diff --git a/test/integration/test_gui_event_integration.py b/test/integration/test_gui_event_integration.py
index c5999389fe3586f4223bb073f06117b3b6ce0f18..248562939ef49be02a6b9454dcb351f60278c27b 100644
--- a/test/integration/test_gui_event_integration.py
+++ b/test/integration/test_gui_event_integration.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import unittest
 import lib
+import nbxmpp
 from common import gajim
 from common import contacts as contacts_module
 from gajim import Interface
@@ -46,8 +48,16 @@ class TestStatusChange(unittest.TestCase):
     def contact_comes_online(self, account, jid, resource, prio):
         '''a remote contact comes online'''
-        gajim.interface.handle_event_notify(account, (jid, 'online', "I'm back!",
-                resource, prio, None, time.time(), None))
+        xml = """<presence from='%s/%s' id='123'>
+            <c node='http://gajim.org' ver='pRCD6cgQ4SDqNMCjdhRV6TECx5o='
+            hash='sha-1' xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps'/>
+            <status>I'm back!</status>
+            </presence>
+        """ % (jid, resource)
+        msg = nbxmpp.protocol.Presence(node=nbxmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(xml))
+        gajim.connections[account]._presenceCB(None, msg)
+#        gajim.interface.handle_event_notify(account, (jid, 'online', "I'm back!",
+#                resource, prio, None, time.time(), None))
         contact = None
         for c in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
diff --git a/test/integration/test_xmpp_client_nb.py b/test/integration/test_xmpp_client_nb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 971f321de60125b50b2f75b66de3c0ea73605f13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/integration/test_xmpp_client_nb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-Testing script for NonBlockingClient class (src/common/xmpp/client_nb.py)
-It actually connects to a xmpp server.
-import unittest
-import lib
-from xmpp_mocks import MockConnection, IdleQueueThread
-from mock import Mock
-from common.xmpp import client_nb
-#import logging
-#log = logging.getLogger('gajim')
-# (XMPP server hostname, c2s port). Script will connect to the machine.
-xmpp_server_port = ('gajim.org', 5222)
-# [username, password, passphrase]. Script will authenticate to server above
-credentials = ['unittest', 'testtest', 'res']
-class TestNonBlockingClient(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Test Cases class for NonBlockingClient.
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        ''' IdleQueue thread is run and dummy connection is created. '''
-        self.idlequeue_thread = IdleQueueThread()
-        self.connection = MockConnection() # for dummy callbacks
-        self.idlequeue_thread.start()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        ''' IdleQueue thread is stopped. '''
-        self.idlequeue_thread.stop_thread()
-        self.idlequeue_thread.join()
-        self.client = None
-    def open_stream(self, server_port, wrong_pass=False):
-        '''
-        Method opening the XMPP connection. It returns when <stream:features>
-        is received from server.
-        :param server_port: tuple of (hostname, port) for where the client should
-        connect.
-        '''
-        class TempConnection():
-            def get_password(self, cb, mechanism):
-                if wrong_pass:
-                    cb('wrong pass')
-                else:
-                    cb(credentials[1])
-            def on_connect_failure(self):
-                pass
-        self.client = client_nb.NonBlockingClient(
-                domain=server_port[0],
-                idlequeue=self.idlequeue_thread.iq,
-                caller=Mock(realClass=TempConnection))
-        self.client.connect(
-                hostname=server_port[0],
-                port=server_port[1],
-                on_connect=lambda *args: self.connection.on_connect(True, *args),
-                on_connect_failure=lambda *args: self.connection.on_connect(
-                        False, *args))
-        self.assert_(self.connection.wait(),
-                msg='waiting for callback from client constructor')
-        # if on_connect was called, client has to be connected and vice versa
-        if self.connection.connect_succeeded:
-            self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type())
-        else:
-            self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type())
-    def client_auth(self, username, password, resource, sasl):
-        '''
-        Method authenticating connected client with supplied credentials. Returns
-        when authentication is over.
-        :param sasl: whether to use sasl (sasl=1) or old (sasl=0) authentication
-        :todo: to check and be more specific about when it returns
-                (bind, session..)
-        '''
-        self.client.auth(username, password, resource, sasl,
-                        on_auth=self.connection.on_auth)
-        self.assert_(self.connection.wait(), msg='waiting for authentication')
-    def do_disconnect(self):
-        '''
-        Does disconnecting of connected client. Returns when TCP connection is
-        closed.
-        '''
-        self.client.RegisterDisconnectHandler(self.connection.set_event)
-        self.client.disconnect()
-        self.assertTrue(self.connection.wait(), msg='waiting for disconnecting')
-    def test_proper_connect_sasl(self):
-        '''
-        The ideal testcase - client is connected, authenticated with SASL and
-        then disconnected.
-        '''
-        self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port)
-        # if client is not connected, lets raise the AssertionError
-        self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type())
-        # client.disconnect() is already called from NBClient via
-        # _on_connected_failure, no need to call it here
-        self.client_auth(credentials[0], credentials[1], credentials[2], sasl=1)
-        self.assert_(self.connection.con)
-        self.assert_(self.connection.auth=='sasl', msg='Unable to auth via SASL')
-        self.do_disconnect()
-    def test_proper_connect_oldauth(self):
-        '''
-        The ideal testcase - client is connected, authenticated with old auth and
-        then disconnected.
