print_(" To run this version, you have to install some packages: python2.4 python2.4-gtk2 and python2.4-glade2.\n");
print_(" (With Debian, just run:")." <i>apt-get install python2.3 python2.3-gtk2 python2.3-glade2</i>)\n";
print(" <br/>\n");
print_(" To use the idle module and the trayicon one, you have to compile them. For the trayicon you can avoid compiling it, if you have gnomepythonextras. In order to do that you just have to run")." <i>make</i> "._("in the gajim folder. (python-dev and libgtk2.0-dev packages are needed)\n");
print_(" To use the idle module and the trayicon one, you have to compile them. For idle you may need libxss-dev (if you don't have scrnsaver.h) and for the trayicon you can avoid compiling it, if you have gnomepythonextras. In order to do that you just have to run")." <i>make</i> "._("in the gajim folder. (python-dev and libgtk2.0-dev packages are needed)\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print_(" To install Gajim, now run (as superuser)")." <i>make install</i> "._("in the gajim folder.");
print_(" The subversion server is available at this address: ")."svn:// "._("and viewable")." <a href=\"\">"._("here")."</a>.\n";
print(" <br/>\n");
print(" <h2>\n");
print(" <h3>\n");
print_(" Under GNU/Linux\n");
print(" </h2>\n");
print(" </h3>\n");
print_(" In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n");
print_(" You first have to install subversion (<i>apt-get install subversion</i> under Debian)\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ print (" <i>\n");
print(" svn update\n");
print(" </i>\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print(" <h2>\n");
print(" <h3>\n");
print_(" Under Windows\n");
print(" </h2>\n");
print(" </h3>\n");
print_(" You first have to install subversion for windows. In order to do that, download the binary")." <a href=>"._("here")."</a>\n";
print(" <br/>\n");
print_(" Once subversion is installed, the commands are the same that under GNU/Linux by entering them in an MS-DOS command line invite.");