diff --git a/Design.php b/Design.php
index e21cb4773ed535bd914c66e22f09fed41e7314b5..339ef40bc20fd7944d3794e2b373518a91eafbc8 100644
--- a/Design.php
+++ b/Design.php
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ function get_language()
 function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
+  header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml');
 //  print_r($_SERVER);
   $language = get_language();
@@ -89,28 +90,6 @@ function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
 		_("Wiki") => "http://trac.gajim.org/wiki",
 		_("Development") => "dev.php");
-	if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'downloads.php'))
-		$menu2 = array(
-			_("Debian") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#debian",
-			_("Slackware") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#slackware",
-			_("Ubuntu") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#ubuntu",
-			_("Fedora") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#fedora",
-			_("Gentoo") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#gentoo",
-			_("Archlinux") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#archlinux",
-			_("SuSE") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#suse",
-			_("PLD") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#pld",
-			_("Sourcemage") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#sourcemage",
-			_("Mandriva") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#mandriva",
-			_("Zenwalk") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#zenwalk",
-			_("AgiliaLinux") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#agilialinux",
-			_("FreeBSD") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#freebsd",
-			_("Autopackage") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#autopackage",
-			_("Windows installer") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#windows",
-			_("Source") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#tarball",
-			_("Mercurial") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#mercurial",
-			_("Daily snapshots") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#snaps",
-			_("Old releases") => "downloads.php?lang=$language#old");
 	if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'docs.php'))
 		$menu2 = array(
 			_("Installation") => "docs.php?lang=$language#install",
@@ -119,13 +98,13 @@ function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
   $page = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
   $p = explode("/", $page);
   $page = $p[count($p)-1];
+   echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n";
    echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n";
    echo "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>\n <head>\n";
    echo "  <meta name=\"Author\" content=\"Le Boulanger Yann (asterix)\"/>";
    echo "  <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Gajim is a Jabber client written in PyGTK. The goal of Gajim's developers is to provide a full featured and easy to use xmpp client for the GTK+ users. Gajim does not require GNOME to run, eventhough it exists with it nicely. Gajim is released under the GNU General Public License\"/>\n";
    echo "  <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"gajim client jabber python gtk xmpp chat linux gnu instant messaging messenger pygtk contact transport file transfer hig chatstate bookmark avatars srv wikipedia\"/>\n";
-   echo "  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
    echo "  <title>\n   $titre\n  </title>\n";
    echo "  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/main.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";
    if ($language == "he" or $language == "ar")
@@ -163,7 +142,7 @@ function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
   echo "   <a href = \"$page?lang=hu\"><img src=\"imgs/hu_flag.png\" alt=\"hu_flag\" title=\"Weboldal magyarul\" /></a>\n";
   echo "   <a href = \"$page?lang=he\"><img src=\"imgs/he_flag.png\" alt=\"he_flag\" title=\"אתר הרשת בעברית\" /></a>\n";
   echo "   <a href = \"$page?lang=ar\"><img src=\"imgs/ar_flag.png\" alt=\"ar_flag\" title=\"الموقع باللغة العربية\" /></a>\n";
-  echo "  </div>  <!-- translator -->\n</div>\n";
+  echo "  </div>  <!-- translator -->\n</div>  <!-- logo -->\n";
  echo "<div class=\"menu\">\n";
    while ( list ($libelle, $ancre) = each ($menu)){
 	echo "     <span>\n     ";
@@ -186,7 +165,7 @@ function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
 				echo Ancre ($ancre2, $libelle2, "submenu_a");
 				echo "\n      </li>\n";
-   		echo "     </ul></div><div id=\"main_content\">\n";
+       		echo "     </ul></div> <!-- submenu -->\n";
@@ -194,11 +173,11 @@ function Entete ($titre, $texte, $p="")
 function PiedDePage ()
-   echo "  </div><div id=\"footer\">\n   ";
+   echo "  <div id=\"footer\">\n   ";
    echo _("   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n");
    echo "  </div> <!-- footer -->\n";
-   echo "   </div> <!-- content -->\n";
-   echo "   <!-- inner -->\n";
+   echo "   </div> <!-- main -->\n";
+   echo "   </div> <!-- inner -->\n";
    echo " </body>\n</html>\n";
diff --git a/css/main.css b/css/main.css
index 5e77487d6d9b0011ebf9e53bd1b3ab1ae88b1900..1427793e1235a96ee1573541d960d883372ce342 100644
--- a/css/main.css
+++ b/css/main.css
@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ img {
-	background-image: url(../bar.png);
-	background-repeat:no-repeat;
-	float:left;
-	width:144px;
 #translator {
 	position: absolute;
 	top : 20px;
@@ -71,9 +63,6 @@ img {
 .menu a:hover
-/*	background-color: #84C1D7;
-	border:  none;
 	color: gray;
 .main {
@@ -86,10 +75,6 @@ img {
 	border:  2px dashed #26667E;
 .submenu ul
 	clear: both;
@@ -149,3 +134,27 @@ h4
 .translation-status td.trans-img img {
+#os-logos {
+    margin:25px auto;
+#os-logos > tr > td {
+    min-width:100px;
+    max-width:100px;
+    text-align:center;
+    vertical-align:bottom;
+.os-logo {
+    max-width:75px;
+    max-height:75px;
+    margin:0px auto;
+#os-details div {
+    border:1px solid #bbbbbb;
+    border-radius:5px;
+    margin:10px;
+    padding:5px;
diff --git a/dev.php b/dev.php
index e05d03bd196c2e7817af903d211af426c013deae..1ce24f9a3f7435167ed5d4aeb5a15d6787e143f8 100644
--- a/dev.php
+++ b/dev.php
@@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
   Entete (_("Gajim, a Jabber client"), "GAJIM");
-print ("  <p>");
 print ("  <h1>");
 print _("  Our Room");
 print ("  </h1>");
 print _("  Our room is")." <a href=\"xmpp:gajim@conference.gajim.org?join\">gajim@conference.gajim.org</a> "._("You are welcome to join and communicate with us.");
 print ("  <br/>");
-print ("  <p>");
 print ("  <h1>");
 print _("  Mailing List");
 print ("  </h1>");
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ print _("   Repository");
 print ("  </h1>");
 print _("To checkout hg do")." <em>hg clone http://hg.gajim.org/gajim gajim</em>";
 print ("  <br/>");
-print _("   You can also")." <a href=\"http://trac.gajim.org/browser/\">"._("browse SVN repository")."</a>.";
+print _("   You can also")." <a href=\"http://trac.gajim.org/browser/\">"._("browse Mercurial repository")."</a>.";
 print ("  <br/>");
@@ -49,10 +47,12 @@ print ("    </li>\n");
 print ("    <li>\n");
 print _("     Donating: ")."\n";
 print ('<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
-    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
-    <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="ASTY4K884QP26">
-    <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
-    <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
+    <fieldset style="border:0;">
+    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/>
+    <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="ASTY4K884QP26"/>
+    <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" style="border:0;" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"/>
+    <img alt="" style="border:0;" src="https://www.paypal.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"/>
+    </fieldset>
 print ('<a class="FlattrButton" style="display:none;" href="http://gajim.org"></a>');
 print ("    </li>\n");
@@ -68,10 +68,9 @@ $f2 = fopen("stats_po_0.15.1", 'r');
 $f3 = fopen("stats_po_svn", 'r');
 print ("<table class=\"translation-status\">");
 print ("<tr><th>Language</th><th colspan=\"2\">0.14.4 Version</th><th colspan=\"2\">0.15.1 Version</th><th colspan=\"2\">HG version</th></tr>");
-while (!feof($f_lang))
+$data = fgets($f_lang);
+do {
 	print ("<tr>");
-	$data = fgets($f_lang);
 	print ($data);
 	$data = fgets($f1);
 	print ($data);
@@ -80,7 +79,8 @@ while (!feof($f_lang))
 	$data = fgets($f3);
 	print ($data);
 	print ("</tr>");
+	$data = fgets($f_lang);
+} while (!feof($f_lang));
 print ("</table>");
diff --git a/docs.php b/docs.php
index bf66e5bf56c79880defee8bb84b96479c4c8276c..3cb054d570e347de3287c1a33d79ea37b823a065 100644
--- a/docs.php
+++ b/docs.php
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@
   Entete ("Gajim, a Jabber client", "GAJIM");
-print ("    <p>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"install\"></a>");
+print ("<a name=\"install\"/>");
 print ("     <h1>\n");
 print _("      Installation\n");
-print ("     </h1></a>\n");
+print ("     </h1>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"tarball\"></a>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"mercurial\"></a>\n");
+print ("<a name=\"tarball\"/>\n");
+print ("<a name=\"mercurial\"/>\n");
 print ("     <h2>\n");
 print _("      Tarball and Mercurial\n");
 print ("     </h2>\n");
@@ -30,15 +29,14 @@ print _("      Under Microsoft Windows\n");
 print ("     </h3>\n");
 $link = "<a href=\"http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/Win32Env\">"._("this page")."</a>";
 printf(_("See %s to install development version under windows."), $link);
-print ("    <p>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"jabber\"></a>");
+print ("<a name=\"jabber\"/>");
 print ("     <h1>\n");
 print ("      Jabber/XMPP\n");
 print ("     </h1>\n");
 print _("     Please read")." <a href=\"http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/GajimHelp#help_quickstart_guides\">"._("here")."</a>.\n";
-print ("<a name=\"structure\"></a>");
+print ("<a name=\"structure\"/>");
 print ("     <h1>\n");
 print _("      Structure\n");
 print ("     </h1>\n");
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ print _("     You can understand how Gajim works")." <a href=\"http://trac.gajim
 print ("     <br/>");
 $link = "<a href=\"http://xmpppy.sourceforge.net/\">xmpppy</a>";
 printf(_("     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber network.\n"), $link);
-print ("    </p>\n");
diff --git a/downloads.php b/downloads.php
index 24c721c82ec8c8e170dbda3ed2428baba71cff90..eb3d93bc566733c7994d832b2fb8bfb0c91461ae 100644
--- a/downloads.php
+++ b/downloads.php
@@ -11,166 +11,223 @@ print _("    Latest version of Gajim is")."  <strong>".$last_version."</strong><
 printf(_("    A %s version is in test"), "<strong>0.16-rc2</strong>");
 print ("<br/>\n");
 print _("If your distribution doesn't have the latest version ");
-print _("you are advised to use the ")."<a href=\"#autopackage\">autopackage</a> "._("or the ")."<a href=\"#tarball\">"._("source tarball")."</a>\n";
+print _("you are advised to use the ")."<a href='#source' id='top-sourcelink'>"._("source tarball")."</a>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"debian\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Debian GNU/Linux\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
+#OS-Table START
+print "<table id='os-logos'>\n<tr>\n";
+$os_table = array(
+    0 => array (
+        "agilialinux",              # href / image
+        "AgiliaLinux",              # Tooltip
+        "AgiliaLinux (MOPSLinux)",  #text
+    ),
+    1 => array (
+        "archlinux",
+        "Archlinux",
+        "Archlinux",
+    ),
+    2 => array (
+        "debian",
+        "Debian GNU/Linux",
+        "Debian GNU/Linux",
+    ),
+    3 => array (
+        "fedora",
+        "Fedora",
+        "Fedora",
+    ),
+    4 => array (
+        "freebsd",
+        "FreeBSD",
+        "FreeBSD",
+    ),
+    5 => array (
+        "gentoo",
+        "Gentoo",
+        "Gentoo",
+    ),
+    6 => array (
+        "mandriva",
+        "Mandriva",
+        "Mandriva",
+    ),
+    7 => array (
+        "opensuse",
+        "openSUSE",
+        "openSUSE",
+    ),
+    8 => array (
+        "pld",
+        "PLD",
+        "PLD",
+    ),
+    9 => array (
+        "slackware",
+        "Slackware",
+        "Slackware",
+    ),
+    10 => array (
+        "sourcemage",
+        "SourceMage",
+        "SourceMage",
+    ),
+    11 => array (
+        "ubuntu",
+        "Ubuntu",
+        "Ubuntu",
+    ),
+    12 => array (
+        "windows",
+        "Windows",
+        "Windows",
+    ),
+    13 => array (
+        "zenwalk",
+        "ZenWalk",
+        "ZenWalk",
+    ),
+    14 => array (
+        "source",
+        "Other Linux",
+        "Other Linux / Source",
+    ),
+foreach ($os_table as $num => $values) {
+    if ((($num % 8) == 0) and ($num > 0)) {
+        print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
+    }
+    print "<td><a href='#" . $values[0] . "' title='";
+    printf(_("Download Gajim for %s"), $values[1]);
+    print "'><img src='imgs/" . $values[0] . ".png' class='os-logo' alt='" . $values[0] . "'/><br/>" . $values[2] . "</a></td>\n";
+#OS-Table END
+print "</tr></table>\n";
+#Details START
+print "<div id='os-details'>\n";
+print "<div id='agilialinux'>\n";
+print "<h2>AgiliaLinux:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>mpkg-install gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+print "<div id='archlinux'>\n";
+print "<h2>Archlinux:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>pacman -S gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+#3)Debian GNU/Linux
+print "<div id='debian'>\n";
+print "<h2>Debian GNU/Linux:</h2>\n";
 print _("    If you use Debian unstable do")." <i>apt-get install gajim</i>\n";
 print ("    <br/>\n");
 printf(_("   The Debian package of %s is "), "0.16-rc2");
-print "<a href=\"ftp://ftp.gajim.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-all/gajim_0.16~rc2-1_all.deb\">"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
+print "<a href='ftp://ftp.gajim.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-all/gajim_0.16~rc2-1_all.deb'>"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
 print _("    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim")." (<i>apt-get remove gajim</i>), "._("add this line to your")." /etc/apt/sources.list:\n";
 print ("    <br/>\n");
 print ("    <i>deb ftp://ftp.gajim.org/debian unstable main</i>\n");
 print ("    <br/>\n");
 print _("and install it by doing")." <i>apt-get install gajim-nightly</i>.\n";
 print _("You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring package from the same repository. Just do")." <i>apt-get install gajim-dev-keyring</i>.\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"slackware\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Slackware\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim")." <a href=\"http://slackbuilds.org/result/?search=gajim&sv=all\"> "._("here")."</a>.";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div id='fedora'>\n";
+print "<h2>Fedora:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>yum install gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"ubuntu\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Ubuntu\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do")." <i>apt-get install gajim</i>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
-print _("    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use")." <a href=\"https://launchpad.net/~gajim/+archive/gajim-ppa\">"._("this PPA")."</a>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"fedora\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Fedora\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>yum install gajim</i>\n";
+print "<div id='freebsd'>\n";
+print "<h2>FreeBSD:</h2>\n";
+print _("Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just ")."<i> cd /usr/ports/net/gajim/ &amp;&amp; make install clean</i>. ";
+print ("<a href='http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=gajim'>");
+print _("Find out more")."</a>.\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"gentoo\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    Gentoo\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
+print "<div id='gentoo'>\n";
+print "<h2>Gentoo:</h2>\n";
 print _("    Just")." <i>emerge gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"archlinux\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    Archlinux\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>pacman -S gajim</i>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"suse\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    SUSE\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    One click install for openSuSE")." <a href=\"http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/server:messaging/openSUSE_12.2/gajim.ymp\">12.2</a>, <a href=\"http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/server:messaging/openSUSE_12.3/gajim.ymp\">12.3</a><br/>";