-        '''
-        self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port)
-        self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type())
-        self.client_auth(credentials[0], credentials[1], credentials[2], sasl=0)
-        self.assert_(self.connection.con)
-        features = self.client.Dispatcher.Stream.features
-        if not features.getTag('auth'):
-            print "Server doesn't support old authentication type, ignoring test"
-        else:
-            self.assert_(self.connection.auth=='old_auth',
-                    msg='Unable to auth via old_auth')
-        self.do_disconnect()
-    def test_connect_to_nonexisting_host(self):
-        '''
-        Connect to nonexisting host. DNS request for A records should return
-        nothing.
-        '''
-        self.open_stream(('fdsfsdf.fdsf.fss', 5222))
-        self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type())
-    def test_connect_to_wrong_port(self):
-        '''
-        Connect to nonexisting server. DNS request for A records should return an
-        IP      but there shouldn't be XMPP server running on specified port.
-        '''
-        self.open_stream((xmpp_server_port[0], 31337))
-        self.assert_(not self.client.get_connect_type())
-    def test_connect_with_wrong_creds(self):
-        '''
-        Connecting with invalid password.
-        '''
-        self.open_stream(xmpp_server_port, wrong_pass=True)
-        self.assert_(self.client.get_connect_type())
-        self.client_auth(credentials[0], 'wrong pass', credentials[2], sasl=1)
-        self.assert_(self.connection.auth is None)
-        self.do_disconnect()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/integration/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py b/test/integration/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f2c87fcba6257aa789aa68cf9de84f2ca19f08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/integration/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-Integration test for tranports classes. See unit for the ordinary
-unit tests of this module.
-import unittest
-import socket
-import lib
-from xmpp_mocks import IdleQueueThread, IdleMock
-from common.xmpp import transports_nb
-class AbstractTransportTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    ''' Encapsulates Idlequeue instantiation for transports and more...'''
-    def setUp(self):
-        ''' IdleQueue thread is run and dummy connection is created. '''
-        self.idlequeue_thread = IdleQueueThread()
-        self.idlequeue_thread.start()
-        self._setup_hook()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        ''' IdleQueue thread is stopped. '''
-        self._teardown_hook()
-        self.idlequeue_thread.stop_thread()
-        self.idlequeue_thread.join()
-    def _setup_hook(self):
-        pass
-    def _teardown_hook(self):
-        pass
-    def expect_receive(self, expected, count=1, msg=None):
-        '''
-        Returns a callback function that will assert whether the data passed to
-        it equals the one specified when calling this function.
-        Can be used to make sure transport dispatch correct data.
-        '''
-        def receive(data, *args, **kwargs):
-            self.assertEqual(data, expected, msg=msg)
-            self._expected_count -= 1
-        self._expected_count = count
-        return receive
-    def have_received_expected(self):
-        '''
-        Plays together with expect_receive(). Will return true if expected_rcv
-        callback was called as often as specified
-        '''
-        return self._expected_count == 0
-class TestNonBlockingTCP(AbstractTransportTest):
-    '''
-    Test class for NonBlockingTCP. Will actually try to connect to an existing
-    XMPP server.
-    '''
-    class MockClient(IdleMock):
-        ''' Simple client to test transport functionality '''
-        def __init__(self, idlequeue, testcase):
-            self.idlequeue = idlequeue
-            self.testcase = testcase
-            IdleMock.__init__(self)
-        def do_connect(self, establish_tls=False, proxy_dict=None):
-            try:
-                ips = socket.getaddrinfo('gajim.org', 5222,
-                        socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-                ip = ips[0]
-            except socket.error, e:
-                self.testcase.fail(msg=str(e))
-            self.socket = transports_nb.NonBlockingTCP(
-                    raise_event=lambda event_type, data: self.testcase.assertTrue(
-                            event_type and data),
-                    on_disconnect=lambda: self.on_success(mode='SocketDisconnect'),
-                    idlequeue=self.idlequeue,
-                    estabilish_tls=establish_tls,
-                    certs=('../data/other/cacerts.pem', 'tmp/cacerts.pem'),
-                    proxy_dict=proxy_dict)
-            self.socket.PlugIn(self)
-            self.socket.connect(conn_5tuple=ip,
-                    on_connect=lambda: self.on_success(mode='TCPconnect'),
-                    on_connect_failure=self.on_failure)
-            self.testcase.assertTrue(self.wait(), msg='Connection timed out')
-        def do_disconnect(self):
-            self.socket.disconnect()
-            self.testcase.assertTrue(self.wait(), msg='Disconnect timed out')
-        def on_failure(self, err_message):
-            self.set_event()
-            self.testcase.fail(msg=err_message)
-        def on_success(self, mode, data=None):
-            if mode == "TCPconnect":
-                pass
-            if mode == "SocketDisconnect":
-                pass
-            self.set_event()
-    def _setup_hook(self):
-        self.client = self.MockClient(idlequeue=self.idlequeue_thread.iq,
-                testcase=self)
-    def _teardown_hook(self):
-        if self.client.socket.state == 'CONNECTED':
-            self.client.do_disconnect()
-    def test_connect_disconnect_plain(self):
-        ''' Establish plain connection '''
-        self.client.do_connect(establish_tls=False)
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.socket.state, 'CONNECTED')
-        self.client.do_disconnect()
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.socket.state, 'DISCONNECTED')
-#       def test_connect_disconnect_ssl(self):
-#               ''' Establish SSL (not TLS) connection '''
-#               self.client.do_connect(establish_tls=True)
-#               self.assertEquals(self.client.socket.state, 'CONNECTED')
-#               self.client.do_disconnect()
-#               self.assertEquals(self.client.socket.state, 'DISCONNECTED')
-    def test_do_receive(self):
-        ''' Test _do_receive method by overwriting socket.recv '''
-        self.client.do_connect()
-        sock = self.client.socket
-        # transport shall receive data
-        data = "Please don't fail"
-        sock._recv = lambda buffer: data
-        sock.onreceive(self.expect_receive(data))
-        sock._do_receive()
-        self.assertTrue(self.have_received_expected(), msg='Did not receive data')
-        self.assert_(self.client.socket.state == 'CONNECTED')
-        # transport shall do nothing as an non-fatal SSL is simulated
-        sock._recv = lambda buffer: None
-        sock.onreceive(self.assertFalse) # we did not receive anything...
