From 6075cd4803e88a8e240de19d4ebe1401b159c52d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lovetox <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:57:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove MessageWindow

 gajim/data/gui/message_window.ui |   89 ---
 gajim/          | 1276 ------------------------------
 gajim/           |    1 -
 3 files changed, 1366 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gajim/data/gui/message_window.ui
 delete mode 100644 gajim/

diff --git a/gajim/data/gui/message_window.ui b/gajim/data/gui/message_window.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e8bb1f56..0000000000
--- a/gajim/data/gui/message_window.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Generated with glade 3.36.0 -->
-  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.22"/>
-  <object class="GtkEventBox" id="chat_tab_ebox">
-    <property name="visible">True</property>
-    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-    <property name="visible_window">False</property>
-    <child>
-      <object class="GtkBox" id="tab_hbox">
-        <property name="width_request">170</property>
-        <property name="visible">True</property>
-        <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-        <property name="spacing">4</property>
-        <child>
-          <object class="GtkImage" id="tab_image">
-            <property name="visible">True</property>
-            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-            <property name="halign">start</property>
-          </object>
-          <packing>
-            <property name="expand">False</property>
-            <property name="fill">False</property>
-            <property name="position">0</property>
-          </packing>
-        </child>
-        <child>
-          <object class="GtkLabel" id="tab_label">
-            <property name="visible">True</property>
-            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-            <property name="halign">start</property>
-            <property name="margin_start">3</property>
-            <property name="use_markup">True</property>
-            <property name="ellipsize">end</property>
-            <property name="single_line_mode">True</property>
-            <property name="xalign">0</property>
-            <style>
-              <class name="notebook-tab-label"/>
-            </style>
-          </object>
-          <packing>
-            <property name="expand">True</property>
-            <property name="fill">True</property>
-            <property name="position">1</property>
-          </packing>
-        </child>
-        <child>
-          <object class="GtkButton" id="tab_close_button">
-            <property name="visible">True</property>
-            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
-            <property name="halign">end</property>
-            <property name="relief">none</property>
-            <child>
-              <object class="GtkImage">
-                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-                <property name="icon_name">window-close</property>
-                <property name="icon_size">1</property>
-              </object>
-            </child>
-          </object>
-          <packing>
-            <property name="expand">False</property>
-            <property name="fill">False</property>
-            <property name="position">2</property>
-          </packing>
-        </child>
-      </object>
-    </child>
-  </object>
-  <object class="GtkApplicationWindow" id="message_window">
-    <property name="name">MessageWindow</property>
-    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-    <property name="default_width">480</property>
-    <property name="default_height">440</property>
-    <property name="show_menubar">False</property>
-    <child>
-      <object class="GtkNotebook" id="notebook">
-        <property name="visible">True</property>
-        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-        <property name="scrollable">True</property>
-      </object>
-    </child>
-    <child type="titlebar">
-      <placeholder/>
-    </child>
-  </object>
diff --git a/gajim/ b/gajim/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa5fca9990..0000000000
--- a/gajim/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1276 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Travis Shirk <travis AT>
-#                         Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Geobert Quach <geobert AT>
-#                    Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT>
-#                    Stephan Erb <steve-e AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT>
-#                    Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT>
-# This file is part of Gajim.
-# Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
-# Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
-import logging
-from gi.repository import Gtk
-from gi.repository import Gdk
-from gi.repository import GObject
-from gi.repository import GLib
-from gi.repository import Gio
-from gajim.common import app
-from gajim.common import ged
-from gajim.common.i18n import Q_
-from gajim.common.i18n import _
-from import EventHelper
-from gajim import gtkgui_helpers
-from gajim.chat_control_base import ChatControlBase
-from gajim.chat_control import ChatControl
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import DialogButton
-from gajim.gui.dialogs import ConfirmationCheckDialog
-from gajim.gui.util import get_icon_name
-from gajim.gui.util import resize_window
-from gajim.gui.util import move_window
-from gajim.gui.util import get_app_icon_list
-from gajim.gui.util import get_builder
-from gajim.gui.util import set_urgency_hint
-from gajim.gui.util import get_app_window
-from gajim.gui.const import ControlType
-log = logging.getLogger('gajim.message_window')
-WINDOW_TYPES = ['never',
-                'always',
-                'always_with_roster',
-                'peracct',
-                'pertype']
-class MessageWindow(EventHelper):
-    """
-    Class for windows which contain message like things; chats, groupchats, etc
-    """
-    # DND_TARGETS is the targets needed by drag_source_set and drag_dest_set
-    DND_TARGETS = [('GAJIM_TAB', 0, 81)]
-    hid = 0 # drag_data_received handler id
-    (
-            CLOSE_ESC,
-            CLOSE_CLOSE_BUTTON,
-            CLOSE_COMMAND,
-            CLOSE_CTRL_KEY
-    ) = range(5)
-    def __init__(self, acct, type_, parent_window=None, parent_paned=None):
-        EventHelper.__init__(self)
-        # A dictionary of dictionaries
-        # where _contacts[account][jid] == A MessageControl
-        self._controls = {}
-        # If None, the window is not tied to any specific account
-        self.account = acct
-        # If None, the window is not tied to any specific type
-        self.type_ = type_
-        # dict { handler id: widget}. Keeps callbacks, which
-        # lead to circular references
-        self.handlers = {}
-        # Don't show warning dialogs when we want to delete the window
-        self.dont_warn_on_delete = False
-        self.widget_name = 'message_window'
-        self.xml = get_builder('%s.ui' % self.widget_name)
-        self.window = self.xml.get_object(self.widget_name)
-        self.window.set_application(
-        self.notebook = self.xml.get_object('notebook')
-        self.parent_paned = None
-        if parent_window:
-            orig_window = self.window
-            self.window = parent_window
-            self.parent_paned = parent_paned
-            old_parent = self.notebook.get_parent()
-            old_parent.remove(self.notebook)
-            if app.settings.get('roster_on_the_right'):
-                child1 = self.parent_paned.get_child1()
-                self.parent_paned.remove(child1)
-                self.parent_paned.pack1(self.notebook, resize=False)
-                self.parent_paned.pack2(child1)
-            else:
-                self.parent_paned.pack2(self.notebook)
-            self.window.lookup_action('show-roster').set_enabled(True)
-            orig_window.destroy()
-            del orig_window
-        # NOTE: we use 'connect_after' here because in
-        # MessageWindowMgr._new_window we register handler that saves window
-        # state when closing it, and it should be called before
-        # MessageWindow._on_window_delete, which manually destroys window
-        # through win.destroy() - this means no additional handlers for
-        # 'delete-event' are called.