-print _("    For other versions, ")."<a href=\"http://software.opensuse.org/package/gajim?search_term=Gajim\">"._("get it here")."</a><br>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"pld\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    PLD\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just ")."<i>poldek -U gajim</i>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"sourcemage\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    SourceMage\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>cast gajim</i>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div id='mandriva'>\n";
+print "<h2>Mandriva:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>urpmi gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"mandriva\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Mandriva\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>urpmi gajim</i>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div id='opensuse'>\n";
+print "<h2>openSUSE:</h2>\n";
+print _("One click install for openSuSE")." <a href='http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/server:messaging/openSUSE_12.2/gajim.ymp'>12.2</a>, <a href='http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/server:messaging/openSUSE_12.3/gajim.ymp'>12.3</a><br/>";
+print _("For other versions, ")."<a href='http://software.opensuse.org/package/gajim?search_term=Gajim'>"._("get it here")."</a><br/>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"zenwalk\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    Zenwalk\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>netpkg gajim</i>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div id='pld'>\n";
+print "<h2>PLD:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>poldek -U gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"agilialinux\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print ("    AgiliaLinux (MOPSLinux)\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Just")." <i>mpkg-install gajim</i>\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div  id='slackware'>\n";
+print "<h2>Slackware:</h2>\n";
+print _("You can get the Slackware package of Gajim")." <a href='http://slackbuilds.org/result/?search=gajim&amp;sv=all'> "._("here")."</a>.";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"freebsd\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    FreeBSD\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just ")."<i> cd /usr/ports/net/gajim/ && make install clean</i>. ";
-print ("<a href=\"http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=gajim\">");
-print _("Find out more")."</a>.\n";
+print "<div id='sourcemage'>\n";
+print "<h2>SourceMage:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>cast gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("<a name=\"autopackage\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    Autopackage\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("Soon available here.");
-#print _("    You can download the autopackage ")."<a href=\"downloads/gajim-0.12-1.x86.package\">"._("here")."</a>.\n";
-#print _("To use it: make it executable, run it and follow the instructions.\n");
-#print ("<a href=\"http://autopackage.org/using.html\">");
-#print _("Find out more")."</a>.\n";
+print "<div id='ubuntu'>\n";
+print "<h2>Ubuntu:</h2>\n";
+print _("If you use Ubuntu universe repository do")." <i>apt-get install gajim</i>\n";
+print ("<br/>\n");
+print _("If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use")." <a href='https://launchpad.net/~gajim/+archive/gajim-ppa'>"._("this PPA")."</a>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+print "<div id='windows'>\n";
+print "<h2>Windows:</h2>\n";
+print _("There is a ")." <a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version."-3.exe'>"._("Gajim installer")."</a>.\n";
+print ("<br/>\n");
+print _("Here is a")." <a href='downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-alpha2-1.exe'>"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
+printf(_("for %s version "), "0.16-alpha2\n");
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("   <br/>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"windows\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    Windows installer\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-#print _("Installer for 0.14 will be available as soon as possible. Currently available:")." <a href=\"downloads/0.13/gajim-0.13.4-2.exe\">"._("Gajim 0.13.4 installer")."</a>.\n";
-print _("    There is a ")." <a href=\"downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version."-3.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a>.\n";
-#print _("The installer doesn't contain translations because of a") . " <a href=\"https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574520\">" . _("GTK bug") . "</a>.\n";
-print ("    <br/>\n");
-print _("    Here is a")." <a href=\"downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-rc2-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
-printf(_("for %s version "), "0.16-rc2");
-print (".\n");
-print ("    <br/>\n");
+print "<div id='zenwalk'>\n";
+print "<h2>ZenWalk:</h2>\n";
+print _("Just")." <i>netpkg gajim</i>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
-print ("    <p>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"tarball\">\n");
-print ("   <h2>\n");
-print _("    Source\n");
-print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href=\"downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2\">"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href=\"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/raw-file/tip/README.html\">"._("see the <tt>README</tt>")."</a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
+#15)other Linux
+print "<div id='source'>\n";
+print "<h2>"._("Other Linux / source").":</h2>\n";
+print _("    The tarball version of Gajim is ")."<a href='downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version.".tar.bz2'>"._("here")."</a>. "._("For information on how to build Gajim,")." <a href='http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/raw-file/tip/README.html'>"._("see the <tt>README</tt>")."</a> ("._("in English").").<br />\n";
 printf(_("   The tarball version of %s is "), "0.16-rc2");
-print "<a href=\"downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-rc2.tar.gz\">"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
+print "<a href='downloads/0.16/gajim-0.16-rc2.tar.gz'>"._("here")."</a>.<br />\n";
 print _("If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should checkout the mercurial repository.\n");
 print ("   <br/>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"mercurial\">\n");
+print ("<a name='mercurial'/>\n");
 print ("     <h2>\n");
 print _("      Mercurial\n");
 print ("     </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("     The mercurial repository is available at this address: ")."http://hg.gajim.org/gajim "._("and viewable")." <a href=\"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim\">"._("here")."</a>.\n";
+print _("     The mercurial repository is available at this address: ")."http://hg.gajim.org/gajim "._("and viewable")." <a href='http://hg.gajim.org/gajim'>"._("here")."</a>.\n";
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <h3>\n");
 print _("      Under GNU/Linux\n");
@@ -186,7 +243,7 @@ print ("    hg clone http://hg.gajim.org/gajim gajim\n");
 print ("   </i>\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
-print _("   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the")." <a href=\"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/raw-file/tip/README.html\"><code>README</code></a> ("._("English").") "._("for details.\n");
+print _("   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the")." <a href='http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/raw-file/tip/README.html'><code>README</code></a> ("._("English").") "._("for details.\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print _("   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n");
@@ -201,35 +258,74 @@ print _("   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it m
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <i>\n");
-print ("    hg pull && hg update\n");
+print ("    hg pull &amp;&amp; hg update\n");
 print ("   </i>\n");
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print ("     <h3>\n");
 print _("      Under Windows\n");
 print ("     </h3>\n");
-print _("   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, download the binary")." <a href=\"http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/\">"._("here")."</a>\n";
+print _("   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, download the binary")." <a href='http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/'>"._("here")."</a>\n";
 print ("     <br/>\n");
 print _("   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter them in an MS-DOS command line and you're done.");
 print ("   <br/>\n");
-print _("   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the way to install them")." <a href=\"http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/Win32Env\">"._("On the Wiki").".\n";
+print _("   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the way to install them")." <a href='http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/Win32Env'>"._("On the Wiki")."</a>.\n";
 print ("   <br/>\n");
-print ("<a name=\"snaps\">\n");
+print ("<a name='snaps'/>\n");
 print ("   <h2>\n");
 print _("    Daily Snapshots\n");
 print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment.")." <a href=\"downloads/snap/?M=D\">"._("Here to get them")."</a>.\n";
-print ("    </p>\n");
+print _("    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment.")." <a href='downloads/snap/?M=D'>"._("Here to get them")."</a>.\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+#Details END
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+    show_os_description();
+#JavaScript END
-print ("<a name=\"old\">\n");
+print ("<a name='old'/>\n");
 print ("   <h2>\n");
 print _("    Old releases\n");
 print ("   </h2>\n");
-print ("</a>\n");
-print _("    You'll find old releases of Gajim")." <a href=\"downloads/\">"._("here")."</a>.\n";
-print ("    </p>\n");
+print _("    You'll find old releases of Gajim")." <a href='downloads/'>"._("here")."</a>.\n";
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/imgs/zenwalk.png differ
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index 78edff88fc1b574dc0298b2500fc03dc15c5e063..e3406819640513793abb07e1b70d6bbc3bb0f39a 100644
--- a/locale/ar_AE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/ar_AE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: mag\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-02 01:08+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yann <asterix@asterix.lagaule.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Arabic <karrar.kazuya@gmail.com>\n"
@@ -17,123 +17,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.5\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "الرئيسية"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "صور البرنامج"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "تحميل"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "التوثيق"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "شرح Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "التطوير"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "stackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "صورة مصدرية"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "منصب للوندوز"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "مصدر"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "Mercurial"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "صور يومية"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "نسخ قديمة"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "التنصيب"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "جابر"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "التركيب"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "اللغة:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -145,77 +69,78 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "كاجيم, برنامج جابر"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "غرفتنا"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "غرفتنا هي"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "انت مرحب بك للانضمام و التواصل معنا."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "قائمة العناوين"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr "قد ترغب ب الاشتراك ب قائمة العناوين خاصتنا (low-traffic):"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "او عن طريق زيارة"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "قائمة ارشيفات متوفرة  "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "هنا"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   المستودع"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "للخروج قم ب"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   ايضا ب استطاعتك"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "تصفح مستودع SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   كيف يمكنك ان تساعد"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   هنا بعض ال"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "لتعقب المشكلات و خطط التطوير الخاصة ب كاجيم.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "صفحات شرح Wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   يمكنك ان تساعدنا بجعل كاجيم افضل عن طريق:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -223,23 +148,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     كتابة الشفرة: تواص معنا من خلال قائمة العناوين او عن طريق غرفتنا "
 "التالية gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     لتفديم ترجمة: انظر ل"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "صفحة تطوير الترجمة"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     تقارير المشاكل: في حال اذا ما واجهتك مشكلة, لا تتردد ب"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "الاعلام"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "     التبرع: "
@@ -268,66 +193,66 @@ msgstr "  نحن ايضا نريد ان نشكر "
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "هؤلاء الشخصيات"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      التنصيب\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball Ùˆ Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "تحميل"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     للحصول على اي من هذة النسخ اذهب الى الصفحة  %s \n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      تحت ال GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr "     لتشغيل هذة النسخة, يجب ان تقوم ب تنصيب الحزم. \n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "ملف README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "     انظر %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      تحت شروط مايكروسوفت وندوز\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "هذة الصفحة"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr "شاهد %s لتنصيب نسخة التطوير تحت الوندوز."
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     الرجاء قرأة"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      التركيب\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     ب امكانك فهم كيف يعمل كاجيم"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -347,10 +272,6 @@ msgstr "    نسخة %s تحت الاختبار"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "في حال اذا ما توزيعِكَ ليس لدية آخر نسخةِ"
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr " من ال "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "مصدر ال tarball"
@@ -359,31 +280,42 @@ msgstr "مصدر ال tarball"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "ننصحك ب استخدام "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    فقط"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    في حال ال Debain الخاص بك غير مستقر قم ب"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "   حزمة ال Debian ل  %s هي "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    حزمة يومية من ال  Mercurial ايضا صممت, ل استخدامها, قم ب حذف نسخة "
 "الكايجيم اولا"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "اضف هذا النص الخطي الى"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "و نصبه ب قيامك ب"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -391,130 +323,97 @@ msgstr ""
 "يمكنك الحصول على مفتاح ال GPG لهذة الحزمة عن طريق تنصيبك ل حزمة  gajim-dev-"
 "keyring من نفس المستودع, مجرد قم ب  "
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    ب امكانك الحصول على حزمة الكايجيم لل Slackware "
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    اذا تستخدم Ubuntu universe repository قم ب"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    اذا اردت نسخة جديدة من الكايجيم, يمكنك استخدام "
+#: downloads.php:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    كاجيم متوفر ب FreeBSD عن طريق منفذ  FreeBSD . فقط "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "هذا  PPA"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "احصل على المزيد"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    فقط"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "   SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "    ضغطة واحدة للتنصيب لل openSuSE"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "    للنسخ الاخرى, "
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "احصل عليها من هنا"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    فقط "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    كاجيم متوفر ب FreeBSD عن طريق منفذ  FreeBSD . فقط "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "احصل على المزيد"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    ب امكانك الحصول على حزمة الكايجيم لل Slackware "
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "قريباً سوف يتوفر هنا."