-        sock._do_receive()
-        self.assert_(self.client.socket.state == 'CONNECTED')
-        # transport shall disconnect as remote side closed the connection
-        sock._recv = lambda buffer: ''
-        sock.onreceive(self.assertFalse) # we did not receive anything...
-        sock._do_receive()
-        self.assert_(self.client.socket.state == 'DISCONNECTED')
-    def test_do_send(self):
-        ''' Test _do_send method by overwriting socket.send '''
-        self.client.do_connect()
-        sock = self.client.socket
-        outgoing = [] # what we have actually send to our socket.socket
-        data_part1 = "Please don't "
-        data_part2 = "fail!"
-        data_complete = data_part1 + data_part2
-        # Simulate everything could be send in one go
-        def _send_all(data):
-            outgoing.append(data)
-            return len(data)
-        sock._send = _send_all
-        sock.send(data_part1)
-        sock.send(data_part2)
-        sock._do_send()
-        sock._do_send()
-        self.assertTrue(self.client.socket.state == 'CONNECTED')
-        self.assertTrue(data_part1 in outgoing and data_part2 in outgoing)
-        self.assertFalse(sock.sendqueue and sock.sendbuff,
-                msg='There is still unsend data in buffers')
-        # Simulate data could only be sent in chunks
-        self.chunk_count = 0
-        outgoing = []
-        def _send_chunks(data):
-            if self.chunk_count == 0:
-                outgoing.append(data_part1)
-                self.chunk_count += 1
-                return len(data_part1)
-            else:
-                outgoing.append(data_part2)
-                return len(data_part2)
-        sock._send = _send_chunks
-        sock.send(data_complete)
-        sock._do_send() # process first chunk
-        sock._do_send() # process the second one
-        self.assertTrue(self.client.socket.state == 'CONNECTED')
-        self.assertTrue(data_part1 in outgoing and data_part2 in outgoing)
-        self.assertFalse(sock.sendqueue and sock.sendbuff,
-                msg='There is still unsend data in buffers')
-class TestNonBlockingHTTP(AbstractTransportTest):
-    ''' Test class for NonBlockingHTTP transport'''
-    bosh_http_dict = {
-            'http_uri': 'http://gajim.org:5280/http-bind',
-            'http_version': 'HTTP/1.1',
-            'http_persistent': True,
-            'add_proxy_headers': False
-    }
-    def _get_transport(self, http_dict, proxy_dict=None):
-        return transports_nb.NonBlockingHTTP(
-                raise_event=None,
-                on_disconnect=None,
-                idlequeue=self.idlequeue_thread.iq,
-                estabilish_tls=False,
-                certs=None,
-                on_http_request_possible=lambda: None,
-                on_persistent_fallback=None,
-                http_dict=http_dict,
-                proxy_dict=proxy_dict,
-                )
-    def test_parse_own_http_message(self):
-        ''' Build a HTTP message and try to parse it afterwards '''
-        transport = self._get_transport(self.bosh_http_dict)
-        data = "<test>Please don't fail!</test>"
-        http_message = transport.build_http_message(data)
-        statusline, headers, http_body, buffer_rest = transport.parse_http_message(
-                http_message)
-        self.assertFalse(bool(buffer_rest))
-        self.assertTrue(statusline and isinstance(statusline, list))
-        self.assertTrue(headers and isinstance(headers, dict))
-        self.assertEqual(data, http_body, msg='Input and output are different')
-    def test_receive_http_message(self):
-        ''' Let _on_receive handle some http messages '''
-        transport = self._get_transport(self.bosh_http_dict)
-        header = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n" +
-                "Content-Length: 88\r\n\r\n")
-        payload = "<test>Please don't fail!</test>"
-        body = "<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'>%s</body>" \
-                % payload
-        message = "%s%s" % (header, body)
-        # try to receive in one go
-        transport.onreceive(self.expect_receive(body, msg='Failed: In one go'))
-        transport._on_receive(message)
-        self.assertTrue(self.have_received_expected(), msg='Failed: In one go')
-    def test_receive_http_message_in_chunks(self):
-        ''' Let _on_receive handle some chunked http messages  '''
-        transport = self._get_transport(self.bosh_http_dict)
-        payload = "<test>Please don't fail!\n\n</test>"
-        body = "<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'>%s</body>" \
-                % payload
-        header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n" +\
-                "Content-Length: %i\r\n\r\n" % len(body)
-        message = "%s%s" % (header, body)
-        chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, chunk4  = message[:20], message[20:73], \
-                message[73:85], message[85:]
-        nextmessage_chunk = "\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/x"
-        chunks = (chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, chunk4, nextmessage_chunk)
-        transport.onreceive(self.expect_receive(body, msg='Failed: In chunks'))
-        for chunk in chunks:
-            transport._on_receive(chunk)
-        self.assertTrue(self.have_received_expected(), msg='Failed: In chunks')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/lib/gajim_mocks.py b/test/lib/gajim_mocks.py
index 4070641e9393c944497e9ff647e8ad36758bf724..5995bc956597011a383c1ba40ff3eda8b0e7504b 100644
--- a/test/lib/gajim_mocks.py
+++ b/test/lib/gajim_mocks.py
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ from mock import Mock
 from common import gajim
 from common import ged
-from common.connection_handlers import ConnectionHandlersBase
+from common.connection_handlers import ConnectionHandlers
-class MockConnection(Mock, ConnectionHandlersBase):
+class MockConnection(Mock, ConnectionHandlers):
     def __init__(self, account, *args):
         Mock.__init__(self, *args)
-        ConnectionHandlersBase.__init__(self)
+        ConnectionHandlers.__init__(self)
         self.name = account
         self.connected = 2
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class MockConnection(Mock, ConnectionHandlersBase):