-        id_ = self.window.connect_after('delete-event', self._on_window_delete)
-        self.handlers[id_] = self.window
-        id_ = self.window.connect('destroy', self._on_window_destroy)
-        self.handlers[id_] = self.window
-        id_ = self.window.connect('focus-in-event', self._on_window_focus)
-        self.handlers[id_] = self.window
-        self._add_actions()
-        # gtk+ doesn't make use of the motion notify on gtkwindow by default
-        # so this line adds that
-        self.window.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
-        id_ = self.notebook.connect('switch-page',
-            self._on_notebook_switch_page)
-        self.handlers[id_] = self.notebook
-        # Tab customizations
-        pref_pos = app.settings.get('tabs_position')
-        if pref_pos == 'bottom':
-            nb_pos = Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM
-        elif pref_pos == 'left':
-            nb_pos = Gtk.PositionType.LEFT
-        elif pref_pos == 'right':
-            nb_pos = Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT
-        else:
-            nb_pos = Gtk.PositionType.TOP
-        self.notebook.set_tab_pos(nb_pos)
-        window_mode = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.mode
-        if app.settings.get('tabs_always_visible') or \
-        window_mode == MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-            self.notebook.set_show_tabs(True)
-        else:
-            self.notebook.set_show_tabs(False)
-        self.notebook.set_show_border(app.settings.get('tabs_border'))
-        self.show_icon()
-        # self.register_events([
-        #     ('muc-disco-update', ged.GUI1, self._on_muc_disco_update),
-        # ])
-    def _add_actions(self):
-        actions = [
-            'change-nickname',
-            'change-subject',
-            'escape',
-            'browse-history',
-            'send-file',
-            'show-contact-info',
-            'show-emoji-chooser',
-            'clear-chat',
-            'delete-line',
-            'close-tab',
-            'move-tab-up',
-            'move-tab-down',
-            'switch-next-tab',
-            'switch-prev-tab',
-            'switch-next-unread-tab-right'
-            'switch-next-unread-tab-left',
-            'switch-tab-1',
-            'switch-tab-2',
-            'switch-tab-3',
-            'switch-tab-4',
-            'switch-tab-5',
-            'switch-tab-6',
-            'switch-tab-7',
-            'switch-tab-8',
-            'switch-tab-9',
-        ]
-        disabled_for_emacs = (
-            'browse-history',
-            'send-file',
-            'close-tab'
-        )
-        key_theme = Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property(
-            'gtk-key-theme-name')
-        for action in actions:
-            if key_theme == 'Emacs' and action in disabled_for_emacs:
-                continue
-            act =, None)
-            act.connect('activate', self._on_action)
-            self.window.add_action(act)
-    def _on_action(self, action, _param):
-        control = self.get_active_control()
-        if not control:
-            # No more control in this window
-            return
-'Activate action: %s, active control: %s',
-                 action.get_name(),
-        action = action.get_name()
-        # Pass the event to the control
-        res = control.delegate_action(action)
-        if res != Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE:
-            return res
-        if action == 'escape' and app.settings.get('escape_key_closes'):
-            self.remove_tab(control, self.CLOSE_ESC)
-            return
-        if action == 'close-tab':
-            self.remove_tab(control, self.CLOSE_CTRL_KEY)
-            return
-        if action == 'move-tab-up':
-            old_position = self.notebook.get_current_page()
-            self.notebook.reorder_child(control.widget,
-                                        old_position - 1)
-            return
-        if action == 'move-tab-down':
-            old_position = self.notebook.get_current_page()
-            total_pages = self.notebook.get_n_pages()
-            if old_position == total_pages - 1:
-                self.notebook.reorder_child(control.widget, 0)
-            else:
-                self.notebook.reorder_child(control.widget,
-                                            old_position + 1)
-            return
-        if action == 'switch-next-tab':
-            new = self.notebook.get_current_page() + 1
-            if new >= self.notebook.get_n_pages():
-                new = 0
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(new)
-            return
-        if action == 'switch-prev-tab':
-            new = self.notebook.get_current_page() - 1
-            if new < 0:
-                new = self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(new)
-            return
-        if action == 'switch-next-unread-tab-right':
-            self.move_to_next_unread_tab(True)
-            return
-        if action == 'switch-next-unread-tab-left':
-            self.move_to_next_unread_tab(False)
-            return
-        if action.startswith('switch-tab-'):
-            number = int(action[-1])
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(number - 1)
-            return
-    def change_jid(self, account, old_jid, new_jid):
-        """
-        Called when the full jid of the control is changed
-        """
-        if account not in self._controls:
-            return
-        if old_jid not in self._controls[account]:
-            return
-        if old_jid == new_jid:
-            return
-        self._controls[account][new_jid] = self._controls[account][old_jid]
-        del self._controls[account][old_jid]
-    def get_num_controls(self):
-        return sum(len(d) for d in self._controls.values())
-    def resize(self, width, height):
-        resize_window(self.window, width, height)
-    def _on_muc_disco_update(self, event):
-        # If there is only one control in a window,
-        # the name is shown in the window title
-        if self.get_num_controls() != 1:
-            return
-        ctrl = self.get_active_control()
-        if != event.room_jid:
-            return
-        self.show_title()
-    def _on_window_focus(self, widget, event):
-        # on destroy() the window that was last focused gets the focus
-        # again. if destroy() is called from the StartChat Dialog, this
-        # Window is not yet focused, because present() seems to be asynchronous
-        # at least on KDE, and takes time.