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    اذا تستخدم Ubuntu universe repository قم ب"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    منصب للوندوز \n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    اذا اردت نسخة جديدة من الكايجيم, يمكنك استخدام "
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    هناك "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "هذا  PPA"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "منصب كاجيم"
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
+#: downloads.php:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There is a "
+msgstr "    هناك "
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
 msgstr "    هذا "
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "ل نسخ %s "
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    مصدر\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    نسخة ال Tarball من الكايجيم هي  "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "للمعلومات حول كيف تصنع كاجيم, "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "في اللغة الانجليزية"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr "اقرأ ملف ال <tt>README</tt>"
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "   نسخة ال Tarball  من ال  %s هي "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -522,23 +421,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "اذا اردت استعمال اخر نسخة غير مستقرة حاصة ب التطوير , اذاً يجب ان تذهب الى "
 "المستودع الخاص ب mercurial.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     المستودع الخاص ب mercurial متوفر ب العنوان التالي: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "و يمكنك النظر به"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     لكي تقوم ب تحميل مصدر كاجيم, هذا ما عليك فعلة :\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -546,31 +445,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     عليك اولاً ان تنصب ال mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> under "
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     ثم في نافذة الادخال, ادخل الاوامر التالية:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   نصب التوابع, و ابن كاجيم. الرجاء شاهد"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "اللغة الانجليزية"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "للتقاصيل.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   يمكنك تشغيل كاجيم عن طريق كتابة التالي:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "و من ثم "
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
@@ -579,17 +478,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "   عندما تملك المستودع, يمكنك تجديدة بشكل دوري لكي يطابق اخر نسخة من "
 "المستودع الرئيسي مع الاوامر التالية:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      تحت الوندوز\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
 msgstr "   اولاً عليك تنصيب mercurial للوندوز. لكي تفعل ذلك, قم ب تحميل العشري"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -599,7 +498,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "الفرق فقط بدلاً من  launch.sh تشغل launch.bat. ادخلهم في امر  MS-DOS  و هذا "
 "كل شي."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -607,15 +506,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   لتشغيل كاجيم, تحتاج الى مكتبات اضاقية عامة . يمكنك العثور على شرح لطريقة "
 "تنصيبهن "
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "في شرح ال Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    لقطات يومية\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -623,15 +522,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    كل يوم عند ال 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs يقدم من ال mercurial. يمكنك "
 "استخدامهم اذا ال hq معطل عندك في هذة اللحظة."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "للحصول عليهم"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    اصدارات قديمة\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    سوف تجد اصدارات قديمة من الكاجيم"
@@ -925,3 +824,96 @@ msgstr "GPG و مصحح الاملاء تم دعمة للوندوز"
 #: screenshots.php:11
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "بعض الصور لبرنامج الكاجيم:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "stackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "صورة مصدرية"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "منصب للوندوز"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "مصدر"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "Mercurial"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "صور يومية"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "نسخ قديمة"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr " من ال "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "   SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    فقط "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "قريباً سوف يتوفر هنا."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    منصب للوندوز \n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    مصدر\n"
diff --git a/locale/bg_BG/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/bg_BG/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index b312ba59cdb0b3a93bae935efb0bc58add2bc55b..ef0d1751fb1bfd08c1834283114ec15ae6989cce 100644
--- a/locale/bg_BG/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/bg_BG/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gajim website\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-14 17:52+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yavor Doganov <yavor@gnu.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Bulgarian <dict@fsa-bg.org>\n"
@@ -18,124 +18,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Начало"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Снимки"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Изтегляне"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Документация"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Уики"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Разработка"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Дебиан"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Слакуер"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Убунту"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Федора"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Дженту"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Мандрива"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:105
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Инсталатор за „Уиндоус“"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Изходен код"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Ежедневни архиви на хранилището"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Стари версии"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Инсталация"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Джабър"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Структура"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Език:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -147,78 +70,79 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, Джабър клиент"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Нашата стая"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Нашата стая е"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Добре дошли сте да се присъедините и да комуникирате с нас."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Пощенски списък"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr "  Може и да се абонирате за пощенския ни списък (слаб трафик): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "или като посетите"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Архивите на списъка са достъпни "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "тук"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Хранилище"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "За да изтеглите работно копие от хранилището, напишете"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Може също"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "да разглеждате хранилището на SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Как може да помогнете"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Ето някои"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "за проследяване на грешки и планиране на развитието на Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "уики-страници"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Може да помогнете да направим Gajim дори по-добър чрез:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -226,23 +150,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Програмиране: свържете се с нас чрез пощенския списък или в стаята "
 "gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Превод: вижте"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "страницата DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Докладване на грешки: ако откриете грешка, не се колебайте да я"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "докладвате"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -271,71 +195,71 @@ msgstr "  Също бихме искали да благодарим на"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "тези хора"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Инсталация\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Архив и версия от Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "за изтегляне"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     За да изтеглите някоя от тези версии, отидете на страницата"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Под GNU/Линукс\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     За да използвате тази версия, трябва да инсталирате някои пакети: "
 "python2.3, python2.3-gtk2 и python2.3-glade2.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Под „Майкрософт Уиндоус“\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "уики-страници"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Моля, прочетете"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Структура\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Може да разберете как работи Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -355,10 +279,6 @@ msgstr "    Последната версия на Gajim е"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Ако дистрибуцията ви не разпространява последната версия, "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "или "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "изходния код"
@@ -367,16 +287,27 @@ msgstr "изходния код"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "най-добре е да използвате "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "да изтеглите Gajim"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Само"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Ако използвате Дебиан „unstable“, напишете"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    Архивиран изходен код на версията на Gajim има "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
@@ -384,151 +315,111 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Всеки ден се компилира пакет от хранилището на svn. За да го "
 "използвате, премахнете gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "и добавете този ред към"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "Инсталирайте го чрез"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:38
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Ще намерите стари версии на Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Ако използвате хранилището „universe“ на Убунту, изпълнете"
-#: downloads.php:48
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    Последната версия на Gajim е"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
+"    Може да използвате Gajim под FreeBSD чрез портовете. Просто изпълнете "
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Научете повече"
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Само"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Дженту\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SuSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
+#: downloads.php:184
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Само"
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Ще намерите стари версии на Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    Ако използвате хранилището „universe“ на Убунту, изпълнете"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    Последната версия на Gajim е"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
 msgstr ""
-"    Може да използвате Gajim под FreeBSD чрез портовете. Просто изпълнете "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Научете повече"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Скоро достъпен тук."
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Инсталатор за „Уиндоус“\n"
-#: downloads.php:147
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "   Ето някои"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Инсталатор за „Уиндоус“"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "   Ето някои"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "   Ето някои"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Изходен код\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    Архивиран изходен код на версията на Gajim има "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "За информация как да компилирате Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "на английски език"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    Архивиран изходен код на версията на Gajim има "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
@@ -537,27 +428,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ако искате да ползвате последната нестабилна версия, все още в процес на "
 "разработка, то изтеглете работно копие на хранилището на subversion.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Структура\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Сървърът на subversion е достъпен на този адрес: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "и може да се разглежда"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     За да изтеглите изходния код на Gajim, трябва да изпълните следните "
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
@@ -566,31 +457,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Да инсталирате subversion (<i>apt-get install subversion</i> под "
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     След това, в конзола въведете следните команди:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   Инсталирайте зависимостите и компилирайте Gajim. Вижте"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "на английски език"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "за подробности.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Може да стартирате Gajim, като напишете:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "и после"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -600,11 +491,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "   След като имате хранилището, може да го обновявате периодично спрямо "
 "последната версия от сървъра на Subversion чрез тази команда:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Под „Уиндоус“\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
@@ -613,7 +504,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Първо трябва да инсталирате subversion за „Уиндоус“. За тази цел "
 "изтеглете двоичния файл"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -624,21 +515,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "GNU/Линукс. Единствената разлика е, че вместо launch.sh стартирате launch."
 "bat. Въведете ги в командния ред на допотопния „MS-DOS Prompt“ и сте готови."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Ежедневни архиви от хранилището\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -648,15 +539,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "хранилището във формат bz2. Може да ги използвате, ако хранилището на SVN е "
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Оттук може да ги изтеглите"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Стари версии\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Ще намерите стари версии на Gajim"
@@ -968,6 +859,95 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Ето и някои снимки на Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Дебиан"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Слакуер"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Убунту"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Федора"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Дженту"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Мандрива"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Инсталатор за „Уиндоус“"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Изходен код"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Ежедневни архиви на хранилището"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Стари версии"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "или "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Дженту\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SuSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Само"
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Скоро достъпен тук."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Инсталатор за „Уиндоус“\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Изходен код\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Предварително издание на Gajim 0.11.1"
@@ -1155,9 +1135,6 @@ msgstr "Ето и някои снимки на Gajim:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       Накрая, за pywin32, изтеглете последната версия "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "да изтеглите Gajim"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr "и да натиснете два пъти gajim.py в директорията src.\n"
diff --git a/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 04d3107099e29eb70d59a48675d3376bdf824297..f42b11998a5c7d439f851e36a716c62725e72b79 100644
--- a/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: msg\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-22 22:59+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team: German <kde-i18n-de@lists.kde.org>\n"
@@ -20,123 +20,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Lokalize 0.2\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Startseite"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Bildschirmfotos"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Herunterladen"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Dokumentation"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Entwicklung"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Windows-Installationsdatei"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Quellcode"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Tägliche Schnappschüsse"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Ältere Versionen"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Installation"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Struktur"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Sprache:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -149,81 +73,82 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, ein Jabber-Client"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Unser Chatraum"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Unser Jabber-Chatraum ist"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr ""
 "- Sie können uns gerne besuchen und sich mit uns über Gajim unterhalten."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Mailingliste"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr "  Sie können unsere Mailingliste hier abonnieren (nur wenig Mails): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "oder sie hier online ansehen:"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Die Nachrichtenarchive finden Sie "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "hier"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Installationsquelle"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr ""
 "Um die Mercurial-Version auszuprobieren, benutzen Sie einfach folgenden "
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Sie können aber auch den"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "SVN-Quellcode online ansehen"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Wie Sie helfen können"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Es gibt einige"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr ""
 ", die der Suche nach Fehlern und der Entwicklungsplanung gewidmet sind.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "Wiki-Einträge"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Sie können uns helfen, Gajim noch besser zu machen, indem Sie:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -231,25 +156,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "     programmieren: Kontaktieren Sie uns über unsere Mailing-Liste oder in "
 "unserem Chatraum gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     eine Ãœbersetzung einschicken: Besuchen Sie die"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "DevTranslate-Seite"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr ""
 "     Fehler melden: Falls Sie einen Fehler in Gajim gefunden haben, zögern "
 "Sie nicht, "
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "ihn zu melden"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "Spenden:"
@@ -278,71 +203,71 @@ msgstr "  Außerdem wollen wir noch"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "diesen Leuten danken"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Installation\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball- und Mercurial-Versionen\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "Herunterladen"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Möchten Sie eine dieser Versionen zu benutzen, besuchen Sie bitte die "
 "Seite %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Unter GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Um diese Version zu benutzen, müssen Sie einige Pakete installiert "
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "Datei README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Siehe %s\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Unter Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "diese Seite"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
 "Lesen Sie %s, um die Entwicklungsversion unter Windows zu installieren."
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Bitte lesen Sie"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Struktur\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Um zu verstehen, wie Gajim funktioniert klicken, Sie bitte"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -363,10 +288,6 @@ msgstr "    Die Version %s befindet sich in der Testphase"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Falls ihre Distribution noch nicht die aktuellste Version beinhaltet, "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "oder des "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "source tarball"
@@ -375,33 +296,44 @@ msgstr "source tarball"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "empfehlen wir ihnen die Benutzung des "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "Gajim herunterladen"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Einfach"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr ""
 "    Wenn Sie Debian unstable benutzen, können Sie folgenden Befehl "
 "verwenden, um Gajim zu installieren:"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    Das Debian-Paket der Version %s gibt es "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Täglich wird ein Paket aus dem Subversion-Repository erstellt. Um dieses "
 "zu benutzen, sollten Sie zuerst ältere Versionen von Gajim entfernen "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr " nun fügen Sie bitte folgende Zeile an ihre"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "und installieren Sie die SVN-Version durch"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -409,134 +341,101 @@ msgstr ""
 "Um den GPG-Schlüssel dieses Pakets zu erhalten, installieren Sie bitte das "
 "Paket gajim-dev-keyring aus derselben Installationsquelle. Es genügt "
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Das Slackware-Paket befindet sich"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr ""
-"    Wenn Sie die Installationsquelle \"universe\" aktiviert haben, reicht"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr ""
-"    Wenn Sie eine neuere Version von Gajim installieren möchten, können Sie"
+#: downloads.php:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim ist in FreeBSD über die FreeBSD Ports verfügbar. Einfach "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "dieses PPA benutzen"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Weitere Informationen"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Einfach"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "Ein-Klick-Installation für openSUSE"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "Andere Versionen "
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "gibt es hier"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Einfach "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim ist in FreeBSD über die FreeBSD Ports verfügbar. Einfach "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Weitere Informationen"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Das Slackware-Paket befindet sich"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "In Kürze hier verfügbar."
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr ""
+"    Wenn Sie die Installationsquelle \"universe\" aktiviert haben, reicht"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Windows-Installationsprogramm\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr ""
+"    Wenn Sie eine neuere Version von Gajim installieren möchten, können Sie"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "   Es gibt eine "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "dieses PPA benutzen"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Gajim-Installationsdatei"
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
+#: downloads.php:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "   Es gibt eine "
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "   Es gibt eine "
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "für Version %s"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Quellcode\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    Die Tarball-Version von Gajim gibt es "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr ""
 " Für weitere Informationen und Installationsanweisungen lesen Sie bitte die "
 "Datei "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "Englisch"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr "<tt>README</tt>"
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    Die Tarball-Version von %s gibt es "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -545,25 +444,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "sollten Sie die SVN-Version benutzen (siehe unten). Beachten Sie jedoch, "
 "dass diese instabil sein kann und nicht offiziell unterstützt wird!\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Struktur\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Die Mercurial-Quellen sind unter folgender Adresse erreichbar: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "und online einsehbar"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Um den Gajim-Quellcode herunter zu laden, müssen Sie folgendes tun:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -571,35 +470,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Als erstes müssen Sie Mercurial installieren (z.B. mit dem Befehl "
 "<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> unter Debian).\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Anschließend müssen Sie den folgenden Befehl in einer Konsole "
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
 "   Sie können sich eine genaue Liste der Abhängigkeiten und "
 "Installationsanweisungen hier ansehen:"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "Englisch"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr ".\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Sie können Gajim starten, indem Sie folgendes eintippen:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "und anschließend"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
@@ -609,11 +508,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "sie periodisch aktualisieren, um sie mit der neusten Version auf dem Server "
 "abzugleichen. Benutzen Sie dazu folgenden Befehl:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Unter Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
@@ -621,7 +520,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Als erstes müssen Sie Mercurial für Windows installieren. Laden Sie sich "
 "dazu folgendes Programm herunter; Sie finden es"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -632,7 +531,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "launch.sh die Datei launch.bat verwenden müssen. Rufen Sie die Befehle über "
 "die MS-DOS-Eingabeaufforderung auf."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -640,15 +539,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Um Gajim auszuführen, brauchen Sie externe Bibliotheken. Sie können ein "
 "Tutorial zum installieren"
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "im Wiki finden"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Tägliche Schnappschüsse\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -657,15 +556,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quellcode erstellt. Sie können sie benutzen, falls Mercurial nicht "
 "funktionieren sollte."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Zum Herunterladen hier klicken"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Ältere Versionen\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Für ältere Versionen von Gajim klicken Sie bitte"
@@ -974,6 +873,96 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Hier sind einige Bildschirmfotos von Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Windows-Installationsdatei"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Quellcode"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Tägliche Schnappschüsse"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Ältere Versionen"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "oder des "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Einfach "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "In Kürze hier verfügbar."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Windows-Installationsprogramm\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Quellcode\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Beta-Version von Gajim %s"
@@ -1259,9 +1248,6 @@ msgstr "Hier sind einige Bildschirmfotos von Gajim:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       pywin32: Laden Sie sich die neuste Version "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "Gajim herunterladen"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "     Jetzt können Sie %s und es mit einem Doppelklick auf die Datei gajim."