         self.blocked_contacts = {}
         self.blocked_groups = {}
         self.sessions = {}
+        self.nested_group_delimiter = '::'
         gajim.interface.instances[account] = {'infos': {}, 'disco': {},
                 'gc_config': {}, 'search': {}, 'sub_request': {}}
@@ -41,6 +42,9 @@ class MockConnection(Mock, ConnectionHandlersBase):
         gajim.connections[account] = self
+    def request_vcard(self, jid):
+        pass
 class MockWindow(Mock):
     def __init__(self, *args):
         Mock.__init__(self, *args)
@@ -105,14 +109,14 @@ class MockInterface(Mock):
         self.status_sent_to_users = Mock()
         if gajim.use_x:
-            self.jabber_state_images = {'16': {}, '32': {}, 'opened': {},
-                    'closed': {}}
+            self.jabber_state_images = {'16': {}, '24': {}, '32': {},
+                'opened': {}, 'closed': {}}
             import gtkgui_helpers
-            self.jabber_state_images = {'16': Mock(), '32': Mock(),
-                    'opened': Mock(), 'closed': Mock()}
+            self.jabber_state_images = {'16': Mock(), '24': Mock(),
+                '32': Mock(), 'opened': Mock(), 'closed': Mock()}
 class MockLogger(Mock):
diff --git a/test/lib/notify.py b/test/lib/notify.py
index b13d03678cac91a0a0a3dec81981ea93d4b19db2..1478879d704b4412401acd25239b15a01486b5f5 100644
--- a/test/lib/notify.py
+++ b/test/lib/notify.py
@@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
 # mock notify module
+from common import gajim
+from common import ged
 notifications = []
+class Notification:
+    def _nec_notification(self, obj):
+        global notifications
+        notifications.append(obj)
+    def clean(self):
+        global notifications
+        notifications = []
+        gajim.ged.remove_event_handler('notification', ged.GUI2,
+            self._nec_notification)
+    def __init__(self):
+        gajim.ged.register_event_handler('notification', ged.GUI2,
+            self._nec_notification)
 def notify(event, jid, account, parameters, advanced_notif_num = None):
     notifications.append((event, jid, account, parameters, advanced_notif_num))
diff --git a/test/lib/xmpp_mocks.py b/test/lib/xmpp_mocks.py
index 0b4055949c80f4847c84c83d0c8c9ec21db48d4a..81ba75d0409c2bd2aa6d818b088c7c23e76d3f7b 100644
--- a/test/lib/xmpp_mocks.py
+++ b/test/lib/xmpp_mocks.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import threading, time
 from mock import Mock
-from common.xmpp import idlequeue
+from nbxmpp import idlequeue
 IDLEQUEUE_INTERVAL = 0.2 # polling interval. 200ms is used in Gajim as default
 IDLEMOCK_TIMEOUT = 30 # how long we wait for an event
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class IdleMock:
     def set_event(self):
 class MockConnection(IdleMock, Mock):
     Class simulating Connection class from src/common/connection.py
diff --git a/test/runtests.py b/test/runtests.py
index 663f7d5b21c952327320f06e638a271220273da4..7dd4ec4c5da6247ac9823b3cb156ca1d2b63ed0c 100755
--- a/test/runtests.py
+++ b/test/runtests.py
@@ -35,23 +35,18 @@ for o, a in opts:
 # new test modules need to be added manually
-modules = ( 'unit.test_xmpp_dispatcher_nb',
-            'unit.test_xmpp_transports_nb',
-            'unit.test_protocol_caps',
+modules = ( 'unit.test_protocol_caps',
-            'unit.test_sessions',
-#modules = ()
 if use_x:
-    modules += ('integration.test_gui_event_integration',
-                'integration.test_roster',
-                'integration.test_resolver',
-                'integration.test_xmpp_client_nb',
-                'integration.test_xmpp_transports_nb'
+    modules += ( 'unit.test_sessions',
+                 #'integration.test_gui_event_integration',
+                 'integration.test_roster',
+                 'integration.test_resolver',
 nb_errors = 0
diff --git a/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py b/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
index 468d8f1c0798a5a499deb3c56f2873f16f8f3967..853bee448e8cf8c5086a198c27181637120b1b00 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
+++ b/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import unittest
 import lib
-from common.xmpp import NS_MUC, NS_PING, NS_XHTML_IM
+from nbxmpp import NS_MUC, NS_PING, NS_XHTML_IM
 from common import caps_cache as caps
 from common.contacts import Contact
diff --git a/test/unit/test_contacts.py b/test/unit/test_contacts.py
index e0a18431273cec4a592c287a887fab482a9cd936..bbab04c9e98db8ab991086f2b4adfae9e92a0b0e 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_contacts.py
+++ b/test/unit/test_contacts.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import lib
 from common.contacts import CommonContact, Contact, GC_Contact, LegacyContactsAPI
-from common.xmpp import NS_MUC
+from nbxmpp import NS_MUC
 from common import caps_cache
diff --git a/test/unit/test_protocol_caps.py b/test/unit/test_protocol_caps.py
index c527c148db3dd1f9d86f58e10e552044d5a17c93..02c5a065cb8b430deab3de33ebfd36af0dfff130 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_protocol_caps.py
+++ b/test/unit/test_protocol_caps.py
@@ -6,18 +6,23 @@ import unittest
 import lib
+from common import gajim
+from common import nec
+from common import ged
 from common import caps_cache
+from common.connection_handlers import ConnectionHandlers
 from common.protocol import caps
 from common.contacts import Contact
+from common.connection_handlers_events import CapsPresenceReceivedEvent
 from mock import Mock
-from common.xmpp import simplexml
-from common.xmpp import protocol
+import nbxmpp
-class TestableConnectionCaps(caps.ConnectionCaps):
+class TestableConnectionCaps(ConnectionHandlers, caps.ConnectionCaps):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.name = 'account'
         self._mocked_contacts = {}
         caps.ConnectionCaps.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
@@ -39,35 +44,30 @@ class TestableConnectionCaps(caps.ConnectionCaps):
 class TestConnectionCaps(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        gajim.nec = nec.NetworkEventsController()
+        gajim.ged.register_event_handler('caps-presence-received', ged.GUI2,
+            self._nec_caps_presence_received)
+    def _nec_caps_presence_received(self, obj):
+        self.assertFalse(isinstance(obj.client_caps, caps_cache.NullClientCaps),
