diff --git a/gajim/roster_window.py b/gajim/roster_window.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 113c8c5df5e20143ffea7a52f5404624d40c53db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gajim/roster_window.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5167 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org>
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Mauer <hawke AT hawkesnest.net>
-#                    Stéphan Kochen <stephan AT kochen.nl>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com>
-#                         Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Bethge <stefan AT lanpartei.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org>
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <lukas AT petrovicky.net>
-#                    James Newton <redshodan AT gmail.com>
-#                    Tomasz Melcer <liori AT exroot.org>
-#                    Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com>
-#                    Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org>
-# This file is part of Gajim.
-# Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
-# Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import locale
-import logging
-from enum import IntEnum, unique
-from gi.repository import Gtk
-from gi.repository import Gdk
-from gi.repository import Pango
-from gi.repository import GObject
-from gi.repository import GLib
-from gi.repository import Gio
-from nbxmpp.namespaces import Namespace
-from gajim import dialogs
-from gajim import vcard
-from gajim import gtkgui_helpers
-from gajim import gui_menu_builder
-from gajim.common import app
-from gajim.common import helpers
-from gajim.common.exceptions import GajimGeneralException
-from gajim.common import i18n
-from gajim.common.helpers import save_roster_position
-from gajim.common.helpers import ask_for_status_message
-from gajim.common.i18n import _
-from gajim.common.const import PEPEventType, AvatarSize, StyleAttr
-from gajim.common.dbus import location
-from gajim.common import ged
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import DialogButton
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import ConfirmationDialog
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import ConfirmationCheckDialog
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import ErrorDialog
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import InputDialog
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import InformationDialog
-from gajim.gui.add_contact import AddNewContactWindow
-from gajim.gui.service_registration import ServiceRegistration
-from gajim.gui.discovery import ServiceDiscoveryWindow
-from gajim.gui.tooltips import RosterTooltip
-from gajim.gui.adhoc import AdHocCommand
-from gajim.gui.status_selector import StatusSelector
-from gajim.gui.util import get_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import resize_window
-from gajim.gui.util import restore_roster_position
-from gajim.gui.util import get_metacontact_surface
-from gajim.gui.util import get_builder
-from gajim.gui.util import set_urgency_hint
-from gajim.gui.util import get_activity_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import get_account_activity_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import get_account_mood_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import get_account_tune_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import get_account_location_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import open_window
-log = logging.getLogger('gajim.roster')
-class Column(IntEnum):
-    IMG = 0  # image to show state (online, new message etc)
-    NAME = 1  # cellrenderer text that holds contact nickname
-    TYPE = 2  # account, group or contact?
-    JID = 3  # the jid of the row
-    ACCOUNT = 4  # cellrenderer text that holds account name
-    MOOD_PIXBUF = 5
-    TUNE_ICON = 7
-    AVATAR_IMG = 9  # avatar_sha
-    PADLOCK_PIXBUF = 10  # use for account row only
-    VISIBLE = 11
-class RosterWindow:
-    """
-    Class for main window of the GTK interface
-    """
-    def _get_account_iter(self, name, model=None):
-        """
-        Return the Gtk.TreeIter of the given account or None if not found
-        Keyword arguments:
-        name -- the account name
-        model -- the data model (default TreeFilterModel)
-        """
-        if model is None:
-            model = self.modelfilter
-            if model is None:
-                return
-        if self.regroup:
-            name = 'MERGED'
-        if name not in self._iters:
-            return None
-        it = self._iters[name]['account']
-        if model == self.model or it is None:
-            return it
-        try:
-            (ok, it) = self.modelfilter.convert_child_iter_to_iter(it)
-            if ok:
-                return it
-            return None
-        except RuntimeError:
-            return None
-    def _get_group_iter(self, name, account, model=None):
-        """
-        Return the Gtk.TreeIter of the given group or None if not found
-        Keyword arguments:
-        name -- the group name
-        account -- the account name
-        model -- the data model (default TreeFilterModel)
-        """
-        if model is None:
-            model = self.modelfilter
-            if model is None:
-                return
-        if self.regroup:
-            account = 'MERGED'
-        if account not in self._iters:
-            return None
-        if name not in self._iters[account]['groups']:
-            return None
-        it = self._iters[account]['groups'][name]
-        if model == self.model or it is None:
-            return it
-        try:
-            (ok, it) = self.modelfilter.convert_child_iter_to_iter(it)
-            if ok:
-                return it
-            return None
-        except RuntimeError:
-            return None
-    def _get_self_contact_iter(self, account, model=None):
-        """
-        Return the Gtk.TreeIter of SelfContact or None if not found
-        Keyword arguments:
-        account -- the account of SelfContact
-        model -- the data model (default TreeFilterModel)
-        """
-        jid = app.get_jid_from_account(account)
-        its = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, model=model)
-        if its:
-            return its[0]
-        return None
-    def _get_contact_iter(self, jid, account, contact=None, model=None):
-        """
-        Return a list of Gtk.TreeIter of the given contact
-        Keyword arguments:
-        jid -- the jid without resource
-        account -- the account
-        contact -- the contact (default None)
-        model -- the data model (default TreeFilterModel)
-        """
-        if model is None:
-            model = self.modelfilter
-            # when closing Gajim model can be none (async pbs?)
-            if model is None:
-                return []
-        if not contact:
-            contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
-            if not contact:
-                # We don't know this contact
-                return []
-        if account not in self._iters:
-            return []
-        if jid not in self._iters[account]['contacts']:
-            return []
-        its = self._iters[account]['contacts'][jid]
-        if not its:
-            return []
-        if model == self.model:
-            return its
-        its2 = []
-        for it in its:
-            try:
-                (ok, it) = self.modelfilter.convert_child_iter_to_iter(it)
-                if ok:
-                    its2.append(it)
-            except RuntimeError:
-                pass
-        return its2
-    @staticmethod
-    def _iter_is_separator(model, titer):
-        """
-        Return True if the given iter is a separator
-        Keyword arguments:
-        model -- the data model
-        iter -- the Gtk.TreeIter to test
-        """
-        if model[titer][0] == 'SEPARATOR':
-            return True
-        return False
-### Methods for adding and removing roster window items
-    def add_account(self, account):
-        """
-        Add account to roster and draw it. Do nothing if it is already in
-        """
-        if self._get_account_iter(account):
-            # Will happen on reconnect or for merged accounts
-            return
-        if self.regroup:
-            # Merged accounts view
-            show = helpers.get_global_show()
-            it = self.model.append(None, [get_icon_name(show),
-                _('Merged accounts'), 'account', '', 'all', None, None, None,
-                None, None, None, True] + [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)
-            self._iters['MERGED']['account'] = it
-        else:
-            show = helpers.get_connection_status(account)
-            our_jid = app.get_jid_from_account(account)
-            it = self.model.append(None, [get_icon_name(show),
-                GLib.markup_escape_text(account), 'account', our_jid,
-                account, None, None, None, None, None, None, True] +
-                [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)
-            self._iters[account]['account'] = it
-        self.draw_account(account)
-    def add_account_contacts(self, account, improve_speed=True,
-    draw_contacts=True):
-        """
-        Add all contacts and groups of the given account to roster, draw them
-        and account
-        """
-        if improve_speed:
-            self._before_fill()
-        jids = app.contacts.get_jid_list(account)
-        for jid in jids:
-            self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        if draw_contacts:
-            # Do not freeze the GUI when drawing the contacts
-            if jids:
-                # Overhead is big, only invoke when needed
-                self._idle_draw_jids_of_account(jids, account)
-            # Draw all known groups
-            for group in app.groups[account]:
-                self.draw_group(group, account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        if improve_speed:
-            self._after_fill()
-    def _add_group_iter(self, account, group):
-        """
-        Add a group iter in roster and return the newly created iter
-        """
-        if self.regroup:
-            account_group = 'MERGED'
-        else:
-            account_group = account
-        delimiter = app.connections[account].get_module('Delimiter').delimiter
-        group_splited = group.split(delimiter)
-        parent_group = delimiter.join(group_splited[:-1])
-        if len(group_splited) > 1 and parent_group in self._iters[account_group]['groups']:
-            iter_parent = self._iters[account_group]['groups'][parent_group]
-        elif parent_group:
-            iter_parent = self._add_group_iter(account, parent_group)
-            if parent_group not in app.groups[account]:
-                if account + parent_group in self.collapsed_rows:
-                    is_expanded = False
-                else:
-                    is_expanded = True
-                app.groups[account][parent_group] = {'expand': is_expanded}
-        else:
-            iter_parent = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        iter_group = self.model.append(iter_parent,
-            [get_icon_name('closed'),
-            GLib.markup_escape_text(group), 'group', group, account, None,
-            None, None, None, None, None, False] + [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)
-        self.draw_group(group, account)
-        self._iters[account_group]['groups'][group] = iter_group
-        return iter_group
-    def _add_entity(self, contact, account, groups=None,
-    big_brother_contact=None, big_brother_account=None):
-        """
-        Add the given contact to roster data model
-        Contact is added regardless if he is already in roster or not. Return
-        list of newly added iters.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        contact -- the contact to add
-        account -- the contacts account
-        groups -- list of groups to add the contact to.
-                  (default groups in contact.get_shown_groups()).
-                Parameter ignored when big_brother_contact is specified.
-        big_brother_contact -- if specified contact is added as child
-                  big_brother_contact. (default None)
-        """
-        added_iters = []
-        visible = self.contact_is_visible(contact, account)
-        if big_brother_contact:
-            # Add contact under big brother
-            parent_iters = self._get_contact_iter(
-                    big_brother_contact.jid, big_brother_account,
-                    big_brother_contact, self.model)
-            # Do not confuse get_contact_iter: Sync groups of family members
-            contact.groups = big_brother_contact.groups[:]
-            image = self._get_avatar_image(account, contact.jid)
-            for child_iter in parent_iters:
-                it = self.model.append(child_iter, [None,
-                    contact.get_shown_name(), 'contact', contact.jid, account,
-                    None, None, None, None, image, None, visible] + \
-                    [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)
-                added_iters.append(it)
-                if contact.jid in self._iters[account]['contacts']:
-                    self._iters[account]['contacts'][contact.jid].append(it)
-                else:
-                    self._iters[account]['contacts'][contact.jid] = [it]
-        else:
-            # We are a normal contact. Add us to our groups.
-            if not groups:
-                groups = contact.get_shown_groups()
-            for group in groups:
-                child_iterG = self._get_group_iter(group, account,
-                    model=self.model)
-                if not child_iterG:
-                    # Group is not yet in roster, add it!
-                    child_iterG = self._add_group_iter(account, group)
-                if contact.is_transport():
-                    typestr = 'agent'
-                elif contact.is_groupchat:
-                    typestr = 'groupchat'
-                else:
-                    typestr = 'contact'
-                image = self._get_avatar_image(account, contact.jid)
-                # we add some values here. see draw_contact
-                # for more
-                i_ = self.model.append(child_iterG, [None,
-                    contact.get_shown_name(), typestr, contact.jid, account,
-                    None, None, None, None, image, None, visible] + \
-                    [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)
-                added_iters.append(i_)
-                if contact.jid in self._iters[account]['contacts']:
-                    self._iters[account]['contacts'][contact.jid].append(i_)
-                else:
-                    self._iters[account]['contacts'][contact.jid] = [i_]
-                # Restore the group expand state
-                if account + group in self.collapsed_rows:
-                    is_expanded = False
-                else:
-                    is_expanded = True
-                if group not in app.groups[account]:
-                    app.groups[account][group] = {'expand': is_expanded}
-        return added_iters
-    def _remove_entity(self, contact, account, groups=None):
-        """
-        Remove the given contact from roster data model
-        Empty groups after contact removal are removed too.
-        Return False if contact still has children and deletion was
-        not performed.
-        Return True on success.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        contact -- the contact to add
-        account -- the contacts account
-        groups -- list of groups to remove the contact from.
-        """
-        iters = self._get_contact_iter(contact.jid, account, contact,
-            self.model)
-        parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(iters[0])
-        parent_type = self.model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE]
-        if groups:
-            # Only remove from specified groups
-            all_iters = iters[:]
-            group_iters = [self._get_group_iter(group, account)
-                    for group in groups]
-            iters = [titer for titer in all_iters
-                    if self.model.iter_parent(titer) in group_iters]
-        iter_children = self.model.iter_children(iters[0])
-        if iter_children:
-            # We have children. We cannot be removed!
-            return False
-        # Remove us and empty groups from the model
-        for i in iters:
-            parent_i = self.model.iter_parent(i)
-            parent_type = self.model[parent_i][Column.TYPE]
-            to_be_removed = i
-            while parent_type == 'group' and \
-            self.model.iter_n_children(parent_i) == 1:
-                if self.regroup:
-                    account_group = 'MERGED'
-                else:
-                    account_group = account
-                group = self.model[parent_i][Column.JID]
-                if group in app.groups[account]:
-                    del app.groups[account][group]
-                to_be_removed = parent_i
-                del self._iters[account_group]['groups'][group]
-                parent_i = self.model.iter_parent(parent_i)
-                parent_type = self.model[parent_i][Column.TYPE]
-            self.model.remove(to_be_removed)
-        del self._iters[account]['contacts'][contact.jid]
-        return True
-    def _add_metacontact_family(self, family, account):
-        """
-        Add the give Metacontact family to roster data model
-        Add Big Brother to his groups and all others under him.
-        Return list of all added (contact, account) tuples with
-        Big Brother as first element.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        family -- the family, see Contacts.get_metacontacts_family()
-        """
-        nearby_family, big_brother_jid, big_brother_account = \
-                self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)
-        if not big_brother_jid:
-            return []
-        big_brother_contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(
-                big_brother_account, big_brother_jid)
-        self._add_entity(big_brother_contact, big_brother_account)
-        brothers = []
-        # Filter family members
-        for data in nearby_family:
-            _account = data['account']
-            _jid = data['jid']
-            _contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(
-                    _account, _jid)
-            if not _contact or _contact == big_brother_contact:
-                # Corresponding account is not connected
-                # or brother already added
-                continue
-            self._add_entity(_contact, _account,
-                    big_brother_contact=big_brother_contact,
-                    big_brother_account=big_brother_account)
-            brothers.append((_contact, _account))
-        brothers.insert(0, (big_brother_contact, big_brother_account))
-        return brothers
-    def _remove_metacontact_family(self, family, account):
-        """
-        Remove the given Metacontact family from roster data model
-        See Contacts.get_metacontacts_family() and
-        RosterWindow._remove_entity()
-        """
-        nearby_family = self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(
-                family, account)[0]
-        # Family might has changed (actual big brother not on top).
-        # Remove children first then big brother
-        family_in_roster = False
-        for data in nearby_family:
-            _account = data['account']
-            _jid = data['jid']
-            _contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(_account, _jid)
-            iters = self._get_contact_iter(_jid, _account, _contact, self.model)
-            if not iters or not _contact:
-                # Family might not be up to date.
-                # Only try to remove what is actually in the roster
-                continue
-            family_in_roster = True
-            parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(iters[0])
-            parent_type = self.model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE]
-            if parent_type != 'contact':
-                # The contact on top
-                old_big_account = _account
-                old_big_contact = _contact
-                continue
-            self._remove_entity(_contact, _account)
-        if not family_in_roster:
-            return False
-        self._remove_entity(old_big_contact, old_big_account)
-        return True
-    def _recalibrate_metacontact_family(self, family, account):
-        """
-        Regroup metacontact family if necessary
-        """
-        brothers = []
-        nearby_family, big_brother_jid, big_brother_account = \
-            self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)
-        big_brother_contact = app.contacts.get_contact(big_brother_account,
-            big_brother_jid)
-        child_iters = self._get_contact_iter(big_brother_jid,
-            big_brother_account, model=self.model)
-        if child_iters:
-            parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(child_iters[0])
-            parent_type = self.model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE]
-            # Check if the current BigBrother has even been before.
-            if parent_type == 'contact':
-                for data in nearby_family:
-                    # recalibrate after remove to keep highlight
-                    if data['jid'] in app.to_be_removed[data['account']]:
-                        return
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(family, account)
-                brothers = self._add_metacontact_family(family, account)
-                for c, acc in brothers:
-                    self.draw_completely(c.jid, acc)
-        # Check is small brothers are under the big brother
-        for child in nearby_family:
-            _jid = child['jid']
-            _account = child['account']
-            if _account == big_brother_account and _jid == big_brother_jid:
-                continue
-            child_iters = self._get_contact_iter(_jid, _account,
-                model=self.model)
-            if not child_iters:
-                continue
-            parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(child_iters[0])
-            parent_type = self.model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE]
-            if parent_type != 'contact':
-                _contact = app.contacts.get_contact(_account, _jid)
-                self._remove_entity(_contact, _account)
-                self._add_entity(_contact, _account, groups=None,
-                        big_brother_contact=big_brother_contact,
-                        big_brother_account=big_brother_account)
-    def _get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(self, family, account):
-        return app.contacts.get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)
-    def _add_self_contact(self, account):
-        """
-        Add account's SelfContact to roster and draw it and the account
-        Return the SelfContact contact instance
-        """
-        jid = app.get_jid_from_account(account)
-        contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
-        child_iterA = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        self._iters[account]['contacts'][jid] = [self.model.append(child_iterA,
-            [None, app.nicks[account], 'self_contact', jid, account, None,
-            None, None, None, None, None, True] + [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers)]
-        self.draw_completely(jid, account)
-        self.draw_account(account)
-        return contact
-    def redraw_metacontacts(self, account):
-        for family in app.contacts.iter_metacontacts_families(account):
-            self._recalibrate_metacontact_family(family, account)
-    def add_contact(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Add contact to roster and draw him
-        Add contact to all its group and redraw the groups, the contact and the
-        account. If it's a Metacontact, add and draw the whole family.
-        Do nothing if the contact is already in roster.
-        Return the added contact instance. If it is a Metacontact return
-        Big Brother.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        jid -- the contact's jid or SelfJid to add SelfContact
-        account -- the corresponding account.
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        if self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, contact, self.model):
-            # If contact already in roster, do nothing
-            return
-        if jid == app.get_jid_from_account(account):
-            return self._add_self_contact(account)
-        is_observer = contact.is_observer()
-        if is_observer:
-            # if he has a tag, remove it
-            app.contacts.remove_metacontact(account, jid)
-        # Add contact to roster
-        family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-        contacts = []
-        if family:
-            # We have a family. So we are a metacontact.
-            # Add all family members that we shall be grouped with
-            if self.regroup:
-                # remove existing family members to regroup them
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(family, account)
-            contacts = self._add_metacontact_family(family, account)
-        else:
-            # We are a normal contact
-            contacts = [(contact, account), ]
-            self._add_entity(contact, account)
-        # Draw the contact and its groups contact
-        if not self.starting:
-            for c, acc in contacts:
-                self.draw_completely(c.jid, acc)
-            for group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                self.draw_group(group, account)
-                self._adjust_group_expand_collapse_state(group, account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        return contacts[0][0] # it's contact/big brother with highest priority
-    def remove_contact(self, jid, account, force=False, backend=False, maximize=False):
-        """
-        Remove contact from roster
-        Remove contact from all its group. Remove empty groups or redraw
-        otherwise.
-        Draw the account.
-        If it's a Metacontact, remove the whole family.
-        Do nothing if the contact is not in roster.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        jid -- the contact's jid or SelfJid to remove SelfContact
-        account -- the corresponding account.
-        force -- remove contact even it has pending evens (Default False)
-        backend -- also remove contact instance (Default False)
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        if not contact:
-            return
-        if not force and self.contact_has_pending_roster_events(contact,
-        account):
-            return False
-        iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, contact, self.model)
-        if iters:
-            # no more pending events
-            # Remove contact from roster directly
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-            if family:
-                # We have a family. So we are a metacontact.
