_dict, True)
elif self.command == 'prefs_list':
pref_keys = res.keys()
for pref_key in pref_keys:
result = '%s = %s' % (pref_key, res[pref_key])
if isinstance(result, unicode):
print result.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print result
elif self.command == 'contact_info':
print self.print_info(0, res, True)
elif res:
print unicode(res).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
def init_connection(self):
''' create the onnection to the session dbus,
or exit if it is not possible '''
self.sbus = dbus.SessionBus()
raise exceptions.SessionBusNotPresent
if _version[1] >= 30:
obj = self.sbus.get_object(SERVICE, OBJ_PATH)
interface = dbus.Interface(obj, INTERFACE)
elif _version[1] < 30:
self.service = self.sbus.get_service(SERVICE)
interface = self.service.get_object(OBJ_PATH, INTERFACE)
send_error(_('Unknown D-Bus version: %s') % _version[1])
# get the function asked
self.method = interface.__getattr__(self.command)
def make_arguments_row(self, args):
''' return arguments list. Mandatory arguments are enclosed with:
'<', '>', optional arguments - with '[', ']' '''
str = ''
for argument in args:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
return str
def help_on_command(self, command):
''' return help message for a given command '''
if command in self.commands:
command_props = self.commands[command]
arguments_str = self.make_arguments_row(command_props[1])
str = _('Usage: %s %s %s \n\t %s') % (BASENAME, command,
arguments_str, command_props[0])
if len(command_props[1]) > 0:
str += '\n\n' + _('Arguments:') + '\n'
for argument in command_props[1]:
str += ' ' + argument[0] + ' - ' + argument[1] + '\n'
return str
send_error(_('%s not found') % command)
def compose_help(self):
''' print usage, and list available commands '''
str = _('Usage: %s command [arguments]\nCommand is one of:\n' ) % BASENAME
commands = self.commands.keys()
for command in commands:
str += ' ' + command
for argument in self.commands[command][1]:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
str += '\n'
return str
def print_info(self, level, prop_dict, encode_return = False):
''' return formated string from data structure '''
if prop_dict is None or not isinstance(prop_dict, (dict, list, tuple)):
return ''
ret_str = ''
if isinstance(prop_dict, (list, tuple)):
ret_str = ''
spacing = ' ' * level * 4
for val in prop_dict:
if val is None:
ret_str +='\t'
elif isinstance(val, int):
ret_str +='\t' + str(val)
elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)):
ret_str +='\t' + val
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
res = ''
for items in val:
res += self.print_info(level+1, items)
if res != '':
ret_str += '\t' + res
elif isinstance(val, dict):
ret_str += self.print_info(level+1, val)
ret_str = '%s(%s)\n' % (spacing, ret_str[1:])
elif isinstance(prop_dict, dict):
for key in prop_dict.keys():
val = prop_dict[key]
spacing = ' ' * level * 4
if isinstance(val, (unicode, int, str)):
if val is not None:
val = val.strip()
ret_str += '%s%-10s: %s\n' % (spacing, key, val)
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
res = ''
for items in val:
res += self.print_info(level+1, items)
if res != '':
ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res)
elif isinstance(val, dict):
res = self.print_info(level+1, val)
if res != '':
ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res)
if (encode_return):
ret_str = ret_str.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
return ret_str
def check_arguments(self):
''' Make check if all necessary arguments are given '''
argv_len = self.argv_len - 2
args = self.commands[self.command][1]
if len(args) > argv_len:
if args[argv_len][2]:
send_error(_('Argument "%s" is not specified. \n'
'Type "%s help %s" for more info') %
(args[argv_len][0], BASENAME, self.command))
def call_remote_method(self):
''' calls self.method with arguments from sys.argv[2:] '''
args = sys.argv[2:]
args = [i.decode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) for i in sys.argv[2:]]
if _version[1] >= 41:
args = [dbus.String(i) for i in args]
args = [i.encode('UTF-8') for i in sys.argv[2:]]
res = self.method(*args)
return res
except Exception:
raise exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':