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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
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## src/
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## Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT>
## Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Vincent Hanquez <tab AT>
## Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Podaras <bigpod AT>
##                    Norman Rasmussen <norman AT>
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##                    Stéphan Kochen <stephan AT>
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## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT>
##                         Alex Mauer <hawke AT>
## Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Travis Shirk <travis AT>
##                         Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT>
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## Copyright (C) 2006 Junglecow J <junglecow AT>
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##                    Stefan Bethge <stefan AT>
## Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <lukas AT>
##                    James Newton <redshodan AT>
## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT>
##                         Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT>
##                         Stephan Erb <steve-e AT>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT>
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## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
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## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
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## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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## GNU General Public License for more details.
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
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import os
import sys
import warnings
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if == 'nt':

	if os.path.isdir('gtk'):
		# Used to create windows installer with GTK included
		paths = os.environ['PATH']
		list_ = paths.split(';')
		new_list = []
		for p in list_:
			if p.find('gtk') < 0 and p.find('GTK') < 0:
		new_list.insert(0, 'gtk/lib')
		new_list.insert(0, 'gtk/bin')
		os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(new_list)
		os.environ['GTK_BASEPATH'] = 'gtk'
if == 'nt':
	# needed for docutils

from common import logging_helpers
logging_helpers.init('TERM' in os.environ)

# gajim.gui or gajim.gtk more appropriate ?
log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gajim')

import getopt
from common import i18n
	config_path = None
		shortargs = 'hqvl:p:c:'
		longargs = 'help quiet verbose loglevel= profile= config_path='
		opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortargs, longargs.split())[0]
	except getopt.error, msg:
		print msg
		print 'for help use --help'
	for o, a in opts:
		if o in ('-h', '--help'):
			print 'gajim [--help] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--loglevel subsystem=level[,subsystem=level[...]]] [--profile name] [--config-path]'
		elif o in ('-q', '--quiet'):
		elif o in ('-p', '--profile'): # gajim --profile name
			profile = a
		elif o in ('-l', '--loglevel'):
		elif o in ('-c', '--config-path'):
			config_path = a
	return profile, config_path
profile, config_path = parseOpts()
del parseOpts
import locale
profile = unicode(profile, locale.getpreferredencoding())

import common.configpaths
del config_path
del profile

if == 'nt':
	class MyStderr(object):
		_file = None
		_error = None
		def write(self, text):
			if self._file is None and self._error is None:
					self._file = open(fname, 'a')
				except Exception, details:
					self._error = details
			if self._file is not None:
		def flush(self):
			if self._file is not None:

	sys.stderr = MyStderr()

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# PyGTK2.10+ only throws a warning
warnings.filterwarnings('error', module='gtk')
	import gtk
except Warning, msg:
	if str(msg) == 'could not open display':
		print >> sys.stderr, _('Gajim needs X server to run. Quiting...')
		print >> sys.stderr, _('importing PyGTK failed: %s') % str(msg)
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if == 'nt':

	from common import gajim
except exceptions.DatabaseMalformed:
	pritext = _('Database Error')
	sectext = _('The database file (%s) cannot be read. Try to repair it (see or remove it (all history will be lost).') % common.logger.LOG_DB_PATH
	from common import dbus_support
	if dbus_support.supported:
		from music_track_listener import MusicTrackListener
		import dbus
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	from ctypes import CDLL
	from ctypes.util import find_library
	import platform
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	sysname = platform.system()
	if sysname in ('Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'OpenBSD', 'NetBSD'):
		libc = CDLL(find_library('c'))

