From 30f83fc2cb12fb71f15c90bead7592a833164e07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Marie Traissard <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 18:07:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Typo + Really delete unused
 make_groups_submenus_for_chat_with() + redraw pm tab AFTER muc contact
 disconnected + fix reference before assignement TB

 src/            |  2 +-
 src/             |  9 ++---
 src/ |  3 +-
 src/           | 84 ----------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 000df92cc7..6093239f62 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Yann Le Boulanger <>
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos <>
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0468b2e42e..ec456989d9 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -837,12 +837,6 @@ class Interface:
 		if control:
 			control.chg_contact_status(nick, show, status, array[4], array[5], array[6],
 						array[7], array[8], array[9], array[10])
-			# Find any PM chat through this room, and tell it to update.
-			pm_control = self.msg_win_mgr.get_control(fjid, account)
-			if pm_control:
-				pm_control.parent_win.redraw_tab(pm_control)
-			if self.remote_ctrl:
-				self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCPresence', (account, array))
 		# print status in chat window and update status/GPG image
 		if self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(fjid, account):
@@ -855,6 +849,9 @@ class Interface:
 			ctrl.print_conversation(_('%s is now %s (%s)') % (nick, uf_show, status),
+			ctrl.parent_win.redraw_tab(ctrl)
+			if self.remote_ctrl:
+				self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCPresence', (account, array))
 	def handle_event_gc_msg(self, account, array):
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ceef234fd2..da933f1bcf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -847,9 +847,10 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
 				nick != self.nick and statusCode != '303':
 			st = ''
 			found = False
+			print_status = None
 			for bookmark in gajim.connections[self.account].bookmarks:
 				if bookmark['jid'] == self.room_jid:
-					print_status=bookmark['print_status']
+					print_status = bookmark['print_status']
 			if print_status is None:
 				print_status = gajim.config.get('print_status_in_muc')
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fca38b2812..36417fc3cb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -260,90 +260,6 @@ class Systray:
 	def on_quit_menuitem_activate(self, widget):	
-	# XXX delete this function (no longer used)
-	def make_groups_submenus_for_chat_with(self, account):
-		iconset = gajim.config.get('iconset')
-		if not iconset:
-			iconset = 'dcraven'
-		path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'iconsets', iconset, '16x16')
-		state_images = gajim.interface.roster.load_iconset(path)
-		groups_menu = gtk.Menu()
-		sort_by_show = gajim.config.get('sort_by_show')
-		# store contact infos in a table so we can easily sort by group,
-		# status and
-		# if we sort_by_show : contacts_table = [group, status, lowered name, jid, (real) name]
-		# else : contacts_table = [group,  lowered name, status, jid, (real) name]
-		contacts_table = []
-		show_list = list(gajim.SHOW_LIST) # copy gajim.SHOW_LIST in show_list
-		# not in roster is not in this list but we need it
-		show_list.append('not in roster')
-		for jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
-			contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
-				jid)
-			if not in ('offline', 'error'):
-				if == 'not in roster':
-					# show user in not in roster group
-					contact_groups = [_('Not in Roster')]
-				elif contact.groups == []: # user has no group, print him in General
-					contact_groups = [_('General')]
-				else:
-					contact_groups = contact.groups
-				for group in contact_groups:
-					# the user can be in mutiple groups, see in all of them	
-					if group == _('Transports'):
-						continue
-					contact_name =	contact.get_shown_name()
-					try:
-						show = show_list.index(
-					except ValueError: # unknown show
-						show = 0 # offline
-					if sort_by_show: # see comment about contacts_table above
-						contacts_table.append ([group, show, contact_name.lower(),
-							contact.jid, contact_name])
-					else:
-						contacts_table.append ([group, contact_name.lower(),
-						 	show, contact.jid, contact_name])
-		# Sort : first column before, last column in the end
-		# In theory we sort full table, including columns that don't need sorting,
-		# but as python sort() seems intelligent the table will be ordered before we
-		# sort lasts columns in most case.
-		contacts_table.sort() 
-		previous_group = None
-		for contact_item in contacts_table:
-			if sort_by_show: # see comment about contacts_table above
-				contact_show = show_list[contact_item[1]]
-			else:
-				contact_show = show_list[contact_item[2]]
-			contact_jid = contact_item[3]
-			contact_name = contact_item[4]
-			#we don't care about lowered name now
-			if contact_item[0] != previous_group:
-				# It's a new group, add the submenu
-				item = gtk.MenuItem(contact_item[0])
-				contacts_menu = gtk.Menu()
-				self.popup_menus.append(contacts_menu) 
-				item.set_submenu(contacts_menu)
-				groups_menu.append(item)
-				previous_group = contact_item[0]
-			# add contact in group submenu
-			s = gtkgui_helpers.escape_underscore(contact_name)
-			item_contact = gtk.ImageMenuItem(s)
-			# any given gtk widget can only be used in one place
-			# (here we use it in status menu too)
-			# gtk.Image is a widget, it's better we refactor to use
-			# gdk.gdk.Pixbuf allover
-			img = state_images[contact_show]
-			img_copy =, pixbuf=img.get_pixbuf())
-			item_contact.set_image(img_copy)
-			item_contact.connect('activate', self.start_chat, account,
-					contact_jid)
-			contacts_menu.append(item_contact)
-		return groups_menu
 	def on_left_click(self):
 		win = gajim.interface.roster.window
 		if len(self.jids) == 0: