printf(_(" The Debian package of %s is available on our Debian repository. Follow below steps to use it, then install gajim with <i>sudo apt-get install gajim</i>"),"1.0.0-beta2");
print(" <br/>\n");
//printf(_(" The Debian package of %s is available on our Debian repository. Follow below steps to use it, then install gajim with <i>sudo apt-get install gajim</i>"), "1.0.0-beta2");
//print (" <br/>\n");
print_(" A daily package from git is also built. To use it:");
print_(" The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2'>"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href=''>"._("see the <tt>README</tt>")."</a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
printf(_(" The tarball version of %s is "),"1.0.0-beta2");
print_(" The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2'>"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href=''>"._("see the <tt>README</tt>")."</a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
//printf(_(" The tarball version of %s is "), "1.0.0-beta2");
1=>_("A lot of new features. See the")." <a href = \"\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a>",
6=>"<a href = \"\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
0=>_("Ported to GTK3 / Python3"),
1=>_("Integrate HTTPUpload"),
2=>_("Improvements for HiDPI Screens"),
3=>_("Change password storage to python keyring package"),
4=>_("Flatpak support"),
5=>_("New Emoji support"),
6=>_("A lot of new design"),
7=>_("MAM for groupchats support"),
8=>_("New XEPs: XEP-0156 (Discovering Alternative XMPP Connection Methods), XEP-0319 (Last User Interaction in Presence), XEP-0368 (SRV records for XMPP over TLS), XEP-0380 (Explicit Message Encryption)"),