		# The constant defined in <linux/prctl.h> which is used to set the name of
		# the process.
		PR_SET_NAME = 15

		if sysname == 'Linux':
			libc.prctl(PR_SET_NAME, 'gajim')
		elif sysname in ('FreeBSD', 'OpenBSD', 'NetBSD'):
	if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 12, 0):
		pritext = _('Gajim needs PyGTK 2.12 or above')
		sectext = _('Gajim needs PyGTK 2.12 or above to run. Quiting...')
	elif gtk.gtk_version < (2, 12, 0):
		pritext = _('Gajim needs GTK 2.12 or above')
		sectext = _('Gajim needs GTK 2.12 or above to run. Quiting...')
		import # check if user has libglade (in pygtk and in gtk)
	except ImportError:
		pritext = _('GTK+ runtime is missing libglade support')
		if == 'nt':
			sectext = _('Please remove your current GTK+ runtime and install the latest stable version from %s') % ''
			sectext = _('Please make sure that GTK+ and PyGTK have libglade support in your system.')
		from common import check_paths
	except exceptions.PysqliteNotAvailable, e:
		pritext = _('Gajim needs PySQLite2 to run')
		sectext = str(e)

	if == 'nt':
			import winsound # windows-only built-in module for playing wav
			import win32api # do NOT remove. we req this module
		except Exception:
			pritext = _('Gajim needs pywin32 to run')
			sectext = _('Please make sure that Pywin32 is installed on your system. You can get it at %s') % ''
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	dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(None,
		gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format = pritext)


import gtkexcepthook

if not hasattr(gobject, 'timeout_add_seconds'):
	def timeout_add_seconds_fake(time_sec, *args):
		return gobject.timeout_add(time_sec * 1000, *args)
	gobject.timeout_add_seconds = timeout_add_seconds_fake
import time
import math

import gtkgui_helpers
import notify
import message_control

from chat_control import ChatControlBase
from chat_control import ChatControl
from groupchat_control import GroupchatControl
from groupchat_control import PrivateChatControl

from atom_window import AtomWindow
from session import ChatControlSession

import common.sleepy

from common.xmpp import idlequeue
from common.zeroconf import connection_zeroconf
from common import resolver
from common import proxy65_manager
from common import socks5
from common import helpers
from common import optparser
from common import dataforms
from common import passwords
from common import pep
gajimpaths = common.configpaths.gajimpaths

pid_filename = gajimpaths['PID_FILE']
config_filename = gajimpaths['CONFIG_FILE']
import traceback
import errno

import dialogs
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	except IOError:
		# probably file not found
		return False
	except Exception:
		# PID file exists, but something happened trying to read PID
		# Could be 0.10 style empty PID file, so assume Gajim is running
		return True
	if == 'nt':
			from ctypes import (windll, c_ulong, c_int, Structure, c_char, POINTER, pointer, )
		except Exception:
			return True

		class PROCESSENTRY32(Structure):
			_fields_ = [
				('dwSize', c_ulong, ),
				('cntUsage', c_ulong, ),
				('th32ProcessID', c_ulong, ),
				('th32DefaultHeapID', c_ulong, ),
				('th32ModuleID', c_ulong, ),
				('cntThreads', c_ulong, ),
				('th32ParentProcessID', c_ulong, ),
				('pcPriClassBase', c_ulong, ),
				('dwFlags', c_ulong, ),
				('szExeFile', c_char*512, ),
			def __init__(self):
				Structure.__init__(self, 512+9*4)

		k = windll.kernel32
		k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.argtypes = c_ulong, c_ulong,
		k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.restype = c_int
		k.Process32First.argtypes = c_int, POINTER(PROCESSENTRY32),
		k.Process32First.restype = c_int
		k.Process32Next.argtypes = c_int, POINTER(PROCESSENTRY32),
		k.Process32Next.restype = c_int

		def get_p(p):
			h = k.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2, 0) # TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS
			assert h > 0, 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed'
			b = pointer(PROCESSENTRY32())
			f = k.Process32First(h, b)
			while f:
				if b.contents.th32ProcessID == p:
					return b.contents.szExeFile
				f = k.Process32Next(h, b)

		if get_p(pid) in ('python.exe', 'gajim.exe'):
		if not os.path.exists('/proc'):
			return True # no /proc, assume Gajim is running