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(family, account)
-            else:
-                self._remove_entity(contact, account)
-        old_grps = []
-        if backend:
-            if not app.window.get_control(account, jid) or \
-            force:
-                # If a window is still opened: don't remove contact instance
-                # Remove contact before redrawing, otherwise the old
-                # numbers will still be show
-                if not maximize:
-                    # Don't remove contact when we maximize a room
-                    app.contacts.remove_jid(account, jid, remove_meta=True)
-                if iters:
-                    rest_of_family = [data for data in family
-                        if account != data['account'] or jid != data['jid']]
-                    if rest_of_family:
-                        # reshow the rest of the family
-                        brothers = self._add_metacontact_family(rest_of_family,
-                            account)
-                        for c, acc in brothers:
-                            self.draw_completely(c.jid, acc)
-            else:
-                for c in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-                    c.sub = 'none'
-                    c.show = 'not in roster'
-                    c.status = ''
-                    old_grps = c.get_shown_groups()
-                    c.groups = [_('Not in contact list')]
-                    self._add_entity(c, account)
-                    self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-        if iters:
-            # Draw all groups of the contact
-            for group in contact.get_shown_groups() + old_grps:
-                self.draw_group(group, account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        return True
-    def rename_self_contact(self, old_jid, new_jid, account):
-        """
-        Rename the self_contact jid
-        Keyword arguments:
-        old_jid -- our old jid
-        new_jid -- our new jid
-        account -- the corresponding account.
-        """
-        app.contacts.change_contact_jid(old_jid, new_jid, account)
-        self_iter = self._get_self_contact_iter(account, model=self.model)
-        if not self_iter:
-            return
-        self.model[self_iter][Column.JID] = new_jid
-        self.draw_contact(new_jid, account)
-    def minimize_groupchat(self, account, jid, status=''):
-        gc_control = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, account)
-        app.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid] = gc_control
-        self.add_groupchat(jid, account)
-    def add_groupchat(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Add groupchat to roster and draw it. Return the added contact instance
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_groupchat_contact(account, jid)
-        show = 'offline'
-        if app.account_is_available(account):
-            show = 'online'
-        contact.show = show
-        self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        return contact
-    def remove_groupchat(self, jid, account, maximize=False):
-        """
-        Remove groupchat from roster and redraw account and group
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        if contact.is_groupchat:
-            if jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account]:
-                del app.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid]
-            self.remove_contact(jid, account, force=True, backend=True, maximize=maximize)
-            return True
-        return False
-    # FIXME: This function is yet unused! Port to new API
-    def add_transport(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Add transport to roster and draw it. Return the added contact instance
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        if contact is None:
-            contact = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account,
-                name=jid, groups=[_('Transports')], show='offline',
-                status='offline', sub='from')
-            app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
-        self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        return contact
-    def remove_transport(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Remove transport from roster and redraw account and group
-        """
-        self.remove_contact(jid, account, force=True, backend=True)
-        return True
-    def rename_group(self, old_name, new_name, account):
-        """
-        Rename a roster group
-        """
-        if old_name == new_name:
-            return
-        # Groups may not change name from or to a special groups
-        for g in helpers.special_groups:
-            if g in (new_name, old_name):
-                return
-        # update all contacts in the given group
-        if self.regroup:
-            accounts = app.connections.keys()
-        else:
-            accounts = [account, ]
-        for acc in accounts:
-            changed_contacts = []
-            for jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(acc):
-                contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(acc, jid)
-                if old_name not in contact.groups:
-                    continue
-                self.remove_contact(jid, acc, force=True)
-                contact.groups.remove(old_name)
-                if new_name not in contact.groups:
-                    contact.groups.append(new_name)
-                changed_contacts.append({'jid': jid, 'name': contact.name,
-                    'groups':contact.groups})
-            app.connections[acc].get_module('Roster').update_contacts(
-                changed_contacts)
-            for c in changed_contacts:
-                self.add_contact(c['jid'], acc)
-            self._adjust_group_expand_collapse_state(new_name, acc)
-            self.draw_group(old_name, acc)
-            self.draw_group(new_name, acc)
-    def add_contact_to_groups(self, jid, account, groups, update=True):
-        """
-        Add contact to given groups and redraw them
-        Contact on server is updated too. When the contact has a family,
-        the action will be performed for all members.
-        Keyword Arguments:
-        jid -- the jid
-        account -- the corresponding account
-        groups -- list of Groups to add the contact to.
-        update -- update contact on the server
-        """
-        self.remove_contact(jid, account, force=True)
-        for contact in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-            for group in groups:
-                if group not in contact.groups:
-                    # we might be dropped from meta to group
-                    contact.groups.append(group)
-            if update:
-                con = app.connections[account]
-                con.get_module('Roster').update_contact(
-                    jid, contact.name, contact.groups)
-        self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        for group in groups:
-            self._adjust_group_expand_collapse_state(group, account)
-    def remove_contact_from_groups(self, jid, account, groups, update=True):
-        """
-        Remove contact from given groups and redraw them
-        Contact on server is updated too. When the contact has a family,
-        the action will be performed for all members.
-        Keyword Arguments:
-        jid -- the jid
-        account -- the corresponding account
-        groups -- list of Groups to remove the contact from
-        update -- update contact on the server
-        """
-        self.remove_contact(jid, account, force=True)
-        for contact in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-            for group in groups:
-                if group in contact.groups:
-                    # Needed when we remove from "General" or "Observers"
-                    contact.groups.remove(group)
-            if update:
-                con = app.connections[account]
-                con.get_module('Roster').update_contact(
-                    jid, contact.name, contact.groups)
-        self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        # Also redraw old groups
-        for group in groups:
-            self.draw_group(group, account)
-    # FIXME: maybe move to app.py
-    def remove_newly_added(self, jid, account):
-        if account not in app.newly_added:
-            # Account has been deleted during the timeout that called us
-            return
-        if jid in app.newly_added[account]:
-            app.newly_added[account].remove(jid)
-            self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-    # FIXME: maybe move to app.py
-    def remove_to_be_removed(self, jid, account):
-        if account not in app.interface.instances:
-            # Account has been deleted during the timeout that called us
-            return
-        if jid in app.newly_added[account]:
-            return
-        if jid in app.to_be_removed[account]:
-            app.to_be_removed[account].remove(jid)
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-            if family:
-                # Perform delayed recalibration
-                self._recalibrate_metacontact_family(family, account)
-            self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-            # Hide Group if all children are hidden
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid)
-            if not contact:
-                return
-            for group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                self.draw_group(group, account)
-    # FIXME: integrate into add_contact()
-    def add_to_not_in_the_roster(self, account, jid, nick='', resource='',
-                                 groupchat=False):
-        contact = app.contacts.create_not_in_roster_contact(
-            jid=jid, account=account, resource=resource, name=nick,
-            groupchat=groupchat)
-        app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
-        self.add_contact(contact.jid, account)
-        return contact
-### Methods for adding and removing roster window items
-    def _really_draw_account(self, account):
-        child_iter = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        if not child_iter:
-            return
-        if self.regroup:
-            account_name = _('Merged accounts')
-            accounts = []
-        else:
-            account_name = app.get_account_label(account)
-            accounts = [account]
-        if account in self.collapsed_rows and \
-        self.model.iter_has_child(child_iter):
-            account_name = '[%s]' % account_name
-        if (app.account_is_available(account) or (self.regroup and \
-        app.get_number_of_connected_accounts())) and app.settings.get(
-        'show_contacts_number'):
-            nbr_on, nbr_total = app.contacts.get_nb_online_total_contacts(
-                    accounts=accounts)
-            account_name += ' (%s/%s)' % (repr(nbr_on), repr(nbr_total))
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.NAME] = GLib.markup_escape_text(account_name)
-        mood_icon_name = get_account_mood_icon_name(account)
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.MOOD_PIXBUF] = mood_icon_name
-        activity_icon_name = get_account_activity_icon_name(account)
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.ACTIVITY_PIXBUF] = activity_icon_name
-        tune_icon_name = get_account_tune_icon_name(account)
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.TUNE_ICON] = tune_icon_name
-        location_icon_name = get_account_location_icon_name(account)
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.LOCATION_ICON] = location_icon_name
-    def _really_draw_accounts(self):
-        for acct in self.accounts_to_draw:
-            self._really_draw_account(acct)
-        self.accounts_to_draw = []
-        return False
-    def draw_account(self, account):
-        if account in self.accounts_to_draw:
-            return
-        self.accounts_to_draw.append(account)
-        if len(self.accounts_to_draw) == 1:
-            GLib.timeout_add(200, self._really_draw_accounts)
-    def _really_draw_group(self, group, account):
-        child_iter = self._get_group_iter(group, account, model=self.model)
-        if not child_iter:
-            # Eg. We redraw groups after we removed a entity
-            # and its empty groups
-            return
-        if self.regroup:
-            accounts = []
-        else:
-            accounts = [account]
-        text = GLib.markup_escape_text(group)
-        if app.settings.get('show_contacts_number'):
-            nbr_on, nbr_total = app.contacts.get_nb_online_total_contacts(
-                    accounts=accounts, groups=[group])
-            text += ' (%s/%s)' % (repr(nbr_on), repr(nbr_total))
-        self.model[child_iter][Column.NAME] = text
-        # Hide group if no more contacts
-        iterG = self._get_group_iter(group, account, model=self.modelfilter)
-        to_hide = []
-        while iterG:
-            parent = self.modelfilter.iter_parent(iterG)
-            if (not self.modelfilter.iter_has_child(iterG)) or (to_hide \
-            and self.modelfilter.iter_n_children(iterG) == 1):
-                to_hide.append(iterG)
-                if not parent or self.modelfilter[parent][Column.TYPE] != \
-                'group':
-                    iterG = None
-                else:
-                    iterG = parent
-            else:
-                iterG = None
-        for iter_ in to_hide:
-            self.modelfilter[iter_][Column.VISIBLE] = False
-    def _really_draw_groups(self):
-        for ag in self.groups_to_draw.values():
-            acct = ag['account']
-            grp = ag['group']
-            self._really_draw_group(grp, acct)
-        self.groups_to_draw = {}
-        return False
-    def draw_group(self, group, account):
-        ag = account + group
-        if ag in self.groups_to_draw:
-            return
-        self.groups_to_draw[ag] = {'group': group, 'account': account}
-        if len(self.groups_to_draw) == 1:
-            GLib.timeout_add(200, self._really_draw_groups)
-    def draw_parent_contact(self, jid, account):
-        child_iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, model=self.model)
-        if not child_iters:
-            return False
-        parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(child_iters[0])
-        if self.model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE] != 'contact':
-            # parent is not a contact
-            return
-        parent_jid = self.model[parent_iter][Column.JID]
-        parent_account = self.model[parent_iter][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        self.draw_contact(parent_jid, parent_account)
-        return False
-    def draw_contact(self, jid, account, selected=False, focus=False,
-    contact_instances=None, contact=None):
-        """
-        Draw the correct state image, name BUT not avatar
-        """
-        # focus is about if the roster window has toplevel-focus or not
-        # FIXME: We really need a custom cell_renderer
-        if not contact_instances:
-            contact_instances = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-        if not contact:
-            contact = app.contacts.get_highest_prio_contact_from_contacts(
-                contact_instances)
-        if not contact:
-            return False
-        child_iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, contact, self.model)
-        if not child_iters:
-            return False
-        name = GLib.markup_escape_text(contact.get_shown_name())
-        # gets number of unread gc marked messages
-        if jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account] and \
-        app.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid]:
-            nb_unread = len(app.events.get_events(account, jid,
-                    ['printed_marked_gc_msg']))
-            nb_unread += app.interface.minimized_controls \
-                    [account][jid].get_nb_unread_pm()
-            if nb_unread == 1:
-                name = '%s *' % name
-            elif nb_unread > 1:
-                name = '%s [%s]' % (name, str(nb_unread))
-        # Strike name if blocked
-        strike = helpers.jid_is_blocked(account, jid)
-        if strike:
-            name = '<span strikethrough="true">%s</span>' % name
-        # Show resource counter
-        nb_connected_contact = 0
-        for c in contact_instances:
-            if c.show not in ('error', 'offline'):
-                nb_connected_contact += 1
-        if nb_connected_contact > 1:
-            # switch back to default writing direction
-            name += i18n.paragraph_direction_mark(name)
-            name += ' (%d)' % nb_connected_contact
-        # add status msg, if not empty, under contact name in
-        # the treeview
-        if app.settings.get('show_status_msgs_in_roster'):
-            status_span = '\n<span size="small" style="italic" ' \
-                          'alpha="70%">{}</span>'
-            if contact.is_groupchat:
-                disco_info = app.storage.cache.get_last_disco_info(contact.jid)
-                if disco_info is not None:
-                    description = disco_info.muc_description
-                    if description:
-                        name += status_span.format(
-                            GLib.markup_escape_text(description))
-            elif contact.status:
-                status = contact.status.strip()
-                if status != '':
-                    status = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(
-                        status, max_lines=1)
-                    name += status_span.format(
-                        GLib.markup_escape_text(status))
-        icon_name = helpers.get_icon_name_to_show(contact, account)
-        # look if another resource has awaiting events
-        for c in contact_instances:
-            c_icon_name = helpers.get_icon_name_to_show(c, account)
-            if c_icon_name in ('event', 'muc-active', 'muc-inactive'):
-                icon_name = c_icon_name
-                break
-        # Check for events of collapsed (hidden) brothers
-        family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-        is_big_brother = False
-        have_visible_children = False
-        if family:
-            bb_jid, bb_account = \
-                self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)[1:]
-            is_big_brother = (jid, account) == (bb_jid, bb_account)
-            iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account)
-            have_visible_children = iters and \
-                self.modelfilter.iter_has_child(iters[0])
-        if have_visible_children:
-            # We are the big brother and have a visible family
-            for child_iter in child_iters:
-                child_path = self.model.get_path(child_iter)
-                path = self.modelfilter.convert_child_path_to_path(child_path)
-                if not path:
-                    continue
-                if not self.tree.row_expanded(path) and icon_name != 'event':
-                    iterC = self.model.iter_children(child_iter)
-                    while iterC:
-                        # a child has awaiting messages?
-                        jidC = self.model[iterC][Column.JID]
-                        accountC = self.model[iterC][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                        if app.events.get_events(accountC, jidC):
-                            icon_name = 'event'
-                            break
-                        iterC = self.model.iter_next(iterC)
-                if self.tree.row_expanded(path):
-                    icon_name += ':opened'
-                else:
-                    icon_name += ':closed'
-                theme_icon = get_icon_name(icon_name)
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.IMG] = theme_icon
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.NAME] = name
-                #TODO: compute visible
-                visible = True
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.VISIBLE] = visible
-        else:
-            # A normal contact or little brother
-            transport = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid)
-            if transport == 'jabber':
-                transport = None
-            theme_icon = get_icon_name(icon_name, transport=transport)
-            visible = self.contact_is_visible(contact, account)
-            # All iters have the same icon (no expand/collapse)
-            for child_iter in child_iters:
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.IMG] = theme_icon
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.NAME] = name
-                self.model[child_iter][Column.VISIBLE] = visible
-                if visible:
-                    parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(child_iter)
-                    self.model[parent_iter][Column.VISIBLE] = True
-            # We are a little brother
-            if family and not is_big_brother and not self.starting:
-                self.draw_parent_contact(jid, account)
-        if visible:
-            delimiter = app.connections[account].get_module('Delimiter').delimiter
-            for group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                group_splited = group.split(delimiter)
-                i = 1
-                while i < len(group_splited) + 1:
-                    g = delimiter.join(group_splited[:i])
-                    iterG = self._get_group_iter(g, account, model=self.model)
-                    if iterG:
-                        # it's not self contact
-                        self.model[iterG][Column.VISIBLE] = True
-                    i += 1
-        app.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point('roster_draw_contact', self,
-            jid, account, contact)
-        return False
-    def _is_pep_shown_in_roster(self, pep_type):
-        if pep_type == PEPEventType.MOOD:
-            return app.settings.get('show_mood_in_roster')
-        if pep_type == PEPEventType.ACTIVITY:
-            return app.settings.get('show_activity_in_roster')
-        if pep_type == PEPEventType.TUNE:
-            return  app.settings.get('show_tunes_in_roster')
-        if pep_type == PEPEventType.LOCATION:
-            return  app.settings.get('show_location_in_roster')
-        return False
-    def draw_all_pep_types(self, jid, account, contact=None):
-        self._draw_pep(account, jid, PEPEventType.MOOD)
-        self._draw_pep(account, jid, PEPEventType.ACTIVITY)
-        self._draw_pep(account, jid, PEPEventType.TUNE)
-        self._draw_pep(account, jid, PEPEventType.LOCATION)
-    def _draw_pep(self, account, jid, type_):
-        if not self._is_pep_shown_in_roster(type_):
-            return
-        iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, model=self.model)
-        if not iters:
-            return
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid)
-        icon = None
-        data = contact.pep.get(type_)
-        if type_ == PEPEventType.MOOD:
-            column = Column.MOOD_PIXBUF
-            if data is not None:
-                icon = 'mood-%s' % data.mood
-        elif type_ == PEPEventType.ACTIVITY:
-            column = Column.ACTIVITY_PIXBUF
-            if data is not None:
-                icon = get_activity_icon_name(data.activity, data.subactivity)
-        elif type_ == PEPEventType.TUNE:
-            column = Column.TUNE_ICON
-            if data is not None:
-                icon = 'audio-x-generic'
-        elif type_ == PEPEventType.LOCATION:
-            column = Column.LOCATION_ICON
-            if data is not None:
-                icon = 'applications-internet'
-        for child_iter in iters:
-            self.model[child_iter][column] = icon
-    def _get_avatar_image(self, account, jid):
-        if not app.settings.get('show_avatars_in_roster'):
-            return None
-        scale = self.window.get_scale_factor()
-        surface = app.contacts.get_avatar(
-            account, jid, AvatarSize.ROSTER, scale)
-        return Gtk.Image.new_from_surface(surface)
-    def draw_avatar(self, jid, account):
-        iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account, model=self.model)
-        if not iters or not app.settings.get('show_avatars_in_roster'):
-            return
-        jid = self.model[iters[0]][Column.JID]
-        image = self._get_avatar_image(account, jid)
-        for child_iter in iters:
-            self.model[child_iter][Column.AVATAR_IMG] = image
-        return False
-    def draw_completely(self, jid, account):
-        contact_instances = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-        contact = app.contacts.get_highest_prio_contact_from_contacts(
-            contact_instances)
-        self.draw_contact(
-            jid, account,
-            contact_instances=contact_instances,
-            contact=contact)
-    def adjust_and_draw_contact_context(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Draw contact, account and groups of given jid Show contact if it has
-        pending events
-        """
-        contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
-        if not contact:
-            # idle draw or just removed SelfContact
-            return
-        family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-        if family:
-            # There might be a new big brother
-            self._recalibrate_metacontact_family(family, account)
-        self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-        self.draw_account(account)
-        for group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-            self.draw_group(group, account)
-            self._adjust_group_expand_collapse_state(group, account)
-    def _idle_draw_jids_of_account(self, jids, account):
-        """
-        Draw given contacts and their avatars in a lazy fashion
-        Keyword arguments:
-        jids -- a list of jids to draw
-        account -- the corresponding account
-        """
-        def _draw_all_contacts(jids, account):
-            for jid in jids:
-                family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-                if family:
-                    # For metacontacts over several accounts:
-                    # When we connect a new account existing brothers
-                    # must be redrawn (got removed and added again)
-                    for data in family:
-                        self.draw_completely(data['jid'], data['account'])
-                else:
-                    self.draw_completely(jid, account)
-                yield True
-            self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-            yield False
-        task = _draw_all_contacts(jids, account)
-        GLib.idle_add(next, task)
-    def _before_fill(self):
-        self.tree.freeze_child_notify()
-        self.tree.set_model(None)
-        # disable sorting
-        self.model.set_sort_column_id(-2, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
-        self.starting = True
-        self.starting_filtering = True
-    def _after_fill(self):
-        self.starting = False
-        accounts_list = app.settings.get_active_accounts()
-        for account in app.connections:
-            if account not in accounts_list:
-                continue
-            jids = app.contacts.get_jid_list(account)
-            for jid in jids:
-                self.draw_completely(jid, account)
-            # Draw all known groups
-            for group in app.groups[account]:
-                self.draw_group(group, account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        self.model.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
-        self.tree.set_model(self.modelfilter)
-        self.tree.thaw_child_notify()
-        self.starting_filtering = False
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-    def setup_and_draw_roster(self):
-        """
-        Create new empty model and draw roster
-        """
-        self.modelfilter = None
-        self.model = Gtk.TreeStore(*self.columns)
-        self.model.set_sort_func(1, self._compareIters)
-        self.model.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
-        self.modelfilter = self.model.filter_new()
-        self.modelfilter.set_visible_func(self._visible_func)
-        self.modelfilter.connect('row-has-child-toggled',
-                self.on_modelfilter_row_has_child_toggled)
-        self.tree.set_model(self.modelfilter)
-        self._iters = {}
-        # for merged mode
-        self._iters['MERGED'] = {'account': None, 'groups': {}}
-        for acct in app.settings.get_active_accounts():
-            self._iters[acct] = {'account': None, 'groups': {}, 'contacts': {}}
-        for acct in app.settings.get_active_accounts():
-            self.add_account(acct)
-            self.add_account_contacts(acct, improve_speed=True,
-                draw_contacts=False)
-        # Recalculate column width for ellipsizing
-        self.tree.columns_autosize()
-    def update_status_selector(self):
-        self._status_selector.update()
-    def select_contact(self, jid, account):
-        """
-        Select contact in roster. If contact is hidden but has events, show him
-        """
-        # Refiltering SHOULD NOT be needed:
-        # When a contact gets a new event he will be redrawn and his
-        # icon changes, so _visible_func WILL be called on him anyway
-        iters = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account)
-        if not iters:
-            # Not visible in roster
-            return
-        path = self.modelfilter.get_path(iters[0])
-        if self.dragging or not app.settings.get(
-        'scroll_roster_to_last_message'):
-            # do not change selection while DND'ing
-            return
-        # Expand his parent, so this path is visible, don't expand it.