-        start_chat = get_app_window('StartChatDialog')
-        if start_chat is not None and start_chat.ready_to_destroy:
-            start_chat.destroy()
-        # window received focus, so if we had urgency REMOVE IT
-        # NOTE: we do not have to read the message (it maybe in a bg tab)
-        # to remove urgency hint so this functions does that
-        set_urgency_hint(self.window, False)
-        ctrl = self.get_active_control()
-        if ctrl:
-            ctrl.set_control_active(True)
-            # Undo "unread" state display, etc.
-            if ctrl.is_groupchat:
-                self.redraw_tab(ctrl, 'active')
-            else:
-                # NOTE: we do not send any chatstate to preserve
-                # inactive, gone, etc.
-                self.redraw_tab(ctrl)
-    def _on_window_delete(self, win, event):
-        if self.dont_warn_on_delete:
-            # Destroy the window
-            return False
-        # Number of controls that will be closed and for which we'll loose data:
-        # chat, pm, gc that won't go in roster
-        number_of_closed_control = 0
-        for ctrl in self.controls():
-            if not ctrl.safe_shutdown():
-                number_of_closed_control += 1
-        if number_of_closed_control > 1:
-            def _on_yes1(checked):
-                if checked:
-                    app.settings.set('confirm_close_multiple_tabs', False)
-                self.dont_warn_on_delete = True
-                for ctrl in self.controls():
-                    if ctrl.minimizable():
-                        ctrl.minimize()
-                win.destroy()
-            if not app.settings.get('confirm_close_multiple_tabs'):
-                for ctrl in self.controls():
-                    if ctrl.minimizable():
-                        ctrl.minimize()
-                # destroy window
-                return False
-            ConfirmationCheckDialog(
-                _('Close Tabs'),
-                _('You are about to close several tabs'),
-                _('Do you really want to close all of them?'),
-                _('_Do not ask me again'),
-                [DialogButton.make('Cancel'),
-                 DialogButton.make('Accept',
-                                   text=_('_Close'),
-                                   callback=_on_yes1)],
-                transient_for=self.window).show()
-            return True
-        def on_yes(ctrl):
-            if self.on_delete_ok == 1:
-                self.dont_warn_on_delete = True
-                win.destroy()
-            self.on_delete_ok -= 1
-        def on_no(ctrl):
-            return
-        def on_minimize(ctrl):
-            ctrl.minimize()
-            if self.on_delete_ok == 1:
-                self.dont_warn_on_delete = True
-                win.destroy()
-            self.on_delete_ok -= 1
-        # Make sure all controls are okay with being deleted
-        self.on_delete_ok = self.get_nb_controls()
-        for ctrl in self.controls():
-            ctrl.allow_shutdown(self.CLOSE_CLOSE_BUTTON, on_yes, on_no,
-                    on_minimize)
-        return True # halt the delete for the moment
-    def _on_window_destroy(self, win):
-        for ctrl in self.remove_all_controls():
-            ctrl.shutdown()
-        self._controls.clear()
-        # Clean up handlers connected to the parent window, this is important since
-        # self.window may be the RosterWindow
-        for i in list(self.handlers.keys()):
-            if self.handlers[i].handler_is_connected(i):
-                self.handlers[i].disconnect(i)
-            del self.handlers[i]
-        del self.handlers
-        self.unregister_events()
-    def new_tab(self, control):
-        fjid = control.get_full_jid()
-        if control.account not in self._controls:
-            self._controls[control.account] = {}
-        self._controls[control.account][fjid] = control
-        if self.get_num_controls() == 2:
-            first_widget = self.notebook.get_nth_page(0)
-            ctrl = self._widget_to_control(first_widget)
-            self.notebook.set_show_tabs(True)
-            ctrl.scroll_to_end()
-        # Add notebook page and connect up to the tab's close button
-        xml = get_builder('message_window.ui', ['chat_tab_ebox'])
-        tab_label_box = xml.get_object('chat_tab_ebox')
-        widget = xml.get_object('tab_close_button')
-        # this reduces the size of the button
-#        style = Gtk.RcStyle()
-#        style.xthickness = 0
-#        style.ythickness = 0
-#        widget.modify_style(style)
-        id_ = widget.connect('clicked', self._on_close_button_clicked, control)
-        control.handlers[id_] = widget
-        id_ = tab_label_box.connect('button-press-event',
-            self.on_tab_eventbox_button_press_event, control.widget)
-        control.handlers[id_] = tab_label_box
-        position = self.notebook.get_current_page() + 1
-        self.notebook.insert_page(control.widget, tab_label_box, position)
-        self.notebook.set_tab_reorderable(control.widget, True)
-        self.redraw_tab(control)
-        if self.parent_paned:
-            self.notebook.show_all()
-        else:
-            self.window.show_all()
-        # NOTE: we do not call set_control_active(True) since we don't know
-        # whether the tab is the active one.