diff --git a/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 20f1baf990336d07eb48c723d097bfa61cd66a96..6643d8ca9ffe00c0e58d8f74468a608c64f1d9f0 100644
--- a/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gajim-website 20061103\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-19 20:40+0400\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sergio Ĥlutĉin <Sergey.Khlutchin@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Esperanto <translation-team-eo@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -18,124 +18,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Ĉefpaĝo"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Ekrankopioj"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Elŝutu"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Dokumentaro"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Vikio"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Evoluigado"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debiano"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:105
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Vindoza instalilo"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Fonto"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Ĉiutagaj kaptaĵoj"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Malnovaj eldonoj"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Instalado"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Strukturo"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Lingvo:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -147,77 +70,78 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, jabber-kliento"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Nia babilejo"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Nia babilejo estas"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Bonvenon aliĝi kaj komunikiĝi kun ni."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Dissendolisto"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr "  Vi eble ankaÅ­ dezirus aboni nian dissendoliston (malvigla trafiko): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "aÅ­ vizitante"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Dissendolistaj arkivoj disponeblas "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "ĉi tie"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Deponejo"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Por ke elŝuti hg faru"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Vi ankaÅ­ povas"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "foliumi SVN-deponejon"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Kiel vi povas helpi"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Ĉi tie estas kelkaj"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "por ke spuri cimojn kaj plani la evoluon de Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "vikiaj paĝoj"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Vi povas helpi al ni fari Gajim pli bona per:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -225,23 +149,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "      Programado: kontaktu nin per nia dissendolisto aÅ­ nia babilejo "
 "gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Sendado de traduko: vidu"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr " paĝon DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Cimraportado: se vi eventuale trovis cimon, ne hezitu"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "raporti pri ĝi"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -270,70 +194,70 @@ msgstr "  Ni ankaÅ­ volas danki"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "ĉi tiujn homojn"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Instalado\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tar-pakaĵo kaj Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "elŝutada"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     Por akiri unu el ĉi tiuj versioj, iru al la"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Ĉe GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Por lanĉi ĉi tiun version, vi devas instali kelkajn pakaĵojn: "
 "python2.3, python2.3-gtk2 kaj python2.3-glade2.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Subversio\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Ĉe Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "vikiaj paĝoj"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Bonvolu legi"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Strukturo\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Vi povas kompreni kiel funkcias Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -353,10 +277,6 @@ msgstr "    La plej lasta versio de Gajim estas"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Se via distribuo ne havas la plej lastan version, "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "aÅ­ la "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "tar-pakaĵo de fonto"
@@ -365,164 +285,137 @@ msgstr "tar-pakaĵo de fonto"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "ni rekomendas, vi uzu la "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "elŝutu Gajim"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Simple"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Se vi uzas Debianon nestabilan, faru"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    La tar-pakaĵa versio de Gajim estas "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Ankaŭ ĉiutaga pakaĵo de svn estas konstruata. Por uzi ĝin, forigu gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "aldonu tiun linion al via"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "kaj instalu ĝin farante"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Vi povas akiri la Slackware pakaĵon de Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Se vi uzas Ubuntu unuverse deponejon, faru"
-#: downloads.php:48
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    La plej lasta versio de Gajim estas"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim estas disponebla en FreeBSD per FreeBSD portaĵoj. Simple "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Trovu pli"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Simple"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Simple "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim estas disponebla en FreeBSD per FreeBSD portaĵoj. Simple "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Trovu pli"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Baldaŭ disponeblos ĉi tie."
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Vi povas akiri la Slackware pakaĵon de Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Vindoza instalilo\n"
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    Se vi uzas Ubuntu unuverse deponejon, faru"
-#: downloads.php:147
+#: downloads.php:198
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "   Ĉi tie estas kelkaj"
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    La plej lasta versio de Gajim estas"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Vindoza instalilo"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "   Ĉi tie estas kelkaj"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "   Ĉi tie estas kelkaj"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Fonto\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    La tar-pakaĵa versio de Gajim estas "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Por informo pri kiel konstrui Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "en la angla"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    La tar-pakaĵa versio de Gajim estas "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
@@ -531,24 +424,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se vi volas uzi la lastan nestabilan evoluantan version, do vi bezonas "
 "elŝuti la subversian deponejon.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     La subversia servilo estas disponebla ĉe ĉi tiu adreso: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "kaj videbla"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     Por elŝuti Gajim fontojn, tie ĉi estas kion vi devas fari:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
@@ -557,31 +450,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Komence vi devas instali subversion (<i>apt-get install subversion</i> "
 "ĉe Debian)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Poste en la konzolo enigu la sekvajn komandojn:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   Instalu dependaĵojn kaj konstruu Gajim. Bonvolu legi la"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "angle"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "por detaloj.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Vi povas lanĉi Gajim tajpade la sekvan:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "kaj poste"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -591,11 +484,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Havante unufoje instalitan deponejon, vi povas ĝisdatigi ĝin periode por "
 "ke ĝi respondu lastan version de la servilo per la sekva komando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Ĉe Vindozo\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
@@ -604,7 +497,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Komence vi devas instali subversion por vindozo. Por fari tion, elŝutu la "
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -615,21 +508,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Linux. Nur malsameco estas ke anstataŭ launch.sh vi lanĉu launch.bat. Enigu "
 "ilin en MS-DOS komanda linio."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Ĉiutagaj kaptaĵoj\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -638,15 +531,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Ĉiutage je 01:00 (laŭ GMT+1 tempo) bz2 arkivoj estas farata de svn. Vi "
 "povas uzi ilin se svn estas rompita je tiu momento."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Prenu ilin ĉi tie"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Malnovaj eldonoj\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Vi trovos malnovajn eldonojn de Gajim"
@@ -955,6 +848,94 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Ĉi tie estas ekrankopioj de Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debiano"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Vindoza instalilo"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Fonto"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Ĉiutagaj kaptaĵoj"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Malnovaj eldonoj"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "aÅ­ la "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Simple "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Baldaŭ disponeblos ĉi tie."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Vindoza instalilo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Fonto\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "AntaÅ­eldono de Gajim 0.11.1"
@@ -1140,9 +1121,6 @@ msgstr "Ĉi tie estas ekrankopioj de Gajim:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       Fine por akiri pywin32, elŝutu la plej lastan version "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "elŝutu Gajim"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr "kaj duoble klaku sur gajim.py en la dosierujo src.\n"
diff --git a/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 9add6b7831ee99a366d97288ac76b244837b1237..c427e9e79733b0e1523af6606fffafbfb40d5dbb 100644
--- a/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-01 19:05+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator:  <membriskhan@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish <es@li.org>\n"
@@ -17,124 +17,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Inicio"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Capturas de pantalla"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Descarga"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentación"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Desarrollo"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopaquete"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Instalador para Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Código fuente"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Snapshots diarios"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Versiones anteriores"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Instalación"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Estructura"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Idioma: \n"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -146,80 +70,81 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, un cliente de Jabber"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Nuestro salón"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Nuestro salón es"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Eres bienvenido a entrar y comunicarte con nosotros."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Lista de correo"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  También puedes querer suscribirte a nuestra lista de correo (poco "
 "tráfico): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "o visitando"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Los archivos de la lista están disponibles "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "aquí"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Repositorio"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Para usar svn haz"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "  También puedes"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "navegar el repositorio SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "  Cómo puedes ayudar"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Aquí hay algunas"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "para seguir los fallos y el desarrollo de Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "páginas wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Puedes ayudarnos a hacer Gajim aún mejor:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
@@ -228,23 +153,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Programando: contáctanos en nuestra lista de correo o en nuestro salón "
 "gajim@conference.jabber.no \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Enviando una traducción: mira la"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "página de desarrollo de las traducciones"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Avisando de fallos: si encuentras un fallo no dudes en"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "avisarnos"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -273,71 +198,71 @@ msgstr "  También queremos agradecer a"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "toda esta gente"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Instalación\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Versión en tar y Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "la sección"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     Para obtener una de estas versiones, dirígete a"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Bajo GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Para ejecutar esta versión, debes tener instalados algunos paquetes: "
 "python2.3 python2.3-gtk2 y python2.3-glade2.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "    Versiones anteriores\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Bajo Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "esta página"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "    Lee"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "Estructura"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Puedes entender cómo funciona Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -357,10 +282,6 @@ msgstr "    La última versión de Gajim es la"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Si tu distribución no dispone de la última versión "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "o el "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "código fuente en tar"
@@ -369,170 +290,141 @@ msgstr "código fuente en tar"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "te aconsejamos usar el"
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "la sección"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Simplemente "
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Si usas Debian unstable haz"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    La versión en archivotar de Gajim está "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    También es compilado un paquete svn cada día. Para usarlo, elimina gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "añade esta línea a tu"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "e instálalo haciendo"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:38
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Puedes descargar el autopackage "
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Si usas el repositorio de Ubuntu universe haz"
-#: downloads.php:48
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    La última versión de Gajim es la"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
+"    Gajim está disponible en FreeBSD a través de los ports de FreeBSD. "
+"Sólamente "
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Saber más"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Simplemente "
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#: downloads.php:171
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "     Por ahora, una"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr " para obtener el deb"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:85
+#: downloads.php:184
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Simplemente "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr ""
-"    Gajim está disponible en FreeBSD a través de los ports de FreeBSD. "
-"Sólamente "
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Puedes descargar el autopackage "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    Si usas el repositorio de Ubuntu universe haz"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    La última versión de Gajim es la"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Instalador para Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:147
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "   Aquí hay algunas"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Instalador para Windows"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "   Aquí hay algunas"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "   Aquí hay algunas"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "paquete tar"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Código fuente\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    La versión en archivotar de Gajim está "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    La versión en archivotar de Gajim está "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
@@ -541,27 +433,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si quieres usar la última versión en desarrollo, comprueba el repositorio de "
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "Estructura"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     El servidor de subversion está disponible en esta dirección: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "y navegable"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Para descargar el código fuente de Gajim, tienes que hacer lo "
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
@@ -570,31 +462,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     En primer lugar debes instalar subversion (<i>apt-get install "
 "subversion</i> bajo Debian)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Luego, en una consola introduce el siguiente comando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -605,11 +497,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "periódicamente con la última versión del servidor de subversion con el "
 "siguiente comando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Bajo Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
@@ -618,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Primero tienes que instalar subversion para Windows. Para ello debes "
 "descargar el binario"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -628,21 +520,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Una vez que subversion está instalado, los comandos son los mismos "
 "quebajo GNU/Linux introduciéndolos en una línea de comandos de MS-DOS."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Snapshots diarios\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -651,15 +543,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Todos los días a la 01:00 (GMT+1) se producen bz2balls desde el svn. "
 "Puedes usarlos si svn está roto de momento para tí."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Aquí para obtenerlos"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Versiones anteriores\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Econtrarás anteriores versiones de Gajim"
@@ -965,6 +857,37 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Algunas capturas de pantalla de Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopaquete"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Instalador para Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Código fuente"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Snapshots diarios"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Versiones anteriores"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "o el "
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Simplemente "
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Instalador para Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Código fuente\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "    La versión en archivotar de Gajim está "
@@ -1147,10 +1070,6 @@ msgstr "Algunas capturas de pantalla de Gajim:"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "       Por último, para obtener pywin32, descarga la última versión "
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "la sección"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr "Gajim y hacer doble click en gajim.py en la carpeta src.\n"
diff --git a/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 17619a391fa0f9cece8cf4991fb496a790969e2a..b126660994ab470a3d35d639348d6945363e5fc2 100644
--- a/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 0.11\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-09 14:48+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: manu <manuk7@laposte.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -19,123 +19,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Language: French\n"
 "X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Accueil"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Screenshots"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Téléchargement"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentation"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Développement"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "ArchLinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Installateur Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Source"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "Mercurial"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Versions quotidiennes"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Anciennes versions"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Installation"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Structure"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Langue :"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -147,79 +71,79 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, un client Jabber"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Notre Salon"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Notre salon est "
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Vous y êtes les bienvenus pour discuter avec nous."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Liste de diffusion"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  Vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire à notre liste de diffusion (peu de "
 "trafic) : "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "ou visitez"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Les archives sont disponibles "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "ici"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Entrepot"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Pour récupérer la version hg, faites"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "     Vous pouvez aussi"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
-msgstr "   visualiser l'entrepot SVN"
+#: dev.php:27
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
+msgstr "   visualiser l'entrepot Mercurial"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Comment pouvez-vous aider"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Voici quelques"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "pour suivre les bugs et planifier le développement de Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "pages wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Vous pouvez nous aider à améliorer Gajim encore plus en :\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -227,23 +151,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Codant : contactez nous sur notre liste de diffusion ou dans notre "
 "salon gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Soumettant une traduction : voir"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "la page DevTranslate (en)"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     rapportant des bogues : si vous trouvez un bogue, n'hésitez pas à"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "le rapporter"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "     Faisant un don"
@@ -272,67 +196,67 @@ msgstr "  Nous voulons également remercier"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "ces personnes"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Installation\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball et Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "téléchargement"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     Pour récupérer une de ces versions, allez sur la page de %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Sous GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Pour lancer cette version, vous devez installer quelques paquets. \n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "le fichier README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Voir %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Sous Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "cette pages"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr "Voir %s pour installer la version de developpement sous windows."
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Lisez"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Structure\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Vous pouvez voir le fonctionnement interne de Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -354,10 +278,6 @@ msgstr "    Une version %s est en test"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Si votre distribution n'a pas la dernière version "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "ou les "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "sources"
@@ -366,31 +286,41 @@ msgstr "sources"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "il est conseillé d'utiliser l'"
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "Télécharger Gajim pour %s"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "Lancez simplement"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Si vous utilisez Debian instable, faites"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    Le paquet Debian de %s est "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Un paquet quotidien est également construit, basé sur la version "
 "mercurial. Pour l'utiliser, supprimez gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "ajoutez cette ligne à votre"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "et installez-le en faisant"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -398,133 +328,92 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vous pouvez récupérer la clé GPG de ce paquet en installant le paquet gajim-"
 "dev-keyring du même dépot. Faites simplement"
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Vous pouvez télécharger le paquet Gajim pour Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Si vous utilisez Ubuntu universe, faites"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+#: downloads.php:151
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
-"    Si vous voulez une version plus récente, vous pouvez également utiliser"
+"    Gajim est disponible pour FreeBSD via le portage FreeBSD. Tapez "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "ce PPA"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Pour en savoir plus"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Lancez simplement"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#: downloads.php:171
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
+msgstr "Installation en un clique pour openSuSE"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "      ArchLinux\n"
+#: downloads.php:172
+msgid "For other versions, "
+msgstr "Pour les autres versions, "
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
-msgstr "installation en un clique pour openSuSE"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
-msgstr "pour les autres versions, "
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "récupérez-le ici"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Lancez simplement "
+#: downloads.php:184
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "Vous pouvez télécharger le paquet Gajim pour Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#: downloads.php:196
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "Si vous utilisez Ubuntu universe, faites"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
 msgstr ""
-"    Gajim est disponible pour FreeBSD via le portage FreeBSD. Tapez "
+"Si vous voulez une version plus récente, vous pouvez également utiliser"
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Pour en savoir plus"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "      Autopackage\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Bientôt disponible ici."
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Installateur Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    Voici un "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "ce PPA"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Installateur de Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
-msgstr "    Voici un "
+#: downloads.php:204
+msgid "There is a "
+msgstr "Voici un "
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "Voici un "
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "pour la version %s"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Source\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr "Autre Linux / sources"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    La version tarball de Gajim est "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Pour les informations sur la façon de construire,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "en Anglais"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr "voir le <tt>README</tt>"
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    La version tarball de la %s est "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -532,24 +421,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si vous souhaitez utiliser la dernière version de développement instable, "
 "vous pouvez télécharger la version mercurial.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Le dépot mercurial se trouve à cette adresse : "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "et visible"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Pour télécharger les sources de Gajim, voici la marche à suivre :\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -557,32 +446,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Il faut commencer par installer mercurial (<i>apt-get install "
 "mercurial</i> sous debian)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Ensuite dans une console, tapez les commandes suivantes :\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
 "   Installez les dépendances, et construisez Gajim. S'il vous plait, voir le"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "Anglais"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "pour plus de détails.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Vous pouvez lancer Gajim en tappant :\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "puis"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
@@ -592,11 +481,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "périodiquement avec la dernière version présente sur le dépot principal par "
 "la commande suivante :\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Sous Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
@@ -604,7 +493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Il faut commencer par installer mercurial sous windows. Pour ce faire, "
 "téléchargez l'exécutable"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -614,7 +503,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Linux en tappant les commandes dans une invite de commande MS-DOS. La seule "
 "différence est de lancer launch.bat au lieu de launch.sh."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -622,15 +511,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Pour lancer Gajim, vous avez besoin de bibliothèques externes. Vous "
 "pouvez trouver un tutoriel sur la façon de les installer "
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "Sur le Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Versions quotidiennes\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -639,15 +528,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "mercurial. Vous pouvez les utiliser si la version mercurial est "
 "provisoirement cassée."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Ici pour les récupérer"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Anciennes versions\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Vous trouverez les anciennes versions de Gajim"
@@ -946,6 +835,99 @@ msgstr "Le support de GPG et la correction orthographique pour windows"
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Voici quelques captures d'écran de Gajim :"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "ArchLinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Installateur Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Source"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "Mercurial"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Versions quotidiennes"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Anciennes versions"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "ou les "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "      ArchLinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Lancez simplement "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "      Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Bientôt disponible ici."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Installateur Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Source\n"
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Version béta4 de Gajim %s"
@@ -1364,9 +1346,6 @@ msgstr "Voici quelques captures d'écran de Gajim :"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "       Enfin, pour récupérer pywin32, téléchargez la dernière version "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "télécharger Gajim"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Vous pouvez maintenant %s et double cliquer sur gajim.py dans le "
diff --git a/locale/he_IL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/he_IL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 2ec978d7e9626065da7358549773ae9c70030178..034ea1b110ecd36b536d11efcb2a31d49020c74b 100644
--- a/locale/he_IL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/he_IL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gajim-website\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-02 08:09+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Isratine Citizen <genghiskhan@gmx.ca>\n"
 "Language-Team: Rahut <genghiskhan@gmx.ca>\n"
@@ -17,139 +17,49 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "בית"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "תמונות מסך"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "הורדה"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "תיעוד"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "ויקי"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "פיתוח"
-# דביאן
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
-# סלאקוור
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-# אובונטו
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-# פדורה
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-# גנטו, ג'נטו
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-# ארצ'לינוקס
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-# סוזה
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-# מנדריבה
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-# זנוולק
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-# אגיליה לינוקס
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "&rlm;AgiliaLinux&rlm;"
-# בס״ד חופשי
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "חבילה אוטומטית"
-# installation wizard
-# אשף התקנה עבור
-# התקנה תחת/אצל
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "מתקין Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "מקור"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "מרקורי"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "snapshots יומיות"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "הוצאות ישנות"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "התקנה"
 # ג'אבבר (Jabber)
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "ג'אבּר"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "מבנה"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   :שפה"
 # והתממש
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -161,79 +71,80 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, לקוח ג'אבּר"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  החדר שלנו"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  החדר שלנו הוא"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "הינכם רצויים להצטרף אלינו ולתקשר עמנו."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  רשימת דיוור"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr "  יתכן וברצונכם להירשם אל רשימת התפוצה שלנו (תעבורה-נמוכה): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "או בביקור בכתובת"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  רשימת ארכיונים זמינה "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "כאן"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   מאגר"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "כדי לבדוק את hg יש להריץ את הפקודה"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   באפשרותכם גם"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "לעיין במאגר SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   כיצד ביכולתכם לעזור"
 # להלן
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   הרי כמה "
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "כדי לעקוב אחר באגים ולתכנן את הפיתוח של Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "עמודי ויקי"
 # יש לכם את היכולת לעזור לנו
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   באפשרותכם לעזור לנו להפוך את Gajim לטוב יותר על ידי:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -241,24 +152,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Coding: צרו עמנו קשר ברשימת הדיוור או בחדר שלנו gajim@conference.gajim."
 "org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     שליחת תרגום: ראה"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "בעמד DevTranslate"
 #      דיווח בעיות: במקרה שאתם מוצאים בעיה, אל תהססו
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     דיווח תקלות: במקרה ומצאת תקלה, אנא לא להסס"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "לדווח על כך"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "     תרומות: "
@@ -288,68 +199,68 @@ msgstr "  ברצוננו להודות גם"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "לאנשים האלו"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      התקנה\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball ומרקורי\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "הורדה"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     כדי להשיג את אחת מגרסאות אלו, ניתן לעבור אל עמוד ה%s.\n"
 # גנו\לינוקס
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      תחת GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr "     כדי להריץ א גרסא זו, עליכם להתקין כמה חבילות. \n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "קובץ README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "     ראו %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      תחת Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "עמוד זה"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr "קראו את %s כדי להתקין גרסת פיתוח תחת windows."
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     אנא קראו"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      מבנה\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     ביכולתכם להבין כיצד Gajim עובד"
 # פיצול
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -371,10 +282,6 @@ msgstr "    גרסת %s מצויה במבחן"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "במידה ולהפצה שלכם אין את הגרסא האחרונה "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "או "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "במקור ה־tarball"
@@ -383,31 +290,42 @@ msgstr "במקור ה־tarball"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "אנחנו ממליצים לכם לעשות שימוש ב־"
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    פקודה:"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    במידה והינכם עושים שימוש במערכת Debian unstable יש להריץ את הפקודה"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "   חבילת Debian של %s מצויה "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    בנוסף, גם חבילה יומית ממאגר המרקורי בנויה. כדי לעשות בה שימוש, הסירו את "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "הוסיפו את שורה זו אל"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "והתקינו את באמצעות"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -415,136 +333,103 @@ msgstr ""
 "ניתן להשיג את מפתח ה־GPG של חבילה זו על ידי התקנת חבילת gajim-dev-keyring "
 "מאותו המאגר. יש להריץ את הפקודה"
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    ביכולתכם להשיג חבילת Slackware של Gajim"
-# universe or the universal
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "     במידה והינכם עושים שימוש במאגר Ubuntu universe יש להריץ את הפקודה"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    היה ורצונכם בגרסא האחרונה של Gajim, ביכולתכם לעשות שימוש גם"
+#: downloads.php:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim זמין אצל FreeBSD דרך FreeBSD ports. פקודה: "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "במאגר PPA זה"
+# חקרו עוד בנושא
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "גלו עוד בעניין"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    פקודה:"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
 # התקנה בלחיצה בודדת
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "    התקנה בלחיצה אחת עבור openSuSE"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "    עבור גרסאות אחרות, "
 # השיגו זאת כאן
 # לחצו כאן
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "ניתן להשיג כאן"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    פקודה: "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim זמין אצל FreeBSD דרך FreeBSD ports. פקודה: "
-# חקרו עוד בנושא
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "גלו עוד בעניין"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    חבילה אוטומטית\n"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    ביכולתכם להשיג חבילת Slackware של Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "תהיה זמינה בקרוב כאן."
+# universe or the universal
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "     במידה והינכם עושים שימוש במאגר Ubuntu universe יש להריץ את הפקודה"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    אשף התקנה עבור Windows\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    היה ורצונכם בגרסא האחרונה של Gajim, ביכולתכם לעשות שימוש גם"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    קיים "
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "במאגר PPA זה"
 # מתקין
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "אשף התקנה עבור Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
+#: downloads.php:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There is a "
+msgstr "    קיים "
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
 msgstr "    הרי"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "עבור גרסא %s "
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    מקור\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    גרסת tarball של Gajim מצויה "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "למידע באשר לכיצד לבנות את Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "באנגלית"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr "קראו את הקובץ <tt>README</tt>"
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "   גרסת tarball של %s מצויה "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -552,25 +437,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "אם יש ברצונכם לעשות שימוש בגרסת הפיתוח הבלתי יציבה האחרונה, אז עליכם לבדוק "
 "את מאגר המרקורי.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      מרקורי\n"
 # מאגר המרקורי זמין
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     מאגר Mercurial (להלן: מרקורי) זמין בכתובת זו: "
 # ושניתן להציגו
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "וניתן להצגה"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     כדי להוריד את המקורות של Gajim, הנה מה שעליכם לעשות:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -578,32 +463,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "     ראשית עליכם להתקין את היישום מרקורי (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "תחת Debian)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     בתוך המסוף, יש להזין את הפקודות הבאות:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   התקנת תלויות, ובניית Gajim. אנא קראו את הקובץ"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "אנגלית"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "לשם פרטים.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   ביכולתכם להפעיל את Gajim על ידי הקלדת הפקודה הבאה:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "ואז"
 # מרגע שהמאגר
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
@@ -612,18 +497,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "   ברגע שהמאגר מצוי ברשותך, ביכולתך לעדכנו באופן מחזורי כך שהוא יתאים את "
 "הגרסא האחרונה מתוך המאגר הראשי באמצעות הפקודות הבאות:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      תחת Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
 msgstr ""
 "   ראשית עליכם להתקין מרקורי עבור windows. כדי לעשות כן, הורידו את הבינארי"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -633,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "שבמקום להריץ את launch.sh צריך להריץ את launch.bat. הזינו אותן בשורת הפקודה "
 "של MS-DOS  ואתם בסדר גמור."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -641,16 +526,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "   בכדי להפעיל את Gajim, יש צורך בספריות חיצוניות. ניתן למצוא מדריך בדרככם "
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "בויקי"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Snapshots יומיות\n"
 # ברגע נתון
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -658,16 +543,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "    בכל יום בשעה 01:00 (זמן GMT+1) מופקים ארכיוני gz tarballs ממאגר המרקורי. "
 "ביכולתכם לעשות בהם שימוש במידה והמאגר של hg מקוטע עבורכם בשלב זה."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "ניתן להשיגם כאן"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    הוצאות ישנות\n"
 # אתם תמצאו
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    ניתן למצוא הוצאות ישנות של Gajim"
@@ -975,3 +860,110 @@ msgstr "תמיכה בהצפנת GPG ובבדיקת איות עבור windows"
 #: screenshots.php:11
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "להלן כמה תמונות מסך של Gajim:"
+# דביאן
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+# סלאקוור
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+# אובונטו
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+# פדורה
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+# גנטו, ג'נטו
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+# ארצ'לינוקס
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+# סוזה
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+# מנדריבה
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+# זנוולק
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+# אגיליה לינוקס
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "&rlm;AgiliaLinux&rlm;"
+# בס״ד חופשי
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "חבילה אוטומטית"
+# installation wizard
+# אשף התקנה עבור
+# התקנה תחת/אצל
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "מתקין Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "מקור"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "מרקורי"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "snapshots יומיות"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "הוצאות ישנות"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "או "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    פקודה: "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    חבילה אוטומטית\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "תהיה זמינה בקרוב כאן."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    אשף התקנה עבור Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    מקור\n"
diff --git a/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 4642259e3699ed1322dcc6034b875c17522690c9..307dc80da1acc4b7a921af62bd06d55df801f6dd 100644
--- a/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 0.11\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-25 02:26+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gabriel Papp <gabriel.papp@gmx.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: -\n"
@@ -17,123 +17,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Kezdőlap"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Képernyőképek"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Letöltés"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Dokumentáció"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Fejlesztés"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "ArchLinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Windows telepítő"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Forrás"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "Mercurial"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Napi pillanatképek"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Régebbi kiadások"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Telepítés"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Struktúra"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Nyelv:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -146,80 +70,81 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, egy Jabber kliens"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  A mi szobánk"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  A mi szobánk a"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Lépj kapcsolatba velünk! Szívesen látunk."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Levelezőlista"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  Ha esetleg szeretnél még feliratkoni a levelezőlistánkra is (alacsony "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "vagy látogass el ide:"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  A lista arhívuma elérhető"
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "itt"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Szoftverforrás"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "A hg ellenőrzéséhez tedd ezt:"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Továbbá lehetőséged van"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "az SVN szoftverforrás böngészésére"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Így tudsz segíteni"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Itt van néhány"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "hogy nyomonkövethesd a Gajim fejlesztés bug-jait és fejlesztési tervét.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "wiki oldal"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Így tudsz segíteni nekünk, hogy a Gajim még jobb legyen:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -227,23 +152,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Programozás: lépj kapcsolatba velünk a levelezőlistánkon keresztül: "
 "gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Fordítás hozzáadása. Lásd:"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "DevTranslate oldal (angol)"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Hibák jelentése: abban az esetben, ha találsz egy hibát, kérlek"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "jelentsd nekünk"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "     Adományozás:"
@@ -272,72 +197,72 @@ msgstr "  Köszönetet szeretnénk mondani továbbá"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "ezeknek az embereknek"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Telepítés\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball és Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "letöltés"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Ahhoz, hogy megkapd az egyik verziót ezek közül, látogass el erre a(z) "
 "%s oldalra.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      GNU/Linux esetén\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Ahhoz, hogy ezt a verziót futtathasd, fel kell telepítened néhány "
 "csomagot. \n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "OLVASS EL fájl"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "     Lásd: %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Microsoft Windows alatt\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "erre"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
 "Ha windows alá szeretnél telepíteni egy fejlesztői verziót, akkor látogass "
 "el %s az oldalra"
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Itt olvashatsz róla:"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Struktúra\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Itt megértheted hogyan műlödik a Gajim:"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -359,10 +284,6 @@ msgstr "    A Gajim legutóbbi verziója"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Ha a disztribúciódnak nincs meg a legutóbbi verziója,"
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "vagy a"
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "forrást (tarball)"
@@ -371,31 +292,42 @@ msgstr "forrást (tarball)"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "akkor tanácsos ezt használnod: "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Futtasd ezt:"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Ha Debian unstable verzióját használod, akkor futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    A Gajim tarball verziója található meg"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Van egy napi aktuális verzió lefordítva mercurial-ból. Ahhoz, hogy ezt "
 "használhasd, távolítsd el a Gajimot"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "add hozzá az alábbi sort ehhez:"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "és futtasd ezt a telepítéshez"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -403,135 +335,101 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lekérheted a GPG kulccsát is a csomagnak úgy, hogy feltelepíted a gajim-dev-"
 "keyringet ugyanabból a szoftverforrásból. Csak futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Letöltheted a Gajim Slackware csomagját"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr ""
-"    Ha az Ubuntu universe szoftvercsatornáját használod, akkor futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+#: downloads.php:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
-"    Ha Gajimnak egy újabb verzióját szeretnéd használni, akkor használhatod "
-"még ezt a"
+"    A Gajim elérhető FreeBSD-hez a FreeBSD portokon keresztül. Futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "PPA-t is"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "BÅ‘vebben"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    ArchLinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "    Egykattintásos telepítés az openSuSE-hez"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "    Egyéb verziókhoz"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "itt töltheted le"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Letöltheted a Gajim Slackware csomagját"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
 msgstr ""
-"    A Gajim elérhető FreeBSD-hez a FreeBSD portokon keresztül. Futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "BÅ‘vebben"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Hamarosan itt elérhető lesz."
