- Oct 06, 2018
- Check for W0109 duplicate-key - Check for W0123 eval-used - Check for W0143 comparison-with-callable
- duplicate-key - eval-used - comparison-with-callable
- Check for W0104 pointless-statement - Check for W0105 pointless-string-statement - Check for W0108 unnecessary-lambda
- pointless-statement - pointless-string-statement - unnecessary-lambda
- Check for E0601 used-before-assignment - Check for E0704 misplaced-bare-raise - Check for W0101 unreachable
- used-before-assignment - misplaced-bare-raise
Its the job of the window manager to restore a window to the correct location
- Check for C0113 unneeded-not - Check for C0123 unidiomatic-typecheck - Check for C0203 bad-mcs-method-argument - Check for C0200 consider-using-enumerate - Check for C0305 trailing-newlines - Check for E0213 no-self-argument
- bad-mcs-method-argument - trailing-newlines - no-self-argument
- consider-using-enumerate - unneeded-not - unidiomatic-typecheck
Specify from now on the errors that are disabled instead of enabled, because we have now more checks enabled than disabled
- Check for R1714 consider-using-in - Check for W0107 unnecessary-pass - Check for W0235 useless-super-delegation
- Check for W0622 redefined-builtin - Check for C0303 trailing-whitespace - Check for C0326 bad-whitespace
- Check for C0121 singleton-comparison - Check for C0321 multiple-statements
- Check for R1704 redefined-argument-from-local - Check for R1705 no-else-return
Check for R1707 trailing-comma-tuple
- Check for R0123 literal-comparison - Check for R1703 simplifiable-if-statement
Check for C0201 consider-iterating-dictionary
Check for W0612 unused-variable
Check for W1202 logging-format-interpolation
Check for W1201 logging-not-lazy