-        path.up()
-        self.tree.expand_to_path(path)
-        self.tree.scroll_to_cell(path)
-        self.tree.set_cursor(path)
-    def _readjust_expand_collapse_state(self):
-        def func(model, path, iter_, param):
-            type_ = model[iter_][Column.TYPE]
-            acct = model[iter_][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            jid = model[iter_][Column.JID]
-            key = None
-            if type_ == 'account':
-                key = acct
-            elif type_ == 'group':
-                key = acct + jid
-            elif type_ == 'contact':
-                parent_iter = model.iter_parent(iter_)
-                ptype = model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE]
-                if ptype == 'group':
-                    grp = model[parent_iter][Column.JID]
-                    key = acct + grp + jid
-            if key:
-                if key in self.collapsed_rows:
-                    self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-                else:
-                    self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-        self.modelfilter.foreach(func, None)
-    def _adjust_account_expand_collapse_state(self, account):
-        """
-        Expand/collapse account row based on self.collapsed_rows
-        """
-        if not self.tree.get_model():
-            return
-        iterA = self._get_account_iter(account)
-        if not iterA:
-            # thank you modelfilter
-            return
-        path = self.modelfilter.get_path(iterA)
-        if account in self.collapsed_rows:
-            self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-        else:
-            self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-        return False
-    def _adjust_group_expand_collapse_state(self, group, account):
-        """
-        Expand/collapse group row based on self.collapsed_rows
-        """
-        if not self.tree.get_model():
-            return
-        if account not in app.connections:
-            return
-        delimiter = app.connections[account].get_module('Delimiter').delimiter
-        group_splited = group.split(delimiter)
-        i = 1
-        while i < len(group_splited) + 1:
-            g = delimiter.join(group_splited[:i])
-            iterG = self._get_group_iter(g, account)
-            if not iterG:
-                # Group not visible
-                return
-            path = self.modelfilter.get_path(iterG)
-            if account + g in self.collapsed_rows:
-                self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-            else:
-                self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-            i += 1
-### Roster and Modelfilter handling
-    def refilter_shown_roster_items(self):
-        if self.filtering:
-            return
-        self.filtering = True
-        for account in app.connections:
-            for jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
-                self.adjust_and_draw_contact_context(jid, account)
-        self.filtering = False
-    def contact_has_pending_roster_events(self, contact, account):
-        """
-        Return True if the contact or one if it resources has pending events
-        """
-        # jid has pending events
-        if app.events.get_nb_roster_events(account, contact.jid) > 0:
-            return True
-        # check events of all resources
-        for contact_ in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, contact.jid):
-            if contact_.resource and app.events.get_nb_roster_events(account,
-            contact_.get_full_jid()) > 0:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def contact_is_visible(self, contact, account):
-        if self.rfilter_enabled:
-            return self.rfilter_string in contact.get_shown_name().lower()
-        if self.contact_has_pending_roster_events(contact, account):
-            return True
-        if app.settings.get('showoffline'):
-            return True
-        if contact.show in ('offline', 'error'):
-            if contact.jid in app.to_be_removed[account]:
-                return True
-            return False
-        if app.settings.get('show_only_chat_and_online') and contact.show in (
-        'away', 'xa', 'busy'):
-            return False
-        if _('Transports') in contact.get_shown_groups():
-            return app.settings.get('show_transports_group')
-        return True
-    def _visible_func(self, model, titer, dummy):
-        """
-        Determine whether iter should be visible in the treeview
-        """
-        if self.starting_filtering:
-            return False
-        visible = model[titer][Column.VISIBLE]
-        type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        if not type_:
-            return False
-        if type_ == 'account':
-            # Always show account
-            return True
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        if not account:
-            return False
-        jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-        if not jid:
-            return False
-        if not self.rfilter_enabled:
-            return visible
-        if type_ == 'group':
-            group = jid
-            if group == _('Transports'):
-                if self.regroup:
-                    accounts = app.settings.get_active_accounts()
-                else:
-                    accounts = [account]
-                for _acc in accounts:
-                    for contact in app.contacts.iter_contacts(_acc):
-                        if group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                            if self.rfilter_string in \
-                            contact.get_shown_name().lower():
-                                return True
-                        elif self.contact_has_pending_roster_events(contact,
-                        _acc):
-                            return True
-                    # No transport has been found
-                    return False
-        if type_ == 'contact':
-            if model.iter_has_child(titer):
-                iter_c = model.iter_children(titer)
-                while iter_c:
-                    if self.rfilter_string in model[iter_c][Column.NAME].lower():
-                        return True
-                    iter_c = model.iter_next(iter_c)
-            return self.rfilter_string in model[titer][Column.NAME].lower()
-        if type_ == 'agent':
-            return self.rfilter_string in model[titer][Column.NAME].lower()
-        if type_ == 'groupchat':
-            return self.rfilter_string in model[titer][Column.NAME].lower()
-        return visible
-    def _compareIters(self, model, iter1, iter2, data=None):
-        """
-        Compare two iters to sort them
-        """
-        name1 = model[iter1][Column.NAME]
-        name2 = model[iter2][Column.NAME]
-        if not name1 or not name2:
-            return 0
-        type1 = model[iter1][Column.TYPE]
-        type2 = model[iter2][Column.TYPE]
-        if type1 == 'self_contact':
-            return -1
-        if type2 == 'self_contact':
-            return 1
-        if type1 == 'group':
-            name1 = model[iter1][Column.JID]
-            name2 = model[iter2][Column.JID]
-            if name1 == _('Transports'):
-                return 1
-            if name2 == _('Transports'):
-                return -1
-            if name1 == _('Not in contact list'):
-                return 1
-            if name2 == _('Not in contact list'):
-                return -1
-            if name1 == _('Group chats'):
-                return 1
-            if name2 == _('Group chats'):
-                return -1
-        account1 = model[iter1][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        account2 = model[iter2][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        if not account1 or not account2:
-            return 0
-        if type1 == 'account':
-            return locale.strcoll(account1, account2)
-        jid1 = model[iter1][Column.JID]
-        jid2 = model[iter2][Column.JID]
-        if type1 == 'contact':
-            lcontact1 = app.contacts.get_contacts(account1, jid1)
-            contact1 = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account1, jid1)
-            if not contact1:
-                return 0
-            name1 = contact1.get_shown_name()
-        if type2 == 'contact':
-            lcontact2 = app.contacts.get_contacts(account2, jid2)
-            contact2 = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account2, jid2)
-            if not contact2:
-                return 0
-            name2 = contact2.get_shown_name()
-        # We first compare by show if sort_by_show_in_roster is True or if it's
-        # a child contact
-        if type1 == 'contact' and type2 == 'contact' and \
-        app.settings.get('sort_by_show_in_roster'):
-            cshow = {'chat':0, 'online': 1, 'away': 2, 'xa': 3, 'dnd': 4,
-                     'offline': 6, 'not in roster': 7, 'error': 8}
-            s = self.get_show(lcontact1)
-            show1 = cshow.get(s, 9)
-            s = self.get_show(lcontact2)
-            show2 = cshow.get(s, 9)
-            removing1 = False
-            removing2 = False
-            if show1 == 6 and jid1 in app.to_be_removed[account1]:
-                removing1 = True
-            if show2 == 6 and jid2 in app.to_be_removed[account2]:
-                removing2 = True
-            if removing1 and not removing2:
-                return 1
-            if removing2 and not removing1:
-                return -1
-            sub1 = contact1.sub
-            sub2 = contact2.sub
-            # none and from goes after
-            if sub1 not in ['none', 'from'] and sub2 in ['none', 'from']:
-                return -1
-            if sub1 in ['none', 'from'] and sub2 not in ['none', 'from']:
-                return 1
-            if show1 < show2:
-                return -1
-            if show1 > show2:
-                return 1
-        # We compare names
-        cmp_result = locale.strcoll(name1.lower(), name2.lower())
-        if cmp_result < 0:
-            return -1
-        if cmp_result > 0:
-            return 1
-        if type1 == 'contact' and type2 == 'contact':
-            # We compare account names
-            cmp_result = locale.strcoll(account1.lower(), account2.lower())
-            if cmp_result < 0:
-                return -1
-            if cmp_result > 0:
-                return 1
-            # We compare jids
-            cmp_result = locale.strcoll(jid1.lower(), jid2.lower())
-            if cmp_result < 0:
-                return -1
-            if cmp_result > 0:
-                return 1
-        return 0
-### FIXME: Methods that don't belong to roster window...
-###             ... at least not in there current form
-    def fire_up_unread_messages_events(self, account):
-        """
-        Read from db the unread messages, and fire them up, and if we find very
-        old unread messages, delete them from unread table
-        """
-        results = app.storage.archive.get_unread_msgs()
-        for result, shown in results:
-            jid = result.jid
-            additional_data = result.additional_data
-            if app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid) and not \
-            shown:
-                # We have this jid in our contacts list
-                # XXX unread messages should probably have their session saved
-                # with them
-                session = app.connections[account].make_new_session(jid)
-                tim = float(result.time)
-                session.roster_message(jid, result.message, tim, msg_type='chat',
-                    msg_log_id=result.log_line_id, additional_data=additional_data)
-                app.storage.archive.set_shown_unread_msgs(result.log_line_id)
-            elif (time.time() - result.time) > 2592000:
-                # ok, here we see that we have a message in unread messages
-                # table that is older than a month. It is probably from someone
-                # not in our roster for accounts we usually launch, so we will
-                # delete this id from unread message tables.
-                app.storage.archive.set_read_messages([result.log_line_id])
-    def fill_contacts_and_groups_dicts(self, array, account):
-        """
-        Fill app.contacts and app.groups
-        """
-        # FIXME: This function needs to be split
-        # Most of the logic SHOULD NOT be done at GUI level
-        if account not in app.settings.get_active_accounts():
-            app.contacts.add_account(account)
-        if not account in self._iters:
-            self._iters[account] = {'account': None, 'groups': {},
-                'contacts': {}}
-        if account not in app.groups:
-            app.groups[account] = {}
-        self_jid = str(app.connections[account].get_own_jid())
-        if account != app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME:
-            array[self_jid] = {'name': app.nicks[account],
-                               'groups': ['self_contact'],
-                               'subscription': 'both',
-                               'ask': 'none'}
-        # .keys() is needed
-        for jid in list(array.keys()):
-            # Remove the contact in roster. It might has changed
-            self.remove_contact(jid, account, force=True)
-            # Remove old Contact instances
-            app.contacts.remove_jid(account, jid, remove_meta=False)
-            jids = jid.split('/')
-            # get jid
-            ji = jids[0]
-            # get resource
-            resource = ''
-            if len(jids) > 1:
-                resource = '/'.join(jids[1:])
-            # get name
-            name = array[jid]['name'] or ''
-            show = 'offline' # show is offline by default
-            status = '' # no status message by default
-            if app.jid_is_transport(jid):
-                array[jid]['groups'] = [_('Transports')]
-            #TRANSP - potential
-            contact1 = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=ji, account=account,
-                name=name, groups=array[jid]['groups'], show=show,
-                status=status, sub=array[jid]['subscription'],
-                ask=array[jid]['ask'], resource=resource)
-            app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact1)
-            # If we already have chat windows opened, update them with new
-            # contact instance
-            chat_control = app.window.get_control(account, ji)
-            if chat_control:
-                chat_control.contact = contact1
-    def connected_rooms(self, account):
-        if account in list(app.gc_connected[account].values()):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def on_event_removed(self, event_list):
-        """
-        Remove contacts on last events removed
-        Only performed if removal was requested before but the contact still had
-        pending events
-        """
-        msg_log_ids = []
-        for ev in event_list:
-            if ev.type_ != 'printed_chat':
-                continue
-            if ev.msg_log_id:
-                # There is a msg_log_id
-                msg_log_ids.append(ev.msg_log_id)
-        if msg_log_ids:
-            app.storage.archive.set_read_messages(msg_log_ids)
-        contact_list = ((event.jid.split('/')[0], event.account) for event in \
-                event_list)
-        for jid, account in contact_list:
-            self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-            # Remove contacts in roster if removal was requested
-            key = (jid, account)
-            if key in list(self.contacts_to_be_removed.keys()):
-                backend = self.contacts_to_be_removed[key]['backend']
-                del self.contacts_to_be_removed[key]
-                # Remove contact will delay removal if there are more events
-                # pending
-                self.remove_contact(jid, account, backend=backend)
-        self.show_title()
-    def open_event(self, account, jid, event):
-        """
-        If an event was handled, return True, else return False
-        """
-        ft = app.interface.instances['file_transfers']
-        event = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid, event.type_)
-        if event.type_ == 'normal':
-            # TODO: Should be displayed as normal chat message
-            # SingleMessageWindow(account, jid,
-            #    action='receive', from_whom=jid, subject=event.subject,
-            #    message=event.message, resource=event.resource)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'file-request':
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-                    jid)
-            ft.show_file_request(account, contact, event.file_props)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ in ('file-request-error', 'file-send-error'):
-            ft.show_send_error(event.file_props)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ in ('file-error', 'file-stopped'):
-            msg_err = ''
-            if event.file_props.error == -1:
-                msg_err = _('Remote contact stopped transfer')
-            elif event.file_props.error == -6:
-                msg_err = _('Error opening file')
-            ft.show_stopped(jid, event.file_props, error_msg=msg_err)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'file-hash-error':
-            ft.show_hash_error(jid, event.file_props, account)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'file-completed':
-            ft.show_completed(jid, event.file_props)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'gc-invitation':
-            open_window('GroupChatInvitation',
-                        account=account,
-                        event=event)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'subscription_request':
-            # open_window('SubscriptionRequest',
-            #             account=account,
-            #             jid=jid,
-            #             text=event.text,
-            #             user_nick=event.nick)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'unsubscribed':
-            app.interface.show_unsubscribed_dialog(account, event.contact)
-            app.events.remove_events(account, jid, event)
-            return True
-        if event.type_ == 'jingle-incoming':
-            ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, jid)
-            if ctrl:
-                ctrl.parent_win.set_active_tab(ctrl)
-            else:
-                ctrl = app.interface.new_chat_from_jid(account, jid)
-                ctrl.add_call_received_message(event)
-            return True
-        return False
-### This and that... random.
