diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 24d8ad2c44d1888b509b1d04012fd6cae9c4977b..a8d896008ecb38e99b93b0fa6504a14cad1480b3 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 AC_INIT([Gajim - A Jabber Instant Messager],
-		[],[http://trac.gajim.org/],[gajim])
+		[],[http://trac.gajim.org/],[gajim])
diff --git a/src/common/config.py b/src/common/config.py
index 903c313e817342a9b16b03f7c307073f5a047ff2..3153e870e7131a84935327c7e664f2e4f0bf643e 100644
--- a/src/common/config.py
+++ b/src/common/config.py
@@ -90,11 +90,18 @@ class Config:
 		'mood_iconset': [ opt_str, DEFAULT_MOOD_ICONSET, '', True ],
 		'activity_iconset': [ opt_str, DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_ICONSET, '', True ],
 		'use_transports_iconsets': [ opt_bool, True, '', True ],
-		'inmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#a40000', '', True ],
-		'outmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#3465a4', '', True ],
-		'statusmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#73d216', '', True ],
+		'inmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#a40000', _('Incoming nickname color.'), True ],
+		'outmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#3465a4', _('Outgoing nickname color.'), True ],
+		'inmsgtxtcolor': [ opt_color, '', _('Incoming text color.'), True ],
+		'outmsgtxtcolor': [ opt_color, '#555753', _('Outgoing text color.'), True ],
+		'statusmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#4e9a06', _('Status message text color.'), True ],
 		'markedmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#ff8080', '', True ],
 		'urlmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#204a87', '', True ],
+		'inmsgfont': [ opt_str, '', _('Incoming nickname font.'), True ],
+		'outmsgfont': [ opt_str, '', _('Outgoing nickname font.'), True ],
+		'inmsgtxtfont': [ opt_str, '', _('Incoming text font.'), True ],
+		'outmsgtxtfont': [ opt_str, '', _('Outgoing text font.'), True ],
+		'statusmsgfont': [ opt_str, '', _('Status message text font.'), True ],
 		'collapsed_rows': [ opt_str, '', _('List (space separated) of rows (accounts and groups) that are collapsed.'), True ],
 		'roster_theme': [ opt_str, _('default'), '', True ],
 		'mergeaccounts': [ opt_bool, False, '', True ],
diff --git a/src/common/connection.py b/src/common/connection.py
index 4ff4a7270a67e2fb66a608f996507b12fe006d7e..39a0cc5ca3a195f9fa12352564bad7f7f39f31d6 100644
--- a/src/common/connection.py
+++ b/src/common/connection.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import operator
 import time
 import locale
+import hmac
 	randomsource = random.SystemRandom()
@@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ class Connection(ConnectionHandlers):
 		self.vcard_supported = False
 		self.private_storage_supported = True
 		self.streamError = ''
+		self.secret_hmac = str(random.random())[2:]
 	# END __init__
 	def put_event(self, ev):
@@ -1775,8 +1777,12 @@ class Connection(ConnectionHandlers):
 				last_log = 0
 			self.last_history_time[room_jid] = last_log
-		p = common.xmpp.Presence(to = '%s/%s' % (room_jid, nick),
-			show = show, status = self.status)
+		p = common.xmpp.Presence(to='%s/%s' % (room_jid, nick),
+			show=show, status=self.status)
+		h = hmac.new(self.secret_hmac, room_jid).hexdigest()[:6]
+		id_ = self.connection.getAnID()
+		id_ = 'gajim_muc_' + id_ + '_' + h
+		p.setID(id_)
 		if gajim.config.get('send_sha_in_gc_presence'):
 			p = self.add_sha(p)
@@ -1843,6 +1849,10 @@ class Connection(ConnectionHandlers):
 		xmpp_show = helpers.get_xmpp_show(show)
 		p = common.xmpp.Presence(to = '%s/%s' % (jid, nick), typ = ptype,
 			show = xmpp_show, status = status)
+		h = hmac.new(self.secret_hmac, jid).hexdigest()[:6]
+		id_ = self.connection.getAnID()
+		id_ = 'gajim_muc_' + id_ + '_' + h
+		p.setID(id_)
 		if gajim.config.get('send_sha_in_gc_presence') and show != 'offline':
 			p = self.add_sha(p, ptype != 'unavailable')
diff --git a/src/common/connection_handlers.py b/src/common/connection_handlers.py
index e6bb1deb771e684d1024d19eac6d77c7dd7a57a3..95dec13a6f4f7d628d3835ecc81f27e3cbff03cf 100644
--- a/src/common/connection_handlers.py
+++ b/src/common/connection_handlers.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import socket
 import sys
 import operator
 import hashlib
+import hmac
 from time import (altzone, daylight, gmtime, localtime, mktime, strftime,
 	time as time_time, timezone, tzname)
@@ -2207,6 +2208,7 @@ class ConnectionHandlers(ConnectionVcard, ConnectionBytestream, ConnectionDisco,
 		jid_stripped, resource = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(who)
 		timestamp = None
+		id_ = prs.getID()
 		is_gc = False # is it a GC presence ?
