From 98432f6666167a15443726a453a5602fdb0f30de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yann Leboulanger <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 22:41:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] cean chatstate code: remove XEP-0022 support and use caps to
 know if a contact supports it

 plugins/banner_tweaks/            | 20 ++---
 src/                        | 87 +++++----------------
 src/common/                   | 89 +++++++++-------------
 src/common/          |  3 +-
 src/common/   | 17 +----
 src/common/                     | 68 ++++++++---------
 src/common/zeroconf/ | 17 ++---
 src/                       |  5 --
 src/                      |  3 +-
 src/                             |  4 +-
 test/unit/                 |  8 +-
 11 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/banner_tweaks/ b/plugins/banner_tweaks/
index a100cfe45..2e7faeb31 100644
--- a/plugins/banner_tweaks/
+++ b/plugins/banner_tweaks/
@@ -135,27 +135,17 @@ class BannerTweaksPlugin(GajimPlugin):
             if cs and st in ('composing_only', 'all'):
                 if == 'offline':
                     chatstate = ''
-                elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0085':
-                    if st == 'all' or cs == 'composing':
-                        chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
-                    else:
-                        chatstate = ''
-                elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0022':
-                    if cs in ('composing', 'paused'):
-                        # only print composing, paused
-                        chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
-                    else:
-                        chatstate = ''
-                else:
-                    # When does that happen ? See [7797] and [7804]
+                elif st == 'all' or cs == 'composing':
                     chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
+                else:
+                    chatstate = ''
                 label_text = '<span %s>%s</span><span %s>%s %s</span>' % \
-                        (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info, chatstate)
+                    (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info, chatstate)
                 # weight="heavy" size="x-large"
                 label_text = '<span %s>%s</span><span %s>%s</span>' % \
-                        (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info)
+                    (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 295574271..136a0a018 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ from common.pep import MOODS, ACTIVITIES
 from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_XHTML, NS_XHTML_IM, NS_FILE, NS_MUC
 from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_RECEIPTS, NS_ESESSION
 from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO, NS_JINGLE_RTP_VIDEO, NS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP
+from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_CHATSTATES
 from common.connection_handlers_events import MessageOutgoingEvent
 from command_system.implementation.middleware import ChatCommandProcessor
@@ -850,8 +851,8 @@ class ChatControlBase(MessageControl, ChatCommandProcessor, CommandTools):
         return label
     def send_message(self, message, keyID='', type_='chat', chatstate=None,
-    msg_id=None, composing_xep=None, resource=None, xhtml=None, callback=None,
-    callback_args=[], process_commands=True):
+    msg_id=None, resource=None, xhtml=None, callback=None, callback_args=[],
+    process_commands=True):
         Send the given message to the active tab. Doesn't return None if error
@@ -866,9 +867,9 @@ class ChatControlBase(MessageControl, ChatCommandProcessor, CommandTools):,
             account=self.account,, message=message,
             keyID=keyID, type_=type_, chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id,
-            composing_xep=composing_xep, resource=resource,
-            user_nick=self.user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, label=label,
-            callback=callback, callback_args=callback_args, control=self))
+            resource=resource, user_nick=self.user_nick, xhtml=xhtml,
+            label=label, callback=callback, callback_args=callback_args,
+            control=self))
         # Record the history of sent messages
         self.save_message(message, 'sent')
@@ -2037,24 +2038,13 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
         if cs and st in ('composing_only', 'all'):
             if == 'offline':
                 chatstate = ''
-            elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0085':
-                if st == 'all' or cs == 'composing':
-                    chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
-                else:
-                    chatstate = ''
-            elif contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0022':
