From fa45935c1177e4deb2689484a4a2e6f9616e5860 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Philipp=20H=C3=B6rist?= <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 20:11:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Make SQL INSERT querys more resilient

Specify the column in which we insert otherwise downgrading Gajim is
not possible anymore because the query breaks if we modified the column
count in future
 gajim/common/ | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gajim/common/ b/gajim/common/
index e742fcd037..becb11a1dd 100644
--- a/gajim/common/
+++ b/gajim/common/
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class Logger:
-    def _get_user_version(con) -> int:
+    def _get_user_version(con: sqlite.Connection) -> int:
         """ Return the value of PRAGMA user_version. """
         return con.execute('PRAGMA user_version').fetchone()[0]
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ class Logger:
         if type_id == TypeConstant.NO_TRANSPORT:
             return 'jabber'
-    def convert_human_subscription_values_to_db_api_values(self, sub):
+    def convert_xmpp_sub(self, sub):
         Convert from string style to constant ints for db
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class Logger:
         if sub == 'both':
             return SubscriptionConstant.BOTH
-    def convert_db_api_values_to_human_subscription_values(self, sub):
+    def convert_db_sub(self, sub):
         Convert from constant ints for db to string style
@@ -577,9 +577,10 @@ class Logger:
         Add unread message with id: message_id
-        sql = 'INSERT INTO unread_messages VALUES (%d, %d, 0)' % (message_id,
-                jid_id)
-        self.simple_commit(sql)
+        sql = '''INSERT INTO unread_messages (message_id, jid_id, shown)
+                 VALUES (?, ?, 0)'''
+        self._con.execute(sql, (message_id, jid_id))
+        self._timeout_commit()
     def set_read_messages(self, message_ids):
@@ -947,8 +948,9 @@ class Logger:
                     (type_id, jid)
-        sql = 'INSERT INTO transports_cache VALUES ("%s", %d)' % (jid, type_id)
-        self.simple_commit(sql)
+        sql = 'INSERT INTO transports_cache (transport, type) VALUES (?, ?)'
+        self._con.execute(sql, (jid, type_id))
+        self._timeout_commit()
     def get_transports_type(self):
@@ -1113,7 +1115,7 @@ class Logger:
     def add_or_update_contact(self, account_jid, jid, name, sub, ask, groups,
-    commit=True):
+                              commit=True):
         Add or update a contact from account_jid roster
@@ -1124,29 +1126,30 @@ class Logger:
             account_jid_id = self.get_jid_id(account_jid)
             jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid, type_=JIDConstant.NORMAL_TYPE)
-        except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as e:
-            raise exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError(str(e))
+        except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as error:
+            raise exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError(str(error))
         # Update groups information
         # First we delete all previous groups information
-        self._con.execute(
-                'DELETE FROM roster_group WHERE account_jid_id=? AND jid_id=?',
-                (account_jid_id, jid_id))
+        sql = 'DELETE FROM roster_group WHERE account_jid_id=? AND jid_id=?'
+        self._con.execute(sql, (account_jid_id, jid_id))
         # Then we add all new groups information
+        sql = '''INSERT INTO roster_group (account_jid_id, jid_id, group_name)
+                 VALUES (?, ?, ?)'''
         for group in groups:
-            self._con.execute('INSERT INTO roster_group VALUES(?, ?, ?)',
-                    (account_jid_id, jid_id, group))
+            self._con.execute(sql, (account_jid_id, jid_id, group))
         if name is None:
             name = ''
-        self._con.execute('''
-            REPLACE INTO roster_entry
-            (account_jid_id, jid_id, name, subscription, ask)
-            VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (
-                account_jid_id, jid_id, name,
-                self.convert_human_subscription_values_to_db_api_values(sub),
-                bool(ask)))
+        sql = '''REPLACE INTO roster_entry
+                 (account_jid_id, jid_id, name, subscription, ask)
+                 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'''
+        self._con.execute(sql, (account_jid_id,
+                                jid_id,
+                                name,
+                                self.convert_xmpp_sub(sub),
+                                bool(ask)))
         if commit:
@@ -1172,9 +1175,7 @@ class Logger:
                 data[jid]['name'] = name
                 data[jid]['name'] = None
-            data[jid]['subscription'] = \
-                    self.convert_db_api_values_to_human_subscription_values(
-                    row.subscription)
+            data[jid]['subscription'] = self.convert_db_sub(row.subscription)
             data[jid]['groups'] = []
             data[jid]['resources'] = {}
             if row.ask: