diff --git a/.ci/appveyor_build.py b/.ci/appveyor_build.py
index f301c0945461acf67483a1ee16d23b271865093a..5ab2750b07a131f068b9349e79e94fc8713c21bc 100644
--- a/.ci/appveyor_build.py
+++ b/.ci/appveyor_build.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
+from typing import Any
+import json
 import os
 import requests
 import time
@@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
 from rich.console import Console
 ACCOUNT = 'lovetox'
 PROJECT_SLUG = 'gajim'
 BRANCH = 'master'
@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ def is_build_finished(build: dict[str, str]) -> bool:
     return build['status'] == 'success'
-def get_artifacts(build_id: str) -> None:
+def check_for_response(build_id: str) -> None:
     while True:
@@ -89,28 +93,26 @@ def get_artifacts(build_id: str) -> None:
     for job in build['jobs']:
-        download_job_artifacts(job['jobId'], build_folder)
-    console.print('All artifacts downloaded!')
+        response = get_job_response(job['jobId'])
+        result = build_folder / f'{job["jobId"]}.json'
+        result.write_text(json.dumps(response))
+        console.print('Write job response:', result)
-def download_job_artifacts(job_id: str, target_folder: Path) -> None:
+def get_job_response(job_id: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
     artifacts_api_url = f'{BASE_URL}/buildjobs/{job_id}/artifacts'
     req = requests.get(artifacts_api_url, headers=HEADERS)
     response = req.json()
     for artifact in response:
-        filename = artifact['fileName']
-        console.print('Download', filename, '...')
-        file_url = f'{artifacts_api_url}/{filename}'
-        req = requests.get(file_url, headers=HEADERS)
-        req.raise_for_status()
-        with open(target_folder / filename, 'wb') as file:
-            file.write(req.content)
+        file_url = f'{artifacts_api_url}/{artifact["fileName"]}'
+        artifact['fileUrl'] = file_url
+    return response
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     build_id = start_build()
-    get_artifacts(build_id)
+    check_for_response(build_id)
diff --git a/.ci/deploy.py b/.ci/deploy.py
index b25df29860e115fc00a35400a2fd7c831041cd0a..bc3d4afcbb3d633ef24c7c3031879739c9d89207 100644
--- a/.ci/deploy.py
+++ b/.ci/deploy.py
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 from typing import Any
 from typing import Optional
 import functools
+import json
 import os
 import sys
 from datetime import date
 from ftplib import FTP_TLS
 from pathlib import Path
+import requests
 from rich.console import Console
@@ -15,6 +19,9 @@
 FTP_USER = os.environ['FTP_USER']
 FTP_PASS = os.environ['FTP_PASS']
+API_KEY = os.environ['APPVEYOR_API_KEY']
+HEADERS = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}'}
 WINDOWS_NIGHTLY_FOLDER = 'downloads/snap/win'
 LINUX_NIGHTLY_FOLDER = 'downloads/snap'
@@ -84,6 +91,29 @@ def upload_file(ftp: FTP_TLS,
         ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + name, f)
+def download_artifacts(path: Path) -> None:
+    build_results = list(path.glob('*.json'))
+    if not build_results:
+        sys.exit('No build build_results found')
+    responses = [json.loads(response.read_text()) for response in build_results]
+    for response in responses:
+        for artifact in response:
+            filename = artifact['fileName']
+            file_url = artifact['fileUrl']
+            console.print('Download', filename, '...')
+            req = requests.get(file_url, headers=HEADERS)
+            req.raise_for_status()
+            with open(path / filename, 'wb') as file:
+                file.write(req.content)
+    for result in build_results:
+        result.unlink()
 def get_deploy_method() -> str:
     deploy_type = os.environ['DEPLOY_TYPE']
     is_nightly = bool(os.environ.get('GAJIM_NIGHTLY_BUILD'))
@@ -95,6 +125,7 @@ def get_deploy_method() -> str:
 def deploy_windows_nightly(ftp: FTP_TLS, filedir: Path) -> None:
+    download_artifacts(filedir)
     upload_all_from_dir(ftp, filedir)
@@ -102,6 +133,7 @@ def deploy_windows_nightly(ftp: FTP_TLS, filedir: Path) -> None:
 def deploy_windows_release(ftp: FTP_TLS, filedir: Path) -> None:
     tag = get_gajim_tag()
     create_release_folder(ftp, tag)
+    download_artifacts(filedir)
     upload_all_from_dir(ftp, filedir)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index d8b2a087b1a398a8ace546121687985c432150df..af85961fb90519ec064fba5d4b03caf4ea06bd89 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -84,22 +84,18 @@ build-linux:
       - dist/gajim-*.tar.gz
   stage: build
   dependencies: []
     - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
-  variables:
-    DEPLOY_TYPE: "windows"
     - python3 .ci/appveyor_build.py
-    - python3 .ci/deploy.py build
-  # artifacts:
-  #   expire_in: 1 day
-  #   paths:
-  #     - build/Gajim-*.exe
+  artifacts:
+    expire_in: 1 day
+    paths:
+      - build/*.json
   stage: deploy
@@ -113,16 +109,17 @@ deploy-linux:
     - python3 .ci/deploy.py dist
-# deploy-windows:
-#   stage: deploy
-#   rules:
-#     - if: '$GAJIM_NIGHTLY_BUILD'
-#     - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
-#       when: manual
-#   variables:
-#     DEPLOY_TYPE: "windows"
-#   script:
-#     - python3 .ci/deploy.py build
+  stage: deploy
+  dependencies:
+    - build-windows
+  rules:
+    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
+  variables:
+    DEPLOY_TYPE: "windows"
+  script:
+    - python3 .ci/deploy.py build
   image: git-deploy:latest