From 4c163c283ee7c99e60b4aa0e5472abb5d9ce9a69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wurstsalat <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 00:03:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove obsolete

 gajim/ | 1297 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1297 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gajim/

diff --git a/gajim/ b/gajim/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a87e359bb..0000000000
--- a/gajim/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Norman Rasmussen <norman AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Alex Mauer <hawke AT>
-#                         Travis Shirk <travis AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT>
-#                    Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT>
-#                    Stephan Erb <steve-e AT>
-# This file is part of Gajim.
-# Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
-# Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
-import time
-import queue
-import urllib
-import logging
-from gi.repository import Gtk
-from gi.repository import Pango
-from gi.repository import GObject
-from gi.repository import GLib
-from gi.repository import Gdk
-from gajim.common import app
-from gajim.common import helpers
-from gajim.common import i18n
-from gajim.common.i18n import _
-from gajim.common.i18n import Q_
-from gajim.common.helpers import AdditionalDataDict
-from gajim.common.const import StyleAttr
-from gajim.common.const import Trust
-from gajim.common.const import URI_SCHEMES
-from gajim.common.helpers import to_user_string
-from gajim.common.regex import STH_AT_STH_DOT_STH_REGEX
-from gajim.common.regex import BASIC_REGEX
-from gajim.common.regex import LINK_REGEX
-from gajim.common.regex import EMOT_AND_BASIC_REGEX
-from gajim.common.regex import EMOT_AND_LINK_REGEX
-from gajim.gui import util
-from gajim.gui.util import get_cursor
-from gajim.gui.util import format_fingerprint
-from gajim.gui.util import text_to_color
-from gajim.gui.emoji_data import emoji_pixbufs
-from gajim.gui.emoji_data import is_emoji
-from gajim.gui.emoji_data import get_emoji_pixbuf
-from gajim.gui.htmltextview import HtmlTextView
-SHOWN = 2
-log = logging.getLogger('gajim.conversation_textview')
-    Trust.UNTRUSTED: ('dialog-error-symbolic',
-                      _('Untrusted'),
-                      'error-color'),
-    Trust.UNDECIDED: ('security-low-symbolic',
-                      _('Trust Not Decided'),
-                      'warning-color'),
-    Trust.BLIND: ('security-medium-symbolic',
-                  _('Unverified'),
-                  'encrypted-color'),
-    Trust.VERIFIED: ('security-high-symbolic',
-                     _('Verified'),
-                     'encrypted-color')
-class ConversationTextview(GObject.GObject):
-    """
-    Class for the conversation textview (where user reads already said messages)
-    for chat/groupchat windows
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = dict(quote=(
-        GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST | GObject.SignalFlags.ACTION,
-        None, # return value
-        (str, ) # arguments
-        ))
-    def __init__(self, account, used_in_history_window=False):
-        """
-        If used_in_history_window is True, then we do not show Clear menuitem in
-        context menu
-        """
-        GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
-        self.used_in_history_window = used_in_history_window
-        self.line = 0
-        self._message_list = []
-        self.corrected_text_list = {}
-        # no need to inherit TextView, use it as attribute is safer
- = HtmlTextView(account)
-'query-tooltip', self._query_tooltip)
-        self._buffer =
-        self.handlers = {}
-        self.image_cache = {}
-        # self.last_sent_message_id = message_id
-        self.last_sent_message_id = None
-        # last_received_message_id[name] = (message_id, line_start_mark)
-        self.last_received_message_id = {}
-        self.autoscroll = True
-        # connect signals
-        id_ ='populate_popup', self.on_textview_populate_popup)
-        self.handlers[id_] =
-        id_ ='button_press_event',
-                self.on_textview_button_press_event)
-        self.handlers[id_] =
-        self.account = account
-        self._cursor_changed = False
-        self.last_time_printout = 0
-        self.encryption_enabled = False
-        style =
-        style.add_class('gajim-conversation-font')
-        buffer_ =
-        end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        buffer_.create_mark('end', end_iter, False)
-        self.tagIn = buffer_.create_tag('incoming')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-incoming-nickname', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        self.tagIn.set_property('foreground', color)
-        desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-incoming-nickname')
-        self.tagIn.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-        self.tagOut = buffer_.create_tag('outgoing')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-outgoing-nickname', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        self.tagOut.set_property('foreground', color)
-        desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-outgoing-nickname')
-        self.tagOut.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-        self.tagStatus = buffer_.create_tag('status')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-status-message', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        self.tagStatus.set_property('foreground', color)
-        desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-status-message')
-        self.tagStatus.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-        self.tagInText = buffer_.create_tag('incomingtxt')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-incoming-message-text', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        if color:
-            self.tagInText.set_property('foreground', color)
-        desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-incoming-message-text')
-        self.tagInText.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-        self.tagOutText = buffer_.create_tag('outgoingtxt')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-outgoing-message-text', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        if color:
-            self.tagOutText.set_property('foreground', color)
-        desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-outgoing-message-text')
-        self.tagOutText.set_property('font-desc', desc)
-        self.tagMarked = buffer_.create_tag('marked')
-        color = app.css_config.get_value(
-            '.gajim-highlight-message', StyleAttr.COLOR)
