diff --git a/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py b/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
index 2c8596a57f9637c2e71262481d4ded3c58da977a..29ebf1be2e14e3822a8cba6a3c9fb0668bbdae94 100644
--- a/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
+++ b/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
@@ -2318,18 +2318,31 @@ class AgentInfoReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent, HelperEvent):
         if self.id_ in self.conn.disco_info_ids:
         if self.id_ is None:
-            log.warning('Invalid IQ received without an ID. Ignoring it: %s' % \
-                self.stanza)
+            log.warning('Invalid IQ received without an ID. '
+                        'Ignoring it: %s', self.stanza)
         # According to XEP-0030:
         # For identity: category, type is mandatory, name is optional.
         # For feature: var is mandatory
-        self.identities, self.features, self.data = [], [], []
-        q = self.stanza.getTag('query')
-        self.node = q.getAttr('node')
-        if not self.node:
-            self.node = ''
-        qc = self.stanza.getQueryChildren()
+        self.identities, self.features, self.data, self.node = self.parse_stanza(self.stanza)
+        if not self.identities:
+            # ejabberd doesn't send identities when we browse online users
+            # see http://www.jabber.ru/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225
+            self.identities = [{'category': 'server', 'type': 'im',
+                'name': self.node}]
+        self.get_jid_resource()
+        return True
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_stanza(cls, stanza):
+        identities, features, data, node = [], [], [], None
+        q = stanza.getTag('query')
+        node = q.getAttr('node')
+        if not node:
+            node = ''
+        qc = stanza.getQueryChildren()
         if not qc:
             qc = []
@@ -2338,21 +2351,15 @@ class AgentInfoReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent, HelperEvent):
                 attr = {}
                 for key in i.getAttrs().keys():
                     attr[key] = i.getAttr(key)
-                self.identities.append(attr)
+                identities.append(attr)
             elif i.getName() == 'feature':
                 var = i.getAttr('var')
                 if var:
-                    self.features.append(var)
+                    features.append(var)
             elif i.getName() == 'x' and i.getNamespace() == nbxmpp.NS_DATA:
-                self.data.append(nbxmpp.DataForm(node=i))
+                data.append(nbxmpp.DataForm(node=i))
-        if not self.identities:
-            # ejabberd doesn't send identities when we browse online users
-            # see http://www.jabber.ru/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225
-            self.identities = [{'category': 'server', 'type': 'im',
-                'name': self.node}]
-        self.get_jid_resource()
-        return True
+        return identities, features, data, node
 class AgentInfoErrorReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent, HelperEvent):
     name = 'agent-info-error-received'
diff --git a/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py b/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
index a0bbdd545fedc3a67b2d17c604daaed99f5b85a3..66fcc02c7fa23e01645b3f74a9b1dcfe82f2e2bd 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
+++ b/test/unit/test_caps_cache.py
@@ -6,12 +6,46 @@ import unittest
 import lib
-from nbxmpp import NS_MUC, NS_PING, NS_XHTML_IM
+from nbxmpp import NS_MUC, NS_PING, NS_XHTML_IM, Iq
 from gajim.common import caps_cache as caps
 from gajim.common.contacts import Contact
+from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import AgentInfoReceivedEvent
 from mock import Mock
+<iq from='benvolio@capulet.lit/230193' id='disco1' to='juliet@capulet.lit/chamber' type='result'>
+<query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info' node='http://psi-im.org#q07IKJEyjvHSyhy//CH0CxmKi8w='>
+<identity xml:lang='en' category='client' name='Psi 0.11' type='pc'/>
+<identity xml:lang='el' category='client' name='Ψ 0.11' type='pc'/>
+<feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps'/>
+<feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/>
+<feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'/>
+<feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/>
+<x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='result'>
+<field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
+<field var='ip_version'>
+<field var='os'>
+<field var='os_version'>
+<field var='software'>
+<field var='software_version'>
 class CommonCapsTest(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -93,8 +127,10 @@ class TestCapsCache(CommonCapsTest):
     def test_hash(self):
         '''tests the hash computation'''
-        computed_hash = caps.compute_caps_hash(self.identities, self.features)
-        self.assertEqual(self.caps_hash, computed_hash)
+        stanza = Iq(node=COMPLEX_EXAMPLE)
+        identities, features, data, _ = AgentInfoReceivedEvent.parse_stanza(stanza)
+        computed_hash = caps.compute_caps_hash(identities, features, data)
+        self.assertEqual('q07IKJEyjvHSyhy//CH0CxmKi8w=', computed_hash)
 class TestClientCaps(CommonCapsTest):