-    def show_roster_vbox(self, active):
-        vb = self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2')
-        if active:
-            vb.set_no_show_all(False)
-            vb.show()
-        else:
-            vb.hide()
-            vb.set_no_show_all(True)
-    def authorize(self, widget, jid, account):
-        """
-        Authorize a contact (by re-sending auth menuitem)
-        """
-        app.connections[account].get_module('Presence').subscribed(jid)
-        InformationDialog(_('Authorization sent'),
-            _('"%s" will now see your status.') %jid)
-    def req_sub(self, widget, jid, txt, account, groups=None, nickname=None,
-                    auto_auth=False):
-        """
-        Request subscription to a contact
-        """
-        groups_list = groups or []
-        app.connections[account].get_module('Presence').subscribe(
-            jid, txt, nickname, groups_list, auto_auth)
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        if not contact:
-            contact = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=jid, account=account,
-                name=nickname, groups=groups_list, show='requested', status='',
-                ask='none', sub='subscribe')
-            app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
-        else:
-            if not _('Not in contact list') in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                InformationDialog(_('Subscription request has been '
-                    'sent'), _('If "%s" accepts this request you will know '
-                    'their status.') % jid)
-                return
-            self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, force=True)
-            contact.groups = groups_list
-            if nickname:
-                contact.name = nickname
-        self.add_contact(jid, account)
-    def revoke_auth(self, widget, jid, account):
-        """
-        Revoke a contact's authorization
-        """
-        app.connections[account].get_module('Presence').unsubscribed(jid)
-        InformationDialog(_('Authorization removed'),
-            _('Now "%s" will always see you as offline.') %jid)
-    def set_state(self, account, state):
-        child_iterA = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        if child_iterA:
-            self.model[child_iterA][0] = get_icon_name(state)
-        if app.interface.systray_enabled:
-            app.interface.systray.change_status(state)
-    def set_connecting_state(self, account):
-        self.set_state(account, 'connecting')
-    def send_status(self, account, status, txt):
-        if status != 'offline':
-            app.settings.set_account_setting(account, 'last_status', status)
-            app.settings.set_account_setting(account, 'last_status_msg',
-                    helpers.to_one_line(txt))
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                self.set_connecting_state(account)
-        if status == 'offline':
-            self.delete_pep(app.get_jid_from_account(account), account)
-        app.connections[account].change_status(status, txt)
-        self._status_selector.update()
-    def delete_pep(self, jid, account):
-        if jid == app.get_jid_from_account(account):
-            app.connections[account].pep = {}
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        for contact in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-            contact.pep = {}
-        self.draw_all_pep_types(jid, account)
-        ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, jid)
-        if ctrl:
-            ctrl.update_all_pep_types()
-    def chg_contact_status(self, contact, show, status_message, account):
-        """
-        When a contact changes their status
-        """
-        contact_instances = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, contact.jid)
-        contact.show = show
-        contact.status = status_message
-        # name is to show in conversation window
-        name = contact.get_shown_name()
-        fjid = contact.get_full_jid()
-        # The contact has several resources
-        if len(contact_instances) > 1:
-            if contact.resource != '':
-                name += '/' + contact.resource
-            # Remove resource when going offline
-            if show in ('offline', 'error') and \
-            not self.contact_has_pending_roster_events(contact, account):
-                ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, fjid)
-                if ctrl:
-                    ctrl.update_ui()
-                    ctrl.parent_win.redraw_tab(ctrl)
-                    # keep the contact around, since it's
-                    # already attached to the control
-                else:
-                    app.contacts.remove_contact(account, contact)
-        elif contact.jid == app.get_jid_from_account(account) and \
-        show in ('offline', 'error'):
-            self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, backend=True)
-        uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show(show)
-        # print status in chat window and update status/GPG image
-        ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, contact.jid)
-        if ctrl and not ctrl.is_groupchat:
-            ctrl.contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                account, contact.jid)
-            ctrl.update_status_display(name, uf_show, status_message)
-        if contact.resource:
-            ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, fjid)
-            if ctrl:
-                ctrl.update_status_display(name, uf_show, status_message)
-        # Delete pep if needed
-        keep_pep = any(c.show not in ('error', 'offline') for c in
-            contact_instances)
-        if not keep_pep and contact.jid != app.get_jid_from_account(account) \
-        and not contact.is_groupchat:
-            self.delete_pep(contact.jid, account)
-        # Redraw everything and select the sender
-        self.adjust_and_draw_contact_context(contact.jid, account)
-    def on_status_changed(self, account, show):
-        """
-        The core tells us that our status has changed
-        """
-        if account not in app.settings.get_active_accounts():
-            return
-        child_iterA = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        self_resource = app.connections[account].get_own_jid().resource
-        self_contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account,
-                app.get_jid_from_account(account), resource=self_resource)
-        if self_contact:
-            status_message = app.connections[account].status_message
-            self.chg_contact_status(self_contact, show, status_message, account)
-        self.set_account_status_icon(account)
-        if show == 'offline':
-            if self.quit_on_next_offline > -1:
-                # we want to quit, we are waiting for all accounts to be offline
-                self.quit_on_next_offline -= 1
-                if self.quit_on_next_offline < 1:
-                    # all accounts offline, quit
-                    self.quit_gtkgui_interface()
-            else:
-                # No need to redraw contacts if we're quitting
-                if child_iterA:
-                    self.model[child_iterA][Column.AVATAR_IMG] = None
-                for jid in list(app.contacts.get_jid_list(account)):
-                    lcontact = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-                    ctrl = app.window.get_control(account, jid)
-                    for contact in [c for c in lcontact if (
-                    (c.show != 'offline' or c.is_transport()) and not ctrl)]:
-                        self.chg_contact_status(contact, 'offline', '', account)
-        if app.interface.systray_enabled:
-            app.interface.systray.change_status(show)
-        self._status_selector.update()
-    def change_status(self, _widget, account, status):
-        app.interface.change_account_status(account, status=status)
-    def get_show(self, lcontact):
-        prio = lcontact[0].priority
-        show = lcontact[0].show
-        for u in lcontact:
-            if u.priority > prio:
-                prio = u.priority
-                show = u.show
-        return show
-    def on_message_window_delete(self, win_mgr, msg_win):
-        if app.settings.get('one_message_window') == 'always_with_roster':
-            self.show_roster_vbox(True)
-            resize_window(self.window,
-                          app.settings.get('roster_width'),
-                          app.settings.get('roster_height'))
-    def close_all_from_dict(self, dic):
-        """
-        Close all the windows in the given dictionary
-        """
-        for w in list(dic.values()):
-            if isinstance(w, dict):
-                self.close_all_from_dict(w)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    w.window.destroy()
-                except (AttributeError, RuntimeError):
-                    w.destroy()
-    def close_all(self, account, force=False):
-        """
-        Close all the windows from an account. If force is True, do not ask
-        confirmation before closing chat/gc windows
-        """
-        if account in app.interface.instances:
-            self.close_all_from_dict(app.interface.instances[account])
-        # for ctrl in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(acct=account):
-        #     ctrl.parent_win.remove_tab(ctrl, ctrl.parent_win.CLOSE_CLOSE_BUTTON,
-        #         force=force)
-    def on_roster_window_delete_event(self, widget, event):
-        """
-        Main window X button was clicked
-        """
-        if not app.settings.get('quit_on_roster_x_button') and (
-        (app.interface.systray_enabled and app.settings.get('trayicon') != \
-        'on_event') or app.settings.get('allow_hide_roster')):
-            save_roster_position(self.window)
-            if os.name == 'nt' or app.settings.get('hide_on_roster_x_button'):
-                self.window.hide()
-            else:
-                self.window.iconify()
-        elif app.settings.get('quit_on_roster_x_button'):
-            self.on_quit_request()
-        else:
-            def _on_ok(is_checked):
-                if is_checked:
-                    app.settings.set('quit_on_roster_x_button', True)
-                self.on_quit_request()
-            ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-                _('Quit Gajim'),
-                _('You are about to quit Gajim'),
-                _('Are you sure you want to quit Gajim?'),
-                _('_Always quit when closing Gajim'),
-                [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                 DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                                   text=_('_Quit'),
-                                   callback=_on_ok)]).show()
-        return True #  Do NOT destroy the window
-    def prepare_quit(self):
-        if self.save_done:
-            return
-        msgwin_width_adjust = 0
-        # in case show_roster_on_start is False and roster is never shown
-        # window.window is None
-        if self.window.get_window() is not None:
-            save_roster_position(self.window)
-            width, height = self.window.get_size()
-            app.settings.set('roster_width', width)
-            app.settings.set('roster_height', height)
-            if not self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2').get_property('visible'):
-                # The roster vbox is hidden, so the message window is larger
-                # then we want to save (i.e. the window will grow every startup)
-                # so adjust.
-                msgwin_width_adjust = -1 * width
-        app.settings.set('last_roster_visible',
-                self.window.get_property('visible'))
-        # app.interface.msg_win_mgr.save_opened_controls()
-        # app.interface.msg_win_mgr.shutdown(msgwin_width_adjust)
-        app.settings.set('collapsed_rows', '\t'.join(self.collapsed_rows))
-        app.interface.save_config()
-        for account, con in app.connections.items():
-            con.quit(True)
-            self.close_all(account)
-        if app.interface.systray_enabled:
-            app.interface.hide_systray()
-        self.save_done = True
-    def _nec_presence_received(self, obj):
-        account = obj.conn.name
-        jid = obj.jid
-        if obj.need_add_in_roster:
-            self.add_contact(jid, account)
-        jid_list = app.contacts.get_jid_list(account)
-        if jid in jid_list or jid == app.get_jid_from_account(account):
-            if not app.jid_is_transport(jid) and len(obj.contact_list) == 1:
-                if obj.old_show == 0 and obj.new_show > 1:
-                    GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.remove_newly_added, jid,
-                        account)
-                elif obj.old_show > 1 and obj.new_show == 0 and \
-                obj.conn.state.is_available:
-                    GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.remove_to_be_removed,
-                        jid, account)
-        self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-        if app.jid_is_transport(jid) and jid in jid_list:
-            # It must be an agent
-            # Update existing iter and group counting
-            self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-            self.draw_group(_('Transports'), account)
-        if obj.contact:
-            self.chg_contact_status(obj.contact, obj.show, obj.status, account)
-        if obj.popup:
-            ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.search_control(jid, account)
-            if ctrl:
-                GLib.idle_add(ctrl.parent_win.set_active_tab, ctrl)
-            else:
-                ctrl = app.interface.new_chat(obj.contact, account)
-                if app.events.get_events(account, obj.jid):
-                    ctrl.read_queue()
-    def _nec_roster_received(self, obj):
-        if obj.received_from_server:
-            self.fill_contacts_and_groups_dicts(obj.roster, obj.conn.name)
-            self.add_account_contacts(obj.conn.name)
-            self.fire_up_unread_messages_events(obj.conn.name)
-        else:
-            # add self contact
-            account = obj.conn.name
-            self_jid = app.get_jid_from_account(account)
-            if self_jid not in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
-                sha = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'avatar_sha')
-                contact = app.contacts.create_contact(
-                    jid=self_jid, account=account, name=app.nicks[account],
-                    groups=['self_contact'], show='offline', sub='both',
-                    ask='none', avatar_sha=sha)
-                app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
-                self.add_contact(self_jid, account)
-            if app.settings.get('remember_opened_chat_controls'):
-                account = obj.conn.name
-                controls = app.settings.get_account_setting(
-                    account, 'opened_chat_controls')
-                if controls:
-                    for jid in controls.split(','):
-                        contact = \
-                            app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                                account, jid)
-                        if not contact:
-                            contact = self.add_to_not_in_the_roster(
-                                account, jid)
-                        # app.interface.on_open_chat_window(
-                        #     None, contact, account)
-                # app.settings.set_account_setting(
-                #     account, 'opened_chat_controls', '')
-            GLib.idle_add(self.refilter_shown_roster_items)
-    def _nec_anonymous_auth(self, obj):
-        """
-        This event is raised when our JID changed (most probably because we use
-        anonymous account. We update contact and roster entry in this case
-        """
-        self.rename_self_contact(obj.old_jid, obj.new_jid, obj.conn.name)
-    def _nec_our_show(self, event):
-        if event.show == 'offline':
-            self.application.set_account_actions_state(event.account)
-            self.application.update_app_actions_state()
-        self.on_status_changed(event.account, event.show)
-    def _nec_connection_type(self, obj):
-        self.draw_account(obj.conn.name)
-    def _nec_agent_removed(self, obj):
-        for jid in obj.jid_list:
-            self.remove_contact(jid, obj.conn.name, backend=True)
-    def _on_mood_received(self, event):
-        if event.is_self_message:
-            self.draw_account(event.account)
-        self._draw_pep(event.account, event.jid, PEPEventType.MOOD)
-    def _on_activity_received(self, event):
-        if event.is_self_message:
-            self.draw_account(event.account)
-        self._draw_pep(event.account, event.jid, PEPEventType.ACTIVITY)
-    def _on_tune_received(self, event):
-        if event.is_self_message:
-            self.draw_account(event.account)
-        self._draw_pep(event.account, event.jid, PEPEventType.TUNE)
-    def _on_location_received(self, event):
-        if event.is_self_message:
-            self.draw_account(event.account)
-        self._draw_pep(event.account, event.jid, PEPEventType.LOCATION)
-    def _on_nickname_received(self, event):
-        self.draw_contact(event.jid, event.account)
-    def _nec_update_avatar(self, obj):
-        app.log('avatar').debug('Draw roster avatar: %s', obj.jid)
-        self.draw_avatar(obj.jid, obj.account)
-    def _nec_muc_subject_received(self, event):
-        self.draw_contact(event.room_jid, event.account)
-    def _on_muc_disco_update(self, event):
-        self.draw_contact(str(event.room_jid), event.account)
-    def _on_bookmarks_received(self, event):
-        con = app.connections[event.account]
-        for bookmark in con.get_module('Bookmarks').bookmarks:
-            self.draw_contact(str(bookmark.jid), event.account)
-    def _nec_metacontacts_received(self, obj):
-        self.redraw_metacontacts(obj.conn.name)
-    def _nec_signed_in(self, obj):
-        self.application.set_account_actions_state(obj.conn.name, True)
-        self.application.update_app_actions_state()
-        self.draw_account(obj.conn.name)
-    def _nec_decrypted_message_received(self, obj):
-        if not obj.msgtxt:
-            return True
-        if obj.properties.type.value not in ('normal', 'chat'):
-            return
-        if obj.popup and not obj.session.control:
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact(obj.conn.name, obj.jid)
-            obj.session.control = app.interface.new_chat(contact,
-                obj.conn.name, session=obj.session)
-            if app.events.get_events(obj.conn.name, obj.fjid):
-                obj.session.control.read_queue()
-        if not obj.properties.is_muc_pm and obj.show_in_roster:
-            self.draw_contact(obj.jid, obj.conn.name)
-            self.show_title() # we show the * or [n]
-            # Select the big brother contact in roster, it's visible because it
-            # has events.
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(obj.conn.name,
-                obj.jid)
-            if family:
-                _nearby_family, bb_jid, bb_account = \
-                    app.contacts.get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family,
-                    obj.conn.name)
-            else:
-                bb_jid, bb_account = obj.jid, obj.conn.name
-            self.select_contact(bb_jid, bb_account)
-### Menu and GUI callbacks
-### FIXME: order callbacks in itself...
-    def on_info(self, widget, contact, account):
-        """
-        Call vcard_information_window class to display contact's information
-        """
-        if app.connections[account].is_zeroconf:
-            self.on_info_zeroconf(widget, contact, account)
-            return
-        info = app.interface.instances[account]['infos']
-        if contact.jid in info:
-            info[contact.jid].window.present()
-        else:
-            info[contact.jid] = vcard.VcardWindow(contact, account)
-    def on_info_zeroconf(self, widget, contact, account):
-        info = app.interface.instances[account]['infos']
-        if contact.jid in info:
-            info[contact.jid].window.present()
-        else:
-            contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account,
-                                            contact.jid)
-            if contact.show in ('offline', 'error'):
-                # don't show info on offline contacts
-                return
-            info[contact.jid] = vcard.ZeroconfVcardWindow(contact, account)
-    def on_edit_agent(self, widget, contact, account):
-        """
-        When we want to modify the agent registration
-        """
-        ServiceRegistration(account, contact.jid)
-    def on_remove_agent(self, widget, list_):
-        """
-        When an agent is requested to be removed. list_ is a list of (contact,
-        account) tuple
-        """
-        for (contact, account) in list_:
-            if app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'hostname') == \
-            contact.jid:
-                # We remove the server contact
-                # remove it from treeview
-                app.connections[account].get_module('Presence').unsubscribe(contact.jid)
-                self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, backend=True)
-                return
-        def remove():
-            for (contact, account) in list_:
-                full_jid = contact.get_full_jid()
-                app.connections[account].get_module('Gateway').unsubscribe(full_jid)
-                # remove transport from treeview
-                self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, backend=True)
-        # Check if there are unread events from some contacts
-        has_unread_events = False
-        for (contact, account) in list_:
-            for jid in app.events.get_events(account):
-                if jid.endswith(contact.jid):
-                    has_unread_events = True
-                    break
-        if has_unread_events:
-            ErrorDialog(
-                _('You have unread messages'),
-                _('You must read them before removing this transport.'))
-            return
-        if len(list_) == 1:
-            pritext = _('Transport \'%s\' will be removed') % list_[0][0].jid
-            sectext = _('You will no longer be able to send and receive '
-                        'messages from and to contacts using this transport.')
-        else:
-            pritext = _('Transports will be removed')
-            jids = ''
-            for (contact, account) in list_:
-                jids += '\n  ' + contact.get_shown_name() + ','
-            jids = jids[:-1] + '.'
-            sectext = _('You will no longer be able to send and receive '
-                        'messages from and to contacts using these '
-                        'transports:\n%s') % jids
-        ConfirmationDialog(
-            _('Remove Transport'),
-            pritext,
-            sectext,
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                               callback=remove)],
-            transient_for=self.window).show()
-    def _nec_blocking(self, obj):
-        for jid in obj.changed:
-            self.draw_contact(str(jid), obj.conn.name)
-    def on_block(self, widget, list_):
-        """
-        When clicked on the 'block' button in context menu. list_ is a list of
-        (contact, account)
-        """
-        def _block_it(is_checked=None, report=None):
-            if is_checked is not None:  # Dialog has been shown
-                if is_checked:
-                    app.settings.set('confirm_block', 'no')
-                else:
-                    app.settings.set('confirm_block', 'yes')
-            accounts = []
-            for _, account in list_:
-                con = app.connections[account]
-                if con.get_module('Blocking').supported:
-                    accounts.append(account)
-            for acct in accounts:
-                l_ = [i[0] for i in list_ if i[1] == acct]
-                con = app.connections[acct]
-                jid_list = [contact.jid for contact in l_]
-                con.get_module('Blocking').block(jid_list, report)
-                for contact in l_:
-                    app.events.remove_events(acct, contact.jid)
-                    ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(
-                        contact.jid, acct)
-                    if ctrl:
-                        ctrl.parent_win.remove_tab(
-                            ctrl, ctrl.parent_win.CLOSE_COMMAND, force=True)
-                    if contact.show == 'not in roster':
-                        self.remove_contact(contact.jid, acct, force=True,
-                                            backend=True)
-                        return
-                    self.draw_contact(contact.jid, acct)
-        # Check if confirmation is needed for blocking
-        confirm_block = app.settings.get('confirm_block')
-        if confirm_block == 'no':
-            _block_it()
-            return
-        ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-            _('Block Contact'),
-            _('Really block this contact?'),
-            _('You will appear offline for this contact and you '
-              'will not receive further messages.'),
-            _('_Do not ask again'),
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('OK',
-                               text=_('_Report Spam'),
-                               callback=_block_it,
-                               kwargs={'report': 'spam'}),
-             DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                               text=_('_Block'),
-                               callback=_block_it)],
-            modal=False).show()
-    def on_unblock(self, widget, list_):
-        """
-        When clicked on the 'unblock' button in context menu.
-        """
-        accounts = []
-        for _, account in list_:
-            con = app.connections[account]
-            if con.get_module('Blocking').supported:
-                accounts.append(account)
-        for acct in accounts:
-            l_ = [i[0] for i in list_ if i[1] == acct]
-            con = app.connections[acct]
-            jid_list = [contact.jid for contact in l_]
-            con.get_module('Blocking').unblock(jid_list)
-            for contact in l_:
-                self.draw_contact(contact.jid, acct)
-    def on_rename(self, widget, row_type, jid, account):
-        # This function is called either by F2 or by Rename menuitem
-        if 'rename' in app.interface.instances:
-            app.interface.instances['rename'].dialog.present()
-            return
-        # Account is offline, don't allow to rename
-        if not app.account_is_available(account):
-            return
-        if row_type in ('contact', 'agent'):
-            # It's jid
-            title = _('Rename Contact')
-            text = _('Rename contact %s?') % jid
-            sec_text = _('Please enter a new nickname')
-            old_text = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-                                                                      jid).name
-        elif row_type == 'group':
-            if jid in helpers.special_groups + (_('General'),):
-                return
-            old_text = jid
-            title = _('Rename Group')
-            text = _('Rename group %s?') % GLib.markup_escape_text(jid)
-            sec_text = _('Please enter a new name')
-        def _on_renamed(new_text, account, row_type, jid, old_text):
-            if row_type in ('contact', 'agent'):
-                if old_text == new_text:
-                    return
-                contacts = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-                for contact in contacts:
-                    contact.name = new_text
-                con = app.connections[account]
-                con.get_module('Roster').update_contact(
-                    jid, new_text, contacts[0].groups)
-                self.draw_contact(jid, account)
-                # Update opened chats
-                for ctrl in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(jid,
-                account):
-                    ctrl.update_ui()
-                    win = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account)
-                    win.redraw_tab(ctrl)
-                    win.show_title()
-            elif row_type == 'group':
-                # In Column.JID column, we hold the group name (which is not escaped)
-                self.rename_group(old_text, new_text, account)
-        InputDialog(
-            title,
-            text,
-            sec_text,
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('Accept',
-                               text=_('_Rename'),
-                               callback=_on_renamed,
-                               args=[account,
-                                     row_type,
-                                     jid,
-                                     old_text])],
-            input_str=old_text,
-            transient_for=self.window).show()
-    def on_remove_group_item_activated(self, widget, group, account):
-        def _on_ok(is_checked):
-            for contact in app.contacts.get_contacts_from_group(account,
-            group):
-                if not is_checked:
-                    self.remove_contact_from_groups(contact.jid, account,
-                        [group])
-                else:
-                    app.connections[account].get_module(
-                        'Presence').unsubscribe(contact.jid)
-                    self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, backend=True)
-        ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-            _('Remove Group'),
-            _('Remove Group'),
-            _('Do you want to remove %s from the contact list?') % group,
-            _('_Also remove all contacts of this group from contact list'),
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                               callback=_on_ok)]).show()
-    def on_edit_groups(self, widget, list_):
-        dialogs.EditGroupsDialog(list_)
-    def on_disconnect(self, widget, jid, account):
-        """
-        When disconnect menuitem is activated: disconnect from room
-        """
-        if jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account]:
-            ctrl = app.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid]
-            ctrl.leave()
-        self.remove_groupchat(jid, account)
-    def on_send_single_message_menuitem_activate(self, _widget, account,
-    contact=None):
-        if contact is None:
-            open_window('SingleMessageWindow', account=account)
-        elif isinstance(contact, list):
-            open_window('SingleMessageWindow', account=account,
-                        recipients=contact)
-        else:
-            jid = contact.jid
-            open_window('SingleMessageWindow', account=account,
-                        recipients=jid)
-    def on_send_file_menuitem_activate(self, widget, contact, account,
-    resource=None):
-        app.interface.instances['file_transfers'].show_file_send_request(
-            account, contact)
-    def on_invite_to_room(self,
-                          _widget,
-                          list_,
-                          room_jid,
-                          room_account,
-                          resource=None):
-        """
-        Resource parameter MUST NOT be used if more than one contact in list
-        """
-        gc_control = app.get_groupchat_control(room_account, room_jid)
-        if gc_control is None:
-            return
-        for contact, _ in list_:
-            contact_jid = contact.jid
-            if resource: # we MUST have one contact only in list_
-                contact_jid += '/' + resource
-            gc_control.invite(contact_jid)
-    def on_all_groupchat_maximized(self, widget, group_list):
-        for (contact, account) in group_list:
-            self.on_groupchat_maximized(widget, contact.jid, account)
-    def on_groupchat_maximized(self, widget, jid, account):
-        """
-        When a groupchat is maximized
-        """
-        if not jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account]:
-            # Already opened?