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			f = open('/proc/%d/cmdline'% pid)
		except IOError, e:
			if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
				return False # file/pid does not exist
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		n =
		if n.find('gajim') < 0:
			return False
		return True # Running Gajim found at pid
	except Exception:

	# If we are here, pidfile exists, but some unexpected error occured.
	# Assume Gajim is running.
	return True
	path_to_file = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps/gajim.png')
	pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path_to_file)
	gtk.window_set_default_icon(pix) # set the icon to all newly opened wind
	sectext = _('Another instance of Gajim seems to be running\nRun anyway?')
	dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(pritext, sectext)
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	if != gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
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	# run anyway, delete pid and useless global vars
	if os.path.exists(pid_filename):
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	del path_to_file
	del pix
	del pritext
	del sectext
# Create .gajim dir
pid_dir =  os.path.dirname(pid_filename)
if not os.path.exists(pid_dir):
# Create pid file
	f = open(pid_filename, 'w')
except IOError, e:
	dlg = dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Disk Write Error'), str(e))
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del pid_dir

def on_exit():
	# delete pid file on normal exit
	if os.path.exists(pid_filename):
397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000
parser = optparser.OptionsParser(config_filename)

import roster_window
import profile_window
import config
from threading import Thread

class PassphraseRequest:
	def __init__(self, keyid):
		self.keyid = keyid
		self.callbacks = []
		self.dialog_created = False
		self.dialog = None
		self.completed = False

	def interrupt(self):
		self.callbacks = []

	def run_callback(self, account, callback):

	def add_callback(self, account, cb):
		if self.completed:
			self.run_callback(account, cb)
			self.callbacks.append((account, cb))
			if not self.dialog_created:

	def complete(self, passphrase):
		self.passphrase = passphrase
		self.completed = True
		if passphrase is not None:
			gobject.timeout_add_seconds(30, gajim.interface.forget_gpg_passphrase,
		for (account, cb) in self.callbacks:
			self.run_callback(account, cb)
		del self.callbacks

	def create_dialog(self, account):
		title = _('Passphrase Required')
		second = _('Enter GPG key passphrase for key %(keyid)s (account '
			'%(account)s).') % {'keyid': self.keyid, 'account': account}

		def _cancel():
			# user cancelled, continue without GPG

		def _ok(passphrase, checked, count):
			result = gajim.connections[account].test_gpg_passphrase(passphrase)
			if result == 'ok':
				# passphrase is good
			elif result == 'expired':
				dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('GPG key expired'),
					_('Your GPG key has expied, you will be connected to %s without '
					'OpenPGP.') % account)
				# Don't try to connect with GPG
				gajim.connections[account].continue_connect_info[2] = False

			if count < 3:
				# ask again
				dialogs.PassphraseDialog(_('Wrong Passphrase'),
					_('Please retype your GPG passphrase or press Cancel.'),
					ok_handler=(_ok, count + 1), cancel_handler=_cancel)
				# user failed 3 times, continue without GPG

		self.dialog = dialogs.PassphraseDialog(title, second, ok_handler=(_ok, 1),
		self.dialog_created = True

class ThreadInterface:
		def __init__(self, func, func_args, callback, callback_args):
			'''Call a function in a thread

			:param func: the function to call in the thread
			:param func_args: list or arguments for this function
			:param callback: callback to call once function is finished
			:param callback_args: list of arguments for this callback
			def thread_function(func, func_args, callback, callback_args):
				output = func(*func_args)
				gobject.idle_add(callback, output, *callback_args)
			Thread(target=thread_function, args=(func, func_args, callback,

class Interface:

