diff --git a/src/common/dbus_support.py b/src/common/dbus_support.py
index be69564ace2522840683e5a935d7cc12a06dcccf..fd9f8111d85b3201f77fe2c84bb232fb0c3e2200 100644
--- a/src/common/dbus_support.py
+++ b/src/common/dbus_support.py
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class SessionBus:
 session_bus = SessionBus()
-def get_interface(interface, path):
+def get_interface(interface, path, start_service=True):
 	'''Returns an interface on the current SessionBus. If the interface isn\'t
 	running, it tries to start it first.'''
 	if not supported:
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def get_interface(interface, path):
 		started = True
 		if interface not in running_services:
 			# try to start the service
-			if dbus_iface.StartServiceByName(interface, dbus.UInt32(0)) == 1:
+			if start_service and dbus_iface.StartServiceByName(interface, dbus.UInt32(0)) == 1:
 				started = True
 				started = False
@@ -142,10 +142,24 @@ def get_interface(interface, path):
 		return None
-def get_notifications_interface():
-	'''Returns the notifications interface.'''
-	return get_interface('org.freedesktop.Notifications',
-		'/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
+def get_notifications_interface(notif=None):
+	'''Returns the notifications interface.
+	:param notif: DesktopNotification instance'''
+	# try to see if KDE notifications are available
+	iface = get_interface('org.kde.VisualNotifications', '/VisualNotifications',
+		start_service=False)
+	if iface != None:
+		if notif != None:
+			notif.kde_notifications = True
+		return iface
+	# KDE notifications don't seem to be available, falling back to
+	# notification-daemon
+	else:
+		if notif != None:
+			notif.kde_notifications = False
+		return get_interface('org.freedesktop.Notifications',
+			'/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
 if supported:
 	class MissingArgument(dbus.DBusException):
diff --git a/src/notify.py b/src/notify.py
index 3473375f2e7c38db14f775401ba9542d8fdb7813..55d62ef3ce904c452ca3da126e0e9be2f4cb7ce5 100644
--- a/src/notify.py
+++ b/src/notify.py
@@ -481,7 +481,8 @@ class DesktopNotification:
 			ntype = 'transfer'
 		elif event_type == _('File Transfer Error'):
 			ntype = 'transfer.error'
-		elif event_type in (_('File Transfer Completed'), _('File Transfer Stopped')):
+		elif event_type in (_('File Transfer Completed'),
+		_('File Transfer Stopped')):
 			ntype = 'transfer.complete'
 		elif event_type == _('New E-mail'):
 			ntype = 'email.arrived'
@@ -498,17 +499,41 @@ class DesktopNotification:
 					'chat_msg_recv.png')) # img to display
 			ntype = 'im' # Notification Type
-		self.notif = dbus_support.get_notifications_interface()
+		self.notif = dbus_support.get_notifications_interface(self)
 		if self.notif is None:
 			raise dbus.DBusException('unable to get notifications interface')
 		self.ntype = ntype
-		self.get_version()
+		if self.kde_notifications:
+			self.attempt_notify()
+		else:
+			self.get_version()
 	def attempt_notify(self):
-		version = self.version
 		timeout = gajim.config.get('notification_timeout') # in seconds
 		ntype = self.ntype
+		if self.kde_notifications:
+			notification_text = '<html><img src="%(image)s" align=left />' + \
+				'%(title)s<br/>%(text)s</html>' % {'title': self.title,
+				'text': self.text, 'image': self.path_to_image}
+			gajim_icon = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps',
+				'gajim.png'))
+			self.notif.Notify(
+				dbus.String(_('Gajim')),			# app_name (string)
+				dbus.UInt32(0),						# replaces_id (uint)
+				ntype,									# event_id (string)
+				dbus.String(gajim_icon),			# app_icon (string)
+				dbus.String(_('')),					# summary (string)
+				dbus.String(notification_text),	# body (string)
+				# actions (stringlist)
+				(dbus.String('default'), dbus.String(self.event_type),
+					dbus.String('ignore'), dbus.String(_('Ignore'))),
+				[],										# hints (not used in KDE yet)
+				dbus.UInt32(timeout*1000),			# timeout (int), in ms
+				reply_handler=self.attach_by_id,
+				error_handler=self.notify_another_way)
+			return
+		version = self.version
 		if version[:2] == [0, 2]:
@@ -586,6 +611,9 @@ class DesktopNotification:
 		self.notif = None
+		if reason == 'ignore':
+			return
 		gajim.interface.handle_event(self.account, self.jid, self.msg_type)
 	def version_reply_handler(self, name, vendor, version, spec_version=None):