-                if cs in ('composing', 'paused'):
-                    # only print composing, paused
-                    chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
-                else:
-                    chatstate = ''
-            else:
-                # When does that happen ? See [7797] and [7804]
+            elif st == 'all' or cs == 'composing':
                 chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(cs)
+            else:
+                chatstate = ''
             label_text = '<span %s>%s</span><span %s>%s %s</span>' \
-                    % (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small,
-                    acct_info, chatstate)
+                % (font_attrs, name, font_attrs_small, acct_info, chatstate)
             if acct_info:
                 acct_info = ' ' + acct_info
             label_tooltip = '%s%s %s' % (name, acct_info, chatstate)
@@ -2210,7 +2200,7 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
     def send_message(self, message, keyID='', chatstate=None, xhtml=None,
-                    process_commands=True):
+    process_commands=True):
         Send a message to contact
@@ -2234,25 +2224,9 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
         chatstates_on = gajim.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') != \
-        composing_xep = contact.composing_xep
         chatstate_to_send = None
         if chatstates_on and contact is not None:
-            if composing_xep is None:
-                # no info about peer
-                # send active to discover chat state capabilities
-                # this is here (and not in send_chatstate)
-                # because we want it sent with REAL message
-                # (not standlone) eg. one that has body
-                if contact.our_chatstate:
-                    # We already asked for xep 85, don't ask it twice
-                    composing_xep = 'asked_once'
-                chatstate_to_send = 'active'
-                contact.our_chatstate = 'ask' # pseudo state
-            # if peer supports jep85 and we are not 'ask', send 'active'
-            # NOTE: first active and 'ask' is set in
-            elif composing_xep is not False:
+            if contact.supports(NS_CHATSTATES):
                 # send active chatstate on every message (as XEP says)
                 chatstate_to_send = 'active'
                 contact.our_chatstate = 'active'
@@ -2275,10 +2249,9 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
                     xep0184_id=xep0184_id, xhtml=xhtml, displaymarking=displaymarking)
         ChatControlBase.send_message(self, message, keyID, type_='chat',
-                chatstate=chatstate_to_send, composing_xep=composing_xep,
-                xhtml=xhtml, callback=_on_sent,
-                callback_args=[contact, message, encrypted, xhtml, self.get_seclabel()],
-                process_commands=process_commands)
+            chatstate=chatstate_to_send, xhtml=xhtml, callback=_on_sent,
+            callback_args=[contact, message, encrypted, xhtml,
+            self.get_seclabel()], process_commands=process_commands)
     def on_message_sent(self, account_and_message):
@@ -2598,7 +2571,7 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
         if == 'offline':
-        if contact.composing_xep is False: # jid cannot do xep85 nor xep22
+        if not contact.supports(NS_CHATSTATES):
         # if the new state we wanna send (state) equals
@@ -2606,28 +2579,7 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
         if contact.our_chatstate == state:
-        if contact.composing_xep is None:
-            # we don't know anything about jid, so return
-            # NOTE:
-            # send 'active', set current state to 'ask' and return is done
-            # in self.send_message() because we need REAL message (with <body>)
-            # for that procedure so return to make sure we send only once
-            # 'active' until we know peer supports jep85
-            return
-        if contact.our_chatstate == 'ask':
-            return
-        # in JEP22, when we already sent stop composing
-        # notification on paused, don't resend it
-        if contact.composing_xep == 'XEP-0022' and \
-        contact.our_chatstate in ('paused', 'active', 'inactive') and \
-        state is not 'composing': # not composing == in (active, inactive, gone)
-            contact.our_chatstate = 'active'
-            self.reset_kbd_mouse_timeout_vars()
-            return
-        # if we're inactive prevent composing (JEP violation)
+        # if wel're inactive prevent composing (XEP violation)
         if contact.our_chatstate == 'inactive' and state == 'composing':
             # go active before
@@ -2638,11 +2590,10 @@ class ChatControl(ChatControlBase):
             account=self.account,, chatstate=state,
-            msg_id=contact.msg_id, composing_xep=contact.composing_xep,
-            control=self))
+            msg_id=contact.msg_id, control=self))