-            gc_control = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid,
-                account)
-            if gc_control:
-                mw = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account)
-                mw.set_active_tab(gc_control)
-            return
-        ctrl = app.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid]
-        mw = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account)
-        if not mw:
-            mw = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.create_window(
-                ctrl.contact, ctrl.account, ctrl.type)
-            id_ = mw.window.connect('motion-notify-event',
-                ctrl._on_window_motion_notify)
-            ctrl.handlers[id_] = mw.window
-        ctrl.parent_win = mw
-        ctrl.on_groupchat_maximize()
-        mw.new_tab(ctrl)
-        mw.set_active_tab(ctrl)
-        self.remove_groupchat(jid, account, maximize=True)
-    def on_groupchat_rename(self, _widget, jid, account):
-        def _on_rename(new_name):
-            con = app.connections[account]
-            con.get_module('Bookmarks').modify(jid, name=new_name)
-        contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
-        name = contact.get_shown_name()
-        InputDialog(
-            _('Rename Group Chat'),
-            _('Rename Group Chat'),
-            _('Please enter a new name for this group chat'),
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('Accept',
-                               text=_('_Rename'),
-                               callback=_on_rename)],
-            input_str=name,
-            transient_for=self.window).show()
-    def on_change_status_message_activate(self, _widget, account):
-        app.interface.change_account_status(account)
-    def on_add_to_roster(self, widget, contact, account):
-        AddNewContactWindow(account, contact.jid, contact.name)
-    def on_roster_treeview_key_press_event(self, widget, event):
-        """
-        When a key is pressed in the treeviews
-        """
-        if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape:
-            if self.rfilter_enabled:
-                self.disable_rfilter()
-            else:
-                self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_F2:
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            if len(list_of_paths) != 1:
-                return
-            path = list_of_paths[0]
-            type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-            if type_ in ('contact', 'group', 'agent'):
-                jid = model[path][Column.JID]
-                account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                self.on_rename(widget, type_, jid, account)
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Delete:
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            if not list_of_paths:
-                return
-            type_ = model[list_of_paths[0]][Column.TYPE]
-            account = model[list_of_paths[0]][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            if type_ in ('account', 'group', 'self_contact') or \
-            account == app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME:
-                return
-            list_ = []
-            for path in list_of_paths:
-                if model[path][Column.TYPE] != type_:
-                    return
-                jid = model[path][Column.JID]
-                account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                    continue
-                contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                    account, jid)
-                list_.append((contact, account))
-            if not list_:
-                return
-            if type_ == 'contact':
-                self.on_req_usub(widget, list_)
-            elif type_ == 'agent':
-                self.on_remove_agent(widget, list_)
-        elif not (event.get_state() &
-                  (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK |
-                   Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK)):
-            num = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode(event.keyval)
-            if num and num > 31:
-                # if we got unicode symbol without ctrl / alt
-                self.enable_rfilter(chr(num))
-        elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK and \
-        event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK and \
-        event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_U:
-            self.enable_rfilter('')
-            self.rfilter_entry.event(event)
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Left:
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            if len(list_of_paths) != 1:
-                return
-            path = list_of_paths[0]
-            iter_ = model.get_iter(path)
-            if model.iter_has_child(iter_) and self.tree.row_expanded(path):
-                self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-                return True
-            if path.get_depth() > 1:
-                self.tree.set_cursor(path[:-1])
-                return True
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Right:
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            if len(list_of_paths) != 1:
-                return
-            path = list_of_paths[0]
-            iter_ = model.get_iter(path)
-            if model.iter_has_child(iter_):
-                self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-                return True
-    def accel_group_func(self, accel_group, acceleratable, keyval, modifier):
-        # CTRL mask
-        if modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK:
-            if keyval == Gdk.KEY_s:  # CTRL + s
-                app.interface.change_status()
-                return True
-            if keyval == Gdk.KEY_k:  # CTRL + k
-                self.enable_rfilter('')
-    def on_roster_treeview_button_press_event(self, widget, event):
-        try:
-            pos = self.tree.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))
-            path, x = pos[0], pos[2]
-        except TypeError:
-            self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-            return False
-        if event.button == 3: # Right click
-            try:
-                model, list_of_paths = self.tree.get_selection().\
-                    get_selected_rows()
-            except TypeError:
-                list_of_paths = []
-            if path not in list_of_paths:
-                self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-                self.tree.get_selection().select_path(path)
-            return self.show_treeview_menu(event)
-        if event.button == 2: # Middle click
-            try:
-                model, list_of_paths = self.tree.get_selection().\
-                    get_selected_rows()
-            except TypeError:
-                list_of_paths = []
-            if list_of_paths != [path]:
-                self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-                self.tree.get_selection().select_path(path)
-            type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-            if type_ in ('agent', 'contact', 'self_contact', 'groupchat'):
-                self.on_row_activated(widget, path)
-            elif type_ == 'account':
-                account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                if account != 'all':
-                    if app.account_is_available(account):
-                        app.interface.change_account_status(account)
-                    return True
-                show = helpers.get_global_show()
-                if show == 'offline':
-                    return True
-                app.interface.change_status()
-            return True
-        if event.button == 1: # Left click
-            model = self.modelfilter
-            type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-            # x_min is the x start position of status icon column
-            if app.settings.get('avatar_position_in_roster') == 'left':
-                x_min = AvatarSize.ROSTER
-            else:
-                x_min = 0
-            if type_ == 'group' and x < 27:
-                # first cell in 1st column (the arrow SINGLE clicked)
-                if self.tree.row_expanded(path):
-                    self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-                else:
-                    self.expand_group_row(path)
-            elif type_ == 'contact' and x_min < x < x_min + 27:
-                if self.tree.row_expanded(path):
-                    self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-                else:
-                    self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-    def expand_group_row(self, path):
-        self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-        iter_ = self.modelfilter.get_iter(path)
-        child_iter = self.modelfilter.iter_children(iter_)
-        while child_iter:
-            type_ = self.modelfilter[child_iter][Column.TYPE]
-            account = self.modelfilter[child_iter][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            group = self.modelfilter[child_iter][Column.JID]
-            if type_ == 'group' and account + group not in self.collapsed_rows:
-                self.expand_group_row(self.modelfilter.get_path(child_iter))
-            child_iter = self.modelfilter.iter_next(child_iter)
-    def on_req_usub(self, widget, list_):
-        """
-        Remove a contact. list_ is a list of (contact, account) tuples
-        """
-        def on_ok(is_checked):
-            remove_auth = True
-            if len(list_) == 1:
-                contact = list_[0][0]
-                if contact.sub != 'to' and is_checked:
-                    remove_auth = False
-            for (contact, account) in list_:
-                if _('Not in contact list') not in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                    app.connections[account].get_module('Presence').unsubscribe(contact.jid,
-                        remove_auth)
-                self.remove_contact(contact.jid, account, backend=True)
-                if not remove_auth and contact.sub == 'both':
-                    contact.name = ''
-                    contact.groups = []
-                    contact.sub = 'from'
-                    # we can't see him, but have to set it manually in contact
-                    contact.show = 'offline'
-                    app.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
-                    self.add_contact(contact.jid, account)
-        def on_ok2():
-            on_ok(False)
-        if len(list_) == 1:
-            contact = list_[0][0]
-            title = _('Remove Contact')
-            pritext = _('Remove contact from contact list')
-            sectext = _('You are about to remove %(name)s (%(jid)s) from '
-                        'your contact list.\n') % {
-                            'name': contact.get_shown_name(),
-                            'jid': contact.jid}
-            if contact.sub == 'to':
-                ConfirmationDialog(
-                    title,
-                    pritext,
-                    sectext + \
-                    _('By removing this contact you also remove authorization. '
-                      'This means the contact will see you as offline.'),
-                    [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                     DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                                       callback=on_ok2)]).show()
-            elif _('Not in contact list') in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                # Contact is not in roster
-                ConfirmationDialog(
-                    title,
-                    pritext,
-                    sectext + \
-                    _('Do you want to continue?'),
-                    [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                     DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                                       callback=on_ok2)]).show()
-            else:
-                ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-                    title,
-                    pritext,
-                    sectext + \
-                    _('By removing this contact you also remove authorization. '
-                      'This means the contact will see you as offline.'),
-                    _('_I want this contact to know my status after removal'),
-                    [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                     DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                                       callback=on_ok)],
-                    modal=False).show()
-        else:
-            # several contact to remove at the same time
-            pritext = _('Remove contacts from contact list')
-            jids = ''
-            for contact, _account in list_:
-                jids += '%(name)s (%(jid)s)\n' % {
-                    'name': contact.get_shown_name(),
-                    'jid': contact.jid}
-            sectext = _('By removing the following contacts, you will also '
-                        'remove authorization. This means they will see you '
-                        'as offline:\n\n%s') % jids
-            ConfirmationDialog(
-                _('Remove Contacts'),
-                pritext,
-                sectext,
-                [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                 DialogButton.make('Remove',
-                                   callback=on_ok2)]).show()
-    def on_publish_tune_toggled(self, widget, account):
-        active = widget.get_active()
-        client = app.get_client(account)
-        client.get_module('UserTune').set_enabled(active)
-    def on_publish_location_toggled(self, widget, account):
-        active = widget.get_active()
-        client = app.get_client(account)
-        app.settings.set_account_setting(account, 'publish_location', active)
-        if active:
-            location.enable()
-        else:
-            client = app.get_client(account)
-            client.set_user_location(None)
-        client.get_module('Caps').update_caps()
-    def on_add_new_contact(self, widget, account):
-        AddNewContactWindow(account)
-    def on_create_gc_activate(self, widget, account):
-        """
-        When the create gc menuitem is clicked, show the create gc window
-        """
-        app.app.activate_action('create-groupchat',
-                                GLib.Variant('s', account))
-    def on_show_transports_action(self, action, param):
-        app.settings.set('show_transports_group', param.get_boolean())
-        action.set_state(param)
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-    def on_execute_command(self, widget, contact, account, resource=None):
-        """
-        Execute command. Full JID needed; if it is other contact, resource is
-        necessary. Widget is unnecessary, only to be able to make this a
-        callback
-        """
-        jid = contact.jid
-        if resource:
-            jid = jid + '/' + resource
-        AdHocCommand(account, jid)
-    def on_view_server_info(self, _widget, account):
-        app.app.activate_action('%s-server-info' % account,
-                                GLib.Variant('s', account))
-    def on_roster_window_focus_in_event(self, widget, event):
-        # roster received focus, so if we had urgency REMOVE IT
-        # NOTE: we do not have to read the message to remove urgency
-        # so this functions does that
-        set_urgency_hint(widget, False)
-        # if a contact row is selected, update colors (eg. for status msg)
-        # because gtk engines may differ in bg when window is selected
-        # or not
-        if self._last_selected_contact:
-            for (jid, account) in self._last_selected_contact:
-                self.draw_contact(jid, account, selected=True, focus=True)
-    def on_roster_window_focus_out_event(self, widget, event):
-        # if a contact row is selected, update colors (eg. for status msg)
-        # because gtk engines may differ in bg when window is selected
-        # or not
-        if self._last_selected_contact:
-            for (jid, account) in self._last_selected_contact:
-                self.draw_contact(jid, account, selected=True, focus=False)
-    def on_roster_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event):
-        if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape:
-            if self.rfilter_enabled:
-                self.disable_rfilter()
-                return True
-            if app.interface.msg_win_mgr.mode == \
-            MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER and \
-            app.interface.msg_win_mgr.one_window_opened():
-                # let message window close the tab
-                return
-            list_of_paths = self.tree.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1]
-            if not list_of_paths and not app.settings.get(
-            'quit_on_roster_x_button') and ((app.interface.systray_enabled and\
-            app.settings.get('trayicon') == 'always') or app.settings.get(
-            'allow_hide_roster')):
-                if os.name == 'nt' or app.settings.get('hide_on_roster_x_button'):
-                    self.window.hide()
-                else:
-                    self.window.iconify()
-        elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval == \
-        Gdk.KEY_i:
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            for path in list_of_paths:
-                type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-                if type_ in ('contact', 'agent'):
-                    jid = model[path][Column.JID]
-                    account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                    contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account,
-                        jid)
-                    self.on_info(widget, contact, account)
-        elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval == \
-        Gdk.KEY_h:
-            if app.settings.get('one_message_window') == 'always_with_roster':
-                # Let MessageWindow handle this
-                return
-            treeselection = self.tree.get_selection()
-            model, list_of_paths = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
-            if len(list_of_paths) != 1:
-                return
-            path = list_of_paths[0]
-            type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-            if type_ in ('contact', 'agent'):
-                jid = model[path][Column.JID]
-                account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account,
-                    jid)
-                dict_ = {'jid': GLib.Variant('s', jid),
-                         'account': GLib.Variant('s', account)}
-                app.app.activate_action('browse-history',
-                                        GLib.Variant('a{sv}', dict_))
-    def on_roster_window_popup_menu(self, widget):
-        event = Gdk.Event.new(Gdk.EventType.KEY_PRESS)
-        self.show_treeview_menu(event)
-    def on_row_activated(self, widget, path):
-        """
-        When an iter is activated (double-click or single click if gnome is set
-        this way)
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        account = model[path][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        type_ = model[path][Column.TYPE]
-        if type_ in ('group', 'account'):
-            if self.tree.row_expanded(path):
-                self.tree.collapse_row(path)
-            else:
-                self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-            return
-        if self.rfilter_enabled:
-            GObject.idle_add(self.disable_rfilter)
-        jid = model[path][Column.JID]
-        resource = None
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        titer = model.get_iter(path)
-        if contact.is_groupchat:
-            first_ev = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid)
-            if first_ev and self.open_event(account, jid, first_ev):
-                # We are invited to a GC
-                # open event cares about connecting to it
-                self.remove_groupchat(jid, account)
-            else:
-                self.on_groupchat_maximized(None, jid, account)
-            return
-        # else
-        first_ev = app.events.get_first_event(account, jid)
-        if not first_ev:
-            # look in other resources
-            for c in app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
-                fjid = c.get_full_jid()
-                first_ev = app.events.get_first_event(account, fjid)
-                if first_ev:
-                    resource = c.resource
-                    break
-        if not first_ev and model.iter_has_child(titer):
-            child_iter = model.iter_children(titer)
-            while not first_ev and child_iter:
-                child_jid = model[child_iter][Column.JID]
-                first_ev = app.events.get_first_event(account, child_jid)
-                if first_ev:
-                    jid = child_jid
-                else:
-                    child_iter = model.iter_next(child_iter)
-        session = None
-        if first_ev:
-            if first_ev.type_ in ('chat', 'normal'):
-                session = first_ev.session
-            fjid = jid
-            if resource:
-                fjid += '/' + resource
-            if self.open_event(account, fjid, first_ev):
-                return
-            # else
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid, resource)
-        if not contact or isinstance(contact, list):
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-                    jid)
-        if jid == app.get_jid_from_account(account):
-            resource = None
-        app.interface.on_open_chat_window(None, contact, account, \
-            resource=resource, session=session)
-    def on_roster_treeview_row_activated(self, widget, path, col=0):
-        """
-        When an iter is double clicked: open the first event window
-        """
-        self.on_row_activated(widget, path)
-    def on_roster_treeview_row_expanded(self, widget, titer, path):
-        """
-        When a row is expanded change the icon of the arrow
-        """
-        self._toggeling_row = True
-        model = widget.get_model()
-        child_model = model.get_model()
-        child_iter = model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(titer)
-        if self.regroup: # merged accounts
-            accounts = list(app.connections.keys())
-        else:
-            accounts = [model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]]
-        type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        if type_ == 'group':
-            group = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            child_model[child_iter][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name('opened')
-            if self.rfilter_enabled:
-                return
-            for account in accounts:
-                if group in app.groups[account]: # This account has this group
-                    app.groups[account][group]['expand'] = True
-                    if account + group in self.collapsed_rows:
-                        self.collapsed_rows.remove(account + group)
-                for contact in app.contacts.iter_contacts(account):
-                    jid = contact.jid
-                    if group in contact.groups and \
-                    app.contacts.is_big_brother(account, jid, accounts) and \
-                    account + group + jid not in self.collapsed_rows:
-                        titers = self._get_contact_iter(jid, account)
-                        for titer_ in titers:
-                            path = model.get_path(titer_)
-                            self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-        elif type_ == 'account':
-            account = list(accounts)[0] # There is only one cause we don't use merge
-            if account in self.collapsed_rows:
-                self.collapsed_rows.remove(account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-            # When we expand, groups are collapsed. Restore expand state
-            for group in app.groups[account]:
-                if app.groups[account][group]['expand']:
-                    titer = self._get_group_iter(group, account)
-                    if titer:
-                        path = model.get_path(titer)
-                        self.tree.expand_row(path, False)
-        elif type_ == 'contact':
-            # Metacontact got toggled, update icon
-            jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid)
-            for group in contact.groups:
-                if account + group + jid in self.collapsed_rows:
-                    self.collapsed_rows.remove(account + group + jid)
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-            nearby_family = \
-                self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)[0]
-            # Redraw all brothers to show pending events
-            for data in nearby_family:
-                self.draw_contact(data['jid'], data['account'])
-        self._toggeling_row = False
-    def on_roster_treeview_row_collapsed(self, widget, titer, path):
-        """
-        When a row is collapsed change the icon of the arrow
-        """
-        self._toggeling_row = True
-        model = widget.get_model()
-        child_model = model.get_model()
-        child_iter = model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(titer)
-        if self.regroup: # merged accounts
-            accounts = list(app.connections.keys())
-        else:
-            accounts = [model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]]
-        type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        if type_ == 'group':
-            child_model[child_iter][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name('closed')
-            if self.rfilter_enabled:
-                return
-            group = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            for account in accounts:
-                if group in app.groups[account]: # This account has this group
-                    app.groups[account][group]['expand'] = False
-                    if account + group not in self.collapsed_rows:
-                        self.collapsed_rows.append(account + group)
-        elif type_ == 'account':
-            account = accounts[0] # There is only one cause we don't use merge
-            if account not in self.collapsed_rows:
-                self.collapsed_rows.append(account)
-            self.draw_account(account)
-        elif type_ == 'contact':
-            # Metacontact got toggled, update icon
-            jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact(account, jid)
-            groups = contact.groups
-            if not groups:
-                groups = [_('General')]
-            for group in groups:
-                if account + group + jid not in self.collapsed_rows:
-                    self.collapsed_rows.append(account + group + jid)
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account, jid)
-            nearby_family = \
-                    self._get_nearby_family_and_big_brother(family, account)[0]
-            # Redraw all brothers to show pending events
-            for data in nearby_family:
-                self.draw_contact(data['jid'], data['account'])
-        self._toggeling_row = False
-    def on_modelfilter_row_has_child_toggled(self, model, path, titer):
-        """
-        Called when a row has gotten the first or lost its last child row
-        Expand Parent if necessary.