### Methods handling events from connection

	def handle_event_roster(self, account, data):
		#('ROSTER', account, array)
		# FIXME: Those methods depend to highly on each other
		# and the order in which they are called
		self.roster.fill_contacts_and_groups_dicts(data, account)
		if self.remote_ctrl:
			self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Roster', (account, data))

	def handle_event_warning(self, unused, data):
		#('WARNING', account, (title_text, section_text))
		dialogs.WarningDialog(data[0], data[1])

	def handle_event_error(self, unused, data):
		#('ERROR', account, (title_text, section_text))
		dialogs.ErrorDialog(data[0], data[1])

	def handle_event_information(self, unused, data):
		#('INFORMATION', account, (title_text, section_text))
		dialogs.InformationDialog(data[0], data[1])

	def handle_event_ask_new_nick(self, account, data):
		#('ASK_NEW_NICK', account, (room_jid,))
		room_jid = data[0]
		title = _('Unable to join group chat')
		prompt = _('Your desired nickname in group chat %s is in use or '
			'registered by another occupant.\nPlease specify another nickname '
			'below:') % room_jid
		check_text = _('Always use this nickname when there is a conflict')
		if 'change_nick_dialog' in self.instances:
			self.instances['change_nick_dialog'].add_room(account, room_jid,
			self.instances['change_nick_dialog'] = dialogs.ChangeNickDialog(
				account, room_jid, title, prompt)

	def handle_event_http_auth(self, account, data):
		#('HTTP_AUTH', account, (method, url, transaction_id, iq_obj, msg))
		def response(account, iq_obj, answer):
			gajim.connections[account].build_http_auth_answer(iq_obj, answer)

		def on_yes(is_checked, account, iq_obj):
			response(account, iq_obj, 'yes')

		sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request?')
		if gajim.get_number_of_connected_accounts() > 1:
			sec_msg = _('Do you accept this request on account %s?') % account
		if data[4]:
			sec_msg = data[4] + '\n' + sec_msg
		self.dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('HTTP (%(method)s) Authorization for '
			'%(url)s (id: %(id)s)') % {'method': data[0], 'url': data[1],
			'id': data[2]}, sec_msg, on_response_yes=(on_yes, account, data[3]),
			on_response_no=(response, account, data[3], 'no'))

	def handle_event_error_answer(self, account, array):
		#('ERROR_ANSWER', account, (id, jid_from, errmsg, errcode))
		id_, jid_from, errmsg, errcode = array
		if unicode(errcode) in ('400', '403', '406') and id_:
			# show the error dialog
			ft = self.instances['file_transfers']
			sid = id_
			if len(id_) > 3 and id_[2] == '_':
				sid = id_[3:]
			if sid in ft.files_props['s']:
				file_props = ft.files_props['s'][sid]
				if unicode(errcode) == '400':
					file_props['error'] = -3
					file_props['error'] = -4
					(jid_from, file_props, errmsg))
				conn = gajim.connections[account]
		elif unicode(errcode) == '404':
			conn = gajim.connections[account]
			sid = id_
			if len(id_) > 3 and id_[2] == '_':
				sid = id_[3:]
			if sid in conn.files_props:
				file_props = conn.files_props[sid]
					(jid_from, file_props))

		ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(jid_from, account)
		if ctrl and ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC:
			ctrl.print_conversation('Error %s: %s' % (array[2], array[1]))

	def handle_event_con_type(self, account, con_type):
		# ('CON_TYPE', account, con_type) which can be 'ssl', 'tls', 'plain'
		gajim.con_types[account] = con_type

	def handle_event_connection_lost(self, account, array):
		# ('CONNECTION_LOST', account, [title, text])
		path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events',
		path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(path)
		notify.popup(_('Connection Failed'), account, account,
			'connection_failed', path, array[0], array[1])

	def unblock_signed_in_notifications(self, account):
		gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = False