         contact.our_chatstate = state
-        if contact.our_chatstate == 'active':
+        if state == 'active':
     def shutdown(self):
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index edda989b6..d9998181b 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ class CommonConnection:
         raise NotImplementedError
     def _prepare_message(self, jid, msg, keyID, type_='chat', subject='',
-    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, composing_xep=None, resource=None,
-    user_nick=None, xhtml=None, session=None, forward_from=None, form_node=None,
-    label=None, original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None):
+    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, resource=None, user_nick=None, xhtml=None,
+    session=None, forward_from=None, form_node=None, label=None,
+    original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None):
         if not self.connection or self.connected < 2:
             return 1
@@ -299,35 +299,34 @@ class CommonConnection:
                                 self._message_encrypted_cb(output, type_, msg,
                                     msgtxt, original_message, fjid, resource,
                                     jid, xhtml, subject, chatstate, msg_id,
-                                    composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed,
-                                    session, form_node, user_nick, keyID,
-                                    callback)
+                                    label, forward_from, delayed, session,
+                                    form_node, user_nick, keyID, callback)
                             conn=self, callback=_on_always_trust))
                         self._message_encrypted_cb(output, type_, msg, msgtxt,
                             original_message, fjid, resource, jid, xhtml,
-                            subject, chatstate, msg_id, composing_xep, label,
-                            forward_from, delayed, session, form_node,
-                            user_nick, keyID, callback)
+                            subject, chatstate, msg_id, label, forward_from,
+                            delayed, session, form_node, user_nick, keyID,
+                            callback)
                 gajim.thread_interface(encrypt_thread, [msg, keyID, False],
-                        _on_encrypted, [])
+                    _on_encrypted, [])
             self._message_encrypted_cb(('', error), type_, msg, msgtxt,
                 original_message, fjid, resource, jid, xhtml, subject,
-                chatstate, msg_id, composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed,
-                session, form_node, user_nick, keyID, callback)
+                chatstate, msg_id, label, forward_from, delayed, session,
+                form_node, user_nick, keyID, callback)
         self._on_continue_message(type_, msg, msgtxt, original_message, fjid,
             resource, jid, xhtml, subject, msgenc, keyID, chatstate, msg_id,
-            composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node,
-            user_nick, callback)
+            label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node, user_nick,
+            callback)
     def _message_encrypted_cb(self, output, type_, msg, msgtxt,
     original_message, fjid, resource, jid, xhtml, subject, chatstate, msg_id,
-    composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node, user_nick,
-    keyID, callback):
+    label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node, user_nick, keyID,
+    callback):
         msgenc, error = output
         if msgenc and not error:
@@ -339,8 +338,8 @@ class CommonConnection:
                         ' (' + msgtxt + ')'
             self._on_continue_message(type_, msg, msgtxt, original_message,
                 fjid, resource, jid, xhtml, subject, msgenc, keyID,
-                chatstate, msg_id, composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed,
-                session, form_node, user_nick, callback)
+                chatstate, msg_id, label, forward_from, delayed, session,
+                form_node, user_nick, callback)
         # Encryption failed, do not send message
         tim = localtime()
@@ -349,8 +348,7 @@ class CommonConnection:
     def _on_continue_message(self, type_, msg, msgtxt, original_message, fjid,
     resource, jid, xhtml, subject, msgenc, keyID, chatstate, msg_id,
-    composing_xep, label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node, user_nick,
-    callback):
+    label, forward_from, delayed, session, form_node, user_nick, callback):
         if type_ == 'chat':
             msg_iq = common.xmpp.Message(to=fjid, body=msgtxt, typ=type_,
@@ -386,27 +384,17 @@ class CommonConnection:
             contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(,
-        # chatstates - if peer supports xep85 or xep22, send chatstates
-        # please note that the only valid tag inside a message containing a <body>
-        # tag is the active event
-        if chatstate is not None and contact:
-            if ((composing_xep == 'XEP-0085' or not composing_xep) \
-            and composing_xep != 'asked_once') or \
-            contact.supports(common.xmpp.NS_CHATSTATES):
-                # XEP-0085
-                msg_iq.setTag(chatstate, namespace=common.xmpp.NS_CHATSTATES)
-            if composing_xep in ('XEP-0022', 'asked_once') or \
-            not composing_xep:
-                # XEP-0022
-                chatstate_node = msg_iq.setTag('x', namespace=common.xmpp.NS_EVENT)
-                if chatstate is 'composing' or msgtxt:
-                    chatstate_node.addChild(name='composing')
+        # chatstates - if peer supports xep85, send chatstates
+        # please note that the only valid tag inside a message containing a
+        # <body> tag is the active event
+        if chatstate and contact and contact.supports(NS_CHATSTATES):
+            msg_iq.setTag(chatstate, namespace=NS_CHATSTATES)
         if forward_from:
             addresses = msg_iq.addChild('addresses',
-                    namespace=common.xmpp.NS_ADDRESS)
+                namespace=common.xmpp.NS_ADDRESS)
             addresses.addChild('address', attrs = {'type': 'ofrom',
-                    'jid': forward_from})
+                'jid': forward_from})
         # XEP-0203
         if delayed:
@@ -433,7 +421,7 @@ class CommonConnection:
         if callback:
             callback(jid, msg, keyID, forward_from, session, original_message,
-                    subject, type_, msg_iq, xhtml)
+                subject, type_, msg_iq, xhtml)
     def log_message(self, jid, msg, forward_from, session, original_message,
     subject, type_, xhtml=None):
@@ -717,9 +705,9 @@ class Connection(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlers):
         self.privacy_rules_requested = False
         self.streamError = ''
         self.secret_hmac = str(random.random())[2:]
- = Smacks(self) # Stream Management 
+ = Smacks(self) # Stream Management
         gajim.ged.register_event_handler('privacy-list-received', ged.CORE,
         gajim.ged.register_event_handler('agent-info-error-received', ged.CORE,
@@ -1791,10 +1779,10 @@ class Connection(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlers):
     def send_message(self, jid, msg, keyID=None, type_='chat', subject='',
-    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, composing_xep=None, resource=None,
-    user_nick=None, xhtml=None, label=None, session=None, forward_from=None,
-    form_node=None, original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None,
-    callback_args=[], now=False):
+    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, resource=None, user_nick=None, xhtml=None,
+    label=None, session=None, forward_from=None, form_node=None,
+    original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None, callback_args=[],
+    now=False):
         def cb(jid, msg, keyID, forward_from, session, original_message,
         subject, type_, msg_iq, xhtml):
@@ -1809,9 +1797,9 @@ class Connection(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlers):
                     subject, type_, xhtml)
         self._prepare_message(jid, msg, keyID, type_=type_, subject=subject,
-            chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id, composing_xep=composing_xep,
-            resource=resource, user_nick=user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, label=label,
-            session=session, forward_from=forward_from, form_node=form_node,
+            chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id, resource=resource,
+            user_nick=user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, label=label, session=session,
+            forward_from=forward_from, form_node=form_node,
             original_message=original_message, delayed=delayed, callback=cb)
     def _nec_message_outgoing(self, obj):
@@ -1834,9 +1822,8 @@ class Connection(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlers):
         self._prepare_message(obj.jid, obj.message, obj.keyID, type_=obj.type_,
             subject=obj.subject, chatstate=obj.chatstate, msg_id=obj.msg_id,
-            composing_xep=obj.composing_xep, resource=obj.resource,
-            user_nick=obj.user_nick, xhtml=obj.xhtml, label=obj.label,
-            session=obj.session, forward_from=obj.forward_from,
+            resource=obj.resource, user_nick=obj.user_nick, xhtml=obj.xhtml,
+            label=obj.label, session=obj.session, forward_from=obj.forward_from,
             form_node=obj.form_node, original_message=obj.original_message,
             delayed=obj.delayed, callback=cb)
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index d44be1e30..482a2edae 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -907,8 +907,7 @@ class ConnectionHandlersBase:
         # reset chatstate if needed:
         # (when contact signs out or has errors)
         if in ('offline', 'error'):