-        self.show_title()
-        if self.get_num_controls() == 1:
-            GLib.timeout_add(500, control.focus)
-    def on_tab_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event, child):
-        if event.button == 3: # right click
-            n = self.notebook.page_num(child)
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(n)
-            self.popup_menu(event)
-        elif event.button == 2: # middle click
-            ctrl = self._widget_to_control(child)
-            self.remove_tab(ctrl, self.CLOSE_TAB_MIDDLE_CLICK)
-        else:
-            ctrl = self._widget_to_control(child)
-            GLib.idle_add(ctrl.focus)
-    def _on_close_button_clicked(self, button, control):
-        """
-        When close button is pressed: close a tab
-        """
-        self.remove_tab(control, self.CLOSE_CLOSE_BUTTON)
-    def show_icon(self):
-        window_mode = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.mode
-        if window_mode in (MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE,
-                           MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER):
-            if self.type_ == 'gc':
-                icon = get_icon_name('muc-active')
-                self.window.set_icon_name(icon)
-    def show_title(self, urgent=True, control=None):
-        """
-        Redraw the window's title
-        """
-        if not control:
-            control = self.get_active_control()
-        if not control:
-            # No more control in this window
-            return
-        unread = 0
-        for ctrl in self.controls():
-            if (ctrl.is_groupchat and
-                    not and
-                    not ctrl.attention_flag):
-                # count only pm messages
-                unread += ctrl.get_nb_unread_pm()
-                continue
-            unread += ctrl.get_nb_unread()
-        unread_str = ''
-        if unread > 1:
-            unread_str = '[' + str(unread) + '] '
-        elif unread == 1:
-            unread_str = '* '
-        else:
-            urgent = False
-        if control.is_groupchat:
-            name =
-            urgent = (control.attention_flag or
-        else:
-            name =
-            if control.resource:
-                name += '/' + control.resource
-        window_mode = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.mode
-        if window_mode == MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE:
-            # Show the plural form since number of tabs > 1
-            if self.type_ == 'chat':
-                label = Q_('?Noun:Chats')
-                if self.get_num_controls() == 1:
-                    label = name
-            elif self.type_ == 'gc':
-                label = _('Group Chats')
-                if self.get_num_controls() == 1:
-                    label = name
-            else:
-                label = _('Private Chats')
-        elif window_mode == MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-            label = None
-        elif self.get_num_controls() == 1:
-            label = name
-        else:
-            label = _('Messages')
-        title = 'Gajim'
-        if label:
-            title = '%s - %s' % (label, title)
-        if window_mode == MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            title = title + ": " + control.account
-        self.window.set_title(unread_str + title)
-        set_urgency_hint(self.window, urgent and unread > 0)
-    def set_active_tab(self, ctrl):
-        ctrl_page = self.notebook.page_num(ctrl.widget)
-        self.notebook.set_current_page(ctrl_page)
-        self.window.present()
-        GLib.idle_add(ctrl.focus)
-    def remove_tab(self, ctrl, method, reason=None, force=False):
-        """
-        Reason is only for gc (offline status message) if force is True, do not
-        ask any confirmation
-        """
-        def close(ctrl):
-            # Update external state
-                ctrl.account, ctrl.get_full_jid,
-                types=['printed_msg', 'chat', 'gc_msg'])
-            fjid = ctrl.get_full_jid()
-            jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(fjid)
-            fctrl = self.get_control(fjid, ctrl.account)
-            bctrl = self.get_control(jid, ctrl.account)
-            # keep last_message_time around unless this was our last control with
-            # that jid
-            if not fctrl and not bctrl and \
-            fjid in app.last_message_time[ctrl.account]:
-                del app.last_message_time[ctrl.account][fjid]
-            self.notebook.remove_page(self.notebook.page_num(ctrl.widget))
-            del self._controls[ctrl.account][fjid]
-            if not self._controls[ctrl.account]:
-                del self._controls[ctrl.account]
-            if reason is not None: # We are leaving gc with a status message
-                ctrl.shutdown(reason)
-            else: # We are leaving gc without status message or it's a chat
-                ctrl.shutdown()
-            self.check_tabs()
-            self.show_title()
-        def on_yes(ctrl):
-            close(ctrl)
-        def on_no(ctrl):
-            return
-        def on_minimize(ctrl):
-            if method != self.CLOSE_COMMAND:
-                ctrl.minimize()
-                self.check_tabs()
-                return
-            close(ctrl)
-        # Shutdown the MessageControl
-        if force:
-            close(ctrl)
-        else:
-            ctrl.allow_shutdown(method, on_yes, on_no, on_minimize)
-    def check_tabs(self):
-        if self.parent_paned:
-            # Do nothing in single window mode
-            pass
-        elif self.get_num_controls() == 0:
-            # These are not called when the window is destroyed like this, fake it
-            app.interface.msg_win_mgr._on_window_delete(self.window, None)
-            app.interface.msg_win_mgr._on_window_destroy(self.window)
-            # dnd clean up
-            self.notebook.drag_dest_unset()
-            if self.parent_paned:
-                # Don't close parent window, just remove the child
-                child = self.parent_paned.get_child2()
-                self.parent_paned.remove(child)
-                self.window.lookup_action('show-roster').set_enabled(False)