	def handle_event_status(self, account, show): # OUR status
		#('STATUS', account, show)
		model = self.roster.status_combobox.get_model()
		if show in ('offline', 'error'):
			for name in self.instances[account]['online_dialog'].keys():
				# .keys() is needed to not have a dictionary length changed during
				# iteration error
				del self.instances[account]['online_dialog'][name]
			for request in self.gpg_passphrase.values():
				if request:
			# .keys() is needed because dict changes during loop
			for account in self.pass_dialog.keys():
		if show == 'offline':
			# sensitivity for this menuitem
			if gajim.get_number_of_connected_accounts() == 0:
				model[self.roster.status_message_menuitem_iter][3] = False
			gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account] = True
			# 30 seconds after we change our status to sth else than offline
			# we stop blocking notifications of any kind
			# this prevents from getting the roster items as 'just signed in'
			# contacts. 30 seconds should be enough time
			gobject.timeout_add_seconds(30, self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account)
			# sensitivity for this menuitem
			model[self.roster.status_message_menuitem_iter][3] = True

		# Inform all controls for this account of the connection state change
		ctrls = self.msg_win_mgr.get_controls()
		if account in self.minimized_controls:
			# Can not be the case when we remove account
			ctrls += self.minimized_controls[account].values()
		for ctrl in ctrls:
			if ctrl.account == account:
				if show == 'offline' or (show == 'invisible' and \
					# Other code rejoins all GCs, so we don't do it here
					if not ctrl.type_id == message_control.TYPE_GC:
				if ctrl.parent_win:

		self.roster.on_status_changed(account, show)
		if account in self.show_vcard_when_connect and show not in ('offline',
		if self.remote_ctrl:
			self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('AccountPresence', (show, account))

	def edit_own_details(self, account):
		jid = gajim.get_jid_from_account(account)
		if 'profile' not in self.instances[account]:
			self.instances[account]['profile'] = \

	def handle_event_notify(self, account, array):
		# 'NOTIFY' (account, (jid, status, status message, resource,
		# priority, # keyID, timestamp, contact_nickname))
		# Contact changed show

		# FIXME: Drop and rewrite...

		statuss = ['offline', 'error', 'online', 'chat', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd',
		# Ignore invalid show
		if array[1] not in statuss:
		old_show = 0
		new_show = statuss.index(array[1])
		status_message = array[2]
		jid = array[0].split('/')[0]
		keyID = array[5]
		contact_nickname = array[7]

		# Get the proper keyID
		keyID = helpers.prepare_and_validate_gpg_keyID(account, jid, keyID)

		resource = array[3]
		if not resource:
			resource = ''
		priority = array[4]
		if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid):
			# It must be an agent
			ji = jid.replace('@', '')
			ji = jid

		highest = gajim.contacts. \
			get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
		was_highest = (highest and highest.resource == resource)

		conn = gajim.connections[account]

		# Update contact
		jid_list = gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account)
		if ji in jid_list or jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(account):
			lcontact = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, ji)
			contact1 = None
			resources = []
			for c in lcontact:
				if c.resource == resource:
					contact1 = c

			if contact1:
				if in statuss:
					old_show = statuss.index(
				# nick changed
				if contact_nickname is not None and \
				contact1.contact_name != contact_nickname:
					contact1.contact_name = contact_nickname
					self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account)

				if old_show == new_show and contact1.status == status_message and \
				contact1.priority == priority: # no change
				contact1 = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, ji)
				if not contact1:
					# Presence of another resource of our
					# jid
					# Create self contact and add to roster
					if resource == conn.server_resource:
					# Ignore offline presence of unknown self resource
					if new_show < 2:
					contact1 = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid=ji,
						name=gajim.nicks[account], groups=['self_contact'],
						show=array[1], status=status_message, sub='both', ask='none',
						priority=priority, keyID=keyID, resource=resource,
						mood=conn.mood, tune=conn.tune, activity=conn.activity)
					old_show = 0
					gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact1)
				elif in statuss:
					old_show = statuss.index(
				if (resources != [''] and (len(lcontact) != 1 or \
				lcontact[0].show != 'offline')) and jid.find('@') > 0:
					# Another resource of an existing contact connected
					old_show = 0
					contact1 = gajim.contacts.copy_contact(contact1)
				contact1.resource = resource