-   = = \
-       = None
+   = = None
             # TODO: This causes problems when another
             # resource signs off!
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index 3e691b1b9..b7b8cb9d3 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from common import exceptions
 from common.zeroconf import zeroconf
 from common.logger import LOG_DB_PATH
 from common.pep import SUPPORTED_PERSONAL_USER_EVENTS
+from common.xmpp.protocol import NS_CHATSTATES
 import gtkgui_helpers
@@ -74,28 +75,16 @@ class HelperEvent:
         Extract chatstate from a <message/> stanza
         Requires self.stanza and self.msgtxt
-        self.composing_xep = None
         self.chatstate = None
         # chatstates - look for chatstate tags in a message if not delayed
         delayed = self.stanza.getTag('x', namespace=xmpp.NS_DELAY) is not None
         if not delayed:
-            self.composing_xep = False
             children = self.stanza.getChildren()
             for child in children:
-                if child.getNamespace() == '':
+                if child.getNamespace() == NS_CHATSTATES:
                     self.chatstate = child.getName()
-                    self.composing_xep = 'XEP-0085'
-            # No XEP-0085 support, fallback to XEP-0022
-            if not self.chatstate:
-                chatstate_child = self.stanza.getTag('x',
-                    namespace=xmpp.NS_EVENT)
-                if chatstate_child:
-                    self.chatstate = 'active'
-                    self.composing_xep = 'XEP-0022'
-                    if not self.msgtxt and chatstate_child.getTag('composing'):
-                        self.chatstate = 'composing'
 class HttpAuthReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent):
     name = 'http-auth-received'
@@ -1170,7 +1159,6 @@ class ChatstateReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent):
         self.jid = self.msg_obj.jid
         self.fjid = self.msg_obj.fjid
         self.resource = self.msg_obj.resource
-        self.composing_xep = self.msg_obj.composing_xep
         self.chatstate = self.msg_obj.chatstate
         return True
@@ -2177,7 +2165,6 @@ class MessageOutgoingEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent):
         self.subject = ''
         self.chatstate = None
         self.msg_id = None
-        self.composing_xep = None
         self.resource = None
         self.user_nick = None
         self.xhtml = None
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index e115ef46d..8ddce5b45 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class XMPPEntity(object):
 class CommonContact(XMPPEntity):
     def __init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
-                    our_chatstate, composing_xep, chatstate, client_caps=None):
+    our_chatstate, chatstate, client_caps=None):
         XMPPEntity.__init__(self, jid, account, resource)
@@ -57,17 +57,8 @@ class CommonContact(XMPPEntity):
         self.client_caps = client_caps or caps_cache.NullClientCaps()
         # please read xep-85
-        # we keep track of xep85 support with the peer by three extra states:
-        # None, False and 'ask'
-        # None if no info about peer
-        # False if peer does not support xep85
-        # 'ask' if we sent the first 'active' chatstate and are waiting for reply
         # this holds what WE SEND to contact (our current chatstate)
         self.our_chatstate = our_chatstate
-        # tell which XEP we're using for composing state
-        # None = have to ask, XEP-0022 = use this xep,
-        # XEP-0085 = use this xep, False = no composing support
-        self.composing_xep = composing_xep
         # this is contact's chatstate
         self.chatstate = chatstate
@@ -97,12 +88,12 @@ class Contact(CommonContact):
     Information concerning a contact
     def __init__(self, jid, account, name='', groups=[], show='', status='',
-                    sub='', ask='', resource='', priority=0, keyID='', client_caps=None,
-                    our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None, last_status_time=None, msg_id=
-                    None, composing_xep=None, last_activity_time=None):
+    sub='', ask='', resource='', priority=0, keyID='', client_caps=None,
+    our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None, last_status_time=None, msg_id=None,
+    last_activity_time=None):
         CommonContact.__init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
-                our_chatstate, composing_xep, chatstate, client_caps=client_caps)
+            our_chatstate, chatstate, client_caps=client_caps)
         self.contact_name = '' # nick choosen by contact
         self.groups = [i for i in set(groups)] # filter duplicate values
@@ -184,11 +175,11 @@ class GC_Contact(CommonContact):
     def __init__(self, room_jid, account, name='', show='', status='', role='',
-                    affiliation='', jid='', resource='', our_chatstate=None,
-                    composing_xep=None, chatstate=None):
+    affiliation='', jid='', resource='', our_chatstate=None,
+    chatstate=None):
         CommonContact.__init__(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, name,
-                        our_chatstate, composing_xep, chatstate)
+            our_chatstate, chatstate)
         self.room_jid = room_jid
         self.role = role
@@ -205,8 +196,8 @@ class GC_Contact(CommonContact):
         Create a Contact instance from this GC_Contact instance
         return Contact(jid=self.get_full_jid(), account=self.account,
-      , groups=[],, status=self.status,
-                sub='none', client_caps=self.client_caps)
+  , groups=[],, status=self.status,
+            sub='none', client_caps=self.client_caps)
 class LegacyContactsAPI:
@@ -249,15 +240,15 @@ class LegacyContactsAPI:
     def create_contact(self, jid, account, name='', groups=[], show='',
     status='', sub='', ask='', resource='', priority=0, keyID='',
     client_caps=None, our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None, last_status_time=None,
-    composing_xep=None, last_activity_time=None):
+    last_activity_time=None):
         # Use Account object if available
         account = self._accounts.get(account, account)
         return Contact(jid=jid, account=account, name=name, groups=groups,
-                show=show, status=status, sub=sub, ask=ask, resource=resource,
-                priority=priority, keyID=keyID, client_caps=client_caps,
-                our_chatstate=our_chatstate, chatstate=chatstate,
-                last_status_time=last_status_time, composing_xep=composing_xep,
-                last_activity_time=last_activity_time)
+            show=show, status=status, sub=sub, ask=ask, resource=resource,
+            priority=priority, keyID=keyID, client_caps=client_caps,
+            our_chatstate=our_chatstate, chatstate=chatstate,
+            last_status_time=last_status_time,
+            last_activity_time=last_activity_time)
     def create_self_contact(self, jid, account, resource, show, status, priority,
     name='', keyID=''):
@@ -266,27 +257,28 @@ class LegacyContactsAPI:
         account = self._accounts.get(account, account) # Use Account object if available
         self_contact = self.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account,
                 name=nick, groups=['self_contact'], show=show, status=status,
-                sub='both', ask='none',         priority=priority, keyID=keyID,
+                sub='both', ask='none', priority=priority, keyID=keyID,
         self_contact.pep = conn.pep
         return self_contact
-    def create_not_in_roster_contact(self, jid, account, resource='', name='', keyID=''):
-        account = self._accounts.get(account, account) # Use Account object if available
+    def create_not_in_roster_contact(self, jid, account, resource='', name='',
+    keyID=''):
+        # Use Account object if available
+        account = self._accounts.get(account, account)
         return self.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account, resource=resource,
-                        name=name, groups=[_('Not in Roster')], show='not in roster',
-                        status='', sub='none', keyID=keyID)
+            name=name, groups=[_('Not in Roster')], show='not in roster',
+            status='', sub='none', keyID=keyID)
     def copy_contact(self, contact):
         return self.create_contact(contact.jid, contact.account,
-      , groups=contact.groups,,
-                status=contact.status, sub=contact.sub, ask=contact.ask,
-                resource=contact.resource, priority=contact.priority,
-                keyID=contact.keyID, client_caps=contact.client_caps,
-                our_chatstate=contact.our_chatstate, chatstate=contact.chatstate,
-                last_status_time=contact.last_status_time,
-                composing_xep=contact.composing_xep,
-                last_activity_time=contact.last_activity_time)
+  , groups=contact.groups,,
+            status=contact.status, sub=contact.sub, ask=contact.ask,
+            resource=contact.resource, priority=contact.priority,
+            keyID=contact.keyID, client_caps=contact.client_caps,
+            our_chatstate=contact.our_chatstate, chatstate=contact.chatstate,
+            last_status_time=contact.last_status_time,
+            last_activity_time=contact.last_activity_time)
     def add_contact(self, account, contact):
         if account not in self._accounts:
diff --git a/src/common/zeroconf/ b/src/common/zeroconf/
index cb5a780de..8c96ec23b 100644
--- a/src/common/zeroconf/
+++ b/src/common/zeroconf/
@@ -333,10 +333,10 @@ class ConnectionZeroconf(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlersZeroconf):
                 msg=_('Please check if avahi-daemon is running.')))
     def send_message(self, jid, msg, keyID, type_='chat', subject='',
-    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, composing_xep=None, resource=None,
-    user_nick=None, xhtml=None, label=None, session=None, forward_from=None,
-    form_node=None, original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None,
-    callback_args=[], now=True):
+    chatstate=None, msg_id=None, resource=None, user_nick=None, xhtml=None,
+    label=None, session=None, forward_from=None, form_node=None,
+    original_message=None, delayed=None, callback=None, callback_args=[],
+    now=True):
         def on_send_ok(msg_id):
   , conn=self,
@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ class ConnectionZeroconf(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlersZeroconf):
                     msg=None, time_=None, session=session))
         self._prepare_message(jid, msg, keyID, type_=type_, subject=subject,
-                chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id, composing_xep=composing_xep,
-                resource=resource, user_nick=user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, session=session,
+                chatstate=chatstate, msg_id=msg_id, resource=resource,
+                user_nick=user_nick, xhtml=xhtml, session=session,
                 forward_from=forward_from, form_node=form_node,
                 original_message=original_message, delayed=delayed, callback=cb)
@@ -406,9 +406,8 @@ class ConnectionZeroconf(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlersZeroconf):
         self._prepare_message(obj.jid, obj.message, obj.keyID, type_=obj.type_,
             subject=obj.subject, chatstate=obj.chatstate, msg_id=obj.msg_id,
-            composing_xep=obj.composing_xep, resource=obj.resource,
-            user_nick=obj.user_nick, xhtml=obj.xhtml, label=obj.label,
-            session=obj.session, forward_from=obj.forward_from,
+            resource=obj.resource, user_nick=obj.user_nick, xhtml=obj.xhtml,
+            label=obj.label, session=obj.session, forward_from=obj.forward_from,
             form_node=obj.form_node, original_message=obj.original_message,
             delayed=obj.delayed, callback=cb)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fdf0a5b22..f0f3fd73f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -368,11 +368,6 @@ class Interface:
         jids = obj.fjid.split('/', 1)
         jid = jids[0]
-        if obj.error_code == '503':
-            # If we get server-not-found error, stop sending chatstates
-            for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-                contact.composing_xep = False
         session = obj.session
         gc_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f6cb2c408..584a4790d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -138,8 +138,7 @@ class Remote:
     def on_chatstate_received(self, obj):
         self.raise_signal('ChatState', (, [
-            obj.jid, obj.fjid, obj.stanza, obj.resource, obj.composing_xep,
-            obj.chatstate]))
+            obj.jid, obj.fjid, obj.stanza, obj.resource, obj.chatstate]))
     def on_message_sent(self, obj):
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 158bb974a..9f00b53e6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ class ChatControlSession(stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession):
         contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(, obj.jid,
         if contact:
-            if contact.composing_xep != 'XEP-0085': # We cache xep85 support
-                contact.composing_xep = obj.composing_xep
             if self.control and self.control.type_id == \
                 if obj.chatstate is not None:
@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ class ChatControlSession(stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession):
             gajim.interface.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewMessage', (
       , [obj.fjid, obj.msgtxt, obj.timestamp,
                 obj.encrypted, obj.mtype, obj.subject, obj.chatstate, msg_id,
-                obj.composing_xep, obj.user_nick, obj.xhtml, obj.form_node]))
+                obj.user_nick, obj.xhtml, obj.form_node]))
     def roster_message2(self, obj):
diff --git a/test/unit/ b/test/unit/
index 957f54e42..e0a184312 100644
--- a/test/unit/
+++ b/test/unit/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ class TestCommonContact(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self): = CommonContact(jid='', account="", resource='', show='',
-                status='', name='', our_chatstate=None, composing_xep=None,
-                chatstate=None, client_caps=None)
+            status='', name='', our_chatstate=None, chatstate=None,
+            client_caps=None)
     def test_default_client_supports(self):
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TestContact(TestCommonContact):
         domain model by smoke testing that no attribute values are lost'''
         attributes = ["jid", "resource", "show", "status", "name", "our_chatstate",
-                "composing_xep", "chatstate", "client_caps", "priority", "sub"]
+            "chatstate", "client_caps", "priority", "sub"]
         for attr in attributes:
             self.assertTrue(hasattr(, attr), msg="expected: " + attr)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class TestGC_Contact(TestCommonContact):
         domain model by asserting no attributes have been lost'''
         attributes = ["jid", "resource", "show", "status", "name", "our_chatstate",
-                "composing_xep", "chatstate", "client_caps", "role", "room_jid"]
+            "chatstate", "client_caps", "role", "room_jid"]
         for attr in attributes:
             self.assertTrue(hasattr(, attr), msg="expected: " + attr)