print_(" The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href=\"downloads/gajim-0.11.tar.bz2\">"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
print_(" The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href=\"downloads/gajim-0.11.tar.bz2\">"._("here")."</a>."._("For information on how to build, see the")." <a href=\"\"><pre>README</pre></a> ("._("English").").<br />\n";
print_("If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should checkout the subversion repository.\n");
@@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ print (" svn co svn:// gajim\n");
print(" </i>\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print_(" Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the")." <a href=\"\"><pre>README</pre></a> ("._("English").") "._("for details.\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print(" <br/>\n");
print_(" You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n");