+"    Ha az Ubuntu universe szoftvercsatornáját használod, akkor futtasd ezt:"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Windows telepítő\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr ""
+"    Ha Gajimnak egy újabb verzióját szeretnéd használni, akkor használhatod "
+"még ezt a"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    Van itt egy"
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "PPA-t is"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Gajim telepítő"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "    Van itt egy"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "    Van itt egy"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "    Egyéb verziókhoz"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Forrás\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    A Gajim tarball verziója található meg"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "A Gajim telepítéséhez szükséges információkért,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "angol"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    A Gajim tarball verziója található meg"
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -539,23 +437,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ha a legutóbbi instabil fejlesztői verziót szeretnéd használni, nézz utána a "
 "mercurial szoftverforrásaiban.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     A mercurial szoftverforrás ezen a címen érhető el:"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "és megnézhető"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     Ha le szeretnéd tölteni a Gajim forrásait, ezt kell tenned:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -563,33 +461,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Először fel kell telepítened a mercurial-t. Debian alatt:(<i>apt-get "
 "install mercurial</i> )\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Majd egy terminálba írd be a következő parancsokat:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
 "   Telepítsd a függőségeket, majd fordítsd le a Gajim-ot. Kérlek látogass el "
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "angol"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "a részletekért.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   A Gajim futtatásához írd be a következőket:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "majd"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -599,18 +497,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Ha egyszer felvetted a szoftverforrást, akkor ezentúl bármikor "
 "frissítheted a programot a legutóbbi verzióra, ha futtatod ezt a parancsot:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Windows alatt\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
 msgstr ""
 "   Először fel kell telepítened a mercurial-t. Ehhez töltsd le a telepítőt"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -620,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Az egyetlen különbség az, hogy launch.sh helyett run launch.bat -ot kell "
 "írnod. Írd be őket egy MS-DOS parancssorba és kész is vagy."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -628,15 +526,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   A Gajim futtatásához külső könyvtárakra van szükséged. Itt találsz "
 "leírást, arról hogyan tudod telepíteni őket."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Napi pillanatképek\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -644,15 +542,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Minden nap 01:00 órakor (GMT+1 idő szerint) gzip tarballok készülnek "
 "mercurialból. Ezeket is tudod használni, abban az esetben, ha a hg sérült."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Innen tudod letölteni őket"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Régebbi verziók\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Itt találod a Gajim régebbi verzióit"
@@ -964,6 +862,99 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Itt van néhány képernyőkép a Gajim-ról:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "ArchLinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Windows telepítő"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Forrás"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "Mercurial"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Napi pillanatképek"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Régebbi kiadások"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "vagy a"
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    ArchLinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Futtasd ezt:"
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Hamarosan itt elérhető lesz."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Windows telepítő\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Forrás\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "    A Gajim tarball verziója található meg"
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index fa52e33226423e8a7dff6c492ec7fb1d120b9c81..7203a1e286f4c22f5c09b480d0ee163dfbbf9b98 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gajim website\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-17 14:36+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Davide Pizzetti <erpizzo@alice.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: Gajim Translators\n"
@@ -18,123 +18,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Pagina iniziale"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Schermate"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Download"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentazione"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Sviluppo"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Installer Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Sorgenti"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "Mercurial"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Snapshot giornalieri"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Vecchie release"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Installazione"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Struttura"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Lingua:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -146,79 +70,80 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, un client Jabber"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  La nostra stanza"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  La nostra stanza è"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Unisciti e comunica con noi, sei il benvenuto."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Mailing list"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  Potresti anche volerti iscrivere alla nostra mailing list (a basso "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "o visitando"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Sono disponibili gli archivi dell'elenco"
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "qui"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Repository"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Per copiare il repository nel tuo sistema esegui"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Puoi anche"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "sfogliare il repository SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Come puoi aiutare"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Qui ci sono alcune"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "per tenere traccia dei bug e pianificare lo sviluppo di Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "pagine del wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Puoi aiutarci a migliorare Gajim:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -226,23 +151,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Scrivendo codice: contattaci sulla nostra mailing list o nella nostra "
 "stanza gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Inviare una traduzione: vedi"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "la pagina DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Segnalando bug: nel caso trovi un bug, non esitare a"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "segnalarlo"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr "     Donare:"
@@ -271,66 +196,66 @@ msgstr "  Vogliamo ringraziare anche"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "queste persone"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Installazione\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tarball e Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "pagina"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "      Per ottenere una di queste versioni, vai alla pagina %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Sotto GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr "     Per eseguire questa versione, devi installare alcuni pacchetti.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "File README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Vedi %s\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Sotto Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "questa pagina"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr "Vedi %s per installare la versione di sviluppo sotto Windows."
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Per favore, leggi"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Struttura\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Puoi capire come funziona Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -352,10 +277,6 @@ msgstr "    Una versione %s è in prova"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Se la tua distribuzione non ha la versione più recente "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "o il "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "tarball dei sorgenti"
@@ -364,31 +285,42 @@ msgstr "tarball dei sorgenti"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "è consigliato usare "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "scaricare Gajim"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Basta eseguire"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Se usi Debian unstable esegui"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "   Il pacchetto della versione %s per Debian è "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Viene generato un pacchetto giornaliero da Mercurial. Per usarlo, "
 "rimuovi Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "e aggiungi questa linea al tuo"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "e installalo eseguendo"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -396,130 +328,97 @@ msgstr ""
 "Puoi ottenere la chiave GPG di questo pacchetto installando il pacchetto "
 "gnome-dev-keyring dallo stesso repository. Basta che esegui"
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Puoi ottenere il pacchetto di Gajim per Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Se usi il repository universe di Ubuntu esegui"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    Se vuoi usare una versione più recente di Gajim, puoi anche usare"
+#: downloads.php:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim è disponibile per FreeBSD tramite i port FreeBSD. Basta "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr "questo PPA"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Ulteriori informazioni"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Basta eseguire"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "    Installazione con un click per openSuSE"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "    Per altre versioni,"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "ottienile qui"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Basta eseguire "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim è disponibile per FreeBSD tramite i port FreeBSD. Basta "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Ulteriori informazioni"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Pacchetto automatico\n"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Puoi ottenere il pacchetto di Gajim per Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Sarà presto disponibile qui."
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    Se usi il repository universe di Ubuntu esegui"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Installer per Windows\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    Se vuoi usare una versione più recente di Gajim, puoi anche usare"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    Esiste un"
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr "questo PPA"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Installer di Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
+#: downloads.php:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There is a "
+msgstr "    Esiste un"
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
 msgstr "    Ecco un"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "per la versione %s"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Sorgente\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    La versione tarball di Gajim è "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Per informazioni su come compilare Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "in inglese"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr "vedi il file <tt>README</tt>"
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    La versione tarball della versione %s è "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -527,23 +426,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se vuoi usare l'ultima versione instabile di sviluppo, devi scaricare il "
 "repository Mercurial.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Il repository di Mercurial è disponibile a questo indirizzo: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "e visibile"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     Per poter scaricare i sorgenti di Gajim, ecco cosa devi fare:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -551,31 +450,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Prima devi installare Mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> sotto "
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Poi in una console, inserisci il seguente comando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   Installa le dipendenze, e compila Gajim. Per favore consulta il"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "Inglese"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "per i dettagli.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Puoi eseguire Gajim digitando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "e poi"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
@@ -585,11 +484,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "periodicamente così che corrisponda all'ultima versione del repository con "
 "il seguente comando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Sotto Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
@@ -597,7 +496,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Prima devi installare Mercurial per Windows. Per fare ciò, scarica il "
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
@@ -607,7 +506,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "GNU/Linux. L'unica differenza è che invece di lanciare launch.sh devi "
 "eseguire launch.bat. Devi solo inserire i comandi in prompt di MS-DOS."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -615,15 +514,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Per eseguire Gajim hai bisogno di librerie esterne. Puoi trovare un tutorial "
 "su come installarle"
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "Nella Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Snapshot giornalieri\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
@@ -631,15 +530,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Ogni giorno alle 01:00 (GMT+1) vengono generati dei tarball gz da "
 "Mercurial. Puoi usarli se hg non funziona al momento."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Puoi scaricarli qui"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Vecchie release\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Troverai le vecchie release di Gajim"
@@ -940,6 +839,99 @@ msgstr "Supporto per GPG e controllo ortografico per Windows"
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Ecco alcune schermate di Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Installer Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Sorgenti"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "Mercurial"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Snapshot giornalieri"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Vecchie release"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "o il "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Basta eseguire "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Pacchetto automatico\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Sarà presto disponibile qui."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Installer per Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Sorgente\n"
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Beta 4 di Gajim %s"
@@ -1100,9 +1092,6 @@ msgstr "Ecco alcune schermate di Gajim:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       Infine, per ottenere pywin32, scarica l'ultima versione"
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "scaricare Gajim"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ora puoi %s e fare doppio clic su gajim.py nella cartella src.\n"
diff --git a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index 61d2ea58fd1ce95e6bb75e0b12644ab0611d0529..bf5729122c805e98a31f4373dfab994daf63894a 100644
--- a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Gajim-0.12\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-19 20:18+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Tadzik Sośnierz <tadzikes@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish\n"
@@ -18,124 +18,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
 "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Strona Główna"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Zrzuty ekranu"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Pobierz"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Dokumentacja"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Rozwój"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Paczka automatyczna"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Instalator dla Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Źródła"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Codzienne buildy"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Stare wydania"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Instalacja"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Struktura"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Język"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -147,78 +70,79 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, klient Jabbera"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr " Nasz pokój"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Nasz pokój to"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Zapraszamy do dołączenia i komunikacji z nami"
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr " Lista mailingowa"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr " Możesz również  subskrybować naszą listę mailingową: "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "lub odwiedzić"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr " Archiwum listy jest dostępne "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "tutaj"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Repozytorium"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Aby sprawdzić SVN wpisz"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Możesz również"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "przejrzeć repozytorium SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Jak możesz pomóc"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Tutaj znajdujÄ… siÄ™"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "znaleźć błędy i planować rozwój Gajima\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "strony wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Możesz nam pomóc sprawić by Gajim był jeszcze lepszy :\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -226,23 +150,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Programując: skontaktuj się z nami na naszej liście mailingowej lub w "
 "naszym pokoju gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Wysyłając nam tłumaczenie: zobacz"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "stronÄ™ DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Zgłaszając błąd: jeśli znajdziesz błąd,"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "zgłoś go"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -271,71 +195,71 @@ msgstr "  Chcielibyśmy również podziękować"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "tym ludziom"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Instalacja\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Archiwa i Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "pobierz"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     Aby zdobyć jedną z tych wersji, odwiedź stronę %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      Na systemie GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Aby uruchomić tę wersję, musisz zainstalować kilka pakietów: python2.3 "
 "python2.3-gtk2 i python2.3-glade2.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Na systemie Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "strony wiki"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     ProszÄ™ przeczytaj"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Struktura\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Możesz zrozumieć jak działa Gajim"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -355,10 +279,6 @@ msgstr "    Wersja %s jest w fazie testów"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Jeśli twoja dystrybucja nie posiada najnowszej wersji "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "lub "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "spakowanych źródeł"
@@ -367,32 +287,43 @@ msgstr "spakowanych źródeł"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "radzimy użyć "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "pobierz Gajima"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Po prostu"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr ""
 "    Jeśli używasz niestabilnej wersji Debiana wykonaj następujące kroki"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    Spakowana wersja Gajima jest"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Dostępne są również codzienne paczki z svn. Aby ich użyć, usuń gajima"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "dodaj tÄ™ liniÄ™ do twojego"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "i zainstaluj jÄ… robiÄ…c"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -400,138 +331,99 @@ msgstr ""
 "Możesz również zdobyć klucz GPG tej paczki instalująć gajim-dev-keyring z "
 "tego samego repozytorium. Po prostu zrób"
-#: downloads.php:38
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Stare wydania Gajima możesz znaleźć"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr ""
-"    Jeśli używasz repozytorium \"Ubuntu universe\", wykonaj następujące kroki"
-#: downloads.php:48
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    NajnowszÄ… wersjÄ… Gajima jest"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim jest dostępny w portach FreeBSD. Po prostu"
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Po prostu"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
+#: downloads.php:171
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "zainstaluj jednym kliknięciem"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "dla wersji 0.12-alpha"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "ściągnij stąd"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Po prostu "
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim jest dostępny w portach FreeBSD. Po prostu"
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Pakiet automatyczny\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Dostępne tu już wkrótce"
+#: downloads.php:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Stare wydania Gajima możesz znaleźć"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Instalator dla Windows\n"
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr ""
+"    Jeśli używasz repozytorium \"Ubuntu universe\", wykonaj następujące kroki"
-#: downloads.php:147
+#: downloads.php:198
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "    Tutaj znajduje siÄ™"
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    NajnowszÄ… wersjÄ… Gajima jest"
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "instalator Gajima"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "    Tutaj znajduje siÄ™"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "    Tutaj znajduje siÄ™"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "dla wersji 0.12-alpha"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Źródła\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    Spakowana wersja Gajima jest "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Aby zdobyć "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "po Angielsku"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    Spakowana wersja Gajima jest"
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
@@ -540,25 +432,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "Jeśli chcesz używać najnowszej niestabilnej wersji, sprawdź repozytorium "
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Struktura\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Serwer SVN jest dostępny pod adresem:"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "i można je obejrzeć"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     Aby pobrać źródła Gajima, musisz:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
@@ -567,31 +459,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Najpierw musisz zainstalować subversion (<i>apt-get install subversion</"
 "i> na Debianie)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     W konsoli wpisz następujące polecenia:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   Zainstaluj zależności i skompiluj Gajima. Zwróć uwagę na"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "Angielski"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "aby poznać szczegóły.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Możesz uruchomić Gajima wpisując:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "i wtedy"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -601,11 +493,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Gdy masz już dodane repozytorium, możesz je raz na jakiś czas uaktualniać "
 "tak, żeby zgadzało się z serwerem za pomocą następującej komendy:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Na systemie Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
@@ -614,7 +506,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Najpierw musisz zainstalować subversion dla windows. Aby to zrobić, "
 "pobierz pakiet binarny"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -625,7 +517,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "GNU/Linuksem. Jedyna różnica jest taka, że zamiast uruchamiać launch.sh "
 "uruchamiasz launch.bat. Wpisz je w linii komend MS-DOS i gotowe."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -633,15 +525,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Aby uruchomić Gajima potrzebujesz zewnętrznych bibliotek. Możesz znaleźć "
 "tutorial z opisem ich instalacji"
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "Na Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Codzienne paczki\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -650,15 +542,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Każdego dnia o godzinie 01:00 (Strefa czasowa GMT+1) archiwa gz są "
 "budowane z svn. Możesz ich używać jeśli nie możesz użyć w tym momencie svn."