-            else:
-                self.window.destroy()
-            return # don't show_title, we are dead
-        elif self.get_num_controls() == 1: # we are going from two tabs to one
-            window_mode = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.mode
-            show_tabs_if_one_tab = app.settings.get('tabs_always_visible') or \
-                window_mode == MessageWindowMgr.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER
-            self.notebook.set_show_tabs(show_tabs_if_one_tab)
-    def redraw_tab(self, ctrl, chatstate=None):
-        tab = self.notebook.get_tab_label(ctrl.widget)
-        if not tab:
-            return
-        hbox = tab.get_children()[0]
-        status_img = hbox.get_children()[0]
-        nick_label = hbox.get_children()[1]
-        # Optionally hide close button
-        close_button = hbox.get_children()[2]
-        if app.settings.get('tabs_close_button'):
-        else:
-            close_button.hide()
-        # Update nick
-        if isinstance(ctrl, ChatControl):
-            tab_label_str = ctrl.get_tab_label()
-            # Set Label Color
-            if app.settings.get('show_chatstate_in_tabs'):
-                gtkgui_helpers.add_css_class(
-                    nick_label, chatstate, 'gajim-state-')
-        else:
-            tab_label_str, color = ctrl.get_tab_label(chatstate)
-            # Set Label Color
-            if color == 'active':
-                gtkgui_helpers.add_css_class(nick_label, None, 'gajim-state-')
-            elif color is not None:
-                gtkgui_helpers.add_css_class(nick_label, color, 'gajim-state-')
-        nick_label.set_markup(tab_label_str)
-        tab_img = ctrl.get_tab_image()
-        if tab_img:
-            if isinstance(tab_img, Gtk.Image):
-                if tab_img.get_storage_type() == Gtk.ImageType.ANIMATION:
-                    status_img.set_from_animation(tab_img.get_animation())
-                else:
-                    status_img.set_from_pixbuf(tab_img.get_pixbuf())
-            elif isinstance(tab_img, str):
-                status_img.set_from_icon_name(tab_img, Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-            else:
-                status_img.set_from_surface(tab_img)
-        self.show_icon()
-    def repaint_themed_widgets(self):
-        """
-        Repaint controls in the window with theme color
-        """
-        # iterate through controls and repaint
-        for ctrl in self.controls():
-            ctrl.repaint_themed_widgets()
-    def _widget_to_control(self, widget):
-        for ctrl in self.controls():
-            if ctrl.widget == widget:
-                return ctrl
-        return None
-    def get_active_control(self):
-        notebook = self.notebook
-        active_widget = notebook.get_nth_page(notebook.get_current_page())
-        return self._widget_to_control(active_widget)
-    def get_active_contact(self):
-        ctrl = self.get_active_control()
-        if ctrl:
-            return
-        return None
-    def get_active_jid(self):
-        contact = self.get_active_contact()
-        if contact:
-            return contact.jid
-        return None
-    def is_active(self):
-        return self.window.is_active()
-    def get_origin(self):
-        return self.window.get_window().get_origin()
-    def get_control(self, jid, acct):
-        """
-        Return the MessageControl for jid
-        """
-        try:
-            return self._controls[acct][jid]
-        except Exception:
-            return None
-    def has_control(self, jid, acct):
-        return acct in self._controls and jid in self._controls[acct]
-    def change_key(self, old_jid, new_jid, acct):
-        """
-        Change the JID key of a control
-        """
-        try:
-            # Check if controls exists
-            ctrl = self._controls[acct][old_jid]
-        except KeyError:
-            return
-        if new_jid in self._controls[acct]:
-            self.remove_tab(self._controls[acct][new_jid],
-                self.CLOSE_CLOSE_BUTTON, force=True)
-        self._controls[acct][new_jid] = ctrl
-        del self._controls[acct][old_jid]
-        if old_jid in app.last_message_time[acct]:
-            app.last_message_time[acct][new_jid] = \
-                    app.last_message_time[acct][old_jid]
-            del app.last_message_time[acct][old_jid]
-    def controls(self):
-        for jid_dict in list(self._controls.values()):
-            for ctrl in list(jid_dict.values()):
-                yield ctrl
-    def remove_all_controls(self):
-        for _account, control_dict in self._controls.items():
-            for contact in list(control_dict.keys()):
-                yield control_dict[contact]
-                del control_dict[contact]
-    def get_nb_controls(self):
-        return sum(len(jid_dict) for jid_dict in self._controls.values())
-    def move_to_next_unread_tab(self, forward):
-        ind = self.notebook.get_current_page()
-        current = ind
-        found = False
-        first_composing_ind = -1  # id of first composing ctrl to switch to
-        # if no others controls have awaiting events
-        # loop until finding an unread tab or having done a complete cycle
-        while True:
-            if forward is True: # look for the first unread tab on the right
-                ind = ind + 1
-                if ind >= self.notebook.get_n_pages():
-                    ind = 0
-            else: # look for the first unread tab on the right
-                ind = ind - 1
-                if ind < 0:
-                    ind = self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1
-            nth_child = self.notebook.get_nth_page(ind)
-            ctrl = self._widget_to_control(nth_child)
-            if ctrl.get_nb_unread() > 0:
-                found = True
-                break # found
-            if app.settings.get('ctrl_tab_go_to_next_composing'):
-                # Search for a composing contact
-                contact =
-                if first_composing_ind == -1 and contact.chatstate == 'composing':
-                # If no composing contact found yet, check if this one is composing
