diff --git a/downloads.php b/downloads.php
index 82aff00a44f9163298aec3962fbeeba50b9c9d7f..3eb4dd67869c9800e3c059e835d17d153354f178 100644
--- a/downloads.php
+++ b/downloads.php
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ $download_folder = "0.14";
 $last_version = "0.14.4";
 print ("   <br/>\n");
 print _("    Latest version of Gajim is")."  <strong>".$last_version."</strong><br/>\n";
-printf(_("    A %s version is in test"), "<strong>0.15-alpha1</strong>");
+printf(_("    A %s version is in test"), "<strong>0.15-beta1</strong>");
 print ("<br/>\n");
 print _("If your distribution doesn't have the latest version ");
 print _("you are advised to use the ")."<a href=\"#autopackage\">autopackage</a> "._("or the ")."<a href=\"#tarball\">"._("source tarball")."</a>\n";
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ print ("</a>\n");
 print _("    There is a ")." <a href=\"downloads/".$download_folder."/gajim-".$last_version."-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a>.\n";
 #print _("The installer doesn't contain translations because of a") . " <a href=\"https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574520\">" . _("GTK bug") . "</a>.\n";
 print ("    <br/>\n");
-print _("    Here is a")." <a href=\"downloads/0.15/gajim-0.15-alpha1-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
-printf(_("for %s version "), "0.15-alpha1");
+print _("    Here is a")." <a href=\"downloads/0.15/gajim-0.15-beta1-1.exe\">"._("Gajim installer")."</a> ";
+printf(_("for %s version "), "0.15-beta1");
 print (".\n");
 print ("    <br/>\n");
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 07774b67d3efb577a85c34ee3841c78b372e79f0..8e3c3f5ed139e449bb2e1fe6c94458743b9a1424 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -49,45 +49,56 @@ for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($array_features); $i++) {
 $tpl->set_var("NEWS_MAIN", _("NEWS"));
 $array_news_title = array(
-	0 => sprintf(_("Alpha-release of Gajim %s"), "0.15"),
-	1 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.4"),
-	2 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.3"),
-	3 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.2"),
-	4 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.1"),
-	5 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14"));
+	0 => sprintf(_("Beta-release of Gajim %s"), "0.15"),
+	1 => sprintf(_("Alpha-release of Gajim %s"), "0.15"),
+	2 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.4"),
+	3 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.3"),
+	4 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.2"),
+	5 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14.1"),
+	6 => sprintf(_("Gajim %s is here!"), "0.14"));
 //	5 => sprintf(_("Release candidate 5 of Gajim %s"), "0.13"),
 //	6 => sprintf(_("Beta-release of Gajim %s"), "0.12"),
 //	7 => sprintf(_("Alpha-release of Gajim %s"), "0.12"));
 //	3 => sprintf(_("New windows installer")),
 $array_news_date = array(
-	0 => _("27 August 2011"),
-	1 => _("22 July 2011"),
-	2 => _("19 June 2011"),
-	3 => _("07 June 2011"),
-	4 => _("26 October 2010"),
-	5 => _("02 September 2010"));
+	0 => _("17 September 2011"),
+	1 => _("27 August 2011"),
+	2 => _("22 July 2011"),
+	3 => _("19 June 2011"),
+	4 => _("07 June 2011"),
+	5 => _("26 October 2010"),
+	6 => _("02 September 2010"));
 $array_news_desc = array(
-	0 => sprintf(_("Version %s will arrive soon."), "0.15"),
-	1 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.4"),
-	2 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.3"),
-	3 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.2"),
-	4 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.1"),
-	5 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14"));
+	0 => sprintf(_("Version %s will arrive very soon."), "0.15"),
+	1 => sprintf(_("Version %s will arrive soon."), "0.15"),
+	2 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.4"),
+	3 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.3"),
+	4 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.2"),
+	5 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14.1"),
+	6 => sprintf(_("Version %s of Gajim has been released."), "0.14"));
 //	6 => sprintf(_("Version %s will arrive very soon."), "0.12"),
 //	7 => sprintf(_("Version %s will arrive soon."), "0.12"));
 //	3 => sprintf(_("New Windows Installer with GTK+ included.")),
 $array_news_whats_new = array(
-	0 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.4"),
-	1 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.3"),
-	2 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.2"),
-	3 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.1"),
-	4 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14"),
-	5 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.13.4"));
+	0 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.15-alpha1"),
+	1 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.4"),
+	2 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.3"),
+	3 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.2"),
+	4 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14.1"),
+	5 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.14"),
+	6 => sprintf(_("What's new since %s:"), "0.13.4"));
 //	3 => sprintf(_("What's new in it:")),
 $array_news_items[0] = array(
+    0 => _("Plugins are now translatable"),
+    1 => _("Workarround a D-Bus issue with non-character unicode"),
+    2 => _("Fix windows usage when GTK library is already in PATH"),
+    3 => _("Full changelog, see") . " <a href = \"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/file/41dd6ee4817d/ChangeLog\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a> ",
+	);
+$array_news_items[1] = array(
     0 => _("Plugin system"),
     1 => _("Whiteboard (via a plugin)"),
     2 => _("Message archiving"),
@@ -98,32 +109,32 @@ $array_news_items[0] = array(
     7 => "<a href = \"http://trac.gajim.org/query?status=closed&milestone=0.15\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
-$array_news_items[1] = array(
+$array_news_items[2] = array(
     0 => _("Fix translation issue"),
     1 => _("Full changelog, see") . " <a href = \"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/file/9476e66272c3/ChangeLog\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a> ",
     2 => "<a href = \"http://trac.gajim.org/query?status=closed&milestone=0.14.4\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
-$array_news_items[2] = array(
+$array_news_items[3] = array(
     0 => _("Fix history viewer"),
     1 => _("Fix closing roster window"),
     2 => _("Full changelog, see") . " <a href = \"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/file/7798a90157c7/ChangeLog\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a> ",
     3 => "<a href = \"http://trac.gajim.org/query?status=closed&milestone=0.14.3\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
-$array_news_items[3] = array(
+$array_news_items[4] = array(
     0 => _("Fix CPU usage when testing file transfer proxies"),
     1 => _("Fix invalid XML char regex"),
     2 => _("Various minor bugfixes, see") . " <a href = \"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/file/baf4786b33fe/ChangeLog\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a> ",
     3 => "<a href = \"http://trac.gajim.org/query?status=closed&milestone=0.14.2\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
-$array_news_items[4] = array(
+$array_news_items[5] = array(
     0 => _("Various minor bugfixes, see") . " <a href = \"http://hg.gajim.org/gajim/file/d56f061aca8d/ChangeLog\">"._("Full ChangeLog")."</a> ",
     1 => "<a href = \"http://trac.gajim.org/query?status=closed&milestone=0.14.1\">"._("List of fixed bugs")."</a>",
-$array_news_items[5] = array(
+$array_news_items[6] = array(
     0 => _("Jingle audio / video chat"),
 	1 => _("Improve startup time"),
 	2 => _("Groupchat auto-rejoin"),