diff --git a/src/common/xmpp/protocol.py b/src/common/xmpp/protocol.py
index c2c00f9d450b255e858d07fcf7559e1a0f10ca56..007549691a0c69654f3940be6c58b80a5a7cec55 100644
--- a/src/common/xmpp/protocol.py
+++ b/src/common/xmpp/protocol.py
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ class Hashes(Node):
         instead of doing it all over the place in Gajim.
         hl = None
-        hash = None
+        hash_ = None
         # file_string can be a string or a file
         if type(file_string) == str: # if it is a string
             if algo == 'md5':
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ class Hashes(Node):
                 raise Exception('Hash algorithm not supported')
-                hash = hl.hexdigest()
+                hash_ = hl.hexdigest()
         else: # if it is a file
             if algo == 'md5':
@@ -1101,25 +1101,25 @@ class Hashes(Node):
                 for line in file_string:
-                hash = hl.hexdigest()
+                hash_ = hl.hexdigest()
-        return hash        
+        return hash_        
-    def addHash(self, hash, algo):
+    def addHash(self, hash_, algo):
         More than one hash can be added. Although it is permitted, it should
         not be done for big files because it could slow down Gajim.
         attrs = {}
         attrs['algo'] = algo 
-        self.addChild('hash', attrs, [hash])
+        self.addChild('hash', attrs, [hash_])
 class Acks(Node):
     Acknowledgement elements for Stream Management
     def __init__(self, nsp=NS_STREAM_MGMT):
-        Node.__init__(self, None, {}, [], None, None,False, None)
+        Node.__init__(self, None, {}, [], None, None, False, None)
     def buildAnswer(self, handled):
diff --git a/src/gui_interface.py b/src/gui_interface.py
index 3fe7b5f30f639cbb0a9c115d9faafa6584a9bd41..6349ff3da0eb44f16984677b33f6bd2d522dc755 100644
--- a/src/gui_interface.py
+++ b/src/gui_interface.py
@@ -909,18 +909,20 @@ class Interface:
             self.last_ftwindow_update = time.time()
                     file_props['sid'], file_props['received-len'])
     def __compare_hashes(self, account, file_props):
         session = gajim.connections[account].get_jingle_session(jid=None,
-                sid=file_props['session-sid'])
+            sid=file_props['session-sid'])
         h = Hashes()
-            file = open(file_props['file-name'], 'r')
+            file_ = open(file_props['file-name'], 'r')
-        hash = h.calculateHash(session.hash_algo, file)
+        hash_ = h.calculateHash(session.hash_algo, file_)
+        file_.close()
         # If the hash we received and the hash of the file are the same,
         # then the file is not corrupt
-        if session.file_hash == hash:
+        if session.file_hash == hash_:
             print "they are te same"
         # End jingle session
         if session:
@@ -930,18 +932,18 @@ class Interface:
         ft = self.instances['file_transfers']
         if file_props['error'] == 0:
             ft.set_progress(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'],
-                    file_props['received-len'])
+                file_props['received-len'])
             ft.set_status(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 'stop')
         if 'stalled' in file_props and file_props['stalled'] or \
-                'paused' in file_props and file_props['paused']:
+        'paused' in file_props and file_props['paused']:
         if file_props['type'] == 'r': # we receive a file
             jid = unicode(file_props['sender'])
             # Compare hashes in a new thread
-            self.hashThread = Thread(target=self.__compare_hashes, 
-                                 args=(account, file_props)) 
+            self.hashThread = Thread(target=self.__compare_hashes,
+                args=(account, file_props))
             gajim.socks5queue.remove_receiver(file_props['sid'], True, True)
         else: # we send a file
@@ -969,7 +971,7 @@ class Interface:
         elif file_props['error'] in (-1, -6):
             msg_type = 'file-stopped'
             event_type = _('File Transfer Stopped')
         if event_type == '':
             # FIXME: ugly workaround (this can happen Gajim sent, Gaim recvs)
             # this should never happen but it does. see process_result() in