print_(" A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim")." (<i>apt-get remove gajim</i>), "._("add this line to your")." /etc/apt/source.list:\n";
print_(" There is a ")." <a href=\"downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version."-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a>.\n";
#print _("The installer doesn't contain translations because of a") . " <a href=\"\">" . _("GTK bug") . "</a>.\n";
print(" <br/>\n");
#print _(" Here is a")." <a href=\"downloads/0.13/gajim-0.13-rc5.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
#printf(_("for %s version "), "0.13-rc5");
#print (".\n");
#print (" <br/>\n");
print_(" Here is a")." <a href=\"downloads/0.15/gajim-0.15-alpha1-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
printf(_("for %s version "),"0.15-alpha1");
print(" <br/>\n");
print(" <p>\n");
print("<a name=\"tarball\">\n");
@@ -158,8 +160,8 @@ print _(" Source\n");
print(" </h2>\n");
print_(" The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href=\"downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2\">"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href=\"\">see the <tt>README</tt></a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
#printf(_(" The tarball version of %s is "), "0.13-rc5");