-        """
-        if self._toggeling_row:
-            # Signal is emitted when we write to our model
-            return
-        type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        if not account:
-            return
-        if type_ == 'contact':
-            child_iter = model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(titer)
-            if self.model.iter_has_child(child_iter):
-                # we are a bigbrother metacontact
-                # redraw us to show/hide expand icon
-                if self.filtering:
-                    # Prevent endless loops
-                    jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-                    GLib.idle_add(self.draw_contact, jid, account)
-        elif type_ == 'group':
-            group = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            GLib.idle_add(self._adjust_group_expand_collapse_state, group, account)
-        elif type_ == 'account':
-            GLib.idle_add(self._adjust_account_expand_collapse_state, account)
-# Selection can change when the model is filtered
-# Only write to the model when filtering is finished!
-# FIXME: When we are filtering our custom colors are somehow lost
-#       def on_treeview_selection_changed(self, selection):
-#               '''Called when selection in TreeView has changed.
-#               Redraw unselected rows to make status message readable
-#               on all possible backgrounds.
-#               '''
-#               model, list_of_paths = selection.get_selected_rows()
-#               if len(self._last_selected_contact):
-#                       # update unselected rows
-#                       for (jid, account) in self._last_selected_contact:
-#                               GLib.idle_add(self.draw_contact, jid,
-#                                       account)
-#               self._last_selected_contact = []
-#               if len(list_of_paths) == 0:
-#                       return
-#               for path in list_of_paths:
-#                       row = model[path]
-#                       if row[Column.TYPE] != 'contact':
-#                               self._last_selected_contact = []
-#                               return
-#                       jid = row[Column.JID]
-#                       account = row[Column.ACCOUNT]
-#                       self._last_selected_contact.append((jid, account))
-#                       GLib.idle_add(self.draw_contact, jid, account, True)
-    def on_service_disco_menuitem_activate(self, widget, account):
-        server_jid = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'hostname')
-        if server_jid in app.interface.instances[account]['disco']:
-            app.interface.instances[account]['disco'][server_jid].\
-                window.present()
-        else:
-            try:
-                # Object will add itself to the window dict
-                ServiceDiscoveryWindow(account, address_entry=True)
-            except GajimGeneralException:
-                pass
-    def on_show_offline_contacts_action(self, action, param):
-        """
-        When show offline option is changed: redraw the treeview
-        """
-        action.set_state(param)
-        app.settings.set('showoffline', param.get_boolean())
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-        self.window.lookup_action('show-active').set_enabled(
-            not param.get_boolean())
-    def on_show_active_contacts_action(self, action, param):
-        """
-        When show only active contact option is changed: redraw the treeview
-        """
-        action.set_state(param)
-        app.settings.set('show_only_chat_and_online', param.get_boolean())
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-        self.window.lookup_action('show-offline').set_enabled(
-            not param.get_boolean())
-    def on_show_roster_action(self, action, param):
-        # when num controls is 0 this menuitem is hidden, but still need to
-        # disable keybinding
-        action.set_state(param)
-        if self.hpaned.get_child2() is not None:
-            self.show_roster_vbox(param.get_boolean())
-    def on_rfilter_entry_changed(self, widget):
-        """ When we update the content of the filter """
-        self.rfilter_string = widget.get_text().lower()
-        if self.rfilter_string == '':
-            self.disable_rfilter()
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-        # select first row
-        self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-        def _func(model, path, iter_, param):
-            if model[iter_][Column.TYPE] == 'contact' and self.rfilter_string in \
-            model[iter_][Column.NAME].lower():
-                col = self.tree.get_column(0)
-                self.tree.set_cursor_on_cell(path, col, None, False)
-                return True
-        self.modelfilter.foreach(_func, None)
-    def on_rfilter_entry_icon_press(self, widget, icon, event):
-        """
-        Disable the roster filtering by clicking the icon in the textEntry
-        """
-        self.disable_rfilter()
-    def on_rfilter_entry_key_press_event(self, widget, event):
-        if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape:
-            self.disable_rfilter()
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Return:
-            self.tree.grab_focus()
-            self.tree.event(event)
-            self.disable_rfilter()
-        elif event.keyval in (Gdk.KEY_Up, Gdk.KEY_Down):
-            self.tree.grab_focus()
-            self.tree.event(event)
-        elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_BackSpace:
-            if widget.get_text() == '':
-                self.disable_rfilter()
-    def enable_rfilter(self, search_string):
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_visible(True)
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_editable(True)
-        self.rfilter_entry.grab_focus()
-        if self.rfilter_enabled:
-            self.rfilter_entry.set_text(self.rfilter_entry.get_text() + \
-                search_string)
-        else:
-            self.rfilter_enabled = True
-            self.rfilter_entry.set_text(search_string)
-            self.tree.expand_all()
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_position(-1)
-        # If roster is hidden, let's temporarily show it. This can happen if user
-        # enables rfilter via keyboard shortcut.
-        self.show_roster_vbox(True)
-    def disable_rfilter(self):
-        self.rfilter_enabled = False
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_text('')
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_visible(False)
-        self.rfilter_entry.set_editable(False)
-        self.refilter_shown_roster_items()
-        self.tree.grab_focus()
-        self._readjust_expand_collapse_state()
-        # If roster was hidden before enable_rfilter was called, hide it back.
-        state = self.window.lookup_action('show-roster').get_state().get_boolean()
-        if state is False and self.hpaned.get_child2() is not None:
-            self.show_roster_vbox(False)
-    def on_roster_hpaned_notify(self, pane, gparamspec):
-        """
-        Keep changing the width of the roster
-        (when a Gtk.Paned widget handle is dragged)
-        """
-        if gparamspec and gparamspec.name == 'position':
-            roster_width = pane.get_child1().get_allocation().width
-            app.settings.set('roster_width', roster_width)
-            app.settings.set('roster_hpaned_position', pane.get_position())
-### Drag and Drop handling
-    def drag_data_get_data(self, treeview, context, selection, target_id,
-    etime):
-        model, list_of_paths = self.tree.get_selection().get_selected_rows()
-        if len(list_of_paths) != 1:
-            return
-        path = list_of_paths[0]
-        data = ''
-        if path.get_depth() >= 2:
-            data = model[path][Column.JID]
-        selection.set_text(data, -1)
-    def drag_begin(self, treeview, context):
-        self.dragging = True
-    def drag_end(self, treeview, context):
-        self.dragging = False
-    def on_drop_rosterx(self, widget, account_source, c_source, account_dest,
-                        c_dest, was_big_brother, context, etime):
-        type_ = 'message'
-        if (c_dest.show not in ('offline', 'error') and
-                c_dest.supports(Namespace.ROSTERX)):
-            type_ = 'iq'
-        con = app.connections[account_dest]
-        con.get_module('RosterItemExchange').send_contacts(
-            [c_source], c_dest.get_full_jid(), type_=type_)
-    def on_drop_in_contact(self, widget, account_source, c_source, account_dest,
-    c_dest, was_big_brother, context, etime):
-        con_source = app.connections[account_source]
-        con_dest = app.connections[account_dest]
-        if (not con_source.get_module('MetaContacts').available or
-                not con_dest.get_module('MetaContacts').available):
-            return
-        def merge_contacts(is_checked=None):
-            contacts = 0
-            if is_checked is not None: # dialog has been shown
-                if is_checked: # user does not want to be asked again
-                    app.settings.set('confirm_metacontacts', 'no')
-                else:
-                    app.settings.set('confirm_metacontacts', 'yes')
-            # We might have dropped on a metacontact.
-            # Remove it and add it again later with updated family info
-            dest_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_dest,
-                c_dest.jid)
-            if dest_family:
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(dest_family, account_dest)
-                source_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(
-                    account_source, c_source.jid)
-                if dest_family == source_family:
-                    n = contacts = len(dest_family)
-                    for tag in source_family:
-                        if tag['jid'] == c_source.jid:
-                            tag['order'] = contacts
-                            continue
-                        if 'order' in tag:
-                            n -= 1
-                            tag['order'] = n
-            else:
-                self._remove_entity(c_dest, account_dest)
-            old_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_source,
-                    c_source.jid)
-            old_groups = c_source.groups
-            # Remove old source contact(s)
-            if was_big_brother:
-                # We have got little brothers. Add them all back
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(old_family, account_source)
-            else:
-                # We are only a little brother. Simply remove us from our big
-                # brother
-                if self._get_contact_iter(c_source.jid, account_source):
-                    # When we have been in the group before.
-                    # Do not try to remove us again
-                    self._remove_entity(c_source, account_source)
-                own_data = {}
-                own_data['jid'] = c_source.jid
-                own_data['account'] = account_source
-                # Don't touch the rest of the family
-                old_family = [own_data]
-            # Apply new tag and update contact
-            for data in old_family:
-                if account_source != data['account'] and not self.regroup:
-                    continue
-                _account = data['account']
-                _jid = data['jid']
-                _contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(_account,
-                    _jid)
-                if not _contact:
-                    # One of the metacontacts may be not connected.
-                    continue
-                _contact.groups = c_dest.groups[:]
-                app.contacts.add_metacontact(account_dest, c_dest.jid,
-                    _account, _contact.jid, contacts)
-                con = app.connections[account_source]
-                con.get_module('Roster').update_contact(
-                    _contact.jid, _contact.name, _contact.groups)
-            # Re-add all and update GUI
-            new_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_source,
-                c_source.jid)
-            brothers = self._add_metacontact_family(new_family, account_source)
-            for c, acc in brothers:
-                self.draw_completely(c.jid, acc)
-            old_groups.extend(c_dest.groups)
-            for g in old_groups:
-                self.draw_group(g, account_source)
-            self.draw_account(account_source)
-            context.finish(True, True, etime)
-        dest_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_dest,
-            c_dest.jid)
-        source_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_source,
-            c_source.jid)
-        confirm_metacontacts = app.settings.get('confirm_metacontacts')
-        if confirm_metacontacts == 'no' or dest_family == source_family:
-            merge_contacts()
-            return
-        pritext = _('You are about to create a metacontact')
-        sectext = _('Metacontacts are a way to regroup several contacts in '
-                    'one single contact. Generally it is used when the same '
-                    'person has several XMPP- or Transport-Accounts.')
-        ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-            _('Create Metacontact'),
-            pritext,
-            sectext,
-            _('_Do not ask me again'),
-            [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-             DialogButton.make('Accept',
-                               text=_('_Create'),
-                               callback=merge_contacts)]).show()
-    def on_drop_in_group(self, widget, account, c_source, grp_dest,
-    is_big_brother, context, etime, grp_source=None):
-        if is_big_brother:
-            # add whole metacontact to new group
-            self.add_contact_to_groups(c_source.jid, account, [grp_dest, ])
-            # remove afterwards so the contact is not moved to General in the
-            # meantime
-            if grp_dest != grp_source:
-                self.remove_contact_from_groups(c_source.jid, account,
-                    [grp_source])
-        else:
-            # Normal contact or little brother
-            family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account,
-                c_source.jid)
-            if family:
-                # Little brother
-                # Remove whole family. Remove us from the family.
-                # Then re-add other family members.
-                self._remove_metacontact_family(family, account)
-                app.contacts.remove_metacontact(account, c_source.jid)
-                for data in family:
-                    if account != data['account'] and not self.regroup:
-                        continue
-                    if data['jid'] == c_source.jid and\
-                    data['account'] == account:
-                        continue
-                    self.add_contact(data['jid'], data['account'])
-                    break
-                self.add_contact_to_groups(c_source.jid, account, [grp_dest, ])
-            else:
-                # Normal contact
-                self.add_contact_to_groups(c_source.jid, account, [grp_dest, ])
-                # remove afterwards so the contact is not moved to General in
-                # the meantime
-                if grp_dest != grp_source:
-                    self.remove_contact_from_groups(c_source.jid, account,
-                        [grp_source])
-        if context.get_actions() in (Gdk.DragAction.MOVE, Gdk.DragAction.COPY):
-            context.finish(True, True, etime)
-    def drag_drop(self, treeview, context, x, y, timestamp):
-        treeview.stop_emission_by_name('drag-drop')
-        target_list = treeview.drag_dest_get_target_list()
-        target = treeview.drag_dest_find_target(context, target_list)
-        treeview.drag_get_data(context, target, timestamp)
-        return True
-    def move_group(self, old_name, new_name, account):
-        for group in list(app.groups[account].keys()):
-            if group.startswith(old_name):
-                self.rename_group(group, group.replace(old_name, new_name),
-                    account)
-    def drag_data_received_data(self, treeview, context, x, y, selection, info,
-    etime):
-        treeview.stop_emission_by_name('drag-data-received')
-        drop_info = treeview.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)
-        if not drop_info:
-            return
-        data = selection.get_data().decode()
-        if not data:
-            return # prevents tb when several entries are dragged
-        model = treeview.get_model()
-        path_dest, position = drop_info
-        if position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE and len(path_dest) == 2 \
-        and path_dest[1] == 0: # dropped before the first group
-            return
-        if position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE and len(path_dest) == 2:
-            # dropped before a group: we drop it in the previous group every
-            # time
-            path_dest = (path_dest[0], path_dest[1]-1)
-        # destination: the row something got dropped on
-        iter_dest = model.get_iter(path_dest)
-        type_dest = model[iter_dest][Column.TYPE]
-        jid_dest = model[iter_dest][Column.JID]
-        account_dest = model[iter_dest][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        # drop on account row in merged mode, we cannot know the desired account
-        if account_dest == 'all':
-            return
-        # nothing can be done, if destination account is offline
-        if not app.account_is_available(account_dest):
-            return
-        # A file got dropped on the roster
-        if info == self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST:
-            if len(path_dest) < 3:
-                return
-            if type_dest != 'contact':
-                return
-            c_dest = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                account_dest, jid_dest)
-            if not c_dest.supports(Namespace.JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_5):
-                return
-            uri = data.strip()
-            uri_splitted = uri.split() # we may have more than one file dropped
-            try:
-                # This is always the last element in windows
-                uri_splitted.remove('\0')
-            except ValueError:
-                pass
-            nb_uri = len(uri_splitted)
-            # Check the URIs
-            bad_uris = []
-            for a_uri in uri_splitted:
-                path = helpers.get_file_path_from_dnd_dropped_uri(a_uri)
-                if not os.path.isfile(path):
-                    bad_uris.append(a_uri)
-            if bad_uris:
-                ErrorDialog(_('Invalid file URI:'), '\n'.join(bad_uris))
-                return
-            def _on_send_files(account, jid, uris):
-                c = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-                    jid)
-                for uri in uris:
-                    path = helpers.get_file_path_from_dnd_dropped_uri(uri)
-                    if os.path.isfile(path): # is it file?
-                        app.interface.instances['file_transfers'].send_file(
-                            account, c, path)
-            # Popup dialog to confirm sending
-            text = i18n.ngettext(
-                'Send this file to %s:\n',
-                'Send these files to %s:\n',
-                nb_uri) % c_dest.get_shown_name()
-            for uri in uri_splitted:
-                path = helpers.get_file_path_from_dnd_dropped_uri(uri)
-                text += '\n' + os.path.basename(path)
-            ConfirmationDialog(
-                _('File Transfer'),
-                _('File Transfer'),
-                text,
-                [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                 DialogButton.make('Accept',
-                                   text=_('_Send'),
-                                   callback=_on_send_files,
-                                   args=(account_dest, jid_dest, uri_splitted))],
-                transient_for=self.window).show()
-            return
-        # Check if something is selected
-        if treeview.get_selection().count_selected_rows() == 0:
-            return
-        # a roster entry was dragged and dropped somewhere in the roster
-        # source: the row that was dragged
-        path_source = treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1][0]
-        iter_source = model.get_iter(path_source)
-        type_source = model[iter_source][Column.TYPE]
-        account_source = model[iter_source][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        if app.settings.get_account_setting(account_source, 'is_zeroconf'):
-            return
-        if type_dest == 'self_contact':
-            # drop on self contact row
-            return
-        if type_dest == 'groupchat':
-            # Drop on a minimized groupchat
-            if type_source != 'contact':
-                return
-            contact_jid = data
-            gc_control = app.get_groupchat_control(account_dest, jid_dest)
-            if gc_control is not None:
-                gc_control.invite(contact_jid)
-            return
-        if type_source == 'group':
-            if account_source != account_dest:
-                # drop on another account
-                return
-            grp_source = model[iter_source][Column.JID]
-            delimiter = app.connections[account_source].get_module('Delimiter').delimiter
-            grp_source_list = grp_source.split(delimiter)
-            new_grp = None
-            if type_dest == 'account':
-                new_grp = grp_source_list[-1]
-            elif type_dest == 'group':
-                grp_dest = model[iter_dest][Column.JID]
-                # Don't allow to drop on e.g. Groupchats group
-                if grp_dest in helpers.special_groups:
-                    return
-                grp_dest_list = grp_dest.split(delimiter)
-                # Do not allow to drop on a subgroup of source group
-                if grp_source_list[0] != grp_dest_list[0]:
-                    new_grp = model[iter_dest][Column.JID] + delimiter + \
-                        grp_source_list[-1]
-            if new_grp:
-                self.move_group(grp_source, new_grp, account_source)
-        # Only normal contacts and group can be dragged
-        if type_source != 'contact':
-            return
-        # A contact was dropped
-        if app.settings.get_account_setting(account_dest, 'is_zeroconf'):
-            # drop on zeroconf account, adding not possible
-            return
-        if type_dest == 'account' and account_source == account_dest:
-            # drop on the account it was dragged from
-            return
-        # Get valid source group, jid and contact
-        it = iter_source
-        while model[it][Column.TYPE] == 'contact':
-            it = model.iter_parent(it)
-        grp_source = model[it][Column.JID]
-        if grp_source in (_('Transports'), _('Group chats')):
-            # a transport or a minimized groupchat was dragged
-            # we can add it to other accounts but not move it to another group,
-            # see below
-            return
-        jid_source = data
-        c_source = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-            account_source, jid_source)
-        # Get destination group
-        grp_dest = None
-        if type_dest == 'group':
-            grp_dest = model[iter_dest][Column.JID]
-        elif type_dest in ('contact', 'agent'):
-            it = iter_dest
-            while model[it][Column.TYPE] != 'group':
-                it = model.iter_parent(it)
-            grp_dest = model[it][Column.JID]
-        if grp_dest in helpers.special_groups:
-            return
-        if jid_source == jid_dest:
-            if grp_source == grp_dest and account_source == account_dest:
-                # Drop on self
-                return
-        # contact drop somewhere in or on a foreign account
-        if (type_dest == 'account' or not self.regroup) and \
-        account_source != account_dest:
-            # add to account in specified group
-            AddNewContactWindow(account=account_dest, contact_jid=jid_source,
-                user_nick=c_source.name, group=grp_dest)
-            return
-        # we may not add contacts from special_groups
-        if grp_source in helpers.special_groups:
-            if grp_source == _('Not in contact list'):
-                AddNewContactWindow(
-                    account=account_dest,
-                    contact_jid=jid_source,
-                    user_nick=c_source.name,
-                    group=grp_dest)
-                return
-            return
-        # Is the contact we drag a meta contact?