				self.roster.add_contact(contact1.jid, account)

			if contact1.jid.find('@') > 0 and len(lcontact) == 1:
				# It's not an agent
				if old_show == 0 and new_show > 1:
					if not contact1.jid in gajim.newly_added[account]:
					if contact1.jid in gajim.to_be_removed[account]:
					gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.roster.remove_newly_added,
						contact1.jid, account)
				elif old_show > 1 and new_show == 0 and conn.connected > 1:
					if not contact1.jid in gajim.to_be_removed[account]:
					if contact1.jid in gajim.newly_added[account]:
					self.roster.draw_contact(contact1.jid, account)
					gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.roster.remove_to_be_removed,
						contact1.jid, account)

			# unset custom status
			if (old_show == 0 and new_show > 1) or (old_show > 1 and new_show == 0\
			and conn.connected > 1):
				if account in self.status_sent_to_users and \
				jid in self.status_sent_to_users[account]:
					del self.status_sent_to_users[account][jid] = array[1]
			contact1.status = status_message
			contact1.priority = priority
			contact1.keyID = keyID
			timestamp = array[6]
			if timestamp:
				contact1.last_status_time = timestamp
			elif not gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account]:
				# We're connected since more that 30 seconds
				contact1.last_status_time = time.localtime()
			contact1.contact_nickname = contact_nickname

		if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid):
			# It must be an agent
			if ji in jid_list:
				# Update existing iter and group counting
				self.roster.draw_contact(ji, account)
				self.roster.draw_group(_('Transports'), account)
				if new_show > 1 and ji in gajim.transport_avatar[account]:
					# transport just signed in.
					# request avatars
					for jid_ in gajim.transport_avatar[account][ji]:
				# transport just signed in/out, don't show
				# popup notifications for 30s
				account_ji = account + '/' + ji
				gajim.block_signed_in_notifications[account_ji] = True
					self.unblock_signed_in_notifications, account_ji)
			locations = (self.instances, self.instances[account])
			for location in locations:
				if 'add_contact' in location:
					if old_show == 0 and new_show > 1:
					elif old_show > 1 and new_show == 0:
		elif ji in jid_list:
			# It isn't an agent
			# reset chatstate if needed:
			# (when contact signs out or has errors)
			if array[1] in ('offline', 'error'):
				contact1.our_chatstate = contact1.chatstate = \
					contact1.composing_xep = None

				# TODO: This causes problems when another
				#	resource signs off!

				# disable encryption, since if any messages are
				# lost they'll be not decryptable (note that
				# this contradicts XEP-0201 - trying to get that
				# in the XEP, though)

				# there won't be any sessions here if the contact terminated
				# their sessions before going offline (which we do)
				for sess in conn.get_sessions(ji):
					if (ji+'/'+resource) != str(sess.jid):
					if sess.control:
						sess.control.no_autonegotiation = False
					if sess.enable_encryption:
						conn.delete_session(jid, sess.thread_id)

			self.roster.chg_contact_status(contact1, array[1], status_message,
			# Notifications
			if old_show < 2 and new_show > 1:
				notify.notify('contact_connected', jid, account, status_message)
				if self.remote_ctrl:
					self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactPresence', (account,

			elif old_show > 1 and new_show < 2:
				notify.notify('contact_disconnected', jid, account, status_message)
				if self.remote_ctrl:
					self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactAbsence', (account, array))
				# FIXME: stop non active file transfers
			# Status change (not connected/disconnected or
			# error (<1))
			elif new_show > 1:
				notify.notify('status_change', jid, account, [new_show,
				if self.remote_ctrl:
					self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactStatus', (account, array))
			# FIXME: MSN transport (CMSN1.2.1 and PyMSN) don't
			#	 follow the XEP, still the case in 2008.
			#	 It's maybe a GC_NOTIFY (specialy for MSN gc)
			self.handle_event_gc_notify(account, (jid, array[1], status_message,
				array[3], None, None, None, None, None, [], None, None))

		highest = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
		is_highest = (highest and highest.resource == resource)