+            msg="On receive of proper caps, we must not use the fallback")
     def test_capsPresenceCB(self):
-        jid = "user@server.com/a"
-        connection_caps = TestableConnectionCaps("account",
-                self._build_assertering_dispatcher_function("CAPS_RECEIVED", jid),
-                Mock(), caps_cache.create_suitable_client_caps)
+        fjid = "user@server.com/a"
+        connection_caps = TestableConnectionCaps("account", Mock(),
+            caps_cache.create_suitable_client_caps)
+        contact = connection_caps._get_contact_or_gc_contact_for_jid(fjid)
         xml = """<presence from='user@server.com/a' to='%s' id='123'>
-                                        <c node='http://gajim.org' ver='pRCD6cgQ4SDqNMCjdhRV6TECx5o='
-                                                hash='sha-1' xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps'/>
-                                </presence>
-                        """ % (jid)
-        iq = protocol.Iq(node=simplexml.XML2Node(xml))
-        connection_caps._capsPresenceCB(None, iq)
-        self.assertTrue(self._dispatcher_called, msg="Must have received caps")
-        client_caps = connection_caps.get_mocked_contact_for_jid(jid).client_caps
-        self.assertTrue(client_caps, msg="Client caps must be set")
-        self.assertFalse(isinstance(client_caps, caps_cache.NullClientCaps),
-                msg="On receive of proper caps, we must not use the fallback")
-    def _build_assertering_dispatcher_function(self, expected_event, jid):
-        self._dispatcher_called = False
-        def dispatch(event, data):
-            self.assertFalse(self._dispatcher_called, msg="Must only be called once")
-            self._dispatcher_called = True
-            self.assertEqual(expected_event, event)
-            self.assertEqual(jid, data[0])
-        return dispatch
+            <c node='http://gajim.org' ver='pRCD6cgQ4SDqNMCjdhRV6TECx5o='
+            hash='sha-1' xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps'/>
+            </presence>
+        """ % (fjid)
+        msg = nbxmpp.protocol.Presence(node=nbxmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(xml))
+        connection_caps._presenceCB(None, msg)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/unit/test_sessions.py b/test/unit/test_sessions.py
index 05a4351a71b3540208ef842c4619c27daf66cab6..e2de62b832119c4be8d19a2174081ac91e0c0fe8 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_sessions.py
+++ b/test/unit/test_sessions.py
@@ -9,10 +9,16 @@ lib.setup_env()
 import notify
 from common import gajim
-from common import xmpp
+from common import nec
+from common import ged
+from common.nec import NetworkEvent
+from common.connection_handlers_events import MessageReceivedEvent
+from common.connection_handlers_events import DecryptedMessageReceivedEvent
+import nbxmpp
 from common.stanza_session import StanzaSession
 from session import ChatControlSession
+from roster_window import RosterWindow
 from mock import Mock, expectParams
 from gajim_mocks import *
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ class TestStanzaSession(unittest.TestCase):
     ''' Testclass for common/stanzasession.py '''
     def setUp(self):
-        self.jid = 'test@example.org/Gajim'
+        self.jid = nbxmpp.JID('test@example.org/Gajim')
         self.conn = MockConnection(account_name, {'send_stanza': None})
         self.sess = StanzaSession(self.conn, self.jid, None, 'chat')
@@ -80,64 +86,71 @@ class TestStanzaSession(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestChatControlSession(unittest.TestCase):
     ''' Testclass for session.py '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.jid = 'test@example.org/Gajim'
-        self.conn = MockConnection(account_name, {'send_stanza': None})
-        self.sess = ChatControlSession(self.conn, self.jid, None)
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        gajim.nec = nec.NetworkEventsController()
+        cls.conn = MockConnection(account_name, {'send_stanza': None})
         gajim.logger = MockLogger()
+        gajim.default_session_type = ChatControlSession
-        # initially there are no events
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(gajim.events.get_events(account_name)))
+    def setUp(self):
+        gajim.notification = notify.Notification()
         # no notifications have been sent
         self.assertEqual(0, len(notify.notifications))
     def tearDown(self):
-        # remove all events and notifications that were added
-        gajim.events._events = {}
-        notify.notifications = []
+        gajim.notification.clean()
     def receive_chat_msg(self, jid, msgtxt):
         '''simulate receiving a chat message from jid'''
-        msg = xmpp.Message()
+        msg = nbxmpp.Message()
         tim = time.localtime()
         encrypted = False
-        self.sess.received(jid, msgtxt, tim, encrypted, msg)
+        xml = """<message from='%s' id='1' type='chat'><body>%s</body>
+            <thread>123</thread></message>""" % (jid, msgtxt)
+        stanza = nbxmpp.protocol.Message(node=nbxmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(xml))
+        self.conn._messageCB(None, stanza)
     # ----- custom assertions -----
     def assert_new_message_notification(self):
         '''a new_message notification has been sent'''
         self.assertEqual(1, len(notify.notifications))
-        notif = notify.notifications[0]
-        self.assertEqual('new_message', notif[0])
+        notif = notify.notifications[-1]
+        self.assertEqual('New Message', notif.popup_event_type)
     def assert_first_message_notification(self):
         '''this message was treated as a first message'''
-        notif = notify.notifications[0]
-        params = notif[3]
-        first = params[1]
-        self.assert_(first, 'message should have been treated as a first message')
+        notif = notify.notifications[-1]
+        first = notif.first_unread
+        self.assert_(first,
+            'message should have been treated as a first message')
     def assert_not_first_message_notification(self):
         '''this message was not treated as a first message'''
-        notif = notify.notifications[0]
-        params = notif[3]
-        first = params[1]
+        notif = notify.notifications[-1]
+        first = notif.first_unread
         self.assert_(not first,
-                'message was unexpectedly treated as a first message')
+            'message was unexpectedly treated as a first message')
     # ----- tests -----
-    def test_receive_nocontrol(self):
+    def test_receive_1nocontrol(self):
         '''test receiving a message in a blank state'''
-        jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com/Gajim'
-        msgtxt = 'testing one two three'
+        jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com'
+        fjid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com/Gajim'
+        msgtxt = 'testing one'
+        self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt)
-        self.receive_chat_msg(jid, msgtxt)
+        # session is created
+        self.assert_((jid in self.conn.sessions) and (
+            '123' in self.conn.sessions[jid]), 'session is not created')
+        sess = self.conn.sessions[jid]['123']
         # message was logged
         calls = gajim.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('write')
@@ -150,63 +163,65 @@ class TestChatControlSession(unittest.TestCase):
         # no control is attached to the session
-        self.assertEqual(None, self.sess.control)
+        self.assertEqual(None, sess.control)
-    def test_receive_already_has_control(self):
+    def test_receive_2already_has_control(self):
         '''test receiving a message with a session already attached to a
+        jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com'
+        fjid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com/Gajim'
+        msgtxt = 'testing two'
+        roster = RosterWindow()
-        jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com/Gajim'
-        msgtxt = 'testing one two three'
-        self.sess.control = MockChatControl(jid, account_name)
+        sess = self.conn.sessions[jid]['123']
+        sess.control = MockChatControl(fjid, account_name)
-        self.receive_chat_msg(jid, msgtxt)
+        self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt)
         # message was logged
         calls = gajim.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('write')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(calls))
         # the message does not go into the event queue
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(gajim.events.get_events(account_name)))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(gajim.events.get_events(account_name)))
         # message was printed to the control
-        calls = self.sess.control.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation')
+        calls = sess.control.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation')
         self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
-    def test_received_orphaned_control(self):
-        '''test receiving a message when a control that doesn't have a session
-        attached exists'''
+    #def test_received_3orphaned_control(self):
+        #'''test receiving a message when a control that doesn't have a session
+        #attached exists'''
-        jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com'
-        fjid = jid + '/Gajim'
-        msgtxt = 'testing one two three'
+        #jid = 'bct@necronomicorp.com'
+        #fjid = jid + '/Gajim'
+        #msgtxt = 'testing three'
-        ctrl = MockChatControl(jid, account_name)
-        gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr = Mock({'get_control': ctrl})
-        gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.mockSetExpectation('get_control',
-                expectParams(jid, account_name))
+        #ctrl = MockChatControl(jid, account_name)
+        #gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr = Mock({'get_control': ctrl})
+        #gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.mockSetExpectation('get_control',
+                #expectParams(jid, account_name))
-        self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt)
+        #self.receive_chat_msg(fjid, msgtxt)
-        # message was logged
-        calls = gajim.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('write')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
+        ## message was logged
+        #calls = gajim.logger.mockGetNamedCalls('write')
+        #self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
-        # the message does not go into the event queue
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(gajim.events.get_events(account_name)))
+        ## the message does not go into the event queue
+        #self.assertEqual(0, len(gajim.events.get_events(account_name)))
-        self.assert_not_first_message_notification()
+        #self.assert_not_first_message_notification()
-        # this session is now attached to that control
-        self.assertEqual(self.sess, ctrl.session)
-        self.assertEqual(ctrl, self.sess.control, 'foo')
+        ## this session is now attached to that control
+        #self.assertEqual(self.sess, ctrl.session)
+        #self.assertEqual(ctrl, self.sess.control, 'foo')
-        # message was printed to the control
-        calls = ctrl.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
+        ## message was printed to the control
+        #calls = ctrl.mockGetNamedCalls('print_conversation')
+        #self.assertEqual(1, len(calls))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/unit/test_xmpp_dispatcher_nb.py b/test/unit/test_xmpp_dispatcher_nb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 660b6d572b0fc6b59b4b298dbbefd44edc3e43b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/unit/test_xmpp_dispatcher_nb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-Tests for dispatcher_nb.py
-import unittest
-import lib
-from mock import Mock
-from common.xmpp import dispatcher_nb
-from common.xmpp import protocol
-class TestDispatcherNB(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Test class for NonBlocking dispatcher. Tested dispatcher will be plugged
-    into a mock client
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.dispatcher = dispatcher_nb.XMPPDispatcher()
-        # Setup mock client
-        self.client = Mock()
-        self.client.__str__ = lambda: 'Mock' # FIXME: why do I need this one?