-        self.tagMarked.set_property('foreground', color)
-        self.tagMarked.set_property('weight', Pango.Weight.BOLD)
-        textview_icon = buffer_.create_tag('textview-icon')
-        textview_icon.set_property('rise', Pango.units_from_double(-2.45))
-        # To help plugins easily identify the nickname
-        buffer_.create_tag('nickname')
-        tag = buffer_.create_tag('time_sometimes')
-        tag.set_property('foreground', 'darkgrey')
-        #Pango.SCALE_SMALL
-        tag.set_property('scale', 0.8333333333333)
-        tag.set_property('justification', Gtk.Justification.CENTER)
-        tag = buffer_.create_tag('small')
-        #Pango.SCALE_SMALL
-        tag.set_property('scale', 0.8333333333333)
-        tag = buffer_.create_tag('bold')
-        tag.set_property('weight', Pango.Weight.BOLD)
-        tag = buffer_.create_tag('italic')
-        tag.set_property('style', Pango.Style.ITALIC)
-        tag = buffer_.create_tag('strikethrough')
-        tag.set_property('strikethrough', True)
-        buffer_.create_tag('focus-out-line', justification=Gtk.Justification.CENTER)
-        self.displaymarking_tags = {}
-        # One mark at the beginning then 2 marks between each lines
-        size = app.settings.get('max_conversation_lines')
-        size = 2 * size - 1
-        self.marks_queue = queue.Queue(size)
-        self.allow_focus_out_line = True
-        # holds a mark at the end of --- line
-        self.focus_out_end_mark = None
-        self.just_cleared = False
-    def _query_tooltip(self, widget, x_pos, y_pos, keyboard_mode, tooltip):
-        window = widget.get_window(Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT)
-        x_pos, y_pos =
-            Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT, x_pos, y_pos)
-        iter_ =, y_pos)[1]
-        for tag in iter_.get_tags():
-            tag_name = tag.get_property('name')
-            if tag_name == 'focus-out-line':
-                tooltip.set_text(_(
-                    'Text below this line is what has '
-                    'been said since the\nlast time you paid attention to this '
-                    'group chat'))
-                return True
-            if getattr(tag, 'is_anchor', False):
-                text = getattr(tag, 'title', False)
-                if text:
-                    if len(text) > 50:
-                        text = text[:47] + '…'
-                    tooltip.set_text(text)
-                    window.set_cursor(get_cursor('pointer'))
-                    self._cursor_changed = True
-                    return True
-            if tag_name in ('url', 'mail', 'xmpp', 'sth_at_sth'):
-                window.set_cursor(get_cursor('pointer'))
-                self._cursor_changed = True
-                return False
-        if self._cursor_changed:
-            window.set_cursor(get_cursor('text'))
-            self._cursor_changed = False
-        return False
-    def del_handlers(self):
-        for i, obj in self.handlers.items():
-            if obj.handler_is_connected(i):
-                obj.disconnect(i)
-        del self.handlers
-    def update_tags(self):
-        self.tagIn.set_property('foreground', app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-incoming-nickname', StyleAttr.COLOR))
-        self.tagOut.set_property('foreground', app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-outgoing-nickname', StyleAttr.COLOR))
-        self.tagStatus.set_property('foreground',
-            app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-status-message', StyleAttr.COLOR))
-        self.tagMarked.set_property('foreground',
-            app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-highlight-message', StyleAttr.COLOR))
-    def scroll_to_end(self, force=False):
-        if self.autoscroll or force:
-            GLib.idle_add(util.scroll_to_end,
-    def correct_message(self, correct_id, kind, name):
-        allowed = True
-        if kind == 'incoming':
-            try:
-                if correct_id in self.last_received_message_id[name]:
-                    start_mark = self.last_received_message_id[name][1]
-                else:
-                    allowed = False
-            except KeyError:
-                allowed = False
-        elif kind == 'outgoing':
-            if self.last_sent_message_id[0] == correct_id:
-                start_mark = self.last_sent_message_id[1]
-            else:
-                allowed = False
-        else:
-            allowed = False
-        if not allowed:
-            log.debug('Message correction not allowed')
-            return None
-        end_mark, index = self.get_end_mark(correct_id, start_mark)
-        if not index:
-            log.debug('Could not find line to correct')
-            return None
-        buffer_ =
-        if not end_mark:
-            end_iter =
-        else:
-            end_iter = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(end_mark)
-        start_iter = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(start_mark)
-        old_txt = buffer_.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, True)
-        buffer_.delete(start_iter, end_iter)
-        buffer_.delete_mark(start_mark)
-        return index, end_mark, old_txt
-    def show_receipt(self, id_):
-        line = self._get_message_line(id_)
-        if line is None:
-            return
-        line.set_receipt()
-    def show_displayed(self, id_):
-        line = self._get_message_line(id_)
-        if line is None:
-            return
-        line.set_displayed()
-    def show_error(self, id_, error):
-        line = self._get_message_line(id_)
-        if line is None:
-            return
-        line.set_error(to_user_string(error))
-    def show_focus_out_line(self):
-        if not self.allow_focus_out_line:
-            # if room did not receive focus-in from the last time we added
-            # --- line then do not add again
-            return
-        print_focus_out_line = False
-        buffer_ =
-        if self.focus_out_end_mark is None:
-            # this happens only first time we focus out on this room
-            print_focus_out_line = True
-        else:
-            focus_out_end_iter = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(self.focus_out_end_mark)
-            focus_out_end_iter_offset = focus_out_end_iter.get_offset()
-            if focus_out_end_iter_offset != buffer_.get_end_iter().get_offset():
-                # this means after last-focus something was printed
-                # (else end_iter's offset is the same as before)
-                # only then print ---- line (eg. we avoid printing many following
-                # ---- lines)
-                print_focus_out_line = True
-        if print_focus_out_line and buffer_.get_char_count() > 0:
