diff --git a/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py b/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a60081d232f756554c9ad2448a5f27f648a34601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py
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+"""Interface to GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
+GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG.
+It concentrates on interacting with GnuPG via filehandles,
+providing access to control GnuPG via versatile and extensible means.
+This module is based on GnuPG::Interface, a Perl module by the same author.
+Normally, using this module will involve creating a
+GnuPG object, setting some options in it's 'options' data member
+(which is of type Options), creating some pipes
+to talk with GnuPG, and then calling the run() method, which will
+connect those pipes to the GnuPG process. run() returns a
+Process object, which contains the filehandles to talk to GnuPG with.
+Example code:
+>>> import GnuPGInterface
+>>> plaintext  = "Three blind mice"
+>>> passphrase = "This is the passphrase"
+>>> gnupg = GnuPGInterface.GnuPG()
+>>> gnupg.options.armor = 1
+>>> gnupg.options.meta_interactive = 0
+>>> gnupg.options.extra_args.append('--no-secmem-warning')
+>>> # Normally we might specify something in
+>>> # gnupg.options.recipients, like
+>>> # gnupg.options.recipients = [ '0xABCD1234', 'bob@foo.bar' ]
+>>> # but since we're doing symmetric-only encryption, it's not needed.
+>>> # If you are doing standard, public-key encryption, using
+>>> # --encrypt, you will need to specify recipients before
+>>> # calling gnupg.run()
+>>> # First we'll encrypt the test_text input symmetrically
+>>> p1 = gnupg.run(['--symmetric'],
+...                create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout', 'passphrase'])
+>>> p1.handles['passphrase'].write(passphrase)
+>>> p1.handles['passphrase'].close()
+>>> p1.handles['stdin'].write(plaintext)
+>>> p1.handles['stdin'].close()
+>>> ciphertext = p1.handles['stdout'].read()
+>>> p1.handles['stdout'].close()
+>>> # process cleanup
+>>> p1.wait()
+>>> # Now we'll decrypt what we just encrypted it,
+>>> # using the convience method to get the
+>>> # passphrase to GnuPG
+>>> gnupg.passphrase = passphrase
+>>> p2 = gnupg.run(['--decrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout'])
+>>> p2.handles['stdin'].write(ciphertext)
+>>> p2.handles['stdin'].close()
+>>> decrypted_plaintext = p2.handles['stdout'].read()
+>>> p2.handles['stdout'].close()
+>>> # process cleanup
+>>> p2.wait()
+>>> # Our decrypted plaintext:
+>>> decrypted_plaintext
+'Three blind mice'
+>>> # ...and see it's the same as what we orignally encrypted
+>>> assert decrypted_plaintext == plaintext, \
+          "GnuPG decrypted output does not match original input"
+>>> ##################################################
+>>> # Now let's trying using run()'s attach_fhs paramter
+>>> # we're assuming we're running on a unix...
+>>> input = open('/etc/motd')
+>>> p1 = gnupg.run(['--symmetric'], create_fhs=['stdout'],
+...                                 attach_fhs={'stdin': input})
+>>> # GnuPG will read the stdin from /etc/motd
+>>> ciphertext = p1.handles['stdout'].read()
+>>> # process cleanup
+>>> p1.wait()
+>>> # Now let's run the output through GnuPG
+>>> # We'll write the output to a temporary file,
+>>> import tempfile
+>>> temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+>>> p2 = gnupg.run(['--decrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin'],
+...                               attach_fhs={'stdout': temp})
+>>> # give GnuPG our encrypted stuff from the first run
+>>> p2.handles['stdin'].write(ciphertext)
+>>> p2.handles['stdin'].close()
+>>> # process cleanup
+>>> p2.wait()
+>>> # rewind the tempfile and see what GnuPG gave us
+>>> temp.seek(0)
+>>> decrypted_plaintext = temp.read()
+>>> # compare what GnuPG decrypted with our original input
+>>> input.seek(0)
+>>> input_data = input.read()
+>>> assert decrypted_plaintext == input_data, \
+           "GnuPG decrypted output does not match original input"
+To do things like public-key encryption, simply pass do something
+gnupg.passphrase = 'My passphrase'
+gnupg.options.recipients = [ 'bob@foobar.com' ]
+gnupg.run( ['--sign', '--encrypt'], create_fhs=..., attach_fhs=...)