-        self.client._caller = Mock()
-        self.client.defaultNamespace = protocol.NS_CLIENT
-        self.client.Connection = Mock() # mock transport
-        self.con = self.client.Connection
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # Unplug if needed
-        if hasattr(self.dispatcher, '_owner'):
-            self.dispatcher.PlugOut()
-    def _simulate_connect(self):
-        self.dispatcher.PlugIn(self.client) # client is owner
-        # Simulate that we have established a connection
-        self.dispatcher.StreamInit()
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<stream:stream xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:client'>")
-    def test_unbound_namespace_prefix(self):
-        '''tests our handling of a message with an unbound namespace prefix'''
-        self._simulate_connect()
-        msgs = []
-        def _got_message(conn, msg):
-            msgs.append(msg)
-        self.dispatcher.RegisterHandler('message', _got_message)
-        # should be able to parse a normal message
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking('<message><body>hello</body></message>')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking('<message><x:y/></message>')
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(msgs))
-        # we should not have been disconnected after that message
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.con.mockGetNamedCalls('pollend')))
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.con.mockGetNamedCalls('disconnect')))
-        # we should be able to keep parsing
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking('<message><body>still here?</body></message>')
-        self.assertEqual(3, len(msgs))
-    def test_process_non_blocking(self):
-        ''' Check for ProcessNonBlocking return types '''
-        self._simulate_connect()
-        process = self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking
-        # length of data expected
-        data = "Please don't fail"
-        result = process(data)
-        self.assertEqual(result, len(data))
-        # no data processed, link shall still be active
-        result = process('')
-        self.assertEqual(result, '0')
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.con.mockGetNamedCalls('pollend')) +
-                len(self.con.mockGetNamedCalls('disconnect')))
-        # simulate disconnect
-        result = process('</stream:stream>')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.client.mockGetNamedCalls('disconnect')))
-    def test_return_stanza_handler(self):
-        ''' Test sasl_error_conditions transformation in protocol.py '''
-        # quick'n dirty...I wasn't aware of it existance and thought it would
-        # always fail :-)
-        self._simulate_connect()
-        stanza = "<iq type='get' />"
-        def send(data):
-            self.assertEqual(str(data), '<iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="error"><error code="501" type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">The feature requested is not implemented by the recipient or server and therefore cannot be processed.</text></error></iq>')
-        self.client.send = send
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking(stanza)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/unit/test_xmpp_smacks.py b/test/unit/test_xmpp_smacks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df6ab412268ba08ab407448f2f18958326c62291..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/unit/test_xmpp_smacks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-Tests for smacks.py Stream Management
-import unittest
-import lib
-from mock import Mock
-from common.xmpp import dispatcher_nb
-from common.xmpp import protocol
-from common.xmpp import smacks
-class TestDispatcherNB(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Test class for NonBlocking dispatcher. Tested dispatcher will be plugged
-    into a mock client
-    '''
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.dispatcher = dispatcher_nb.XMPPDispatcher()
-        # Setup mock client
-        self.client = Mock()
-        self.client.__str__ = lambda: 'Mock' # FIXME: why do I need this one?