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Możesz je zdobyć tutaj"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Stare wydania\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Stare wydania Gajima możesz znaleźć"
@@ -974,6 +866,97 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Tutaj możesz zobaczyć zrzuty ekranu z Gajima:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Paczka automatyczna"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Instalator dla Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Źródła"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Codzienne buildy"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Stare wydania"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "lub "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Po prostu "
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Pakiet automatyczny\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Dostępne tu już wkrótce"
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Instalator dla Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Źródła\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Wydano wersjÄ™ alpha %s"
@@ -1254,9 +1237,6 @@ msgstr "Tutaj możesz zobaczyć zrzuty ekranu z Gajima:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       Wreszcie, aby zdobyć pywin32. pobierz najnowszą wersję"
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "pobierz Gajima"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "    Teraz %s i kliknij dwukrotnie na ikonkÄ™ gajim.py w folderze src.\n"
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index cfc60e85f9ad26751d2c680eaf3773a97f98484c..cfe77045f5241893319c7941dfd2da1b5b133d75 100644
--- a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-11 10:53-0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Davidson Paulo <davidsonpaulo@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
@@ -14,124 +14,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Principal"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Screenshots"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Download"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documenta&ccedil;&atilde;o"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Wiki"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Desenvolvimento"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Instalador para Windows"
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "C&oacute;digo-fonte"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Snapshots di&aacute;rios"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Lan&ccedil;amentos anteriores"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Instala&ccedil;&atilde;o"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Estrutura"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Idioma:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -143,82 +66,83 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, um cliente Jabber"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Nossa Sala"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Nossa sala &eacute; a"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Entre e fique &agrave; vontade para falar conosco."
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Lista de discuss&atilde;o"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  Voc&ecirc; tamb&eacute;m pode se inscrever na nossa lista de "
 "discuss&atilde;o (baixo tr&aacute;fego ): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "ou visitando"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  O hist&oacute;rico da lista est&aacute; dispon&iacute;vel "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "aqui"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Reposit&oacute;rio"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Para fazer o checkout do svn digite"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Voc&ecirc; tamb&eacute;m pode"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "navegar no nosso reposit&oacute;rio SVN"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Como voc&ecirc; pode ajudar"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Aqui est&atilde;o algumas"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr "para encontrar bugs e planejar o desenvolvimento do Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "p&aacute;ginas wiki"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "   Voc&ecirc; pode nos ajudam a tornar o Gajim cada vez melhor das seguintes "
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -226,24 +150,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Programando: entre em contato conosco em nossa lista de discuss&atilde;"
 "o ou em nossa sala gajim@conferecence.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Enviando uma tradu&ccedil;&atilde;o: veja"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr "p&aacute;gina do DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr ""
 "     Reportando bugs: se voc&ecirc; encontrar algum, n&atilde;o hesite em"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "report&aacute;-lo"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -272,73 +196,73 @@ msgstr "  Gostar&iacute;amos de agradecer tamb&eacute;m a"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "estas pessoas"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Instala&ccedil;&atilde;o\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Pacote Tar e Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "download."
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Para obter uma dessas vers&otilde;es, v&aacute; at&eacute; a p&aacute;"
 "gina de %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "      No GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Para executar essa vers&atilde;o, voc&ecirc; precisa ter instalados "
 "alguns pacotes: python2.3, python2.3-gtk2 e python2.3-glade2.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "      Subversion\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      No Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "p&aacute;ginas wiki"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Leia, por favor"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Estrutura\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Voc&ecirc; pode entender como o Gajim funciona"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -361,10 +285,6 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se a sua distribui&ccedil;&acute; Linux n&atilde;o possuir a &uacute;ltima "
 "vers&atilde;o "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "ou o "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "pacote de c&oacute;digo-fonte"
@@ -373,16 +293,27 @@ msgstr "pacote de c&oacute;digo-fonte"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "recomendamos que voc&ecirc; use o "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "baixar o Gajim"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Apenas digite"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Se voc&ecirc; usa o Debian \"unstable\" digite  "
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    O pacote com o c&oacute;digo-fonte do Gajim est&aacute; "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
@@ -390,15 +321,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "    Todo dia, um pacote &eacute; compilado a partir do reposit&oacute;rio "
 "SVN. para us&aacute;-lo, remova o Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "adicione essa linha ao seu"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "e instale digitando"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -406,139 +337,100 @@ msgstr ""
 "Voc&ecirc; pode obter a chave GPG desse pacote instalando o pacote gajim-dev-"
 "keyring a partir do mesmo reposit&oacute;rio. Apenas digite"
-#: downloads.php:38
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Voc&ecirc; pode baixar o autopackage "
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
-"    Se voc&ecirc; usa o reposit&oacute;rio \"universe\" do Ubuntu, execute: "
-#: downloads.php:48
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    A &uacute;ltima vers&atilde;o do Gajim &eacute; a"
+"    O Gajim est&aacute; dispon&iacute;­vel para o FreeBSD atrav&eacute;s dos "
+"ports. Apenas digite "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Mais detalhes"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Apenas digite"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
+#: downloads.php:171
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "instala&ccedil;&atilde;o em um clique"
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "pegue-o aqui"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
+#: downloads.php:184
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Apenas digite"
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Voc&ecirc; pode baixar o autopackage "
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
 msgstr ""
-"    O Gajim est&aacute; dispon&iacute;­vel para o FreeBSD atrav&eacute;s dos "
-"ports. Apenas digite "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Mais detalhes"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Em breve."
+"    Se voc&ecirc; usa o reposit&oacute;rio \"universe\" do Ubuntu, execute: "
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Instalador para Windows\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    A &uacute;ltima vers&atilde;o do Gajim &eacute; a"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "     Existe um"
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "Instalador do Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Here is a"
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "     Existe um"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "     Existe um"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    C&oacute;digo-fonte\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    O pacote com o c&oacute;digo-fonte do Gajim est&aacute; "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Para mais informa&ccedil;&otilde;es sobre como compilar o Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "em ingl&ecirc;s"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    O pacote com o c&oacute;digo-fonte do Gajim est&aacute; "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
@@ -548,28 +440,28 @@ msgstr ""
 "desenvolvimento, precisar&aacute; checar o reposit&oacute;rio do "
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Estrutura\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr ""
 "     O servidor subversion est&aacute; dispon&iacute;vel no seguinte "
 "endere&ccedil;o: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "e visualiz&aacute;vel"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Para baixar o c&oacute;digo-fonte do Gajim, fa&ccedil;a o seguinte:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
@@ -578,32 +470,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Primeiramente voc&ecirc; previsa instalar o subversion (<i>apt-get "
 "install subversion</i> no Debian)\n"
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     Ent&atilde;o, em um console, execute os seguintes comandos:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
 "   Instale as depend&ecirc;ncias e compile o Gajim. Por favor leia o arquivo "
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "em ingl&ecirc;s"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "para mais detalhes.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Voc&ecirc; pode executar o Gajim digitando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "e ent&atilde;o"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -614,11 +506,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "atualiz&aacute;-lo periodicamente, sincronizando a sua vers&atilde;o com a "
 "vers&atilde;o do servidor com o seguinte comando:\n"
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      No Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
@@ -627,7 +519,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Primeiramente, voc&ecirc; precisa instalar o Subversion para Windows. "
 "Para isso, baixe o bin&aacute;rio execut&aacute;vel"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -639,7 +531,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "&eacute; que voc&ecirc; dever&aacute; rodar o launch.bat ao inv&eacute;s de  "
 "launch.sh. Entre com os comandos no prompt do MS-DOS e estar&aacute; feito."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -647,15 +539,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "  Para rodar o Gajim, voc&ecirc; precisa de bibliotecas externas. Voc&ecirc; "
 "pode encontrar um tutorial sobre como instala-las"
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "No Wiki"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Snapshots di&aacute;rios\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -666,15 +558,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "us&aacute;-los se o svn n&atilde;o estiver funcionando pra voc&ecirc; no "
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Aqui para obt&ecirc;-los"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Lan&ccedil;amentos antigos\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Voc&ecirc; vai encontrar lan&ccedil;amentos antigos do Gajim"
@@ -997,6 +889,98 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Aqui est&atilde;o alguns screenshots do Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Instalador para Windows"
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "C&oacute;digo-fonte"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Snapshots di&aacute;rios"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Lan&ccedil;amentos anteriores"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "ou o "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Apenas digite"
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Em breve."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Instalador para Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    C&oacute;digo-fonte\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Beta do Gajim %s"
@@ -1288,9 +1272,6 @@ msgstr "Aqui est&atilde;o alguns screenshots do Gajim:"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "       Por fim, para obter o pywin32, baixe a &uacute;ltima vers&atilde;o "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "baixar o Gajim"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "     Você pode agora %s e dar um duplo-clique no arquivo gajim.py na "
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po b/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
index c51263cc5196ea4c61e749bb308e0f8bd57f3e75..b71e80ce8508b25cbf1ca2d157c19231f2047ca8 100644
--- a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
+++ b/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/msg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gajim-website 20061103\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-12 15:51+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Grigory Sarnitskiy <sargrigory@ya.ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <ru@li.org>\n"
@@ -19,124 +19,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
 "%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Начало"
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr "Скриншоты"
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Скачать"
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Документация"
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr "Вики"
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Разработка"
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr "Debian"
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr "Slackware"
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr "Ubuntu"
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr "Fedora"
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr "Gentoo"
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr "SuSE"
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr "PLD"
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr "Sourcemage"
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr "Mandriva"
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr "Zenwalk"
-#: Design.php:105
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr "Archlinux"
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr "FreeBSD"
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr "Autopackage"
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr "Установщик для Windows "
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Исходный текст"
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr "Mercurial"
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr "Ежедневные архивы"
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr "Старые выпуски"
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr "Установка"
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr "Jabber"
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr "Структура"
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr "   Язык:"
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -148,78 +71,79 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr "Gajim, jabber-клиент"
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr "  Наш чат"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr "  Наш чат:"
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr "Присоединяйтесь и сотрудничайте с нами!"
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr "  Список рассылки"
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
 "  Вы, возможно, захотите подписаться на наш список рассылки (малый трафик): "
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr "или посетив"
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr "  Архивы списка рассылки доступны "
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr "здесь"
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr "   Репозиторий"
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr "Чтобы загрузить mercurial, сделайте так"
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr "   Вы можете так же"
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr "просмотреть SVN-репозиторий"
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr "   Как вы можете помочь"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr "   Здесь вы найдёте"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr ", где мы отслеживаем ошибки и планируем разработку Gajim.\n"
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr "вики-страницы"
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr "   Вы можете помочь нам сделать Gajim ещё лучше:\n"
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
@@ -227,23 +151,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "      Помогая в разработке: свяжитесь с нами в нашем списке рассылки или в "
 "чате gajim@conference.gajim.org \n"
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr "     Добавив переовод: см."
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr " страницу DevTranslate"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr "     Сообщая об ошибках: если вы случайно встретили ошибку,"
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr "сообщите о ней"
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -272,67 +196,67 @@ msgstr "  Хотим так же поблагодарить"
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr "этих людей"
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr "      Установка\n"
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Tar-архивы и Mercurial\n"
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr "страницу загрузки"
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr "     Чтобы получить одну из этих версий, перейдите на страницу %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr "        В GNU/Linux\n"
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
 "     Чтобы запустить эту версию, необходимо установить некоторые пакеты.\n"
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr "файлу README"
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr "     Обратитесь к %s.\n"
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Ð’ Microsoft Windows\n"
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr "этой странице"
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr "Обратитесь к %s, чтобы установить версию для разработчиков в Windows"
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr "     Пожалуйста, прочтите"
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr "      Структура\n"
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr "     Вы можете понять как Gajim работает"
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -353,10 +277,6 @@ msgstr "   Версия %s - тестовая"
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr "Если в вашем дистрибутиве нет самой последней версии, "
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr "или "
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr "tar-архив исходных текстов"
@@ -365,31 +285,42 @@ msgstr "tar-архив исходных текстов"
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr "мы рекомендуем вам использовать "
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr "загрузить Gajim"
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr "    Просто"
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr "    Если вы используете нестабильную ветвь Debian, сделайте"
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr "    Tar-архив Gajim "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
 "    Так же обновляется ежедневный пакет. Чтобы использовать его, удалите "
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr "добавьте эту строку к вашему"
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr "и установите его с помощью"
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
@@ -397,135 +328,98 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вы можете получить GPG ключ для этого пакета, установив gajim-dev-keyring из "
 "этого же репозитория. Для этого выполните"
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr "    Вы можете получить пакет Gajim для Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr "    Если вы используете репозиторий Ubuntu unuverse, дайте команду"
-#: downloads.php:48
+#: downloads.php:151
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
-msgstr "    Самая последняя версия Gajim"
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+msgstr "    Gajim доступен в FreeBSD через FreeBSD порты. Просто "
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
-msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
+msgstr "Узнайте больше"
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr "    Просто"
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr "    SUSE\n"
-#: downloads.php:77
+#: downloads.php:171
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr "простая установка"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr "для 0.12-alpha версии"
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr "получите здесь"
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr "    PLD\n"
-#: downloads.php:85
+#: downloads.php:184
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr "    Просто"
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
-msgstr "    Gajim доступен в FreeBSD через FreeBSD порты. Просто "
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "Узнайте больше"
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
-msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
+msgstr "    Вы можете получить пакет Gajim для Slackware"
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
-msgstr "Скоро будет здесь."
+#: downloads.php:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
+msgstr "    Если вы используете репозиторий Ubuntu unuverse, дайте команду"
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
-msgstr "    Установщик для Windows\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+msgstr "    Самая последняя версия Gajim"
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
-msgstr "   Существует"
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr "установщик Gajim для Windows "
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
+#: downloads.php:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr "   Существует"
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Here is a"
+msgstr "   Существует"
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr "для 0.12-alpha версии"
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
-msgstr "    Исходный текст\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
+msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr "    Tar-архив Gajim "
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr "Для помощи по сборке Gajim,"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr "по-английски"
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr "    Tar-архив Gajim "
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
@@ -533,23 +427,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Если вы хотите пользоваться последней нестабильной версией для "
 "разработчиков, то вам нужно загрузить репозиторий mercurial.\n"
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr "      Mercurial\n"
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr "     Репозиторий mercurial доступен по данному адресу: "
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr "и для просмотра"
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr "     Чтобы загрузить исходники Gajim, вам нужно сделать следующее:\n"
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
@@ -557,31 +451,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "     Сначала установите mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> в "
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr "     За тем в консоли введите следующие команды:\n"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr "   Установите зависимости и собирайте Gajim. Пожалуйста, смотрите "
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "по-английски"
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr "для подробной информации.\n"
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr "   Вы можете запустить Gajim набрав следующее:\n"
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr "а за тем"
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
@@ -592,11 +486,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "он соответствовал последней версии основного репозитория, следующей "
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr "      Ð’ Windows\n"
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
@@ -604,7 +498,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Сначала вам нужно устновить меркуриал для windows. Чтобы это сделать, "
 "загрузите исполняемый файл"
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
@@ -615,7 +509,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Linux. Единственное отличие в том, что вместо launch.sh вы должны запускать "
 "launch.bat. Вводите их в командной строке MS-DOS."
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
@@ -623,15 +517,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "   Для того, чтобы запустить Gajim, требуются дополнительные библиотеки. Вы "
 "можете найти руководство по способу их установки"
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr "В Вики"
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr "    Ежедневные архивы\n"
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
@@ -641,15 +535,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вы можете использовать их, если mercurial испорчен или недоступен на данный "
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr "Возьмите их здесь"
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr "    Старые выпуски\n"
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr "    Вы найдёте старые выпуски Gajim"
@@ -967,6 +861,101 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Here are some screenshots of Gajim:"
 msgstr "Здесь некоторые скриншоты Gajim:"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "Slackware"
+#~ msgstr "Slackware"
+#~ msgid "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgstr "Ubuntu"
+#~ msgid "Fedora"
+#~ msgstr "Fedora"
+#~ msgid "Gentoo"
+#~ msgstr "Gentoo"
+#~ msgid "Archlinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "SuSE"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE"
+#~ msgid "PLD"
+#~ msgstr "PLD"
+#~ msgid "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgstr "Sourcemage"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva"
+#~ msgid "Zenwalk"
+#~ msgstr "Zenwalk"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "AgiliaLinux"
+#~ msgstr "Archlinux"
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Autopackage"
+#~ msgstr "Autopackage"
+#~ msgid "Windows installer"
+#~ msgstr "Установщик для Windows "
+#~ msgid "Source"
+#~ msgstr "Исходный текст"
+#~ msgid "Mercurial"
+#~ msgstr "Mercurial"
+#~ msgid "Daily snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "Ежедневные архивы"
+#~ msgid "Old releases"
+#~ msgstr "Старые выпуски"
+#~ msgid "or the "
+#~ msgstr "или "
+#~ msgid "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Gentoo\n"
+#~ msgid "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Archlinux\n"
+#~ msgid "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SUSE\n"
+#~ msgid "    PLD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    PLD\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "    Just "
+#~ msgstr "    Просто"
+#~ msgid "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    SourceMage\n"
+#~ msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgstr "    FreeBSD\n"
+#~ msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Autopackage\n"
+#~ msgid "Soon available here."
+#~ msgstr "Скоро будет здесь."
+#~ msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Установщик для Windows\n"
+#~ msgid "    Source\n"
+#~ msgstr "    Исходный текст\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Beta4-release of Gajim %s"
 #~ msgstr "Бета-версия Gajim %s"
@@ -1286,9 +1275,6 @@ msgstr "Здесь некоторые скриншоты Gajim:"
 #~ msgid "       At last, to get pywin32, download latest version "
 #~ msgstr "       И, наконец, загрузите последнюю версию pywin32 "
-#~ msgid "download Gajim"
-#~ msgstr "загрузить Gajim"
 #~ msgid "     You can now %s and double click on gajim.py in src folder.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "     Теперь вы можете %s и дважды щёлкнуть по gajim.py в каталоге src.\n"
diff --git a/msg.pot b/msg.pot
index 495eb9d7c16e9b449829b387f64ffd73e79506a2..20cd9e044602b38bd8436e94445e44e04718cb2f 100644
--- a/msg.pot
+++ b/msg.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-02 23:26+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-31 21:32+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -17,123 +17,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: Design.php:85
+#: Design.php:86
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:86
+#: Design.php:87
 msgid "Screenshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:87
+#: Design.php:88
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:88
+#: Design.php:89
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:89
+#: Design.php:90
 msgid "Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:90
+#: Design.php:91
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:94
-msgid "Debian"
-msgstr ""
 #: Design.php:95
-msgid "Slackware"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:96
-msgid "Ubuntu"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:97
-msgid "Fedora"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:98
-msgid "Gentoo"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:99
-msgid "Archlinux"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:100
-msgid "SuSE"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:101
-msgid "PLD"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:102
-msgid "Sourcemage"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:103
-msgid "Mandriva"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:104
-msgid "Zenwalk"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:105
-msgid "AgiliaLinux"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:106
-msgid "FreeBSD"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:107
-msgid "Autopackage"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:108
-msgid "Windows installer"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:109
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:110
-msgid "Mercurial"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:111
-msgid "Daily snapshots"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:112
-msgid "Old releases"
-msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:116
 msgid "Installation"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:117
+#: Design.php:96
 msgid "Jabber"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:118
+#: Design.php:97
 msgid "Structure"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:151
+#: Design.php:130
 msgid "   Language:"
 msgstr ""
-#: Design.php:198
+#: Design.php:177
 msgid ""
 "   Site optimized for W3C Standards and realized with vim editor under GNU/"
 "Linux by Asterix (Jabber ID: asterix@jabber.lagaule.org)\n"
@@ -143,99 +67,99 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Gajim, a Jabber client"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:10
+#: dev.php:9
 msgid "  Our Room"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "  Our room is"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:12
+#: dev.php:11
 msgid "You are welcome to join and communicate with us."
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:17
+#: dev.php:15
 msgid "  Mailing List"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "  You may also want to subscribe to our mailing list (low-traffic): "
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:19
+#: dev.php:17
 msgid "or by visiting"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:20
+#: dev.php:18
 msgid "  List archives are available "
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:20 docs.php:39 docs.php:45 downloads.php:24 downloads.php:38
-#: downloads.php:161 downloads.php:163 downloads.php:173 downloads.php:211
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: dev.php:18 docs.php:37 docs.php:43 downloads.php:133 downloads.php:184
+#: downloads.php:219 downloads.php:221 downloads.php:230 downloads.php:268
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "here"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:25
+#: dev.php:23
 msgid "   Repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:27
+#: dev.php:25
 msgid "To checkout hg do"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:29
+#: dev.php:27
 msgid "   You can also"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:29
-msgid "browse SVN repository"
+#: dev.php:27
+msgid "browse Mercurial repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:34
+#: dev.php:32
 msgid "   How you can help"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "   Here are some"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "to track bugs and plan the development of Gajim.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:36
+#: dev.php:34
 msgid "wiki pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:38
+#: dev.php:36
 msgid "   You can help us make Gajim even better by:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:41
+#: dev.php:39
 msgid ""
 "     Coding: contact us on our mailing list or in our room gajim@conference."
 "gajim.org \n"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "     Submitting a translation: see"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:44
+#: dev.php:42
 msgid "DevTranslate page"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "     Bug reporting: in case you find a bug, do not hesitate to"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:47
+#: dev.php:45
 msgid "report it"
 msgstr ""
-#: dev.php:50
+#: dev.php:48
 msgid "     Donating: "
 msgstr ""
@@ -264,66 +188,66 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "these people"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:11
+#: docs.php:10
 msgid "      Installation\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:17
+#: docs.php:16
 msgid "      Tarball and Mercurial\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:19
+#: docs.php:18
 msgid "download"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:20
+#: docs.php:19
 #, c-format
 msgid "     To get one of these versions, go to the %s page.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:22 downloads.php:176
+#: docs.php:21 downloads.php:233
 msgid "      Under GNU/Linux\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:24
+#: docs.php:23
 msgid "     To run this version, you have to install some packages. \n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:25
+#: docs.php:24
 msgid "README file"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:26
+#: docs.php:25
 #, c-format
 msgid "     See %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:29
+#: docs.php:28
 msgid "      Under Microsoft Windows\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:31
+#: docs.php:30
 msgid "this page"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:32
+#: docs.php:31
 #, c-format
 msgid "See %s to install development version under windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:39
+#: docs.php:37
 msgid "     Please read"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:43
+#: docs.php:41
 msgid "      Structure\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:45
+#: docs.php:43
 msgid "     You can understand how Gajim works"
 msgstr ""
-#: docs.php:48
+#: docs.php:46
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "     Gajim uses a fork of the %s library to do the interface with Jabber "
@@ -343,10 +267,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If your distribution doesn't have the latest version "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:14
-msgid "or the "
-msgstr ""
 #: downloads.php:14
 msgid "source tarball"
 msgstr ""
@@ -355,262 +275,231 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "you are advised to use the "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:21
+#: downloads.php:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download Gajim for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:118 downloads.php:124 downloads.php:145 downloads.php:165
+#: downloads.php:178 downloads.php:190 downloads.php:213
+msgid "Just"
+msgstr ""
+#: downloads.php:130
 msgid "    If you use Debian unstable do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:23
+#: downloads.php:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The Debian package of %s is "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid ""
 "    A daily package from mercurial is also built. To use it, remove gajim"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:25
+#: downloads.php:134
 msgid "add this line to your"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:29
+#: downloads.php:138
 msgid "and install it by doing"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:30
+#: downloads.php:139
 msgid ""
 "You can get the GPG key of this package by installing gajim-dev-keyring "
 "package from the same repository. Just do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:38
-msgid "    You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:46
-msgid "    If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "    If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
+#: downloads.php:151
+msgid "Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:48
-msgid "this PPA"
+#: downloads.php:153
+msgid "Find out more"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:56 downloads.php:63 downloads.php:70 downloads.php:92
-#: downloads.php:100 downloads.php:108 downloads.php:116
+#: downloads.php:159
 msgid "    Just"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:60
-msgid "    Gentoo\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:67
-msgid "    Archlinux\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:74
-msgid "    SUSE\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:77
-msgid "    One click install for openSuSE"
+#: downloads.php:171
+msgid "One click install for openSuSE"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
-msgid "    For other versions, "
+#: downloads.php:172
+msgid "For other versions, "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:78
+#: downloads.php:172
 msgid "get it here"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:82
-msgid "    PLD\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:85
-msgid "    Just "
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:89
-msgid "    SourceMage\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:121
-msgid "    FreeBSD\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:124
-msgid "    Gajim is available in FreeBSD via FreeBSD ports. Just "
+#: downloads.php:184
+msgid "You can get the Slackware package of Gajim"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:126
-msgid "Find out more"
+#: downloads.php:196
+msgid "If you use Ubuntu universe repository do"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:130
-msgid "    Autopackage\n"
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "If you want newer version of Gajim, you can also use"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:133
-msgid "Soon available here."
+#: downloads.php:198
+msgid "this PPA"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:143
-msgid "    Windows installer\n"
+#: downloads.php:204 downloads.php:206
+msgid "Gajim installer"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:147
-msgid "    There is a "
+#: downloads.php:204
+msgid "There is a "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:147 downloads.php:150
-msgid "Gajim installer"
+#: downloads.php:206
+msgid "Here is a"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:150
-msgid "    Here is a"
-msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:151
+#: downloads.php:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "for %s version "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:158
-msgid "    Source\n"
+#: downloads.php:218
+msgid "Other Linux / source"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "    The tarball version of Gajim is "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "For information on how to build Gajim,"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "in English"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:161
+#: downloads.php:219
 msgid "see the <tt>README</tt>"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:162
+#: downloads.php:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "   The tarball version of %s is "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:164
+#: downloads.php:222
 msgid ""
 "If you want to use the last unstable development version, then you should "
 "checkout the mercurial repository.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:170
+#: downloads.php:228
 msgid "      Mercurial\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "     The mercurial repository is available at this address: "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:173
+#: downloads.php:230
 msgid "and viewable"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:178
+#: downloads.php:235
 msgid "     In order to download Gajim sources, here is what you have to do:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:179
+#: downloads.php:236
 msgid ""
 "     You first have to install mercurial (<i>apt-get install mercurial</i> "
 "under Debian)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:181
+#: downloads.php:238
 msgid "     Then in a console, enter the following commands:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "   Install dependencies, and build Gajim. Please see the"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "English"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:189
+#: downloads.php:246
 msgid "for details.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:192
+#: downloads.php:249
 msgid "   You can run Gajim by typing the following:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:196
+#: downloads.php:253
 msgid "and then"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:200
+#: downloads.php:257
 msgid ""
 "   Once you have the repository, you can update it periodically so it "
 "matches the latest version from the main repository with the following "
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:209
+#: downloads.php:266
 msgid "      Under Windows\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:211
+#: downloads.php:268
 msgid ""
 "   You first have to install mercurial for windows. In order to do that, "
 "download the binary"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:213
+#: downloads.php:270
 msgid ""
 "   Once mercurial is installed, the commands are the same with those under "
 "GNU/Linux. Only difference is instead of launch.sh you run launch.bat. Enter "
 "them in an MS-DOS command line and you're done."
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid ""
 "   To run Gajim, you need external libraries. You can find a tutorial on the "
 "way to install them"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:215
+#: downloads.php:272
 msgid "On the Wiki"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:220
+#: downloads.php:277
 msgid "    Daily Snapshots\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid ""
 "    Everyday on 01:00 (GMT+1 time) gz tarballs are produced from mercurial. "
 "You can use them if hg is broken for you at the moment."
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:223
+#: downloads.php:279
 msgid "Here to get them"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:228
+#: downloads.php:326
 msgid "    Old releases\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: downloads.php:231
+#: downloads.php:328
 msgid "    You'll find old releases of Gajim"
 msgstr ""