 		sigTag = None
 		ns_muc_user_x = None
@@ -2246,6 +2248,13 @@ class ConnectionHandlers(ConnectionVcard, ConnectionBytestream, ConnectionDisco,
 				if self.connection.getRoster().getItem(agent): # to be sure it's a transport contact
 					transport_auto_auth = True
+		if not is_gc and id_ and id_.startswith('gajim_muc_') and \
+		ptype == 'error':
+			# Error presences may not include sent stanza, so we don't detect it's
+			# a muc preence. So detect it by ID
+			h = hmac.new(self.secret_hmac, jid_stripped).hexdigest()[:6]
+			if id_.split('_')[-1] == h:
+				is_gc = True
 		status = prs.getStatus() or ''
 		show = prs.getShow()
 		if not show in gajim.SHOW_LIST:
@@ -2273,6 +2282,17 @@ class ConnectionHandlers(ConnectionVcard, ConnectionBytestream, ConnectionDisco,
 				errmsg = prs.getErrorMsg()
 				errcode = prs.getErrorCode()
 				room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(who)
+				gc_control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid,
+						self.name)
+				# If gc_control is missing - it may be minimized. Try to get it from
+				# there. If it's not there - then it's missing anyway and will
+				# remain set to None.
+				if gc_control is None:
+					minimized = gajim.interface.minimized_controls[self.name]
+					gc_control = minimized.get(room_jid)
 				if errcode == '502':
 					# Internal Timeout:
 					self.dispatch('NOTIFY', (jid_stripped, 'error', errmsg, resource,
@@ -2290,9 +2310,10 @@ class ConnectionHandlers(ConnectionVcard, ConnectionBytestream, ConnectionDisco,
 					self.dispatch('ERROR', (_('Unable to join group chat'),
 						_('You are banned from group chat %s.') % room_jid))
 				elif (errcode == '404') or (errcon == 'item-not-found'):
-					# group chat does not exist
-					self.dispatch('ERROR', (_('Unable to join group chat'),
-						_('Group chat %s does not exist.') % room_jid))
+					if gc_control is None or gc_control.autorejoin is None:
+						# group chat does not exist
+						self.dispatch('ERROR', (_('Unable to join group chat'),
+							_('Group chat %s does not exist.') % room_jid))
 				elif (errcode == '405') or (errcon == 'not-allowed'):
 					self.dispatch('ERROR', (_('Unable to join group chat'),
 						_('Group chat creation is restricted.')))