-            buffer_.begin_user_action()
-            # remove previous focus out line if such focus out line exists
-            if self.focus_out_end_mark is not None:
-                end_iter_for_previous_line = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(
-                        self.focus_out_end_mark)
-                begin_iter_for_previous_line = end_iter_for_previous_line.copy()
-                # img_char+1 (the '\n')
-                begin_iter_for_previous_line.backward_chars(21)
-                # remove focus out line
-                buffer_.delete(begin_iter_for_previous_line,
-                        end_iter_for_previous_line)
-                buffer_.delete_mark(self.focus_out_end_mark)
-            # add the new focus out line
-            end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            buffer_.insert(end_iter, '\n' + '―' * 20)
-            end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            before_img_iter = end_iter.copy()
-            # one char back (an image also takes one char)
-            before_img_iter.backward_chars(20)
-            buffer_.apply_tag_by_name('focus-out-line', before_img_iter, end_iter)
-            self.allow_focus_out_line = False
-            # update the iter we hold to make comparison the next time
-            self.focus_out_end_mark = buffer_.create_mark(None,
-                    buffer_.get_end_iter(), left_gravity=True)
-            buffer_.end_user_action()
-            self.scroll_to_end()
-    def clear(self, tv=None):
-        """
-        Clear text in the textview
-        """
-        buffer_ =
-        start, end = buffer_.get_bounds()
-        buffer_.delete(start, end)
-        size = app.settings.get('max_conversation_lines')
-        size = 2 * size - 1
-        self.marks_queue = queue.Queue(size)
-        self.focus_out_end_mark = None
-        self.just_cleared = True
-    def visit_url_from_menuitem(self, widget, link):
-        """
-        Basically it filters out the widget instance
-        """
-        helpers.open_uri(link)
-    def on_textview_populate_popup(self, textview, menu):
-        """
-        Override the default context menu and we prepend Clear (only if
-        used_in_history_window is False) and if we have sth selected we show a
-        submenu with actions on the phrase (see
-        on_conversation_textview_button_press_event)
-        """
-        separator_menuitem_was_added = False
-        if not self.used_in_history_window:
-            item =
-            menu.prepend(item)
-            separator_menuitem_was_added = True
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Clear'))
-            menu.prepend(item)
-            id_ = item.connect('activate', self.clear)
-            self.handlers[id_] = item
-        if self.selected_phrase:
-            if not separator_menuitem_was_added:
-                item =
-                menu.prepend(item)
-            if not self.used_in_history_window:
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Quote'))
-                id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_quote)
-                self.handlers[id_] = item
-                menu.prepend(item)
-            _selected_phrase = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(
-                    self.selected_phrase, 25, 2)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(
-                _('_Actions for "%s"') % _selected_phrase)
-            menu.prepend(item)
-            submenu = Gtk.Menu()
-            item.set_submenu(submenu)
-            phrase_for_url = urllib.parse.quote(self.selected_phrase.encode(
-                'utf-8'))
-            always_use_en = app.settings.get('always_english_wikipedia')
-            if always_use_en:
-                link = ''\
-                        % phrase_for_url
-            else:
-                link = ''\
-                        % (i18n.get_short_lang_code(), phrase_for_url)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Read _Wikipedia Article'))
-            id_ = item.connect('activate', self.visit_url_from_menuitem, link)
-            self.handlers[id_] = item
-            submenu.append(item)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Look it up in _Dictionary'))
-            dict_link = app.settings.get('dictionary_url')
-            if dict_link == 'WIKTIONARY':
-                # special link (yeah undocumented but default)
-                always_use_en = app.settings.get('always_english_wiktionary')
-                if always_use_en:
-                    link = ''\
-                            % phrase_for_url
-                else:
-                    link = ''\
-                            % (i18n.get_short_lang_code(), phrase_for_url)
-                id_ = item.connect('activate', self.visit_url_from_menuitem, link)
-                self.handlers[id_] = item
-            else:
-                if dict_link.find('%s') == -1:
-                    # we must have %s in the url if not WIKTIONARY
-                    item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(_(
-                            'Dictionary URL is missing an "%s" and it is not WIKTIONARY'))
-                    item.set_property('sensitive', False)
-                else:
-                    link = dict_link % phrase_for_url
-                    id_ = item.connect('activate', self.visit_url_from_menuitem,
-                            link)
-                    self.handlers[id_] = item
-            submenu.append(item)
-            search_link = app.settings.get('search_engine')
-            if search_link.find('%s') == -1:
-                # we must have %s in the url
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(
-                    _('Web Search URL is missing an "%s"'))
-                item.set_property('sensitive', False)
-            else:
-                item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Web _Search for it'))
-                link = search_link % phrase_for_url
-                id_ = item.connect('activate', self.visit_url_from_menuitem, link)
-                self.handlers[id_] = item
-            submenu.append(item)
-            item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Open as _Link'))
-            id_ = item.connect('activate', self.visit_url_from_menuitem, link)
-            self.handlers[id_] = item
-            submenu.append(item)
-        menu.show_all()
-    def on_quote(self, widget):
-        self.emit('quote', self.selected_phrase)
-    def on_textview_button_press_event(self, widget, event):
-        # If we clicked on a tagged text do NOT open the standard popup menu
-        # if normal text check if we have sth selected
-        self.selected_phrase = '' # do not move below event button check!
-        if event.button != 3: # if not right click
-            return False
-        x, y =,
-                int(event.x), int(event.y))
-        iter_ =, y)
-        if isinstance(iter_, tuple):
-            iter_ = iter_[1]
-        tags = iter_.get_tags()
-        if tags: # we clicked on sth special (it can be status message too)
-            for tag in tags:
-                tag_name = tag.get_property('name')
-                if tag_name in ('url', 'mail', 'xmpp', 'sth_at_sth'):
-                    return True # we block normal context menu
-        # we check if sth was selected and if it was we assign
-        # selected_phrase variable
-        # so on_conversation_textview_populate_popup can use it
-        buffer_ =
-        return_val = buffer_.get_selection_bounds()
-        if return_val: # if sth was selected when we right-clicked
-            # get the selected text
-            start_sel, finish_sel = return_val[0], return_val[1]
-            self.selected_phrase = buffer_.get_text(start_sel, finish_sel, True)
-        elif iter_.get_char() and ord(iter_.get_char()) > 31:
-            # we clicked on a word, do as if it's selected for context menu
-            start_sel = iter_.copy()
-            if not start_sel.starts_word():
-                start_sel.backward_word_start()
-            finish_sel = iter_.copy()
-            if not finish_sel.ends_word():
-                finish_sel.forward_word_end()
-            self.selected_phrase = buffer_.get_text(start_sel, finish_sel, True)
-    def detect_and_print_special_text(self, otext, other_tags, graphics=True,
-    iter_=None, additional_data=None):
-        """
-        Detect special text (emots & links & formatting), print normal text
-        before any special text it founds, then print special text (that happens
-        many times until last special text is printed) and then return the index
-        after *last* special text, so we can print it in
-        print_conversation_line()
-        """
-        if not otext:
-            return
-        if additional_data is None:
-            additional_data = AdditionalDataDict()
-        buffer_ =
-        if other_tags:
-            insert_tags_func = buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name
-        else:
-            insert_tags_func = buffer_.insert
-        # detect_and_print_special_text() is also used by
-        # HtmlHandler.handle_specials() and there tags is Gtk.TextTag objects,
-        # not strings
-        if other_tags and isinstance(other_tags[0], Gtk.TextTag):
-            insert_tags_func = buffer_.insert_with_tags
-        index = 0
-        # Too many special elements (emoticons, LaTeX formulas, etc)
-        # may cause Gajim to freeze (see #5129).
-        # We impose an arbitrary limit of 100 specials per message.
-        specials_limit = 100
-        # add oob text to the end
-        oob_url = additional_data.get_value('gajim', 'oob_url')
-        if oob_url is not None:
-            oob_desc = additional_data.get_value('gajim', 'oob_desc', 'URL:')
-            if oob_url != otext:
-                otext += '\n{} {}'.format(oob_desc, oob_url)
-        # basic: links + mail + formatting is always checked (we like that)
-        if app.settings.get('emoticons_theme') and graphics:
-            # search for emoticons & urls
-            if app.settings.get('ascii_formatting'):
-                regex = EMOT_AND_BASIC_REGEX
-            else:
-                regex = EMOT_AND_LINK_REGEX
-        else:
-            if app.settings.get('ascii_formatting'):
-                # search for just urls + mail + formatting
-                regex = BASIC_REGEX
-            else: # search for just urls + mail
-                regex = LINK_REGEX
-        iterator = regex.finditer(otext)
-        if iter_:
-            end_iter = iter_
-        else:
-            end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        for match in iterator:
-            start, end = match.span()
-            special_text = otext[start:end]
-            if start > index:
-                text_before_special_text = otext[index:start]
-                if not iter_:
-                    end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-                # we insert normal text
-                if other_tags:
-                    insert_tags_func(end_iter, text_before_special_text, *other_tags)
-                else:
-                    buffer_.insert(end_iter, text_before_special_text)
-            index = end # update index
-            # now print it
-            self.print_special_text(special_text, other_tags, graphics=graphics,
-                iter_=end_iter, additional_data=additional_data)
-            specials_limit -= 1
-            if specials_limit <= 0:
-                break
-        # add the rest of text located in the index and after
-        insert_tags_func(end_iter, otext[index:], *other_tags)
-        return end_iter
-    def print_special_text(self, special_text, other_tags, graphics=True,
-    iter_=None, additional_data=None):
-        """
-        Is called by detect_and_print_special_text and prints special text
-        (emots, links, formatting)
-        """
-        if additional_data is None:
-            additional_data = AdditionalDataDict()
-        # PluginSystem: adding GUI extension point for ConversationTextview
-        self.plugin_modified = False
-        app.plugin_manager.extension_point('print_special_text', self,
-            special_text, other_tags, graphics, additional_data, iter_)
-        if self.plugin_modified:
-            return
-        tags = []
-        use_other_tags = True
-        text_is_valid_uri = False
-        is_xhtml_link = None
-        show_ascii_formatting_chars = \
-            app.settings.get('show_ascii_formatting_chars')
-        buffer_ =
-        # Detect XHTML-IM link
-        ttt = buffer_.get_tag_table()
-        tags_ = [(ttt.lookup(t) if isinstance(t, str) else t) for t in other_tags]
-        for t in tags_:
-            is_xhtml_link = getattr(t, 'href', None)
-            if is_xhtml_link:
-                break
-        # Check if we accept this as an uri
-        for scheme in URI_SCHEMES:
-            if special_text.startswith(scheme):
-                text_is_valid_uri = True
-        if iter_:
-            end_iter = iter_
-        else:
-            end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        theme = app.settings.get('emoticons_theme')
-        show_emojis = theme and theme != 'font'
-        if show_emojis and graphics and is_emoji(special_text):
-            # it's an emoticon
-            if emoji_pixbufs.complete:
-                # only search for the pixbuf if we are sure
-                # that loading is completed
-                pixbuf = get_emoji_pixbuf(special_text)
-                if pixbuf is None:
-                    buffer_.insert(end_iter, special_text)
-                else:
-                    pixbuf = pixbuf.copy()
-                    anchor = buffer_.create_child_anchor(end_iter)
-                    anchor.plaintext = special_text
-                    img = Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
-          , anchor)
-            else:
-                # Set marks and save them so we can replace the emojis
-                # once the loading is complete
-                start_mark = buffer_.create_mark(None, end_iter, True)
-                buffer_.insert(end_iter, special_text)
-                end_mark = buffer_.create_mark(None, end_iter, True)
-                emoji_pixbufs.append_marks(
-          , start_mark, end_mark, special_text)
-        elif (special_text.startswith('www.') or
-              special_text.startswith('ftp.') or
-              text_is_valid_uri and not is_xhtml_link):
-            tags.append('url')
-        elif special_text.startswith('mailto:') and not is_xhtml_link:
-            tags.append('mail')
-        elif special_text.startswith('xmpp:') and not is_xhtml_link:
-            tags.append('xmpp')
-        elif STH_AT_STH_DOT_STH_REGEX.match(special_text) and \
-        not is_xhtml_link:
-            # it's a JID or mail
-            tags.append('sth_at_sth')
-        elif special_text.startswith('*'): # it's a bold text
-            tags.append('bold')
-            if special_text[1] == '~' and special_text[-2] == '~' and\
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also strikethrough
-                tags.append('strikethrough')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove *~ ~*
-            elif special_text[1] == '_' and special_text[-2] == '_' and \
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also italic
-                tags.append('italic')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove *_ _*
-            else:
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[1:-1] # remove * *
-        elif special_text.startswith('~'): # it's a strikethrough text
-            tags.append('strikethrough')
-            if special_text[1] == '*' and special_text[-2] == '*' and \
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also bold
-                tags.append('bold')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove ~* *~
-            elif special_text[1] == '_' and special_text[-2] == '_' and \
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also italic
-                tags.append('italic')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove ~_ _~
-            else:
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[1:-1] # remove ~ ~
-        elif special_text.startswith('_'): # it's an italic text
-            tags.append('italic')
-            if special_text[1] == '*' and special_text[-2] == '*' and \
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also bold
-                tags.append('bold')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove _* *_
-            elif special_text[1] == '~' and special_text[-2] == '~' and \
-            len(special_text) > 4: # it's also strikethrough
-                tags.append('strikethrough')
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[2:-2] # remove _~ ~_
-            else:
-                if not show_ascii_formatting_chars:
-                    special_text = special_text[1:-1] # remove _ _
-        else:
-            # It's nothing special
-            if use_other_tags:
-                insert_tags_func = buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name
-                if other_tags and isinstance(other_tags[0], Gtk.TextTag):
-                    insert_tags_func = buffer_.insert_with_tags
-                if other_tags:
-                    insert_tags_func(end_iter, special_text, *other_tags)
-                else:
-                    buffer_.insert(end_iter, special_text)
-        if tags:
-            all_tags = tags[:]
-            if use_other_tags:
-                all_tags += other_tags
-            # convert all names to TextTag
-            all_tags = [(ttt.lookup(t) if isinstance(t, str) else t) for t in all_tags]
-            buffer_.insert_with_tags(end_iter, special_text, *all_tags)
-            if 'url' in tags:
-                puny_text = helpers.puny_encode_url(special_text)
-                if puny_text != special_text:
-                    puny_tags = []
-                    if use_other_tags:
-                        puny_tags += other_tags
-                    if not puny_text:
-                        puny_text = _('Invalid URL')
-                    puny_tags = [(ttt.lookup(t) if isinstance(t, str) else t) for t in puny_tags]
-                    buffer_.insert_with_tags(end_iter, " (%s)" % puny_text, *puny_tags)
-    def print_empty_line(self, iter_=None):
-        buffer_ =
-        if not iter_:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, '\n', 'eol')
-        self.just_cleared = False
-    def get_end_mark(self, message_id, start_mark):
-        for index, line in enumerate(self._message_list):
-            if == message_id and line.start_mark == start_mark:
-                try:
-                    end_mark = self._message_list[index + 1].start_mark
-                    end_mark_name = end_mark.get_name()
-                except IndexError:
-                    # We are at the last message
-                    end_mark = None
-                    end_mark_name = None
-                log.debug('start mark: %s, end mark: %s, '
-                          'replace message-list index: %s',
-                          start_mark.get_name(), end_mark_name, index)
-                return end_mark, index
-        log.debug('stanza-id not in message list')
-        return None, None
-    def get_insert_mark(self, timestamp):
-        # message_list = [(timestamp, line_start_mark, message_id)]
-        # We check if this is a new Message
-        try:
-            if self._message_list[-1].timestamp <= timestamp:
-                return None, None
-        except IndexError:
-            # We have no Messages in the TextView
-            return None, None
-        # Not a new Message
-        # Search for insertion point
-        for index, line in enumerate(self._message_list):
-            if line.timestamp > timestamp:
-                return line.start_mark, index
-        # Should not happen, but who knows
-        return None, None
-    def _get_message_line(self, id_):
-        for message_line in reversed(self._message_list):
-            if == id_:
-                return message_line
-    def print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, name, tim,
-    other_tags_for_name=None, other_tags_for_time=None, other_tags_for_text=None,
-    subject=None, old_kind=None, graphics=True,
-    displaymarking=None, message_id=None, correct_id=None, additional_data=None,
-    marker=None, error=None):
-        """
-        Print 'chat' type messages
-        """
-        if additional_data is None:
-            additional_data = AdditionalDataDict()
-        buffer_ =
-        buffer_.begin_user_action()
-        insert_mark = None
-        insert_mark_name = None
-        if kind == 'incoming_queue':
-            kind = 'incoming'
-        if old_kind == 'incoming_queue':
-            old_kind = 'incoming'
-        if not tim:
-            # For outgoing Messages and Status prints
-            tim = time.time()
-        corrected = False
-        if correct_id:
-            try:
-                index, insert_mark, old_txt = \
-                    self.correct_message(correct_id, kind, name)
-                if correct_id in self.corrected_text_list:
-                    self.corrected_text_list[message_id] = \
-                        self.corrected_text_list[correct_id] + '\n{}' \
-                        .format(GLib.markup_escape_text(old_txt))
-                    del self.corrected_text_list[correct_id]
-                else:
-                    self.corrected_text_list[message_id] = \
-                        _('<b>Message corrected. Original message:</b>\n{}') \
-                        .format(GLib.markup_escape_text(old_txt))
-                corrected = True
-            except TypeError:
-                log.debug('Message was not corrected !')
-        if not corrected:
-            # Get insertion point into TextView
-            insert_mark, index = self.get_insert_mark(tim)
-        if insert_mark:
-            insert_mark_name = insert_mark.get_name()
-        log.debug(
-            'Printed Line: %s, %s, %s, inserted after: %s'
-            ', stanza-id: %s, correct-id: %s',
-            self.line, text, tim, insert_mark_name,
-            message_id, correct_id)
-        if not insert_mark:  # Texview is empty or Message is new
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            # Insert new Line if Textview is not empty
-            if buffer_.get_char_count() > 0 and not corrected:
-                buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, '\n', 'eol')
-        else:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(insert_mark)
-        # Create a temporary mark at the start of the line
-        # with gravity=Left, so it will not move
-        # even if we insert directly at the mark iter
-        temp_mark = buffer_.create_mark('temp', iter_, left_gravity=True)
-        if text.startswith('/me '):
-            direction_mark = i18n.paragraph_direction_mark(str(text[3:]))
-        else:
-            direction_mark = i18n.paragraph_direction_mark(text)
-        # don't apply direction mark if it's status message
-        if kind == 'status':
-            direction_mark = i18n.direction_mark
-        # print the encryption icon
-        if kind in ('incoming', 'outgoing'):
-            self.print_encryption_status(iter_, additional_data)
-        # print the time stamp
-        self.print_time(text, kind, tim, direction_mark,
-                        other_tags_for_time, iter_)
-        # If there's a displaymarking, print it here.
-        if displaymarking:
-            self.print_displaymarking(displaymarking, iter_)
-        # kind = info, we print things as if it was a status: same color, ...
-        if kind in ('error', 'info'):
-            kind = 'status'
-        other_text_tag = self.detect_other_text_tag(text, kind)
-        text_tags = []
-        if other_tags_for_text:
-            text_tags = other_tags_for_text[:]  # create a new list
-        if other_text_tag:
-            text_tags.append(other_text_tag)
-        else:  # not status nor /me
-            if app.settings.get('chat_merge_consecutive_nickname'):
-                if kind != old_kind or self.just_cleared:
-                    self.print_name(name, kind, other_tags_for_name,
-                        direction_mark=direction_mark, iter_=iter_)
-                else:
-                    self.print_real_text(app.settings.get(
-                        'chat_merge_consecutive_nickname_indent'),
-                        mark=insert_mark, additional_data=additional_data)
-            else:
-                self.print_name(name, kind, other_tags_for_name,
-                    direction_mark=direction_mark, iter_=iter_)
-            if kind == 'incoming':
-                text_tags.append('incomingtxt')
-            elif kind == 'outgoing':
-                text_tags.append('outgoingtxt')
-        self.print_subject(subject, iter_=iter_)
-        iter_ = self.print_real_text(text, text_tags, name, graphics=graphics,
-            mark=insert_mark, additional_data=additional_data)
-        message_icons = MessageIcons()
-        self._insert_message_icons(iter_, message_icons)
-        # If we inserted a Line we add a new line at the end
-        if insert_mark:
-            buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, '\n', 'eol')
-        # We delete the temp mark and replace it with a mark
-        # that has gravity=right
-        temp_iter = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(temp_mark)
-        buffer_.delete_mark(temp_mark)
-        new_mark = buffer_.create_mark(
-            str(self.line), temp_iter, left_gravity=False)
-        message_line = MessageLine(message_id, tim, message_icons, new_mark)
-        if corrected:
-            message_line.set_correction(
-                self.corrected_text_list[message_id])
-        if error is not None:
-            message_line.set_error(to_user_string(error))
-        if marker is not None:
-            if marker == 'received':
-                message_line.set_receipt()
-            elif marker == 'displayed':
-                message_line.set_displayed()
-        if index is None:
-            # New Message
-            self._message_list.append(message_line)
-        elif corrected:
-            # Replace the corrected message
-            self._message_list[index] = message_line
-        else:
-            # We insert the message at index
-            self._message_list.insert(index, message_line)