-        accounts = account_source
-        if self.regroup:
-            accounts = app.settings.get_active_accounts() or account_source
-        is_big_brother = app.contacts.is_big_brother(account_source,
-            jid_source, accounts)
-        drop_in_middle_of_meta = False
-        if type_dest == 'contact':
-            if position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE and len(path_dest) == 4:
-                drop_in_middle_of_meta = True
-            if position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER and (len(path_dest) == 4 or\
-            self.modelfilter.iter_has_child(iter_dest)):
-                drop_in_middle_of_meta = True
-        # Contact drop on group row or between two contacts that are
-        # not metacontacts
-        if (type_dest == 'group' or position in (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE,
-        Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER)) and not drop_in_middle_of_meta:
-            self.on_drop_in_group(None, account_source, c_source, grp_dest,
-                is_big_brother, context, etime, grp_source)
-            return
-        # Contact drop on another contact, make meta contacts
-        if position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER or \
-        position == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE or drop_in_middle_of_meta:
-            c_dest = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                account_dest, jid_dest)
-            if not c_dest:
-                # c_dest is None if jid_dest doesn't belong to account
-                return
-            menu = Gtk.Menu()
-            #from and to are the names of contacts
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(_('Send %(from)s to %(to)s') % {
-                'from': c_source.get_shown_name(), 'to': c_dest.get_shown_name()})
-            item.set_use_underline(False)
-            item.connect('activate', self.on_drop_rosterx, account_source,
-            c_source, account_dest, c_dest, is_big_brother, context, etime)
-            menu.append(item)
-            dest_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(account_dest,
-                c_dest.jid)
-            source_family = app.contacts.get_metacontacts_family(
-                account_source, c_source.jid)
-            if dest_family == source_family  and dest_family:
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(
-                    _('Make %s first contact') % (
-                    c_source.get_shown_name()))
-                item.set_use_underline(False)
-            else:
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(
-                    _('Make %(contact1)s and %(contact2)s metacontacts') % {
-                    'contact1': c_source.get_shown_name(), 'contact2': c_dest.get_shown_name()})
-                item.set_use_underline(False)
-            item.connect('activate', self.on_drop_in_contact, account_source,
-            c_source, account_dest, c_dest, is_big_brother, context, etime)
-            menu.append(item)
-            menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-            menu.connect('selection-done', gtkgui_helpers.destroy_widget)
-            menu.show_all()
-            menu.popup_at_pointer(None)
-### Everything about images and icons....
-### Cleanup assigned to Jim++ :-)
-    def update_icons(self):
-        # Update the roster
-        self.setup_and_draw_roster()
-        # Update the systray
-        if app.interface.systray_enabled:
-            app.interface.systray.set_img()
-            app.interface.systray.change_status(helpers.get_global_show())
-        for win in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.windows():
-            for ctrl in win.controls():
-                ctrl.update_ui()
-                win.redraw_tab(ctrl)
-        self._status_selector.update()
-    def set_account_status_icon(self, account):
-        child_iterA = self._get_account_iter(account, self.model)
-        if not child_iterA:
-            return
-        if not self.regroup:
-            status = helpers.get_connection_status(account)
-        else: # accounts merged
-            status = helpers.get_global_show()
-        self.model[child_iterA][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name(status)
-### Style and theme related methods
-    def show_title(self):
-        change_title_allowed = app.settings.get('change_roster_title')
-        if not change_title_allowed:
-            return
-        nb_unread = 0
-        for account in app.connections:
-            # Count events in roster title only if we don't auto open them
-            if not helpers.allow_popup_window(account):
-                nb_unread += app.events.get_nb_events(['chat', 'normal',
-                    'file-request', 'file-error', 'file-completed',
-                    'file-request-error', 'file-send-error', 'file-stopped',
-                    'printed_chat'], account)
-        if app.settings.get('one_message_window') == 'always_with_roster':
-            # always_with_roster mode defers to the MessageWindow
-            if not app.interface.msg_win_mgr.one_window_opened():
-                # No MessageWindow to defer to
-                self.window.set_title('Gajim')
-            set_urgency_hint(self.window, nb_unread > 0)
-            return
-        start = ''
-        if nb_unread > 1:
-            start = '[' + str(nb_unread) + ']  '
-        elif nb_unread == 1:
-            start = '*  '
-        self.window.set_title(start + 'Gajim')
-        set_urgency_hint(self.window, nb_unread > 0)
-    def _nec_chatstate_received(self, event):
-        if event.contact.is_gc_contact or event.contact.is_pm_contact:
-            return
-        self.draw_contact(event.contact.jid, event.account)
-    def _style_changed(self, *args):
-        self.change_roster_style(None)
-    def _change_style(self, model, path, titer, option):
-        if option is None or model[titer][Column.TYPE] == option:
-            # We changed style for this type of row
-            model[titer][Column.NAME] = model[titer][Column.NAME]
-    def change_roster_style(self, option):
-        self.model.foreach(self._change_style, option)
-        for win in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.windows():
-            win.repaint_themed_widgets()
-    def repaint_themed_widgets(self):
-        """
-        Notify windows that contain themed widgets to repaint them
-        """
-        for win in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.windows():
-            win.repaint_themed_widgets()
-        for account in app.connections:
-            for ctrl in list(app.interface.minimized_controls[account].values()):
-                ctrl.repaint_themed_widgets()
-    def _iconCellDataFunc(self, column, renderer, model, titer, data=None):
-        """
-        When a row is added, set properties for icon renderer
-        """
-        icon_name = model[titer][Column.IMG]
-        if ':' in icon_name:
-            icon_name, expanded = icon_name.split(':')
-            surface = get_metacontact_surface(
-                icon_name, expanded == 'opened', self.scale_factor)
-            renderer.set_property('icon_name', None)
-            renderer.set_property('surface', surface)
-        else:
-            renderer.set_property('surface', None)
-            renderer.set_property('icon_name', icon_name)
-        try:
-            type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        except TypeError:
-            return
-        if type_ == 'account':
-            self._set_account_row_background_color(renderer)
-            renderer.set_property('xalign', 0)
-        elif type_ == 'group':
-            self._set_group_row_background_color(renderer)
-            parent_iter = model.iter_parent(titer)
-            if model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE] == 'group':
-                renderer.set_property('xalign', 0.4)
-            else:
-                renderer.set_property('xalign', 0.6)
-        elif type_:
-            # prevent type_ = None, see http://trac.gajim.org/ticket/2534
-            if not model[titer][Column.JID] or not model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]:
-                # This can append when at the moment we add the row
-                return
-            jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            self._set_contact_row_background_color(renderer, jid, account)
-            parent_iter = model.iter_parent(titer)
-            if model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE] == 'contact':
-                renderer.set_property('xalign', 1)
-            else:
-                renderer.set_property('xalign', 0.6)
-        renderer.set_property('width', 26)
-    def _nameCellDataFunc(self, column, renderer, model, titer, data=None):
-        """
-        When a row is added, set properties for name renderer
-        """
-        try:
-            type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        except TypeError:
-            return
-        if type_ == 'account':
-            color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-account-row', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-            renderer.set_property('foreground', color)
-            desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-account-row')
-            renderer.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-            renderer.set_property('xpad', 0)
-            renderer.set_property('width', 3)
-            self._set_account_row_background_color(renderer)
-        elif type_ == 'group':
-            color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-group-row', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-            renderer.set_property('foreground', color)
-            desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-group-row')
-            renderer.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-            parent_iter = model.iter_parent(titer)
-            if model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE] == 'group':
-                renderer.set_property('xpad', 8)
-            else:
-                renderer.set_property('xpad', 4)
-            self._set_group_row_background_color(renderer)
-        elif type_:
-            # prevent type_ = None, see http://trac.gajim.org/ticket/2534
-            if not model[titer][Column.JID] or not model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]:
-                # This can append when at the moment we add the row
-                return
-            jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            color = None
-            if type_ == 'groupchat':
-                ctrl = app.interface.minimized_controls[account].get(jid, None)
-                if ctrl and ctrl.attention_flag:
-                    color = app.css_config.get_value(
-                        '.state_muc_directed_msg_color', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-            elif app.settings.get('show_chatstate_in_roster'):
-                chatstate = app.contacts.get_combined_chatstate(account, jid)
-                if chatstate not in (None, 'active'):
-                    color = app.css_config.get_value(
-                        '.gajim-state-%s' % chatstate, StyleAttr.COLOR)
-            else:
-                color = app.css_config.get_value(
-                    '.gajim-contact-row', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-            renderer.set_property('foreground', color)
-            self._set_contact_row_background_color(renderer, jid, account)
-            desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-contact-row')
-            renderer.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-            parent_iter = model.iter_parent(titer)
-            if model[parent_iter][Column.TYPE] == 'contact':
-                renderer.set_property('xpad', 16)
-            else:
-                renderer.set_property('xpad', 12)
-    def _fill_pep_pixbuf_renderer(self, column, renderer, model, titer,
-    data=None):
-        """
-        When a row is added, draw the respective pep icon
-        """
-        try:
-            type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        except TypeError:
-            return
-        # allocate space for the icon only if needed
-        if model[titer][data] is None:
-            renderer.set_property('visible', False)
-        else:
-            renderer.set_property('visible', True)
-            if type_ == 'account':
-                self._set_account_row_background_color(renderer)
-                renderer.set_property('xalign', 1)
-            elif type_:
-                if not model[titer][Column.JID] or not model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]:
-                    # This can append at the moment we add the row
-                    return
-                jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-                account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                self._set_contact_row_background_color(renderer, jid, account)
-    def _fill_avatar_pixbuf_renderer(self, column, renderer, model, titer,
-    data=None):
-        """
-        When a row is added, set properties for avatar renderer
-        """
-        try:
-            type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        except TypeError:
-            return
-        if type_ in ('group', 'account'):
-            renderer.set_property('visible', False)
-            return
-        image = model[titer][Column.AVATAR_IMG]
-        if image is not None:
-            surface = image.get_property('surface')
-            renderer.set_property('surface', surface)
-        # allocate space for the icon only if needed
-        if model[titer][Column.AVATAR_IMG] or \
-        app.settings.get('avatar_position_in_roster') == 'left':
-            renderer.set_property('visible', True)
-            if type_:
-                # prevent type_ = None, see http://trac.gajim.org/ticket/2534
-                if not model[titer][Column.JID] or not model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]:
-                    # This can append at the moment we add the row
-                    return
-                jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-                account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-                self._set_contact_row_background_color(renderer, jid, account)
-        else:
-            renderer.set_property('visible', False)
-        if model[titer][Column.AVATAR_IMG] is None and \
-        app.settings.get('avatar_position_in_roster') != 'left':
-            renderer.set_property('visible', False)
-        renderer.set_property('width', AvatarSize.ROSTER)
-        renderer.set_property('xalign', 0.5)
-    def _fill_padlock_pixbuf_renderer(self, column, renderer, model, titer,
-    data=None):
-        """
-        When a row is added, set properties for padlock renderer
-        """
-        try:
-            type_ = model[titer][Column.TYPE]
-        except TypeError:
-            return
-        # allocate space for the icon only if needed
-        if type_ == 'account' and model[titer][Column.PADLOCK_PIXBUF]:
-            renderer.set_property('visible', True)
-            self._set_account_row_background_color(renderer)
-            renderer.set_property('xalign', 1) # align pixbuf to the right
-        else:
-            renderer.set_property('visible', False)
-    def _set_account_row_background_color(self, renderer):
-        color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-account-row', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND)
-        renderer.set_property('cell-background', color)
-    def _set_contact_row_background_color(self, renderer, jid, account):
-        if jid in app.newly_added[account]:
-            renderer.set_property('cell-background', app.css_config.get_value(
-                    '.gajim-roster-connected', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND))
-        elif jid in app.to_be_removed[account]:
-            renderer.set_property('cell-background', app.css_config.get_value(
-                '.gajim-roster-disconnected', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND))
-        else:
-            color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-contact-row', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND)
-            renderer.set_property('cell-background', color)
-    def _set_group_row_background_color(self, renderer):
-        color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-group-row', 'background')
-        renderer.set_property('cell-background', color)
-### Everything about building menus
-### FIXME: We really need to make it simpler! 1465 lines are a few to much....
-    def build_account_menu(self, account):
-        # we have to create our own set of icons for the menu
-        # using self.jabber_status_images is poopoo
-        if not app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'is_zeroconf'):
-            xml = get_builder('account_context_menu.ui')
-            account_context_menu = xml.get_object('account_context_menu')
-            status_menuitem = xml.get_object('status_menuitem')
-            add_contact_menuitem = xml.get_object('add_contact_menuitem')
-            service_discovery_menuitem = xml.get_object(
-                'service_discovery_menuitem')
-            execute_command_menuitem = xml.get_object(
-                'execute_command_menuitem')
-            view_server_info_menuitem = xml.get_object(
-                'view_server_info_menuitem')
-            edit_account_menuitem = xml.get_object('edit_account_menuitem')
-            sub_menu = Gtk.Menu()
-            status_menuitem.set_submenu(sub_menu)
-            for show in ('online', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd'):
-                uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show(show, use_mnemonic=True)
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(uf_show)
-                sub_menu.append(item)
-                item.connect('activate', self.change_status, account, show)
-            item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new()
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Change Status Message'))
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item.connect('activate', self.on_change_status_message_activate,
-                account)
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                item.set_sensitive(False)
-            item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new()
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show('offline', use_mnemonic=True)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(uf_show)
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item.connect('activate', self.change_status, account, 'offline')
-            pep_menuitem = xml.get_object('pep_menuitem')
-            if app.connections[account].get_module('PEP').supported:
-                pep_submenu = Gtk.Menu()
-                pep_menuitem.set_submenu(pep_submenu)
-                item = Gtk.CheckMenuItem(label=_('Publish Tune'))
-                pep_submenu.append(item)
-                if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'):
-                    item.set_sensitive(False)
-                else:
-                    active = app.settings.get_account_setting(account,
-                                                              'publish_tune')
-                    item.set_active(active)
-                    item.connect('toggled', self.on_publish_tune_toggled,
-                                 account)
-                item = Gtk.CheckMenuItem(label=_('Publish Location'))
-                pep_submenu.append(item)
-                if not app.is_installed('GEOCLUE'):
-                    item.set_sensitive(False)
-                else:
-                    active = app.settings.get_account_setting(
-                        account, 'publish_location')
-                    item.set_active(active)
-                    item.connect('toggled', self.on_publish_location_toggled,
-                                 account)
-            else:
-                pep_menuitem.set_sensitive(False)
-            edit_account_menuitem.set_detailed_action_name(
-                'app.accounts::%s' % account)
-            if app.connections[account].roster_supported:
-                add_contact_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                    self.on_add_new_contact, account)
-            else:
-                add_contact_menuitem.set_sensitive(False)
-            service_discovery_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                self.on_service_disco_menuitem_activate, account)
-            hostname = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'hostname')
-            contact = app.contacts.create_contact(jid=hostname,
-                account=account) # Fake contact
-            execute_command_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                self.on_execute_command, contact, account)
-            view_server_info_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                self.on_view_server_info, account)
-            # make some items insensitive if account is offline
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                for widget in (add_contact_menuitem, service_discovery_menuitem,
-                execute_command_menuitem, view_server_info_menuitem,
-                pep_menuitem):
-                    widget.set_sensitive(False)
-        else:
-            xml = get_builder('zeroconf_context_menu.ui')
-            account_context_menu = xml.get_object('zeroconf_context_menu')
-            status_menuitem = xml.get_object('status_menuitem')
-            zeroconf_properties_menuitem = xml.get_object(
-                    'zeroconf_properties_menuitem')
-            sub_menu = Gtk.Menu()
-            status_menuitem.set_submenu(sub_menu)
-            for show in ('online', 'away', 'dnd'):
-                uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show(show, use_mnemonic=True)
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(uf_show)
-                sub_menu.append(item)
-                item.connect('activate', self.change_status, account, show)
-            item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new()
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Change Status Message'))
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item.connect('activate', self.on_change_status_message_activate,
-                account)
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                item.set_sensitive(False)
-            uf_show = helpers.get_uf_show('offline', use_mnemonic=True)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(uf_show)
-            sub_menu.append(item)
-            item.connect('activate', self.change_status, account, 'offline')
-            zeroconf_properties_menuitem.set_detailed_action_name(
-                'app.accounts::%s' % account)
-        return account_context_menu
-    def make_account_menu(self, event, titer):
-        """
-        Make account's popup menu
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        if account != 'all': # not in merged mode
-            menu = self.build_account_menu(account)
-        else:
-            menu = Gtk.Menu()
-            accounts = [] # Put accounts in a list to sort them
-            for account in app.connections:
-                accounts.append(account)
-            accounts.sort()
-            for account in accounts:
-                label = app.get_account_label(account)
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(label)
-                account_menu = self.build_account_menu(account)
-                item.set_submenu(account_menu)
-                menu.append(item)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.connect('selection-done', gtkgui_helpers.destroy_widget)
-        menu.show_all()
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def make_group_menu(self, event, iters):
-        """
-        Make group's popup menu
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        groups = []
-        accounts = []
-        list_ = []  # list of (contact, account) tuples
-        list_online = []  # list of (contact, account) tuples
-        for titer in iters:
-            groups.append(model[titer][Column.JID])
-            accounts.append(model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT])
-            # Don't show menu if groups of more than one account are selected
-            if accounts[0] != model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]:
-                return
-        account = accounts[0]
-        show_bookmarked = True
-        for jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-                jid)
-            for group in groups:
-                if group in contact.get_shown_groups():
-                    if contact.show not in ('offline', 'error'):
-                        list_online.append((contact, account))
-                        # Check that all contacts support direct NUC invite
-                        if not contact.supports(Namespace.CONFERENCE):
-                            show_bookmarked = False
-                    list_.append((contact, account))
-        menu = Gtk.Menu()
-        # Make special context menu if group is Groupchats
-        if _('Group chats') in groups:
-            if len(groups) == 1:
-                maximize_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(
-                    _('_Maximize All'))
-                maximize_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                    self.on_all_groupchat_maximized, list_)
-                menu.append(maximize_menuitem)
-            else:
-                return
-        else:
-            # Send Group Message
-            send_group_message_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(
-                _('Send Group M_essage'))
-            send_group_message_submenu = Gtk.Menu()
-            send_group_message_item.set_submenu(send_group_message_submenu)
-            menu.append(send_group_message_item)
-            group_message_to_all_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(_(
-                'To all users'))
-            send_group_message_submenu.append(group_message_to_all_item)
-            group_message_to_all_online_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(
-                _('To all online users'))
-            send_group_message_submenu.append(group_message_to_all_online_item)
-            group_message_to_all_online_item.connect('activate',
-                self.on_send_single_message_menuitem_activate, account,
-                list_online)
-            group_message_to_all_item.connect('activate',
-                self.on_send_single_message_menuitem_activate, account, list_)
-            # Invite to