-        self.client._caller = Mock()
-        self.client.defaultNamespace = protocol.NS_CLIENT
-        self.client.Connection = Mock() # mock transport
-        self.con = self.client.Connection
-        self.con.sm = smacks.Smacks(self.con)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # Unplug if needed
-        if hasattr(self.dispatcher, '_owner'):
-            self.dispatcher.PlugOut()
-    def _simulate_connect(self):
-        self.dispatcher.PlugIn(self.client) # client is owner
-        self.con.sm.set_owner(self.client)
-        self.dispatcher.sm = self.con.sm
-        # Simulate that we have established a connection
-        self.dispatcher.StreamInit()
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<stream:stream "
-            "xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' "
-            "xmlns='jabber:client'>")
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<stream:features> "
-            "<sm xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:2'> <optional/> </sm> </stream:features>")
-        self.con.sm.negociate()
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<enabled xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:2' "
-            "id='some-long-sm-id' resume='true'/>")
-        assert(self.con.sm.enabled)
-    def _simulate_resume(self):
-        self.con.sm.resume_request()
-        # Resuming acknowledging 5 stanzas
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<resumed xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:2' "
-            "id='some-long-sm-id' h='5'/>")
-        assert(self.con.sm.resuming)
-    def _send(self, send, r, stanza):
-        for i in range(r):
-            send(stanza)
-    def test_messages(self):
-        message = '<message><body>Helloo </body></message>'
-        iq = '''<iq from='proxy.jabber.ru' to='j.xxxxxxxx.org/Gajim' type='error' id='18'>
-		    <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams'/>
-		    <error code='403' type='auth'>
-		    <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>
-		    </error>
-		    </iq>'''
-        presence = '''<presence from='xxxxxxxxx.com/Talk.v1044194B1E2' to='j.xxxxxxxx.org'>
-		      <priority>24</priority>
-		      <c node="http://www.google.com/xmpp/client/caps" ver="" ext="share-v1 voice-v1" xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/caps"/>
-		      <x stamp="20110614T23:17:51" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/>
-		      <status>In love  Kakashi Sensei :P</status>
-		      <x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update">
-		      <photo>db4b7c52e39ba28562c74542d5988d47f09108a3</photo>
-		      </x>
-		      </presence> '''
-        self._simulate_connect()
-        uqueue = self.con.sm.uqueue
-        self.assertEqual(self.con.sm.out_h, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(self.con.sm.in_h, 0)
-        # The server sends 10 stanzas
-        self._send(self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking, 5, message)
-        self._send(self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking, 4, iq)
-        self._send(self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking, 1, presence)
-        # The client has recieved 10 stanzas and sent none
-        self.assertEqual(self.con.sm.in_h, 10)
-        self.assertEqual(self.con.sm.out_h, 0)
-        m = protocol.Message()
-        # The client sends 10 stanzas
-        for i in range(10):
-            m = protocol.Message(body=str(i))
-            self.dispatcher.send(m)
-        # Client sends 10 stanzas and put them in the queue
-        self.assertEqual(self.con.sm.out_h, 10)
-        self.assertEqual(len(uqueue), 10)
-        # The server acknowledges that it recieved 5 stanzas
-        self.dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking("<a xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:2' h='5'/>")
-        # 5 stanzas are removed from the queue, only 5 stanzas are left
-        self.assertEqual(len(uqueue), 5)
-        # Check for the right order of stanzas in the queue
-        l = ['5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
-        for i in uqueue:
-            self.assertEqual(i.getBody(), l[0])
-            l.pop(0)
-    def test_resumption(self):
-        self._simulate_connect()
-        m = protocol.Message()
-        # The client sends 5 stanzas
-        for i in range(5):
-            m = protocol.Message(body=str(i))
-            self.dispatcher.send(m)
-        self._simulate_resume()
-        # No stanzas left
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.con.sm.uqueue), 0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/unit/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py b/test/unit/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 633549560e4acc481fd6f8a2567d91b73fc08a8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/unit/test_xmpp_transports_nb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Unit test for tranports classes.
-import unittest
-import lib
-from common.xmpp import transports_nb
-class TestModuleLevelFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
-    '''
-    Test class for functions defined at module level
-    '''
-    def test_urisplit(self):
-        def check_uri(uri, proto, host, port, path):
-            _proto, _host, _port, _path = transports_nb.urisplit(uri)
-            self.assertEqual(proto, _proto)
-            self.assertEqual(host, _host)
-            self.assertEqual(path, _path)
-            self.assertEqual(port, _port)
-        check_uri('http://httpcm.jabber.org:5280/webclient', proto='http',
-                host='httpcm.jabber.org', port=5280, path='/webclient')
-        check_uri('http://httpcm.jabber.org/webclient', proto='http',
-                host='httpcm.jabber.org', port=80, path='/webclient')
-        check_uri('https://httpcm.jabber.org/webclient', proto='https',
-                host='httpcm.jabber.org', port=443, path='/webclient')
-    def test_get_proxy_data_from_dict(self):
-        def check_dict(proxy_dict, host, port, user, passwd):
-            _host, _port, _user, _passwd = transports_nb.get_proxy_data_from_dict(
-                    proxy_dict)
-            self.assertEqual(_host, host)
-            self.assertEqual(_port, port)
-            self.assertEqual(_user, user)
-            self.assertEqual(_passwd, passwd)
-        bosh_dict = {'bosh_content': u'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
-                                        'bosh_hold': 2,
-                                        'bosh_http_pipelining': False,
-                                        'bosh_uri': u'http://gajim.org:5280/http-bind',
-                                        'bosh_useproxy': False,
-                                        'bosh_wait': 30,
-                                        'bosh_wait_for_restart_response': False,
-                                        'host': u'',
-                                        'pass': u'pass',
-                                        'port': 3128,
-                                        'type': u'bosh',
-                                        'useauth': True,
-                                        'user': u'user'}
-        check_dict(bosh_dict, host=u'gajim.org', port=5280, user=u'user',
-                passwd=u'pass')
-        proxy_dict = {'bosh_content': u'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
-                                        'bosh_hold': 2,
-                                        'bosh_http_pipelining': False,
-                                        'bosh_port': 5280,
-                                        'bosh_uri': u'',
-                                        'bosh_useproxy': True,
-                                        'bosh_wait': 30,
-                                        'bosh_wait_for_restart_response': False,
-                                        'host': u'',
-                                        'pass': u'pass',
-                                        'port': 3128,
-                                        'type': 'socks5',
-                                        'useauth': True,
-                                        'user': u'user'}
-        check_dict(proxy_dict, host=u'', port=3128, user=u'user',
-                passwd=u'pass')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()