-        if kind == 'incoming':
-            self.last_received_message_id[name] = (message_id, new_mark)
-        elif kind == 'outgoing':
-            self.last_sent_message_id = (message_id, new_mark)
-        if not insert_mark:
-            if self.autoscroll or kind == 'outgoing':
-                # we are at the end or we are sending something
-                self.scroll_to_end(force=True)
-        self.just_cleared = False
-        buffer_.end_user_action()
-        self.line += 1
-    def get_time_to_show(self, tim):
-        """
-        Format the time according to config setting 'time_stamp'
-        """
-        format_ = helpers.from_one_line(app.settings.get('time_stamp'))
-        tim_format = time.strftime(format_, tim)
-        return tim_format
-    def detect_other_text_tag(self, text, kind):
-        if kind == 'status':
-            return kind
-        if text.startswith('/me ') or text.startswith('/me\n'):
-            return kind
-    def _insert_message_icons(self, iter_, message_icons):
-        temp_mark = self._buffer.create_mark(None, iter_, True)
-        self._buffer.insert(iter_, ' ')
-        anchor = self._buffer.create_child_anchor(iter_)
-        anchor.plaintext = ''
-        self._buffer.insert(iter_, ' ')
-        # Apply mark to vertically center the icon
-        start = self._buffer.get_iter_at_mark(temp_mark)
-        self._buffer.apply_tag_by_name('textview-icon', start, iter_)
-, anchor)
-    def print_encryption_status(self, iter_, additional_data):
-        details = self._get_encryption_details(additional_data)
-        if details is None:
-            # Message was not encrypted
-            if not self.encryption_enabled:
-                return
-            icon = 'channel-insecure-symbolic'
-            color = 'unencrypted-color'
-            tooltip = _('Not encrypted')
-        else:
-            name, fingerprint, trust = details
-            tooltip = _('Encrypted (%s)') % (name)
-            if trust is None:
-                # The encryption plugin did not pass trust information
-                icon = 'channel-secure-symbolic'
-                color = 'encrypted-color'
-            else:
-                icon, trust_tooltip, color = TRUST_SYMBOL_DATA[trust]
-                tooltip = '%s\n%s' % (tooltip, trust_tooltip)
-            if fingerprint is not None:
-                fingerprint = format_fingerprint(fingerprint)
-                tooltip = '%s\n<tt>%s</tt>' % (tooltip, fingerprint)
-        temp_mark = self._buffer.create_mark(None, iter_, True)
-        self._buffer.insert(iter_, ' ')
-        anchor = self._buffer.create_child_anchor(iter_)
-        anchor.plaintext = ''
-        self._buffer.insert(iter_, ' ')
-        # Apply mark to vertically center the icon
-        start = self._buffer.get_iter_at_mark(temp_mark)
-        self._buffer.apply_tag_by_name('textview-icon', start, iter_)
-        image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name(icon, Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        image.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip)
-        image.get_style_context().add_class(color)
-, anchor)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_encryption_details(additional_data):
-        name = additional_data.get_value('encrypted', 'name')
-        if name is None:
-            return
-        fingerprint = additional_data.get_value('encrypted', 'fingerprint')
-        trust = additional_data.get_value('encrypted', 'trust')
-        return name, fingerprint, trust
-    def print_time(self, text, kind, tim, direction_mark, other_tags_for_time, iter_):
-        local_tim = time.localtime(tim)
-        buffer_ =
-        current_print_time = app.settings.get('print_time')
-        if current_print_time == 'always':
-            timestamp_str = self.get_time_to_show(local_tim)
-            timestamp = time.strftime(timestamp_str, local_tim)
-            timestamp = direction_mark + timestamp + direction_mark
-            if other_tags_for_time:
-                buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, timestamp,
-                    *other_tags_for_time)
-            else:
-                buffer_.insert(iter_, timestamp)
-        elif current_print_time == 'sometimes':
-            every_foo_seconds = 60 * app.settings.get(
-                'print_ichat_every_foo_minutes')
-            seconds_passed = tim - self.last_time_printout
-            if seconds_passed > every_foo_seconds:
-                self.last_time_printout = tim
-                tim_format = self.get_time_to_show(local_tim)
-                buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(iter_, tim_format + '\n',
-                    'time_sometimes')
-    def print_displaymarking(self, displaymarking, iter_):
-        bgcolor = displaymarking.bgcolor
-        fgcolor = displaymarking.fgcolor
-        text =
-        if text:
-            buffer_ =
-            tag = self.displaymarking_tags.setdefault(bgcolor + '/' + fgcolor,
-                buffer_.create_tag(None, background=bgcolor, foreground=fgcolor))
-            buffer_.insert_with_tags(iter_, '[' + text + ']', tag)
-            buffer_.insert_with_tags(iter_, ' ')
-    def print_name(self, name, kind, other_tags_for_name, direction_mark='',
-    iter_=None):
-        if name:
-            name_tags = []
-            buffer_ =
-            if iter_:
-                end_iter = iter_
-            else:
-                end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            if other_tags_for_name:
-                name_tags = other_tags_for_name[:]  # create a new list
-            name_tags.append(kind)
-            name_tags.append('nickname')
-            for tag in name_tags:
-                if tag.startswith('muc_nickname_color_'):
-                    self._add_new_colour_tags(tag, name)
-            before_str = app.settings.get('before_nickname')
-            before_str = helpers.from_one_line(before_str)
-            after_str = app.settings.get('after_nickname')
-            after_str = helpers.from_one_line(after_str)
-            format_ = before_str + name + direction_mark + after_str + ' '
-            buffer_.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, format_, *name_tags)
-    def _add_new_colour_tags(self, tag, name):
-        if self._buffer.get_tag_table().lookup(tag) is not None:
-            return
-        rgba = Gdk.RGBA(*text_to_color(name))
-        self._buffer.create_tag(tag, foreground_rgba=rgba)
-    def print_subject(self, subject, iter_=None):
-        if subject: # if we have subject, show it too!
-            subject = _('Subject: %s\n') % subject
-            buffer_ =
-            if iter_:
-                end_iter = iter_
-            else:
-                end_iter = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            buffer_.insert(end_iter, subject)
-            self.print_empty_line(end_iter)
-    def print_real_text(self, text, text_tags=None, name=None,
-    graphics=True, mark=None, additional_data=None):
-        """
-        Add normal and special text. call this to add text
-        """
-        if text_tags is None:
-            text_tags = []
-        if additional_data is None:
-            additional_data = AdditionalDataDict()
-        buffer_ =
-        if not mark:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        else:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
-        xhtml = additional_data.get_value('gajim', 'xhtml', False)
-        if xhtml and app.settings.get('show_xhtml'):
-            try:
-                if name and (text.startswith('/me ') or text.startswith('/me\n')):
-                    xhtml = xhtml.replace('/me', '<i>* %s</i>' % (name,), 1)
-      ,, self, iter_=iter_)
-                return iter_
-            except Exception as error:
-                log.debug('Error processing xhtml: %s', error)
-                log.debug('with |%s|', xhtml)
-        # /me is replaced by name if name is given
-        if name and (text.startswith('/me ') or text.startswith('/me\n')):
-            text = '* ' + name + text[3:]
-            text_tags.append('italic')
-        # PluginSystem: adding GUI extension point for ConversationTextview
-        self.plugin_modified = False
-        app.plugin_manager.extension_point('print_real_text', self,
-            text, text_tags, graphics, iter_, additional_data)
-        if self.plugin_modified:
-            if not mark:
-                return buffer_.get_end_iter()
-            return buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
-        if not mark:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_end_iter()
-        else:
-            iter_ = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
-        # detect urls formatting and if the user has it on emoticons
-        return self.detect_and_print_special_text(text, text_tags, graphics=graphics,
-            iter_=iter_, additional_data=additional_data)
-class MessageLine:
-    def __init__(self, id_, timestamp, message_icons, start_mark):
- = id_
-        self.timestamp = timestamp
-        self.start_mark = start_mark
-        self._has_receipt = False
-        self._has_displayed = False
-        self._message_icons = message_icons
-    @property
-    def has_receipt(self):
-        return self._has_receipt
-    @property
-    def has_displayed(self):
-        return self._has_displayed
-    def set_receipt(self):
-        self._has_receipt = True
-        if self._has_displayed:
-            return
-        self._message_icons.set_receipt_icon_visible(True)
-    def set_displayed(self):
-        self._has_displayed = True
-        self._message_icons.set_displayed_icon_visible(True)
-    def set_correction(self, tooltip):
-        self._message_icons.set_correction_icon_visible(True)
-        self._message_icons.set_correction_tooltip(tooltip)
-    def set_error(self, tooltip):
-        self._message_icons.set_error_icon_visible(True)
-        self._message_icons.set_error_tooltip(tooltip)
-class MessageIcons(Gtk.Box):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Gtk.Box.__init__(self,
-                         orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
-        self._correction_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name(
-            'document-edit-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        self._correction_image.set_no_show_all(True)
-        self._marker_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name(
-            'feather-check-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        self._marker_image.get_style_context().add_class(
-            'receipt-received-color')
-        self._marker_image.set_tooltip_text(_('Received'))
-        self._marker_image.set_no_show_all(True)
-        self._error_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name(
-            'dialog-warning-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        self._error_image.get_style_context().add_class('warning-color')
-        self._error_image.set_no_show_all(True)
-        self.add(self._correction_image)
-        self.add(self._marker_image)
-        self.add(self._error_image)
-        self.show_all()
-    def set_receipt_icon_visible(self, visible):
-        if not app.settings.get('positive_184_ack'):
-            return
-        self._marker_image.set_visible(visible)
-    def set_displayed_icon_visible(self, visible):
-        self._marker_image.set_visible(visible)
-        self._marker_image.set_from_icon_name(
-            'feather-check-double-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        self._marker_image.set_tooltip_text(Q_('?Message state:Read'))
-    def set_correction_icon_visible(self, visible):
-        self._correction_image.set_visible(visible)
-    def set_correction_tooltip(self, text):
-        self._correction_image.set_tooltip_markup(text)
-    def set_error_icon_visible(self, visible):
-        self._error_image.set_visible(visible)
-    def set_error_tooltip(self, text):
-        self._error_image.set_tooltip_markup(text)