		# disconnect the session from the ctrl if the highest resource has changed
		if (was_highest and not is_highest) or (not was_highest and is_highest):
			ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(jid, account)

			if ctrl:
				ctrl.no_autonegotiation = False
				ctrl.set_session(None) = highest

	def handle_event_msgerror(self, account, array):
		#'MSGERROR' (account, (jid, error_code, error_msg, msg, time[, session]))
		full_jid_with_resource = array[0]
		jids = full_jid_with_resource.split('/', 1)
		jid = jids[0]

		if array[1] == '503':
			# If we get server-not-found error, stop sending chatstates
			for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
				contact.composing_xep = False

		session = None
		if len(array) > 5:
			session = array[5]

		gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account)
		if not gc_control and \
		jid in self.minimized_controls[account]:
			gc_control = self.minimized_controls[account][jid]
		if gc_control and gc_control.type_id != message_control.TYPE_GC:
			gc_control = None
		if gc_control:
			if len(jids) > 1: # it's a pm
				nick = jids[1]

				if session:
					ctrl = session.control
					ctrl = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(full_jid_with_resource, account)

				if not ctrl:
					tv = gc_control.list_treeview
					model = tv.get_model()
					iter_ = gc_control.get_contact_iter(nick)
					if iter_:
						show = model[iter_][3]
						show = 'offline'
					gc_c = gajim.contacts.create_gc_contact(room_jid = jid,
						name = nick, show = show)
					ctrl = self.new_private_chat(gc_c, account, session)

				ctrl.print_conversation(_('Error %(code)s: %(msg)s') % {
					'code': array[1], 'msg': array[2]}, 'status')

			gc_control.print_conversation(_('Error %(code)s: %(msg)s') % {
				'code': array[1], 'msg': array[2]}, 'status')
			if gc_control.parent_win and gc_control.parent_win.get_active_jid() == jid:

		if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid):
			jid = jid.replace('@', '')
		msg = array[2]
		if array[3]:
			msg = _('error while sending %(message)s ( %(error)s )') % {
				'message': array[3], 'error': msg}
		if session:
			session.roster_message(jid, msg, array[4], msg_type='error')

	def handle_event_msgsent(self, account, array):
		#('MSGSENT', account, (jid, msg, keyID))
		msg = array[1]
		# do not play sound when standalone chatstate message (eg no msg)
		if msg and gajim.config.get_per('soundevents', 'message_sent', 'enabled'):

	def handle_event_msgnotsent(self, account, array):
		#('MSGNOTSENT', account, (jid, ierror_msg, msg, time, session))
		msg = _('error while sending %(message)s ( %(error)s )') % {
			'message': array[2], 'error': array[1]}
		if not array[4]:
			# No session. This can happen when sending a message from gajim-remote
		array[4].roster_message(array[0], msg, array[3], account,

	def handle_event_subscribe(self, account, array):
		#('SUBSCRIBE', account, (jid, text, user_nick)) user_nick is JEP-0172
		if self.remote_ctrl:
			self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Subscribe', (account, array))

		jid = array[0]
		text = array[1]
		nick = array[2]
		if helpers.allow_popup_window(account) or not self.systray_enabled:
			dialogs.SubscriptionRequestWindow(jid, text, account, nick)

		self.add_event(account, jid, 'subscription_request', (text, nick))

		if helpers.allow_showing_notification(account):
			path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events',
			path = gtkgui_helpers.get_path_to_generic_or_avatar(path)
			event_type = _('Subscription request')
			notify.popup(event_type, jid, account, 'subscription_request', path,
				event_type, jid)

	def handle_event_subscribed(self, account, array):
		#('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, resource))
		jid = array[0]
		if jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
			c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
			c.resource = array[1]
			self.roster.remove_contact_from_groups(c.jid, account,
				[_('Not in Roster'), _('Observers')], update=False)