-            invite_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(
-                _('In_vite to'))
-            if _('Transports') not in groups:
-                gui_menu_builder.build_invite_submenu(invite_menuitem,
-                    list_online, show_bookmarked=show_bookmarked)
-                menu.append(invite_menuitem)
-            # there is no singlemessage and custom status for zeroconf
-            if app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'is_zeroconf'):
-                send_group_message_item.set_sensitive(False)
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                send_group_message_item.set_sensitive(False)
-                invite_menuitem.set_sensitive(False)
-        special_group = False
-        for group in groups:
-            if group in helpers.special_groups:
-                special_group = True
-                break
-        if not special_group and len(groups) == 1:
-            group = groups[0]
-            item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() # separator
-            menu.append(item)
-            # Rename
-            rename_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Rename…'))
-            menu.append(rename_item)
-            rename_item.connect('activate', self.on_rename, 'group', group,
-                account)
-            # Remove group
-            remove_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Remo_ve'))
-            menu.append(remove_item)
-            remove_item.connect('activate', self.on_remove_group_item_activated,
-                group, account)
-            # unsensitive if account is not connected
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                rename_item.set_sensitive(False)
-            # General group cannot be changed
-            if group == _('General'):
-                rename_item.set_sensitive(False)
-                remove_item.set_sensitive(False)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.connect('selection-done', gtkgui_helpers.destroy_widget)
-        menu.show_all()
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def make_contact_menu(self, event, titer):
-        """
-        Make contact's popup menu
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        menu = gui_menu_builder.get_contact_menu(contact, account)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def make_multiple_contact_menu(self, event, iters):
-        """
-        Make group's popup menu
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        list_ = [] # list of (jid, account) tuples
-        one_account_offline = False
-        is_blocked = True
-        blocking_supported = True
-        for titer in iters:
-            jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-            account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-            if not app.account_is_available(account):
-                one_account_offline = True
-            con = app.connections[account]
-            if not con.get_module('Blocking').supported:
-                blocking_supported = False
-            contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(
-                account, jid)
-            if not helpers.jid_is_blocked(account, jid):
-                is_blocked = False
-            list_.append((contact, account))
-        menu = Gtk.Menu()
-        account = None
-        for (contact, current_account) in list_:
-            # check that we use the same account for every sender
-            if account is not None and account != current_account:
-                account = None
-                break
-            account = current_account
-        show_bookmarked = True
-        for (contact, current_account) in list_:
-            # Check that all contacts support direct NUC invite
-            if not contact.supports(Namespace.CONFERENCE):
-                show_bookmarked = False
-                break
-        if account is not None:
-            send_group_message_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(
-                _('Send Group M_essage'))
-            menu.append(send_group_message_item)
-            send_group_message_item.connect('activate',
-                self.on_send_single_message_menuitem_activate, account, list_)
-        # Invite to Groupchat
-        invite_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('In_vite to'))
-        gui_menu_builder.build_invite_submenu(invite_item, list_,
-            show_bookmarked=show_bookmarked)
-        menu.append(invite_item)
-        item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() # separator
-        menu.append(item)
-        # Manage Transport submenu
-        item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Manage Contacts'))
-        manage_contacts_submenu = Gtk.Menu()
-        item.set_submenu(manage_contacts_submenu)
-        menu.append(item)
-        # Edit Groups
-        edit_groups_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Edit _Groups…'))
-        manage_contacts_submenu.append(edit_groups_item)
-        edit_groups_item.connect('activate', self.on_edit_groups, list_)
-        item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() # separator
-        manage_contacts_submenu.append(item)
-        # Block
-        if is_blocked and blocking_supported:
-            unblock_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Unblock'))
-            unblock_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_unblock, list_)
-            manage_contacts_submenu.append(unblock_menuitem)
-        else:
-            block_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Block'))
-            block_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_block, list_)
-            manage_contacts_submenu.append(block_menuitem)
-            if not blocking_supported:
-                block_menuitem.set_sensitive(False)
-        # Remove
-        remove_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Remove'))
-        manage_contacts_submenu.append(remove_item)
-        remove_item.connect('activate', self.on_req_usub, list_)
-        # unsensitive remove if one account is not connected
-        if one_account_offline:
-            remove_item.set_sensitive(False)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.connect('selection-done', gtkgui_helpers.destroy_widget)
-        menu.show_all()
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def make_transport_menu(self, event, titer):
-        """
-        Make transport's popup menu
-        """
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        menu = gui_menu_builder.get_transport_menu(contact, account)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def make_groupchat_menu(self, event, titer):
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        jid = model[titer][Column.JID]
-        account = model[titer][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
-        menu = Gtk.Menu()
-        if jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account]:
-            maximize_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_(
-                '_Maximize'))
-            maximize_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_groupchat_maximized, \
-                jid, account)
-            menu.append(maximize_menuitem)
-            rename_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Re_name'))
-            rename_menuitem.connect('activate',
-                                    self.on_groupchat_rename,
-                                    jid,
-                                    account)
-            menu.append(rename_menuitem)
-        disconnect_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_(
-            '_Leave'))
-        disconnect_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_disconnect, jid,
-            account)
-        menu.append(disconnect_menuitem)
-        item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() # separator
-        menu.append(item)
-        adhoc_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Execute command'))
-        adhoc_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_execute_command, contact,
-            account)
-        menu.append(adhoc_menuitem)
-        item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() # separator
-        menu.append(item)
-        history_menuitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_History'))
-        history_menuitem.set_action_name('app.browse-history')
-        dict_ = {'jid': GLib.Variant('s', contact.jid),
-                 'account': GLib.Variant('s', account)}
-        variant = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', dict_)
-        history_menuitem.set_action_target_value(variant)
-        menu.append(history_menuitem)
-        event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
-        menu.attach_to_widget(self.tree, None)
-        menu.connect('selection-done', gtkgui_helpers.destroy_widget)
-        menu.show_all()
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event_button, event.time)
-    def show_appropriate_context_menu(self, event, iters):
-        # iters must be all of the same type
-        model = self.modelfilter
-        type_ = model[iters[0]][Column.TYPE]
-        for titer in iters[1:]:
-            if model[titer][Column.TYPE] != type_:
-                return
-        if type_ == 'group':
-            self.make_group_menu(event, iters)
-        if type_ == 'groupchat' and len(iters) == 1:
-            self.make_groupchat_menu(event, iters[0])
-        elif type_ == 'agent' and len(iters) == 1:
-            self.make_transport_menu(event, iters[0])
-        elif type_ in ('contact', 'self_contact') and len(iters) == 1:
-            self.make_contact_menu(event, iters[0])
-        elif type_ == 'contact':
-            self.make_multiple_contact_menu(event, iters)
-        elif type_ == 'account' and len(iters) == 1:
-            self.make_account_menu(event, iters[0])
-    def show_treeview_menu(self, event):
-        try:
-            model, list_of_paths = self.tree.get_selection().get_selected_rows()
-        except TypeError:
-            self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
-            return
-        if not list_of_paths:
-            # no row is selected
-            return
-        if len(list_of_paths) > 1:
-            iters = []
-            for path in list_of_paths:
-                iters.append(model.get_iter(path))
-        else:
-            path = list_of_paths[0]
-            iters = [model.get_iter(path)]
-        self.show_appropriate_context_menu(event, iters)
-        return True
-    def fill_column(self, col):
-        for rend in self.renderers_list:
-            col.pack_start(rend[1], rend[2])
-            if rend[0] != 'avatar':
-                col.add_attribute(rend[1], rend[3], rend[4])
-            col.set_cell_data_func(rend[1], rend[5], rend[6])
-        # set renderers properties
-        for renderer, props in self.renderers_propertys.items():
-            renderer.set_property(props[0], props[1])
-    def query_tooltip(self, widget, x_pos, y_pos, _keyboard_mode, tooltip):
-        try:
-            path = widget.get_path_at_pos(x_pos, y_pos)
-            row = path[0]
-            col = path[1]
-        except TypeError:
-            self._roster_tooltip.clear_tooltip()
-            return False
-        if not row:
-            self._roster_tooltip.clear_tooltip()
-            return False
-        iter_ = None
-        try:
-            model = widget.get_model()
-            iter_ = model.get_iter(row)
-        except Exception:
-            self._roster_tooltip.clear_tooltip()
-            return False
-        typ = model[iter_][Column.TYPE]
-        account = model[iter_][Column.ACCOUNT]
-        jid = model[iter_][Column.JID]
-        connected_contacts = []
-        if typ == 'group':
-            if jid == _('Observers'):
-                widget.set_tooltip_cell(tooltip, row, col, None)
-                tooltip.set_text(
-                    _('Observers can see your status, but you '
-                      'are not allowed to see theirs'))
-                return True
-            return False
-        if typ in ('contact', 'self_contact'):
-            contacts = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-            for contact in contacts:
-                if contact.show not in ('offline', 'error'):
-                    connected_contacts.append(contact)
-            if not connected_contacts:
-                # no connected contacts, show the offline one
-                connected_contacts = contacts
-        elif typ == 'groupchat':
-            connected_contacts = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
-        elif typ != 'account':
-            return False
-        value, widget = self._roster_tooltip.get_tooltip(
-            row, connected_contacts, account, typ)
-        tooltip.set_custom(widget)
-        return value
-    def add_actions(self):
-        actions = [
-            ('show-roster',
-             not self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2').get_no_show_all(),
-             self.on_show_roster_action),
-            ('show-offline',
-             app.settings.get('showoffline'),
-             self.on_show_offline_contacts_action),
-            ('show-active',
-             app.settings.get('show_only_chat_and_online'),
-             self.on_show_active_contacts_action),
-            ('show-transports',
-             app.settings.get('show_transports_group'),
-             self.on_show_transports_action),
-        ]
-        for action in actions:
-            action_name, variant, func = action
-            act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful(
-                action_name, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(variant))
-            act.connect('change-state', func)
-            self.window.add_action(act)
-    def __init__(self, application):
-        self.application = application
-        self.filtering = False
-        self.starting = False
-        self.starting_filtering = False
-        # Number of renderers plugins added
-        self.nb_ext_renderers = 0
-        # When we quit, remember if we already saved config once
-        self.save_done = False
-        # [icon, name, type, jid, account, editable, mood_pixbuf,
-        # activity_pixbuf, TUNE_ICON, LOCATION_ICON, avatar_img,
-        # padlock_pixbuf, visible]
-        self.columns = [str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str,
-                        Gtk.Image, str, bool]
-        self.xml = get_builder('roster_window.ui')
-        self.window = self.xml.get_object('roster_window')
-        application.add_window(self.window)
-        self.add_actions()
-        self.hpaned = self.xml.get_object('roster_hpaned')
-        # app.interface.msg_win_mgr = MessageWindowMgr(self.window, self.hpaned)
-        # app.interface.msg_win_mgr.connect('window-delete',
-        #     self.on_message_window_delete)
-        self.advanced_menus = [] # We keep them to destroy them
-        if app.settings.get('roster_window_skip_taskbar'):
-            self.window.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
-        self.tree = self.xml.get_object('roster_treeview')
-        sel = self.tree.get_selection()
-        sel.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE)
-        # sel.connect('changed',
-        #       self.on_treeview_selection_changed)
-        self._iters = {}
-        # for merged mode
-        self._iters['MERGED'] = {'account': None, 'groups': {}}
-        # holds a list of (jid, account) tuples
-        self._last_selected_contact = []
-        self.transports_state_images = {'16': {}, '32': {}, 'opened': {},
-            'closed': {}}
-        self.last_save_dir = None
-        self.editing_path = None # path of row with cell in edit mode
-        self.add_new_contact_handler_id = False
-        self.service_disco_handler_id = False
-        self.new_chat_menuitem_handler_id = False
-        self.single_message_menuitem_handler_id = False
-        self.profile_avatar_menuitem_handler_id = False
-        #FIXME: When list_accel_closures will be wrapped in pygtk
-        # no need of this variable
-        self.have_new_chat_accel = False # Is the "Ctrl+N" shown ?
-        self.regroup = app.settings.get('mergeaccounts')
-        self.clicked_path = None # Used remember on which row we clicked
-        if len(app.connections) < 2:
-            # Do not merge accounts if only one exists
-            self.regroup = False
-        resize_window(self.window,
-                      app.settings.get('roster_width'),
-                      app.settings.get('roster_height'))
-        restore_roster_position(self.window)
-        # Remove contact from roster when last event opened
-        # { (contact, account): { backend: boolean }
-        self.contacts_to_be_removed = {}
-        app.events.event_removed_subscribe(self.on_event_removed)
-        # when this value become 0 we quit main application. If it's more than 0
-        # it means we are waiting for this number of accounts to disconnect
-        # before quitting
-        self.quit_on_next_offline = -1
-        # groups to draw next time we draw groups.
-        self.groups_to_draw = {}
-        # accounts to draw next time we draw accounts.
-        self.accounts_to_draw = []
-        # Status selector
-        self._status_selector = StatusSelector()
-        self.xml.roster_vbox2.add(self._status_selector)
-        # Enable/Disable checkboxes at start
-        if app.settings.get('showoffline'):
-            self.window.lookup_action('show-active').set_enabled(False)
-        if app.settings.get('show_only_chat_and_online'):
-            self.window.lookup_action('show-offline').set_enabled(False)
-        if self.hpaned.get_child2() is None:
-            self.window.lookup_action('show-roster').set_enabled(False)
-        # columns
-        col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
-        # list of renderers with attributes / properties in the form:
-        # (name, renderer_object, expand?, attribute_name, attribute_value,
-        # cell_data_func, func_arg)
-        self.renderers_list = []
-        self.renderers_propertys = {}
-        renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
-        self.renderers_propertys[renderer_text] = ('ellipsize',
-            Pango.EllipsizeMode.END)
-        def add_avatar_renderer():
-            self.renderers_list.append(('avatar', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(),
-                False, None, Column.AVATAR_IMG,
-                self._fill_avatar_pixbuf_renderer, None))
-        if app.settings.get('avatar_position_in_roster') == 'left':
-            add_avatar_renderer()
-        self.renderers_list += (
-                ('icon', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.IMG, self._iconCellDataFunc, None),
-                ('name', renderer_text, True,
-                'markup', Column.NAME, self._nameCellDataFunc, None),
-                ('mood', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.MOOD_PIXBUF,
-                self._fill_pep_pixbuf_renderer, Column.MOOD_PIXBUF),
-                ('activity', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.ACTIVITY_PIXBUF,
-                self._fill_pep_pixbuf_renderer, Column.ACTIVITY_PIXBUF),
-                ('tune', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.TUNE_ICON,
-                self._fill_pep_pixbuf_renderer, Column.TUNE_ICON),
-                ('geoloc', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.LOCATION_ICON,
-                self._fill_pep_pixbuf_renderer, Column.LOCATION_ICON))
-        if app.settings.get('avatar_position_in_roster') == 'right':
-            add_avatar_renderer()
-        self.renderers_list.append(('padlock', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False,
-                'icon_name', Column.PADLOCK_PIXBUF,
-                self._fill_padlock_pixbuf_renderer, None))
-        # fill and append column
-        self.fill_column(col)
-        self.tree.append_column(col)
-        # do not show gtk arrows workaround
-        col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
-        render_pixbuf = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
-        col.pack_start(render_pixbuf, False)
-        self.tree.append_column(col)
-        col.set_visible(False)
-        self.tree.set_expander_column(col)
-        # Signals
-        # Drag
-        self.tree.enable_model_drag_source(
-            Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,
-            [],
-            Gdk.DragAction.DEFAULT |
-            Gdk.DragAction.MOVE |
-            Gdk.DragAction.COPY)
-        self.tree.drag_source_add_text_targets()
-        # Drop
-        self.tree.enable_model_drag_dest([], Gdk.DragAction.DEFAULT)
-        self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST = 80
-        uri_entry = Gtk.TargetEntry.new(
-            'text/uri-list',
-            Gtk.TargetFlags.OTHER_APP,
-            self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST)
-        dst_targets = Gtk.TargetList.new([uri_entry])
-        dst_targets.add_text_targets(0)
-        self.tree.drag_dest_set_target_list(dst_targets)
-        # Connect
-        self.tree.connect('drag-begin', self.drag_begin)
-        self.tree.connect('drag-end', self.drag_end)
-        self.tree.connect('drag-drop', self.drag_drop)
-        self.tree.connect('drag-data-get', self.drag_data_get_data)
-        self.tree.connect('drag-data-received', self.drag_data_received_data)
-        self.dragging = False
-        self.xml.connect_signals(self)
-        self.combobox_callback_active = True
-        self.collapsed_rows = app.settings.get('collapsed_rows').split('\t')
-        self.tree.set_has_tooltip(True)
-        self._roster_tooltip = RosterTooltip()
-        self.tree.connect('query-tooltip', self.query_tooltip)
-        # Workaround: For strange reasons signal is behaving like row-changed
-        self._toggeling_row = False
-        self.setup_and_draw_roster()
-        if app.settings.get('show_roster_on_startup') == 'always':
-            self.window.show_all()
-        elif app.settings.get('show_roster_on_startup') == 'never':
-            if app.settings.get('trayicon') != 'always':
-                # Without trayicon, user should see the roster!
-                self.window.show_all()
-                app.settings.set('last_roster_visible', True)
-        else:
-            if app.settings.get('last_roster_visible') or \
-            app.settings.get('trayicon') != 'always':
-                self.window.show_all()
-        self.scale_factor = self.window.get_scale_factor()
-        accounts = app.settings.get_accounts()
-        if (not accounts or
-                accounts == ['Local'] and
-                not app.settings.get_account_setting('Local', 'active')):
-        # if we have no account configured or only Local account but not enabled
-            def _open_wizard():
-                open_window('AccountWizard')
-            # Open wizard only after roster is created, so we can make it
-            # transient for the roster window
-            GLib.idle_add(_open_wizard)
-        # Setting CTRL+S to be the shortcut to change status message
-        accel_group = Gtk.AccelGroup()
-        keyval, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Control>s')
-        accel_group.connect(keyval, mod, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE,
-            self.accel_group_func)
-        # Setting CTRL+k to focus rfilter_entry
-        keyval, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Control>k')
-        accel_group.connect(keyval, mod, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE,
-            self.accel_group_func)
-        self.window.add_accel_group(accel_group)
-        # Setting the search stuff
-        self.rfilter_entry = self.xml.get_object('rfilter_entry')
-        self.rfilter_string = ''
-        self.rfilter_enabled = False
-        self.rfilter_entry.connect('key-press-event',
-            self.on_rfilter_entry_key_press_event)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('presence-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_presence_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('roster-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_roster_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('anonymous-auth', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_anonymous_auth)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('our-show', ged.GUI2,
-            self._nec_our_show)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('connection-type', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_connection_type)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('agent-removed', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_agent_removed)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('nickname-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._on_nickname_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('mood-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._on_mood_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('activity-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._on_activity_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('tune-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._on_tune_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('location-received', ged.GUI1,
-            self._on_location_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('update-roster-avatar', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_update_avatar)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('update-room-avatar', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_update_avatar)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('muc-subject', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_muc_subject_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('metacontacts-received', ged.GUI2,
-            self._nec_metacontacts_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('signed-in', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_signed_in)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('decrypted-message-received', ged.GUI2,
-            self._nec_decrypted_message_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('blocking', ged.GUI1,
-            self._nec_blocking)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('style-changed', ged.GUI1,
-            self._style_changed)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('chatstate-received', ged.GUI1,
-                                       self._nec_chatstate_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('muc-disco-update', ged.GUI1,
-                                       self._on_muc_disco_update)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('bookmarks-received', ged.GUI2,
-                                       self._on_bookmarks_received)