-                    first_composing_ind = ind
-            if ind == current:
-                break # a complete cycle without finding an unread tab
-        if found:
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(ind)
-        elif first_composing_ind != -1:
-            self.notebook.set_current_page(first_composing_ind)
-        else: # not found and nobody composing
-            if forward: # CTRL + TAB
-                if current < (self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1):
-                    self.notebook.next_page()
-                else: # traverse for ever (eg. don't stop at last tab)
-                    self.notebook.set_current_page(0)
-            else: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB
-                if current > 0:
-                    self.notebook.prev_page()
-                else: # traverse for ever (eg. don't stop at first tab)
-                    self.notebook.set_current_page(
-                            self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1)
-    def popup_menu(self, event):
-        menu = self.get_active_control().prepare_context_menu()
-        if menu is None:
-            return
-        # show the menu
-        menu.attach_to_widget(app.interface.roster.window, None)
-        menu.show_all()
-        menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
-    def _on_notebook_switch_page(self, notebook, page, page_num):
-        old_no = notebook.get_current_page()
-        if old_no >= 0:
-            old_ctrl = self._widget_to_control(notebook.get_nth_page(old_no))
-            old_ctrl.set_control_active(False)
-        new_ctrl = self._widget_to_control(notebook.get_nth_page(page_num))
-        new_ctrl.set_control_active(True)
-        self.show_title(control=new_ctrl)
-        control = self.get_active_control()
-        if isinstance(control, ChatControlBase):
-            control.focus()
-    def get_tab_at_xy(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Return the tab under xy and if its nearer from left or right side of the
-        tab
-        """
-        page_num = -1
-        to_right = False
-        horiz = self.notebook.get_tab_pos() == Gtk.PositionType.TOP or \
-                self.notebook.get_tab_pos() == Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM
-        for i in range(self.notebook.get_n_pages()):
-            page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(i)
-            tab = self.notebook.get_tab_label(page)
-            tab_alloc = tab.get_allocation()
-            if horiz:
-                if tab_alloc.x <= x <= (tab_alloc.x + tab_alloc.width):
-                    page_num = i
-                    if x >= tab_alloc.x + (tab_alloc.width / 2.0):
-                        to_right = True
-                    break
-            else:
-                if tab_alloc.y <= y <= (tab_alloc.y + tab_alloc.height):
-                    page_num = i
-                    if y > tab_alloc.y + (tab_alloc.height / 2.0):
-                        to_right = True
-                    break
-        return (page_num, to_right)
-    def find_page_num_according_to_tab_label(self, tab_label):
-        """
-        Find the page num of the tab label
-        """
-        page_num = -1
-        for i in range(self.notebook.get_n_pages()):
-            page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(i)
-            tab = self.notebook.get_tab_label(page)
-            if tab == tab_label:
-                page_num = i
-                break
-        return page_num
-class MessageWindowMgr(GObject.GObject):
-    """
-    A manager and factory for MessageWindow objects
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = {
-            'window-delete': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (object,)),
-    }
-    # These constants map to WINDOW_TYPES indices
-    (
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER,
-    ) = range(5)
-    # A key constant for the main window in ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS mode
-    MAIN_WIN = 'main'
-    # A key constant for the main window in ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER mode
-    ROSTER_MAIN_WIN = 'roster'
-    def __init__(self, parent_window, parent_paned):
-        """
-        A dictionary of windows; the key depends on the config:
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER: The key is the contact JID
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS: The key is MessageWindowMgr.MAIN_WIN
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER: The key is MessageWindowMgr.MAIN_WIN
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT: The key is the account name
-            ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE: The key is a message type constant
-        """
-        GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
-        self._windows = {}
-        # Map the mode to a int constant for frequent compares
-        mode = app.settings.get('one_message_window')
-        self.mode = WINDOW_TYPES.index(mode)
-        self.parent_win = parent_window
-        self.parent_paned = parent_paned
-        Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_list(get_app_icon_list(parent_window))
-    def _new_window(self, acct, type_):
-        parent_win = None
-        parent_paned = None
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-            parent_win = self.parent_win
-            parent_paned = self.parent_paned
-        win = MessageWindow(acct, type_, parent_win, parent_paned)
-        # we track the lifetime of this window
-        win.window.connect('delete-event', self._on_window_delete)
-        win.window.connect('destroy', self._on_window_destroy)
-        return win
-    def _gtk_win_to_msg_win(self, gtk_win):
-        for w in
-            if w.window == gtk_win:
-                return w
-        return None
-    def get_window(self, jid, acct):
-        for win in
-            if win.has_control(jid, acct):
-                return win
-        return None
-    def has_window(self, jid, acct):
-        return self.get_window(jid, acct) is not None
-    def one_window_opened(self, contact=None, acct=None, type_=None):
-        try:
-            return \
-                self._windows[self._mode_to_key(contact, acct, type_)] is not None
-        except KeyError:
-            return False
-    def _resize_window(self, win, acct, type_):
-        """
-        Resizes window according to config settings
-        """
-        hpaned = app.settings.get('roster_hpaned_position')
-        if self.mode in (self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS,
-                         self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER):
-            size = (app.settings.get('msgwin-width'),
-                    app.settings.get('msgwin-height'))
-            if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-                # Add the hpaned position to our message window's size
-                size = (hpaned + size[0], size[1])
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            size = (app.settings.get_account_setting(acct, 'msgwin-width'),
-                    app.settings.get_account_setting(acct, 'msgwin-height'))
-        elif self.mode in (self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER, self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE):
-            opt_width = type_ + '-msgwin-width'
-            opt_height = type_ + '-msgwin-height'
-            size = (app.settings.get(opt_width), app.settings.get(opt_height))
-        else:
-            return
-        win.resize(size[0], size[1])
-        if win.parent_paned:
-            win.parent_paned.set_position(hpaned)
-    def _position_window(self, win, acct, type_):
-        """
-        Moves window according to config settings
-        """
-        if (self.mode in [self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER,
-            return
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS:
-            pos = (app.settings.get('msgwin-x-position'),
-                    app.settings.get('msgwin-y-position'))
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            pos = (app.settings.get_account_setting(acct, 'msgwin-x-position'),
-                   app.settings.get_account_setting(acct, 'msgwin-y-position'))
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE:
-            pos = (app.settings.get(type_ + '-msgwin-x-position'),
-                    app.settings.get(type_ + '-msgwin-y-position'))
-        else:
-            return
-        move_window(win.window, pos[0], pos[1])
-    def _mode_to_key(self, contact, acct, type_, resource=None):
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-            key = acct + contact.jid
-            if resource:
-                key += '/' + resource
-            return key
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS:
-            return self.MAIN_WIN
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-            return self.ROSTER_MAIN_WIN
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            return acct
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE:
-            return type_
-    def create_window(self, contact, acct, type_, resource=None):
-        type_ = str(type_)
-        win_acct = None
-        win_type = None
-        win_role = None # X11 window role
-        win_key = self._mode_to_key(contact, acct, type_, resource)
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            win_acct = acct
-            win_role = acct
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE:
-            win_type = type_
-            win_role = type_
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-            win_type = type_
-            win_role = contact.jid
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS:
-            win_role = 'messages'
-        win = None
-        try:
-            win = self._windows[win_key]
-        except KeyError:
-            win = self._new_window(win_acct, win_type)
-        if win_role:
-            win.window.set_role(win_role)
-        # Position and size window based on saved state and window mode
-        if not self.one_window_opened(contact, acct, type_):
-            if app.settings.get('msgwin-max-state'):
-                win.window.maximize()
-            else:
-                self._resize_window(win, acct, type_)
-                self._position_window(win, acct, type_)
-        self._windows[win_key] = win
-        return win
-    def change_key(self, old_jid, new_jid, acct):
-        win = self.get_window(old_jid, acct)
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-            old_key = acct + old_jid
-            if old_jid not in self._windows:
-                return
-            new_key = acct + new_jid
-            self._windows[new_key] = self._windows[old_key]
-            del self._windows[old_key]
-        win.change_key(old_jid, new_jid, acct)
-    def _on_window_delete(self, win, event):
-        self.save_state(self._gtk_win_to_msg_win(win))
-        app.interface.save_config()
-        return False
-    def _on_window_destroy(self, win):
-        for k in list(self._windows.keys()):
-            if self._windows[k].window == win:
-                self.emit('window-delete', self._windows[k])
-                del self._windows[k]
-                return
-    def get_control(self, jid, acct):
-        """
-        Amongst all windows, return the MessageControl for jid
-        """
-        win = self.get_window(jid, acct)
-        if win:
-            return win.get_control(jid, acct)
-        return None
-    def search_control(self, jid, account, resource=None):
-        """
-        Search windows with this policy:
-        1. try to find already opened tab for resource
-        2. find the tab for this jid with ctrl.resource not set
-        3. there is none
-        """
-        fjid = jid
-        if resource:
-            fjid += '/' + resource
-        ctrl = self.get_control(fjid, account)
-        if ctrl:
-            return ctrl
-        win = self.get_window(jid, account)
-        if win:
-            ctrl = win.get_control(jid, account)
-            if not ctrl.resource and not ctrl.is_groupchat:
-                return ctrl
-        return None
-    def get_gc_control(self, jid, acct):
-        """
-        Same as get_control. Was briefly required, is not any more. May be useful
-        some day in the future?
-        """
-        ctrl = self.get_control(jid, acct)
-        if ctrl and ctrl.is_groupchat:
-            return ctrl
-        return None
-    def get_controls(self, type_=None, acct=None):
-        ctrls = []
-        for c in self.controls():
-            if acct and c.account != acct:
-                continue
-            if not type_ or c.type == type_:
-                ctrls.append(c)
-        return ctrls
-    def windows(self):
-        for w in list(self._windows.values()):
-            yield w
-    def controls(self):
-        for w in self._windows.values():
-            for c in w.controls():
-                yield c
-    def shutdown(self, width_adjust=0):
-        for w in
-            self.save_state(w, width_adjust)
-            if not w.parent_paned:
-                w.window.hide()
-                w.window.destroy()
-        app.interface.save_config()
-    def save_state(self, msg_win, width_adjust=0):
-        # Save window size and position
-        max_win_key = 'msgwin-max-state'
-        pos_x_key = 'msgwin-x-position'
-        pos_y_key = 'msgwin-y-position'
-        size_width_key = 'msgwin-width'
-        size_height_key = 'msgwin-height'
-        acct = None
-        x, y = msg_win.window.get_position()
-        width, height = msg_win.window.get_size()
-        # If any of these values seem bogus don't update.
-        if x < 0 or y < 0 or width < 0 or height < 0:
-            return
-        if self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERACCT:
-            acct = msg_win.account
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_PERTYPE:
-            type_ = msg_win.type_
-            pos_x_key = type_ + '-msgwin-x-position'
-            pos_y_key = type_ + '-msgwin-y-position'
-            size_width_key = type_ + '-msgwin-width'
-            size_height_key = type_ + '-msgwin-height'
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-            type_ = msg_win.type_
-            size_width_key = type_ + '-msgwin-width'
-            size_height_key = type_ + '-msgwin-height'
-        elif self.mode == self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_WITH_ROSTER:
-            # Ignore hpaned separator's width and calculate width ourselves
-            win_width = msg_win.window.get_allocation().width
-            hpaned_position = app.settings.get('roster_hpaned_position')
-            width = win_width - hpaned_position
-        if acct:
-            app.settings.set_account_setting(acct, size_width_key, width)
-            app.settings.set_account_setting(acct, size_height_key, height)
-            if self.mode != self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-                app.settings.set_account_setting(acct, pos_x_key, x)
-                app.settings.set_account_setting(acct, pos_y_key, y)
-        else:
-            win_maximized = msg_win.window.get_window().get_state() == \
-                    Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED
-            app.settings.set(max_win_key, win_maximized)
-            width += width_adjust
-            app.settings.set(size_width_key, width)
-            app.settings.set(size_height_key, height)
-            if self.mode != self.ONE_MSG_WINDOW_NEVER:
-                app.settings.set(pos_x_key, x)
-                app.settings.set(pos_y_key, y)
-    def reconfig(self):
-        for w in
-            self.save_state(w)
-        mode = app.settings.get('one_message_window')
-        if self.mode == WINDOW_TYPES.index(mode):
-            # No change
-            return
-        self.mode = WINDOW_TYPES.index(mode)
-        controls = []
-        for w in
-            # Note, we are taking care not to hide/delete the roster window when the
-            # MessageWindow is embedded.
-            if not w.parent_paned:
-                w.window.hide()
-            else:
-                # Stash current size so it can be restored if the MessageWindow
-                # is not longer embedded
-                roster_width = w.parent_paned.get_position()
-                app.settings.set('roster_width', roster_width)
-            while w.notebook.get_n_pages():
-                page = w.notebook.get_nth_page(0)
-                ctrl = w._widget_to_control(page)
-                w.notebook.remove_page(0)
-                page.unparent()
-                controls.append(ctrl)
-            # Must clear _controls to prevent MessageControl.shutdown calls
-            w._controls = {}
-            if not w.parent_paned:
-                w.window.destroy()
-            else:
-                # Don't close parent window, just remove the child
-                child = w.parent_paned.get_child2()
-                w.parent_paned.remove(child)
-                self.parent_win.lookup_action('show-roster').set_enabled(False)
-                resize_window(w.window,
-                              app.settings.get('roster_width'),
-                              app.settings.get('roster_height'))
-        self._windows = {}
-        for ctrl in controls:
-            mw = self.get_window(, ctrl.account)
-            if not mw:
-                mw = self.create_window(, ctrl.account, ctrl.type)
-            ctrl.parent_win = mw
-            ctrl.add_actions()
-            ctrl.update_actions()
-            mw.new_tab(ctrl)
-    def save_opened_controls(self):
-        if not app.settings.get('remember_opened_chat_controls'):
-            return
-        chat_controls = {}
-        for acct in app.connections:
-            chat_controls[acct] = []
-        for ctrl in self.get_controls(type_=ControlType.CHAT):
-            acct = ctrl.account
-            if not in chat_controls[acct]:
-                chat_controls[acct].append(
-        for acct in app.connections:
-            app.settings.set_account_setting(acct,
-                                             'opened_chat_controls',
-                                             ','.join(chat_controls[acct]))
diff --git a/gajim/ b/gajim/
index 6e7e8ced26..113c8c5df5 100644
--- a/gajim/
+++ b/gajim/
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
 from gajim.common.dbus import location
 from gajim.common import ged
-from gajim.message_window import MessageWindowMgr
 from gajim.gui.dialogs import DialogButton
 from gajim.gui.dialogs import ConfirmationDialog