+Here is an example of subclassing GnuPGInterface.GnuPG,
+so that it has an encrypt_string() method that returns
+>>> import GnuPGInterface
+>>> class MyGnuPG(GnuPGInterface.GnuPG):
+...     def __init__(self):
+...         GnuPGInterface.GnuPG.__init__(self)
+...         self.setup_my_options()
+...     def setup_my_options(self):
+...         self.options.armor = 1
+...         self.options.meta_interactive = 0
+...         self.options.extra_args.append('--no-secmem-warning')
+...     def encrypt_string(self, string, recipients):
+...        gnupg.options.recipients = recipients   # a list!
+...        proc = gnupg.run(['--encrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout'])
+...        proc.handles['stdin'].write(string)
+...        proc.handles['stdin'].close()
+...        output = proc.handles['stdout'].read()
+...        proc.handles['stdout'].close()
+...        proc.wait()
+...        return output
+>>> gnupg = MyGnuPG()
+>>> ciphertext = gnupg.encrypt_string("The secret", ['0x260C4FA3'])
+>>> # just a small sanity test here for doctest
+>>> import types
+>>> assert isinstance(ciphertext, types.StringType), \
+           "What GnuPG gave back is not a string!"
+Here is an example of generating a key:
+>>> import GnuPGInterface
+>>> gnupg = GnuPGInterface.GnuPG()
+>>> gnupg.options.meta_interactive = 0
+>>> # We will be creative and use the logger filehandle to capture
+>>> # what GnuPG says this time, instead stderr; no stdout to listen to,
+>>> # but we capture logger to surpress the dry-run command.
+>>> # We also have to capture stdout since otherwise doctest complains;
+>>> # Normally you can let stdout through when generating a key.
+>>> proc = gnupg.run(['--gen-key'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout',
+...                                             'logger'])
+>>> proc.handles['stdin'].write('''Key-Type: DSA
+... Key-Length: 1024
+... # We are only testing syntax this time, so dry-run
+... %dry-run
+... Subkey-Type: ELG-E
+... Subkey-Length: 1024
+... Name-Real: Joe Tester
+... Name-Comment: with stupid passphrase
+... Name-Email: joe@foo.bar
+... Expire-Date: 2y
+... Passphrase: abc
+... %pubring foo.pub
+... %secring foo.sec
+... ''')
+>>> proc.handles['stdin'].close()
+>>> report = proc.handles['logger'].read()
+>>> proc.handles['logger'].close()
+>>> proc.wait()
+Copyright (C) 2001  Frank J. Tobin, ftobin@neverending.org
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+or see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+import os
+import sys
+import fcntl
+__author__   = "Frank J. Tobin, ftobin@neverending.org"
+__version__  = "0.3.2"
+__revision__ = "$Id: GnuPGInterface.py,v 1.22 2002/01/11 20:22:04 ftobin Exp $"
+# "standard" filehandles attached to processes
+_stds = [ 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr' ]
+# the permissions each type of fh needs to be opened with
+_fd_modes = { 'stdin':      'w',
+              'stdout':     'r',
+              'stderr':     'r',
+              'passphrase': 'w',
+              'command':    'w',
+              'logger':     'r',
+              'status':     'r'
+              }
+# correlation between handle names and the arguments we'll pass
+_fd_options = { 'passphrase': '--passphrase-fd',
+                'logger':     '--logger-fd',
+                'status':     '--status-fd',
+                'command':    '--command-fd' }
+class GnuPG:
+    """Class instances represent GnuPG.
+    Instance attributes of a GnuPG object are:
+    * call -- string to call GnuPG with.  Defaults to "gpg"
+    * passphrase -- Since it is a common operation
+      to pass in a passphrase to GnuPG,
+      and working with the passphrase filehandle mechanism directly
+      can be mundane, if set, the passphrase attribute
+      works in a special manner.  If the passphrase attribute is set, 
+      and no passphrase file object is sent in to run(),
+      then GnuPG instnace will take care of sending the passphrase to
+      GnuPG, the executable instead of having the user sent it in manually.
+    * options -- Object of type GnuPGInterface.Options. 
+      Attribute-setting in options determines
+      the command-line options used when calling GnuPG.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.call = 'gpg'
+        self.passphrase = None
+        self.options = Options()
+    def run(self, gnupg_commands, args=None, create_fhs=None, attach_fhs=None):
+	"""Calls GnuPG with the list of string commands gnupg_commands,
+	complete with prefixing dashes.
+	For example, gnupg_commands could be
+	'["--sign", "--encrypt"]'
+	Returns a GnuPGInterface.Process object.
+	args is an optional list of GnuPG command arguments (not options),
+	such as keyID's to export, filenames to process, etc.
+        create_fhs is an optional list of GnuPG filehandle
+        names that will be set as keys of the returned Process object's
+        'handles' attribute.  The generated filehandles can be used
+        to communicate with GnuPG via standard input, standard output,
+        the status-fd, passphrase-fd, etc.
+        Valid GnuPG filehandle names are:
+          * stdin
+          * stdout
+          * stderr
+          * status
+          * passphase
+          * command
+          * logger
+        The purpose of each filehandle is described in the GnuPG
+        documentation.
+        attach_fhs is an optional dictionary with GnuPG filehandle
+        names mapping to opened files.  GnuPG will read or write
+        to the file accordingly.  For example, if 'my_file' is an
+        opened file and 'attach_fhs[stdin] is my_file', then GnuPG
+        will read its standard input from my_file. This is useful
+        if you want GnuPG to read/write to/from an existing file.
+	For instance:
+	    f = open("encrypted.gpg")
+            gnupg.run(["--decrypt"], attach_fhs={'stdin': f})
+        Using attach_fhs also helps avoid system buffering
+        issues that can arise when using create_fhs, which
+        can cause the process to deadlock.
+        If not mentioned in create_fhs or attach_fhs,
+	GnuPG filehandles which are a std* (stdin, stdout, stderr)
+        are defaulted to the running process' version of handle.
+	Otherwise, that type of handle is simply not used when calling GnuPG.
+	For example, if you do not care about getting data from GnuPG's
+	status filehandle, simply do not specify it.
+	run() returns a Process() object which has a 'handles'
+        which is a dictionary mapping from the handle name
+        (such as 'stdin' or 'stdout') to the respective
+        newly-created FileObject connected to the running GnuPG process.
+	For instance, if the call was
+          process = gnupg.run(["--decrypt"], stdin=1)
+	after run returns 'process.handles["stdin"]'
+        is a FileObject connected to GnuPG's standard input,
+	and can be written to.
+        """
+	if args == None: args = []
+        if create_fhs == None: create_fhs = []
+        if attach_fhs == None: attach_fhs = {}
+        for std in _stds:
+            if not attach_fhs.has_key(std) \
+               and std not in create_fhs:
+                attach_fhs.setdefault(std, getattr(sys, std))
+        handle_passphrase = 0
+        if self.passphrase != None \
+           and not attach_fhs.has_key('passphrase') \
+           and 'passphrase' not in create_fhs:
+            handle_passphrase = 1
+            create_fhs.append('passphrase')
+        process = self._attach_fork_exec(gnupg_commands, args,
+                                         create_fhs, attach_fhs)
+        if handle_passphrase:
+            passphrase_fh = process.handles['passphrase']
+            passphrase_fh.write( self.passphrase )
+            passphrase_fh.close()
+            del process.handles['passphrase']
+        return process
+    def _attach_fork_exec(self, gnupg_commands, args, create_fhs, attach_fhs):
+        """This is like run(), but without the passphrase-helping
+	(note that run() calls this)."""