diff --git a/src/common/defs.py b/src/common/defs.py
index 8bbc982c4eb22a394295ae9ac6c8f5417c712de5..1b4ba22d589bb6502fcee9e30660b8355157cff2 100644
--- a/src/common/defs.py
+++ b/src/common/defs.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ docdir = '../'
 datadir = '../'
 localedir = '../po'
-version = ''
+version = ''
 import sys, os.path
 for base in ('.', 'common'):
diff --git a/src/common/optparser.py b/src/common/optparser.py
index 96020f11b7b4db634ef035b3b3baca36ad78978e..62d69d377c43ff0f850eb9316c8e8bde05fb941f 100644
--- a/src/common/optparser.py
+++ b/src/common/optparser.py
@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ class OptionsParser:
 		if old < [0, 12, 5, 4] and new >= [0, 12, 5, 4]:
+		if old < [0, 12, 5, 5] and new >= [0, 12, 5, 5]:
+			self.update_config_to_01255()
 		gajim.config.set('version', new_version)
@@ -758,10 +760,24 @@ class OptionsParser:
 			'urlmsgcolor': ['#0000ff', '#204a87'],
 			'gc_nicknames_colors': ['#a34526:#c000ff:#0012ff:#388a99:#045723:#7c7c7c:#ff8a00:#94452d:#244b5a:#32645a', '#4e9a06:#f57900:#ce5c00:#3465a4:#204a87:#75507b:#5c3566:#c17d11:#8f5902:#ef2929:#cc0000:#a40000']}
 		for c in vals:
+			if c not in self.old_values:
+				continue
 			val = self.old_values[c]
 			if val == vals[c][0]:
 				# We didn't change default value, so update it with new default
 				gajim.config.set(c, vals[c][1])
 		gajim.config.set('version', '')
+	def update_config_to_01255(self):
+		vals = {'statusmsgcolor': ['#73d216', '#4e9a06'],
+			'outmsgtxtcolor': ['#a2a2a2', '#555753']}
+		for c in vals:
+			if c not in self.old_values:
+				continue
+			val = self.old_values[c]
+			if val == vals[c][0]:
+				# We didn't change default value, so update it with new default
+				gajim.config.set(c, vals[c][1])
+		gajim.config.set('version', '')
 # vim: se ts=3:
diff --git a/src/conversation_textview.py b/src/conversation_textview.py
index 6e44f1ddcf3657d775b703e9d42023afd36351f1..3af295cbb56057998f4722680acc5b4f4af7e55f 100644
--- a/src/conversation_textview.py
+++ b/src/conversation_textview.py
@@ -230,13 +230,35 @@ class ConversationTextview(gobject.GObject):
 		self.tagIn = buffer_.create_tag('incoming')
 		color = gajim.config.get('inmsgcolor')
+		font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('inmsgfont'))
 		self.tagIn.set_property('foreground', color)
+		self.tagIn.set_property('font-desc', font)
 		self.tagOut = buffer_.create_tag('outgoing')
 		color = gajim.config.get('outmsgcolor')
+		font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('outmsgfont'))
 		self.tagOut.set_property('foreground', color)
+		self.tagOut.set_property('font-desc', font)
 		self.tagStatus = buffer_.create_tag('status')
 		color = gajim.config.get('statusmsgcolor')
+		font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('satusmsgfont'))
 		self.tagStatus.set_property('foreground', color)
+		self.tagStatus.set_property('font-desc', font)
+		self.tagInText = buffer_.create_tag('incomingtxt')
+		color = gajim.config.get('inmsgtxtcolor')
+		font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('inmsgtxtfont'))
+		if color:
+			self.tagInText.set_property('foreground', color)
+		self.tagInText.set_property('font-desc', font)
+		self.tagOutText = buffer_.create_tag('outgoingtxt')
+		color = gajim.config.get('outmsgtxtcolor')
+		if color:
+			font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('outmsgtxtfont'))
+		self.tagOutText.set_property('foreground', color)
+		self.tagOutText.set_property('font-desc', font)
 		colors = gajim.config.get('gc_nicknames_colors')
 		colors = colors.split(':')
@@ -1219,6 +1241,10 @@ class ConversationTextview(gobject.GObject):
 				self.print_name(name, kind, other_tags_for_name)
+			if kind == 'incoming':
+				text_tags.append('incomingtxt')
+			elif kind == 'outgoing':
+				text_tags.append('outgoingtxt')
 		self.print_real_text(text, text_tags, name, xhtml, graphics=graphics)
diff --git a/src/history_window.py b/src/history_window.py
index f3bcfad087234d2b3b6425d5c81ebbb9a13858cd..2ad639fb7510f1469ce067b91c639992eb091610 100644
--- a/src/history_window.py
+++ b/src/history_window.py
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ class HistoryWindow:
 			contact_name = self.completion_dict[self.jid][C_INFO_NAME]
 			tag_name = 'incoming'
+			tag_msg = 'incomingtxt'
 		elif kind in (constants.KIND_SINGLE_MSG_SENT,
 			if self.account:
@@ -419,6 +420,7 @@ class HistoryWindow:
 				account = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()[0]
 				contact_name = gajim.nicks[account]
 			tag_name = 'outgoing'
+			tag_msg = 'outgoingtxt'
 		elif kind == constants.KIND_GCSTATUS:
 			# message here (if not None) is status message
 			if message: