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Forked from gajim / website
734 commits behind the upstream repository.
downloads.php 11.24 KiB

  require_once ("Design.php");
  Entete (_("Gajim, a Jabber client"), "GAJIM");

$download_folder = "0.16";
$last_version = "0.16.8";
print ("   <br/>\n");
print _("    Latest version of Gajim is")."  <strong>".$last_version."</strong><br/>\n";
#printf(_("    A %s version is in test"), "<strong>0.16-rc2</strong>");
print ("<br/>\n");
print _("If your distribution doesn't have the latest version ");
print _("you are advised to use the ")."<a href='#source' id='top-sourcelink'>"._("source tarball")."</a>\n";

print "<table id='os-logos'>\n<tr>\n";

$os_table = array(
    0 => array (
        "agilialinux",              # href / image
        "AgiliaLinux",              # Tooltip
        "AgiliaLinux (MOPSLinux)",  #text
    1 => array (
    2 => array (
        "Debian GNU/Linux",
        "Debian GNU/Linux",
    3 => array (
    4 => array (
    5 => array (
    6 => array (
    7 => array (
    8 => array (
    9 => array (
    10 => array (
    11 => array (
    12 => array (
    13 => array (
    14 => array (
        "Other Linux",
        "Other Linux / Source",

foreach ($os_table as $num => $values) {
    if ((($num % 8) == 0) and ($num > 0)) {
        print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
    print "<td><a href='#" . $values[0] . "' title='";
    printf(_("Download Gajim for %s"), $values[1]);
    print "'><img src='imgs/" . $values[0] . ".png' class='os-logo' alt='" . $values[0] . "'/><br/>" . $values[2] . "</a></td>\n";


#OS-Table END
print "</tr></table>\n";

#Details START

print "<div id='os-details'>\n";

print "<div id='agilialinux'>\n";
print "<h2>AgiliaLinux:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>mpkg-install gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='archlinux'>\n";
print "<h2>Archlinux:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>pacman -S gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

#3)Debian GNU/Linux
print "<div id='debian'>\n";
print "<h2>Debian GNU/Linux:</h2>\n";
print _("    If you use Debian unstable do")." <i>apt-get install gajim</i>\n";
print ("    <br/>\n");
#printf(_("   The Debian package of %s is "), "0.16-rc2");
#print "<a href=''>"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
print _("    A daily package from git is also built. To use it, remove gajim")." (<i>apt-get remove gajim</i>), "._("create a file named") . " /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gajim " . _("and add this line:");
print ("    <br/>\n");
print ("    <i>deb unstable main</i>\n");
print ("    <br/>\n");
print _("and install it by doing")." <i>apt-get install gajim-nightly</i>.\n";
print _("You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring package from the same repository (or via") . " <a href=''>https</a>). " . _("Just do")." <i>apt-get install gajim-dev-keyring</i>.\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='fedora'>\n";
print "<h2>Fedora:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>yum install gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='freebsd'>\n";
print "<h2>FreeBSD:</h2>\n";
print _("Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just ")."<i> cd /usr/ports/net/gajim/ &amp;&amp; make install clean</i>. ";
print ("<a href=''>");
print _("Find out more")."</a>.\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='gentoo'>\n";
print "<h2>Gentoo:</h2>\n";
print _("    Just")." <i>emerge gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='mandriva'>\n";
print "<h2>Mandriva:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>urpmi gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='opensuse'>\n";
print "<h2>openSUSE:</h2>\n";
print _("One click install for openSuSE")." <a href=''>12.2</a>, <a href=''>12.3</a><br/>";
print _("For other versions, ")."<a href=''>"._("get it here")."</a><br/>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='pld'>\n";
print "<h2>PLD:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>poldek -U gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div  id='slackware'>\n";
print "<h2>Slackware:</h2>\n";
print _("You can get the Slackware package of Gajim")." <a href=';sv=all'> "._("here")."</a>.";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='sourcemage'>\n";
print "<h2>SourceMage:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>cast gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='ubuntu'>\n";
print "<h2>Ubuntu:</h2>\n";
print _("If you use Ubuntu universe repository do")." <i>apt-get install gajim</i>\n";
print ("<br/>\n");
print _("    A daily package from git is also built. To use it, remove gajim")." (<i>apt-get remove gajim</i>), "._("create a file named") . " /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gajim " . _("and add this line:");
print ("    <br/>\n");
print ("    <i>deb unstable main</i>\n");
print ("    <br/>\n");
print _("and install it by doing")." <i>apt-get install gajim-nightly</i>.\n";
print _("You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring package from the same repository. Just do")." <i>apt-get install gajim-dev-keyring</i>.\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='windows'>\n";
print "<h2>Windows:</h2>\n";
print _("There is a")." <a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version."-2.exe'>"._("Gajim installer")."</a>\n";
print ("<br/>\n");
print _("and a")." <a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-portable-".$last_version."-2.exe'>"._("Gajim portable installer")."</a>.\n";
print ("<br/>\n");
#print _("Here is a")." <a href='downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-alpha2-1.exe'>"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
#printf(_("for %s version "), "0.16-alpha2\n");
print "</div>\n";

print "<div id='zenwalk'>\n";
print "<h2>ZenWalk:</h2>\n";
print _("Just")." <i>netpkg gajim</i>\n";
print "</div>\n";

#15)other Linux
print "<div id='source'>\n";
print "<h2>"._("Other Linux / source").":</h2>\n";
print _("    The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2'>"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href=''>"._("see the <tt>README</tt>")."</a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
#printf(_("   The tarball version of %s is "), "0.16-rc2");
#print "<a href='downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-rc2.tar.gz'>"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
print _("If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should checkout the git repository.\n");

print ("   <br/>\n");
print ("<a name='git'/>\n");
print ("     <h2>\n");
print _("      git\n");
print ("     </h2>\n");
print _("     The git repository is available at this address: ")." "._("and viewable")." <a href=''>"._("here")."</a>.\n";
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <h3>\n");
print _("      Under GNU/Linux\n");
print ("     </h3>\n");
print _("     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n");
print _("     You first have to install git (<i>apt-get install git</i> under Debian)\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print _("     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("   <i>\n");
print ("    git clone gajim\n");
print ("   </i>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print _("   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the")." <a href=''><code>README</code></a> ("._("English").") "._("for details.\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print _("   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <i>\n");
print ("    cd gajim")."</i> "._("and then")."<i> "."./\n";
print ("   </i>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print _("   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it matches the latest version from the main repository with the following command:\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");
print ("     <i>\n");
print ("    git pull\n");
print ("   </i>\n");
print ("     <br/>\n");

print ("     <h3>\n");
print _("      Under Windows\n");
print ("     </h3>\n");
print _("   You first have to install git for windows. In order to do that, download the binary")." <a href=''>"._("here")."</a>\n";
print ("     <br/>\n");
print _("   Once git is installed, the commands are the same with those under GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of you run launch.bat. Enter them in an MS-DOS command line and you're done.");
print ("   <br/>\n");
print _("   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the way to install them")." <a href=''>"._("On the Wiki")."</a>.\n";
print ("   <br/>\n");

print ("<a name='snaps'/>\n");
print ("   <h2>\n");
print _("    Daily Snapshots\n");
print ("   </h2>\n");
print _("    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from git. You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment.")." <a href='downloads/snap/?M=D'>"._("Here to get them")."</a>.\n";
print "</div>\n";

print "</div>\n";

#Details END

#JavaScript START

print "
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
    var details = (function(logos) {
        var details = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; ++i) {
            var os = logos[i].alt;
            details[os] = document.getElementById(os);
        return details;
    var hide_descriptions = function() {
        for (os in details)
            details[os].style.display = 'none';

    var show_os_description = function() {
        var detail = details[location.hash.substr(1)];
        if (detail !== undefined)
   = 'block';

    window.addEventListener('hashchange', show_os_description, false);


#JavaScript END

print ("<a name='old'/>\n");
print ("   <h2>\n");
print _("    Old releases\n");
print ("   </h2>\n");
print _("    You'll find old releases of Gajim")." <a href='downloads/'>"._("here")."</a>.\n";