+	process = Process()
+        for fh_name in create_fhs + attach_fhs.keys():
+            if not _fd_modes.has_key(fh_name):
+                raise KeyError, \
+                      "unrecognized filehandle name '%s'; must be one of %s" \
+                      % (fh_name, _fd_modes.keys())
+        for fh_name in create_fhs:
+            # make sure the user doesn't specify a filehandle
+            # to be created *and* attached
+            if attach_fhs.has_key(fh_name):
+                raise ValueError, \
+                      "cannot have filehandle '%s' in both create_fhs and attach_fhs" \
+                      % fh_name
+            pipe = os.pipe()
+            # fix by drt@un.bewaff.net noting
+            # that since pipes are unidirectional on some systems,
+            # so we have to 'turn the pipe around'
+            # if we are writing
+            if _fd_modes[fh_name] == 'w': pipe = (pipe[1], pipe[0])
+            process._pipes[fh_name] = Pipe(pipe[0], pipe[1], 0)
+        for fh_name, fh in attach_fhs.items():
+            process._pipes[fh_name] = Pipe(fh.fileno(), fh.fileno(), 1)
+        process.pid = os.fork()
+        if process.pid == 0: self._as_child(process, gnupg_commands, args)
+        return self._as_parent(process)
+    def _as_parent(self, process):
+        """Stuff run after forking in parent"""
+        for k, p in process._pipes.items():
+            if not p.direct:
+                os.close(p.child)
+                process.handles[k] = os.fdopen(p.parent, _fd_modes[k])
+        # user doesn't need these
+        del process._pipes
+        return process
+    def _as_child(self, process, gnupg_commands, args):
+        """Stuff run after forking in child"""
+        # child
+        for std in _stds:
+            p = process._pipes[std]
+            os.dup2( p.child, getattr(sys, "__%s__" % std).fileno() )
+        for k, p in process._pipes.items():
+            if p.direct and k not in _stds:
+                # we want the fh to stay open after execing
+                fcntl.fcntl( p.child, fcntl.F_SETFD, 0 )
+        fd_args = []
+        for k, p in process._pipes.items():
+            # set command-line options for non-standard fds
+            if k not in _stds:
+                fd_args.extend([ _fd_options[k], "%d" % p.child ])
+            if not p.direct: os.close(p.parent)
+        command = [ self.call ] + fd_args + self.options.get_args() \
+                  + gnupg_commands + args
+        os.execvp( command[0], command )
+class Pipe:
+    """simple struct holding stuff about pipes we use"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, child, direct):
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.child = child
+        self.direct = direct
+class Options:
+    """Objects of this class encompass options passed to GnuPG.
+    This class is responsible for determining command-line arguments
+    which are based on options.  It can be said that a GnuPG
+    object has-a Options object in its options attribute.
+    Attributes which correlate directly to GnuPG options:
+    Each option here defaults to false or None, and is described in
+    GnuPG documentation.
+    Booleans (set these attributes to booleans)
+      * armor
+      * no_greeting
+      * no_verbose
+      * quiet
+      * batch
+      * always_trust
+      * rfc1991
+      * openpgp
+      * force_v3_sigs
+      * no_options
+      * textmode
+    Strings (set these attributes to strings)
+      * homedir
+      * default_key
+      * comment
+      * compress_algo
+      * options
+    Lists (set these attributes to lists)
+      * recipients  (***NOTE*** plural of 'recipient')
+      * encrypt_to
+    Meta options
+    Meta options are options provided by this module that do
+    not correlate directly to any GnuPG option by name,
+    but are rather bundle of options used to accomplish
+    a specific goal, such as obtaining compatibility with PGP 5.
+    The actual arguments each of these reflects may change with time.  Each
+    defaults to false unless otherwise specified.
+    meta_pgp_5_compatible -- If true, arguments are generated to try
+    to be compatible with PGP 5.x.
+    meta_pgp_2_compatible -- If true, arguments are generated to try
+    to be compatible with PGP 2.x.
+    meta_interactive -- If false, arguments are generated to try to
+    help the using program use GnuPG in a non-interactive
+    environment, such as CGI scripts.  Default is true.
+    extra_args -- Extra option arguments may be passed in
+    via the attribute extra_args, a list.
