diff --git a/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py b/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
index 1a293b7942a7e8985b6545003ef3b894b92b75b0..70fb41453cea13f5e0892c39ca08d5bd7bfc4640 100644
--- a/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
+++ b/gajim/common/connection_handlers_events.py
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 from calendar import timegm
 import datetime
 import hashlib
-import binascii
-import base64
 import hmac
 import logging
 import sys
@@ -604,48 +602,6 @@ class PubsubBookmarksReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent, BookmarksHelper):
         return True
-class PubsubAvatarReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent):
-    name = 'pubsub-avatar-received'
-    base_network_events = ['pubsub-received']
-    def __init__(self, name, base_event):
-        '''
-        Pre-Generated attributes on self:
-        :conn:          Connection instance
-        :jid:           The from jid
-        :pubsub_node:   The 'pubsub' node
-        :items_node:    The 'items' node
-        '''
-        self._set_base_event_vars_as_attributes(base_event)
-    def generate(self):
-        if self.items_node.getAttr('node') != 'urn:xmpp:avatar:data':
-            return
-        item = self.items_node.getTag('item')
-        if not item:
-            log.warning('Received malformed avatar data via pubsub')
-            log.debug(self.stanza)
-            return
-        self.sha = item.getAttr('id')
-        data_tag = item.getTag('data', namespace='urn:xmpp:avatar:data')
-        if self.sha is None or data_tag is None:
-            log.warning('Received malformed avatar data via pubsub')
-            log.debug(self.stanza)
-            return
-        self.data = data_tag.getData()
-        if self.data is None:
-            log.warning('Received malformed avatar data via pubsub')
-            log.debug(self.stanza)
-            return
-        try:
-            self.data = base64.b64decode(self.data.encode('utf-8'))
-        except binascii.Error as err:
-            log.debug('Received malformed avatar data via pubsub: %s' % err)
-            return
-        return True
 class SearchFormReceivedEvent(nec.NetworkIncomingEvent, HelperEvent):
     name = 'search-form-received'
     base_network_events = []
diff --git a/gajim/common/exceptions.py b/gajim/common/exceptions.py
index 788a9190a4d4b633b7ab75127a45477e369685f1..04f8ef0f0affc0de0a34245e457ea642b4548eee 100644
--- a/gajim/common/exceptions.py
+++ b/gajim/common/exceptions.py
@@ -147,3 +147,13 @@ class PluginsystemError(Exception):
     def __str__(self):
         return self.text
+class StanzaMalformed(Exception):
+    """
+    Malfromed Stanza
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message, stanza=''):
+        Exception.__init__(self, message, stanza)
+        self._msg = '{}\n{}'.format(message, stanza)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._msg
diff --git a/gajim/common/pep.py b/gajim/common/pep.py
index 6f45d940f2c86bc345ae0f7d071b77afde6d3877..192243fd90abd8aa01276c4f08a01fb152c3bd79 100644
--- a/gajim/common/pep.py
+++ b/gajim/common/pep.py
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ class AvatarNotificationPEP(AbstractPEP):
                     jid, self.avatar['id'])
             app.log('avatar').info('Request (Pubsub): %s', jid)
-            con.send_pb_retrieve(jid, 'urn:xmpp:avatar:data',
-                                 self.avatar['id'])
+            con.get_pubsub_avatar(jid, 'urn:xmpp:avatar:data',
+                                  self.avatar['id'])
diff --git a/gajim/common/pubsub.py b/gajim/common/pubsub.py
index aae99482764715c985c7397f66c4fe0469764306..963c548a5641400d308ae2ec146c02a7861365b3 100644
--- a/gajim/common/pubsub.py
+++ b/gajim/common/pubsub.py
@@ -21,16 +21,18 @@
 ## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import base64
+import binascii
 import nbxmpp
 from gajim.common import app
 #TODO: Doesn't work
 #from common.connection_handlers import PEP_CONFIG
 PEP_CONFIG = 'pep_config'
 from gajim.common import ged
-from gajim.common.nec import NetworkEvent
 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import PubsubReceivedEvent
 from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import PubsubBookmarksReceivedEvent
-from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import PubsubAvatarReceivedEvent
+from gajim.common.exceptions import StanzaMalformed
