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Rework AccountCreationWizard

This is a complete rework of the AccountCreationWizard.


The goal is to make this dialog as simple as can be. I shortened descriptions, added precise button labels, and used text only where necessary.

  • Uses new Assistant class
  • When logging in, a single Entry is shown for the JID instead of splitting username @ server in two Entries
  • Log in address entry has auto completion for servers with our typed username prefix
  • A popover suggests server lists and also adds the ability to visit the server's website (if one is entered)
  • Some ErrorDialogs (custom port, JID) were replaced by inline entry checks, this is less interrupting
  • When successfully adding an account, the last page will just display a single 'Connect' button (alternatively, the dialog can be closed) instead of multiple checkboxes and buttons
  • Default buttons are connected, so that pressing enter will lead to the next page (or the next input field for example)
Edited by Philipp Hörist

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