+    >>> import GnuPGInterface
+    >>> 
+    >>> gnupg = GnuPGInterface.GnuPG()
+    >>> gnupg.options.armor = 1
+    >>> gnupg.options.recipients = ['Alice', 'Bob']
+    >>> gnupg.options.extra_args = ['--no-secmem-warning']
+    >>> 
+    >>> # no need for users to call this normally; just for show here
+    >>> gnupg.options.get_args()
+    ['--armor', '--recipient', 'Alice', '--recipient', 'Bob', '--no-secmem-warning']
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # booleans
+        self.armor = 0
+        self.no_greeting = 0
+        self.verbose = 0
+        self.no_verbose = 0
+        self.quiet = 0
+        self.batch = 0
+        self.always_trust = 0
+        self.rfc1991 = 0
+        self.openpgp = 0
+        self.force_v3_sigs = 0
+        self.no_options = 0
+        self.textmode = 0
+        # meta-option booleans
+        self.meta_pgp_5_compatible = 0
+        self.meta_pgp_2_compatible = 0
+        self.meta_interactive = 1
+        # strings
+        self.homedir = None
+        self.default_key = None
+        self.comment = None
+        self.compress_algo = None
+        self.options = None
+        # lists
+        self.encrypt_to = []
+        self.recipients = []
+        # miscellaneous arguments
+        self.extra_args = []
+    def get_args( self ):
+	"""Generate a list of GnuPG arguments based upon attributes."""
+        return self.get_meta_args() + self.get_standard_args() + self.extra_args
+    def get_standard_args( self ):
+	"""Generate a list of standard, non-meta or extra arguments"""
+        args = []
+        if self.homedir != None: args.extend( [ '--homedir', self.homedir ] )
+        if self.options != None: args.extend( [ '--options', self.options ] )
+        if self.comment != None: args.extend( [ '--comment', self.comment ] )
+        if self.compress_algo != None: args.extend( [ '--compress-algo', self.compress_algo ] )
+        if self.default_key != None: args.extend( [ '--default-key', self.default_key ] )
+        if self.no_options: args.append( '--no-options' )
+        if self.armor: args.append( '--armor' )
+        if self.textmode: args.append( '--textmode' )
+        if self.no_greeting: args.append( '--no-greeting' )
+        if self.verbose: args.append( '--verbose' )
+        if self.no_verbose: args.append( '--no-verbose' )
+        if self.quiet: args.append( '--quiet' )
+        if self.batch: args.append( '--batch' )
+        if self.always_trust: args.append( '--always-trust' )
+        if self.force_v3_sigs: args.append( '--force-v3-sigs' )
+        if self.rfc1991: args.append( '--rfc1991' )
+        if self.openpgp: args.append( '--openpgp' )
+        for r in self.recipients: args.extend( [ '--recipient',  r ] )
+        for r in self.encrypt_to: args.extend( [ '--encrypt-to', r ] )
+        return args
+    def get_meta_args( self ):
+	"""Get a list of generated meta-arguments"""
+        args = []
+        if self.meta_pgp_5_compatible: args.extend( [ '--compress-algo', '1',
+                                                      '--force-v3-sigs'
+                                                      ] )
+        if self.meta_pgp_2_compatible: args.append( '--rfc1991' )
+        if not self.meta_interactive: args.extend( [ '--batch', '--no-tty' ] )
+        return args
+class Process:
+    """Objects of this class encompass properties of a GnuPG
+    process spawned by GnuPG.run().
+    # gnupg is a GnuPG object
+    process = gnupg.run( [ '--decrypt' ], stdout = 1 )
+    out = process.handles['stdout'].read()
+    ...
+    os.waitpid( process.pid, 0 )
+    Data Attributes
+    handles -- This is a map of filehandle-names to
+    the file handles, if any, that were requested via run() and hence
+    are connected to the running GnuPG process.  Valid names
+    of this map are only those handles that were requested.
+    pid -- The PID of the spawned GnuPG process.
+    Useful to know, since once should call
+    os.waitpid() to clean up the process, especially
+    if multiple calls are made to run().
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._pipes  = {}
+        self.handles = {}
+        self.pid     = None
+        self._waited = None
+    def wait(self):
+        """Wait on the process to exit, allowing for child cleanup.
+        Will raise an IOError if the process exits non-zero."""
+        e = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0)[1]
+        if e != 0:
+            raise IOError, "GnuPG exited non-zero, with code %d" % (e << 8)
+def _run_doctests():
+    import doctest, GnuPGInterface
+    return doctest.testmod(GnuPGInterface)
+# deprecated
+GnuPGInterface = GnuPG
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    _run_doctests()