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.pubsub')
@@ -39,11 +41,8 @@ class ConnectionPubSub:
     def __init__(self):
         self.__callbacks = {}
-        app.nec.register_incoming_event(PubsubAvatarReceivedEvent)
             ged.CORE, self._nec_pubsub_bookmarks_received)
-        app.ged.register_event_handler('pubsub-avatar-received',
-            ged.CORE, self._nec_pubsub_avatar_received)
     def cleanup(self):
@@ -103,22 +102,35 @@ class ConnectionPubSub:
-    def send_pb_retrieve(self, jid, node, item_id=None, cb=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_pb_retrieve_iq(jid, node, item_id=None):
-        Get items from a node
+        Get IQ to query items from a node
-        if not self.connection or self.connected < 2:
-            return
         query = nbxmpp.Iq('get', to=jid)
         r = query.addChild('pubsub', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_PUBSUB)
         r = r.addChild('items', {'node': node})
         if item_id is not None:
             r.addChild('item', {'id': item_id})
+        return query
+    def send_pb_retrieve(self, jid, node, item_id=None, cb=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Get items from a node
+        """
+        if not self.connection or self.connected < 2:
+            return
+        query = self.get_pb_retrieve_iq(jid, node, item_id)
         id_ = self.connection.send(query)
         if cb:
             self.__callbacks[id_] = (cb, args, kwargs)
+    def get_pubsub_avatar(self, jid, node, item_id):
+        query = self.get_pb_retrieve_iq(jid, node, item_id)
+        self.connection.SendAndCallForResponse(
+            query, self._nec_pubsub_avatar_received, {'jid': jid})
     def send_pb_retract(self, jid, node, id_):
         Delete item from a node
@@ -211,25 +223,62 @@ class ConnectionPubSub:
         # We got bookmarks from pubsub, now get those from xml to merge them
-    def _nec_pubsub_avatar_received(self, obj):
-        if obj.conn.name != self.name:
-            return
-        if obj.jid is None:
+    def _validate_avatar_node(self, stanza):
+        jid = stanza.getFrom()
+        if jid is None:
             jid = self.get_own_jid().getStripped()
-            jid = obj.jid.getStripped()
+            jid = jid.getStripped()
+        if nbxmpp.isErrorNode(stanza):
+            raise StanzaMalformed(stanza.getErrorMsg())
+        pubsub_node = stanza.getTag('pubsub')
+        if pubsub_node is None:
+            raise StanzaMalformed('No pubsub node', stanza)
+        items_node = pubsub_node.getTag('items')
+        if items_node is None:
+            raise StanzaMalformed('No items node', stanza)
+        if items_node.getAttr('node') != 'urn:xmpp:avatar:data':
+            raise StanzaMalformed('Wrong namespace', stanza)
+        item = items_node.getTag('item')
+        if item is None:
+            raise StanzaMalformed('No item node', stanza)
+        sha = item.getAttr('id')
+        data_tag = item.getTag('data', namespace='urn:xmpp:avatar:data')
+        if sha is None or data_tag is None:
+            raise StanzaMalformed('No id attr or data node found', stanza)
+        data = data_tag.getData()
+        if data is None:
+            raise StanzaMalformed('Data node empty', stanza)
+        data = base64.b64decode(data.encode('utf-8'))
+        return jid, sha, data
+    def _nec_pubsub_avatar_received(self, conn, stanza, jid):
+        try:
+            jid, sha, data = self._validate_avatar_node(stanza)
+        except (StanzaMalformed, binascii.Error) as error:
+            app.log('avatar').warning(
+                'Error loading Avatar (Pubsub): %s %s', jid, error)
+            return
-            'Received Avatar (Pubsub): %s %s', jid, obj.sha)
-        app.interface.save_avatar(obj.data)
+            'Received Avatar (Pubsub): %s %s', jid, sha)
+        app.interface.save_avatar(data)
         if self.get_own_jid().bareMatch(jid):
-            app.config.set_per('accounts', self.name, 'avatar_sha', obj.sha)
+            app.config.set_per('accounts', self.name, 'avatar_sha', sha)
             own_jid = self.get_own_jid().getStripped()
-            app.logger.set_avatar_sha(own_jid, jid, obj.sha)
-            app.contacts.set_avatar(self.name, jid, obj.sha)
+            app.logger.set_avatar_sha(own_jid, jid, sha)
+            app.contacts.set_avatar(self.name, jid, sha)
         app.interface.update_avatar(self.name, jid)